Pierwsze w Polsce recenzowane pismo naukowe dotyczące problematyki zarządzania mediami, skierowane do badaczy mediów i zarządzania oraz wszystkich osób zainteresowanych tą tematyką. Naszym celem jest badanie i opisywanie zagadnień teoretycznych i praktycznych związanych z zarządzaniem mediami, informacją, reklamą.
Dyscyplina naukowa:
Nauki o komunikacji społecznej i mediach, Dziedzina nauk społecznych
Typ czasopisma:
eISSN: 2354-0214
UIC ID: 488195
DOI: 10.4467/23540214ZM
Punkty MNiSW: 40
Opis czasopisma
Pierwsze w Polsce recenzowane pismo naukowe dotyczące problematyki zarządzania mediami. Wydawane jest w formie internetowego kwartalnika, skierowanego do badaczy mediów i zarządzania oraz wszystkich osób zainteresowanych tą tematyką. Celem czasopisma jest badanie i opisywanie zagadnień teoretycznych i praktycznych związanych z zarządzaniem mediami, informacją, reklamą i instytucjami okołomedialnymi.
Zarządzanie Mediami,
Tom 12, Numer 2,
First View (2024), s. 101 - 115
„Auschwitz. In Front of your eyes” to aplikacja, która umożliwia zwiedzanie byłego niemieckiego nazistowskiego obozu koncentracyjnego i zagłady Auschwitz-Birkenau z przewodnikiem online. Pozwala wykorzystywać materiały multimedialne, archiwalne fotografie, prace artystyczne, dokumenty oraz świadectwa Ocalałych. Dzięki aplikacji możliwa jest interakcja z przewodnikiem i zadawanie pytań w czasie zwiedzania. Narzędzie powstało dzięki współpracy edukatorów, przewodników, archiwistów oraz ekspertów w zakresie nowych technologii. Twórcy aplikacji przekonują, że pomogła im wdrożyć cyfrowy program edukacyjny w wymiarze globalnym. Jakie szanse przynosi użycie nowego rozwiązania edukacyjnego w przestrzeni autentycznego Miejsca Pamięci? I jakie wyzwania wiążą się z użyciem nowej aplikacji? Zadając te pytania, autor proponuje analizę nowego narzędzia, reakcji na jego wykorzystanie przez grupy zwiedzających oraz refleksję nad spotkaniem technologii i historii w wyjątkowej przestrzeni muzealnej. Tekst stanowi próbę konceptualizacji badania użytkowników aplikacji i wyznaczenia ramy analizy wyników takiego badania.
Zarządzanie Mediami,
Tom 12, Numer 2,
First View (2024), s. 117 - 129
Quod principi placuit, legis habet vigorem – wskazana maksyma, uchodząca za jeden z fundamentów prawa rzymskiego, wywarła wpływ na ewolucję systemów prawnych na przestrzeni dziejów. Współczesność skłania nas do analizy tego dogmatu zarówno w kontekście historycznym, jak i współczesno-politycznym, w tym drugim przypadku upatrując już suwerena w głosie ludu i strukturach demokratycznych. Zdaniem autorki warto jednak - zamiast jedynie podążać śladem historycznych interpretacji - przyjrzeć się tej zasadzie również z perspektywy dynamicznych procesów komunikacyjnych i mediów. Bezsprzecznie bowiem widz / czytelnik / konsument treści online staje się w dobie marketingu 5.0 swoistym suwerenem, mającym nie tylko wielką moc sprawczą, ale także potencjał wpływania na zmianę paradygmatu.
W dzisiejszym świecie to odbiorca treści internetowych pełni rolę decydującą, narzucając nadawcy styl i preferencje względem narracji. Marki, zdając sobie z tego sprawę, aktywnie dążą do personalizacji treści, starając się dostosować je do zmiennych gustów i potrzeb odbiorcy. Już tylko sam ten fakt nieuchronnie prowadzi do licznych wyzwań, związanych m.in. z utratą kontroli nad procesem komunikacji, a także koniecznością uwzględniania licznych parametrów, za pomocą których udaje się skutecznie pozyskać uwagę konsumenta contentu. Pytanie, które nasuwa się w obliczu tego dynamicznego kontekstu brzmi: jakie konsekwencje dla komunikacji i strategii marketingowej niosą ze sobą nowe zjawiska, takie jak zerokulturowość? Czy zaobserwowane w ostatnich latach przez autorkę tendencje do selektywnego utożsamiania się z określonymi cechami demograficznymi, językowymi czy kulturowymi odbiorcy, wpłyną na przyszły kształt komunikacji marki i jej skuteczność?
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi czytelnika na nowe zjawisko, zaobserwowane w przestrzeni publicznej, które z wielkim prawdopodobieństwem wpłynie na mechanizmy komunikacji politycznej i biznesowej z odbiorcami. Autorka zidentyfikowała ten fenomen podczas swoich badań i roboczo nazwała „zerokulturowością”. Wyniki obserwacji, które są szczegółowo omawiane w jej monografii, w niniejszym artykule zostaną przedstawione w wersji skróconej, koniecznej do zbudowania fundamentu pod dalsze rozważania. Zerokulturowość odnosi się do rosnącego trendu, w ramach którego tradycyjne granice i identyfikatory kulturowe stają się coraz bardziej płynne i fragmentaryczne, prowadząc do bardziej zindywidualizowanej i mniej kulturowo zakorzenionej formy tożsamości. Pojęcie to może okazać się kluczowe dla zrozumienia sposobu, w jaki część współczesnych odbiorców analizuje treści, a przez to wspomagać marki i podmioty polityczne w kreowaniu skuteczniejszych strategii komunikacyjnych, bazujących na targetowaniu treści.
Zarządzanie Mediami,
Tom 12, Numer 2,
First View (2024), s. 151 - 163
Niniejszy artykuł analizuje fenomen rebrandingu oraz jego wpływ na postawy i opinie konsumentów. W dzisiejszych czasach wiele marek dąży do adaptacji do zmieniających się preferencji konsumentów poprzez modyfikację elementów wizualnych, wartości lub stylu. Pomimo sukcesów jakie osiągają niektóre zmiany, wiele rebrandingów przyczynia się także do upadku marki. W celu oceny wpływu rebrandingu na zachowania i opinie konsumentów przeprowadzono badania zarówno ilościowe, jak i jakościowe. Przedmiotem analizy było wprowadzenie rebrandingu wizualnego marki Danio, która zdecydowała się na usunięcie dotychczasowego symbolu marki i wprowadzenie nowego opakowania produktu. Analiza wykazała, że rebranding miał negatywny wpływ na rozpoznawalność produktu oraz został nieefektywnie skomunikowany z odbiorcami, stanowiąc przykład nieudanego rebrandingu.
Artykuły przygotowane w ramach projektu Erasmus XR „Doświadczenie i technologie immersyjne – od praktyki twórczej do teorii edukacji / Experience and immersive technologies – from creative practice to educational theory”
The use of the XR production technologies has expanded recently in the film industry and heavily influenced the film production process. This paper aims therefore to explore the differences between diverse XR production workflows. The analysis provides criteria for workflow paths of traditional approach to film production and XR production flow, including workflow structure, skills, education, and equipment. Defined XR techniques are discussed for educational purposes. Its illustrations are three case studies of cinematic VR production, computer-generated VR production and Virtual Production. They are the basis for workflow comparison and discussion on artistic decisions and production challenges for film related Higher Education Institutions (HEI) students and scholars.
* The article was developed within the framework of the project “Experience and immersive technologies – from creative practice to educational theory” in partnership with Jagiellonian University, Łódź Film School, University of Malta and University of Athens (project ID number: 2020-1-PL01-KA226-HE-095891).
The paper explores the potential and determinants for the virtual reality usage in education at the higher education level. The article starts with the analysis of the evolving university’s role. In this context, generational changes determining the VR usage in tertiary education are also discussed. Then the features of virtual reality and related terms are explained to make a basis for discussing VR as a learning aid of the 21st century. The paper closes with the case study analysis of immersive VR usage in higher education and further research recommendations.
* The article was developed within the framework of the project “Experience and immersive technologies – from creative practice to educational theory” in partnership with Jagiellonian University, Łódź Film School, University of Malta and University of Athens (project ID number: 2020-1-PL01-KA226-HE-095891).
In this paper, we have reviewed selected issues related to the metaverse concept, taking into account selected social, technological, and legal aspects. We focused on reviewing the newest literature on the metaverse topic published in the years 2020–2023. The database was gained through Google Scholar search, in order to check if any specific publishers or research areas are dominant among results provided by this search engine. The qualitative content analysis of the literature within the scope of technology, social sciences, and law, revealed the most promising and most threatening aspects of metaverse development and dissemination.
* The article was developed within the framework of the project “Experience and immersive technologies – from creative practice to educational theory” in partnership with Jagiellonian University, Łódź Film School, University of Malta and University of Athens (project ID number: 2020-1-PL01-KA226-HE-095891).
The main aim of the article is to discuss XR in marketing in the context of phygital category. Five examples from 2016–2022 have been selected to find the answers for proposed research questions: Q1. What is the impact of XR on marketing? Q2. What are the similarities and differences between the analyzed XR marketing projects? Q3. What is the importance of XR in the context of phygital? Q4. Is the combination of physical and digital elements crucial in helping the audience to get accustomed to immersive media? According to Stake this case study has collective character. Selected cases represent different sectors (sport, tourism and fashion) and approaches to XR in marketing. This collective case study was based on desk research, as well as ethnography and autoethnography elements.
* The article was developed within the framework of the project “Experience and immersive technologies – from creative practice to educational theory” in partnership with Jagiellonian University, Lodz Film School, University of Malta and University of Athens (project ID number: 2020-1-PL01-KA226-HE-095891).
The article presents different ways of reporting the Russian aggression against Ukraine in 2022 by three American TV stations: CNN, PBS, and Fox News. Our study covered and categorized Facebook posts published between February 24th and May 31st. The analysis revealed three main themes around which reports about the war have been focused: the United States, Ukraine, and Russia, each one was treated differently by each station. The article shows and discusses the differences between them. The article also presents the overall context of discussing the war in Ukraine, which, right after it started, consisted of three main perspectives: 1) reports from the battlefield; 2) words and actions of Biden, Zelensky, and Putin; and 3) sanctions on Russia.
The study depicts ways used in CNN news portal to portray Russian aggression of Ukraine in 2022, on the example of “Russia-Ukraine News” headlines, published in September 2022. Using both quantitative and qualitative analysis, author revealed most common means of portraying the war, as well as sources most often referred to. Additionally, the study covers categorization of news provided by CNN themselves.
The Current, a broadcasting service, which is a part of Minnesota Public Radio organization, has launched a special online radio stream called Purple Current in 2018. Based in Minneapolis, it focuses on the life and legacy of Prince, emphasizing his inspirations, influence, culture in which he grew up and recorded. While Purple Current can be seen as a reactive venture after musician’s death in 2016, the stream is much more complex cultural project, especially given very specific cultural environment of Twin Cities. The research aims to analyze Purple Current radio stream as a cultural text, using the perspective of music geography and American studies, and through studying the discourse it presents – its mission, programming, music, image-building via Twitter, and statements by its founders – to understand its purpose and deeper social functions. The study shows that Purple Current is much more complex venture to be considered simply an homage to an important cultural figure as Prince. It integrates local community, exposes listeners to historically neglected minority culture of Black Minneapolitans, while being involved in the processes of popularization, education, and image-building. This results in a project, which is relevant and valid culturally, socially, politically, or even historically.
The article explores the evolution of media image of Canada’s prime minister, Justin Trudeau. In particular it takes interest in how Trudeau’s impactful use of traditional and social online media helped popularize and convey his positive portrayal to wider audiences, which at peak of Trudeau’s popularity amounted to a phenomenon called ‘Trudeaumania’. The article evaluates the effects and political implications of Trudeau’s media activity on his political career and posture, but also on the global reputation of Canada.
New Media in Communication Strategies of Polish Museums. From Facebook to TikTok
The changing world of digital media has had a huge impact on museum marketing strategies. To- day, it is virtually impossible to knowingly build the image of an institution without the use of social media. The analysis of the content posted on social media of Polish national museums will allow to define the nature of the relations built by these organizations with the social environment. However, another aspect of the presence of social media in museums is no less important: it is not only about information, marketing or image issues; social media are an important element of a consistent cre- ation of museums’ identity. A strong sense of self-identity is essential for museums not only to survive but also to thrive in an increasingly demanding world.
Information Management Strategy as a Tool to Protect the State’s Information Space (Case Study of Ukraine)
The aim of the article is to analyze the Information Security Strategy of Ukraine in the context of the current documents on that matter. The document presents exogenous and endogenous threats to the information environment of the Ukrainian state and proposes measures to combat them: protection of the information space, ensuring effective strategic communication of Ukraine, development of media education, shaping Ukrainian civic identity, and information reintegration of Ukrainian citizens living in the temporarily occupied territories. The actions taken by the Ukrainian society after the aggression of the Russian Federation in Ukraine on February 24, 2022 prove that the implementation of strategic documents on information security is highly effective.
Monitoring of Online Audience. Previous Practices of Public Museums in Poland
A crisis situation – which the COVID-19 pandemic undoubtedly is – becomes an opportunity to shift the perspective and propose or even enforce new management solutions. The intensification of museum activities in the virtual world forces the need to ask again questions about audience segmentation, motivation and interaction (Noehrer et al. 2021). Although public cultural institutions (including museums) see the need for conducting audience research, in practice, they focus on counting attendance (Ćwikła et al. 2020). In addition, they are focusing on recipients visiting the buildings of the institution. Therefore, this article aims to answer the question of whether public museums in Poland monitor attendance during online events, on social media and on the website, and if so, what data are taken into account? Based on the interviews and questionnaires, I also tried to find out what are the difficulties in counting audience online. Finally, I make recommendations, including the need to create a measurement system in which different weights will be assigned to different types of audience engagement, including “active” indicators.
Creating an Image of a Scientist in the Media on the Example of Academic Research Universities in Poland
The aim of this paper is to explore how scientists create their image, based on the example of academic teachers working at Polish research universities. Academic teachers are co-creators of the image of the higher education. They are also indirectly responsible for the image of science, the field of study, the scientific discipline they represent, its reception and importance for society. The issue of creating the image of scientists needs to be deepened in the field of scientific literature. The analysis provides a perspective of humanistic management, which main topic are areas directly related to human aspects in managing organizations. The aim of the study was to find an answer to the question of how scientists create their image, as well as to other specific questions. There were qualitative methods used – interviews, as well as quantitative – questionnaires. The research indicated that scientists focus on creating their image by conducting regular scientific research, providing access to their publications, popularizing knowledge and science and developing a network of contacts. For these purposes, they most often use the internet and social media. Their presence in the media is usually used to confirm media agenda. Threats posed by the image shaping of scientists include the creation of pressure and the possibility of experiencing negative comments and criticism.
With media being one of the first sectors of the information economy to be fully (i.e. with respect to its design, production, distribution, and consumption) digitized, an era of its management has come to an end. Existing boundaries between different media types have collapsed, as well as all limitations about time and space of media dissemination. However, this seemingly limitless expansion of media markets and media overabundance has come across a new barrier, which is that of human/consumers’attention needed for media consumption. Given shortening attention spans (as documented by empirical research), attention is increasingly perceived as the most valuable resource for the media sector and new strategies for attracting, retaining and sustaining attention must be devised and managed. Managing attention is now becoming the new core of media management.
The Use of Social Media by Generation Z During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Social media have become one of the most important sources of information, especially for the young generation of users. The article presents the results of research conducted at the beginning of 2021 among 311 representatives of the Generation Z. The survey method was applied using the CAWI online questionnaire technique. Based on the conducted research, the type of information sought in social media was determined, indicating also the most useful, i.e. accessible and credible media, regarding the time of the pandemic. Predominantly, the respondents searched for information related to the number of infections in Poland, quarantine procedures and infection rate around the world. In the opinion of respondents, the Internet, in particular, Twitter and Facebook, is more useful than traditional media.
Instagram as a Space for Sharing Information About Returning to Work. Analysis of the Post #Mamawracadopracy
The article is devoted to the issue of mothers returning to work, after being on parental leave due to the birth of a child. The theoretical part presents the specifics of the Instagram social network, which was used by women who have children, as well as the results of secondary research on searching for the source of origin and work. The research part presents the results of the analysis of the content communicated on Instagram by mothers returning to work. The results of the research show that for many ‘instamothers’online activity is a substitute for social relation, and makes them willing to share their observations also regarding the topic of returning to work. Moreover, the analysis of the posts showed that some mothers perceive motherhood as a limitation in shaping their professional career, while other mothers are convinced that it is their work that limits them in fulfilling the role of mother.
Selected Social Media in Government Communication in The Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Given the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused global social and economic disruptions, including the largest global recession since the Great Depression, and therefore the lack of reliable information on the situation related to the spread of the virus, Polish authorities in government news releases, through social campaigns, reached for social media. The article aimed to identify and analyze selected media tools used in government communication during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland, as well as an attempt to assess this type of communication. The text uses methods such as case study, desk research, and media content analysis. The following research questions were posed: how did the Polish government try to inform the public opinion about the dangers of the pandemic? What content was the government communicating to the Poles through social campaigns regarding the pandemic? What was the reaction of Polish society to crisis government communication? What picture is emerging from the crisis government communication using social media in Poland during the pandemic, and what are the conclusions of this? Research has shown that the crisis communication of the Polish government sparked a discussion of a confused society on social media. At the same time, it showed the inability of the Polish government to use social media to communicate with society in a life- and health-threatening situation. The article joins the discussion on the methods and quality of government communication in Poland during the greatest crisis of the 21st century.
Information That Is Publicly Available on Social Media and Cyberstalking. Case Study
This article will discuss the topic of cyberstalking, which currently does not have a clear legal definition, neither scientific nor linguistic. Nowadays, various behaviors may be referred to as cyberstalking, which undoubtedly does not make it easier for law enforcement authorities to catch potential perpetrators. The text will analyze the behavior of a Polish TikToker nicknamed Diskorolka in terms of criminal liability for cyberstalking. Using primarily the dogmatic-legal method, i.e. through the interpretation of legal acts and jurisprudence of the authors’criminal law, analyzes in the text of the behavior. In the article, the author will also refer to statistics on cyberstalking.
The starting point for the research presented in the article, the authors made the statement by Mary Parker Follett that the conflict is not a problem in the operation of an organization, because it creates a significant difference in social potential, but the lack of a solution to a given conflict can destroy any organization, including the state. The purpose of this article is to identify an agreement as an effective form of management. The authors traced the origins and effects of various social agreements over the centuries. They analyzed in detail the Polish agreement which went down in history as the Round Table. One of the authors of this text, Zbigniew Bujak, was a participant in these deliberations, so the authors made the ethnography and autoethnography of the organization one of the research tools. As a result of the conducted research, they identified the most important determinants that determine the effectiveness of an agreement or its lack. The authors indicated that an agreement is a sine qua non condition for effective management, regardless of the form and size of the organization.
Developing a coherent and comprehensive brand of a country is of vital importance for a destination in the contemporary global world. There seems to be a recognizable gap in the literature regarding the application of visual signs practiced in country branding. The subject of the study: The research identifies the logos of the European Union countries used in place branding. The purpose of the study is the exploration of the logo content from the senders’ perspective, i.e., the structures and organizations responsible for the country branding. There are many reasons why logos are used in place branding practice. The authors decided to focus on the logo as a form of controlled and projected message communicated via media and ICT. Cognitive gap: The research conducted so far has focused on the reception of logos by the recipients. The presented research attempts to examine the visual message contained in logos from the senders’ perspective. Research methods and data collection techniques: The content analysis method was used to study the visual identity of the countries. The authors collected logos and scrutinised them using Beyrow and Vogt as well as Mollerup’s taxonomy. The results of the study illustrate how governmental institutions, which are responsible for country branding, portray countries using visual identity on the Internet, social media, and their own media.
The online tools of communication have an impact on cultural diplomacy, which enables the governments to include potential partners into the participation in culture and at the same time to win them for their foreign policy goals. The objective of this article is to check the hypothesis saying that social media has become relevant in the foreign ministries’ external communication. The authors conduct a case study, based on cultural diplomacy events, called “years and seasons of culture”, aimed by the selected European countries at Russia in 2013–2016. The authors assume that the inclusion of social media into the toolkit of cultural diplomacy means a relevant change in the media use in foreign policy. While studying the cases of Austrian, Dutch, German, Polish and British cultural diplomacy the authors check, if they can be analyzed as media events. The authors implemented institutional approach, quantitative network and qualitative content analysis. The research didn’t confirm that cultural diplomacy events might be seen as media events. Although the Russian-Ukrainian conflict defined the relevant context for the studied cases, it was hardly reflected in their visibility. Social media didn’t play any significant role in the promotion of the events in the chosen researched period either.
* Przedstawiony tekst powstał jako wynik badań w projekcie NCN „Dyplomacja kulturalna: konceptualizacja lat i sezonów kultury jako wydarzeń kulturalnych w czasie konfliktu międzynarodowego” nr 2016/23/B/HS5/00486.
Facebook as a Tool Supporting the Achievement of Employer Branding Goals on the IT Market
Due to the demand of IT specialists, it is necessary to apply appropriate employer branding activities. To achieve set goals, social media such as Facebook, are used and specific values for stakeholders and strong employer brand are created as well as specialists are encouraged to join or stay in a given organization. What’s more, offered products and services are promoted and the organization presents its own and employees’ development, as well as cooperation process and activities in the field of CSR. Information on events and the celebration of special occasions are also disseminated, and organization presents i.a. workplace culture and recruitment processes, educate recipients and introduce entertainment elements. Due to the above, qualitative research was conducted in the form of an analysis of the content of posts published on Facebook in the period from January 1st to December 31st, 2020, as well as other publications on the discussed phenomenon. The research sample consisted of 4 organizations that took the highest places in the Great Place to Work ranking in the Best Workplaces in Poland 2020 category with over 500 employees, i.e. Cisco Poland, Sii Polska, Hilti (Poland) Sp. z o.o., and Akamai Technologies Poland. The subject of the study was the use of social media in employer branding, and its purpose was to compare the indicated implementation among organizations operating on the IT market. The research problem was the identification of employer branding activities with the use of Facebook among organizations operating on the IT market.
Exploring Determinants of Program Quality in Public Media As Elements of Strategy. The Quality Power Triangle Model
The purpose of the article is to present the importance, the function of program quality in public media, as well as the influence of “quality” on the creation of strategy and success of stations. The first part of the paper is devoted to the analysis of the literature on the subject, thanks to which the significant meaning of quality in this measure was shown. The second part presents the application of the media quality forces triangle model to the research. Consequently, the analysis of the results of the surveys conducted with this method in 2015 and 2021 is presented. This research shows the differential influence of the factors that were introduced in the survey on the basis of quality descriptors. The respondents came from two groups: media professionals and students. In their opinion, qualified staff and station creators have the greatest influence on the two-seeing quality, in second place is the knowledge of the audience market, and in third place were the factors that create the station’s financing. Moreover, the results of the study show interesting differences in opinions among the surveyed groups over several years.
Hate Speech on Social Media – The Possibility of Automatic Detection and Elimination
The article deals with the issues of hate speech and other forms of verbal aggression on the Internet as well as the possibility of their automatic detection. The paper discusses the studies confirming the partial effectiveness of text mining methods in the automatic detection of hate speech on social media. Hate speech is related to verbal aggression resulting from belonging to a group (national, racial, religious, etc.) and has become a significant problem in the social and economic context. Automatic detection significantly support the management of online news websites and social media due to the moderation of the received content. Moreover, eliminating online hate speech reduces its negative social and economic effects. The linguistic and cultural specificity of the hate speech are the problem, and the gap so far is solving the problem in Polish conditions. The study used the Tweeter database. Then, methods such as artificial neural networks, naïve Bayes classifier and support vector machine were used. The obtained results confirm the thesis about the possibility of using text mining methods in the process of reducing hate speech, but at the moment the described methods do not allow for full automation of the elimination of such content. The issue was presented in the article primarily in the context of the significance and scale of the problem and the possibility of solving it, and less from the point of view of the technical details.
Corporate Digital Responsibility in Media Enterprises
The impact of digitization on our lives is constantly growing. Benefits resulting from automation, data analysis, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning are increasingly more visible in everyday life. However, they give rise to previously unknown ethical and social problems. Many of them have already been described in literature. A new concept of Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR), drawing on Corporate Social Responsibility, aims at developing precise guidelines and good practices, which will influence responsible business activity in the digital world. The purpose of this article is to present the sole concept of CDR and to ground it in the context of the media, which constitute an important part of the economy relying on new technologies.
The article is an attempt to characterize provocation as an instrument for creating a media image. The author, using the method of qualitative research, illustrates the ways of using provocation during image activities on the example of Wojciech Cejrowski. On the basis of the research, he finds out which factors determine the form of image creation in the media. Moreover, the author defined reasons and effects for using provocations in the process of building media image.
The 4F Brand Communication With the Consumers in the First Phase of COVID-19 Pandemic
The purpose of the analysis presented in the article is to confirm the thesis that the time of the coronavirus pandemic was an opportunity for brands to establish close relations with the environment. The brands showed their non-commercial sense of existence and organized or supported the CSR campaign, which positively influenced their image. A positive example of communication activities carried out by the 4F brand was analyzed in the article. The author analyzed the content of the Facebook profile of the 4F brand in the period from March 14 to May 4, the time when stationary stores were closed by ordinance of the Minister. The analysis of comments under Facebook posts showed that the activities carried out had a positive impact on the brand’s reception and involved its surroundings in aid campaigns. Therefore, the thesis proved to be true.
Follow the Money. International Journalistic Investigations Related to Financial and Tax Crimes
The article presents a new phenomenon among the activities of investigative journalists, which consists of exposing financial and tax crimes as a part of international cooperation of reporters and editorial offices. Large I-Teams, the activities of which are usually coordinated by international or national journalistic organizations, using data from confidential informants or existing regulations on access to public information, expose the practice of hiding huge sums of money from tax services by influential public figures. The innovative nature of these activities is a precedent in the history of muckraking. The following methods were used in the study: analysis and criticism of the literature in the field of international journalistic investigations, as well as analysis of sources and comparative analysis.
Prime Minister Candidates’ Communication Management on Facebook During Parliamentary Elections Campaign 2019 in Poland
The article presents the results of a research, which was carried out in the last month of the parliamentary election campaign in 2019. In this research, the processes of communication conducted by candidates for deputies, Mateusz Morawiecki and Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska, representing two rival parties (PiS and KO), were analysed – both candidates were simultaneously appointed as potential presidents of the Council of Ministers. The research was carried out using the qualitative method, taking into account the content of the profiles of both candidates on Facebook. Research results are part of the stream of analyzes, devoted to the importance of social media during election campaigns, as well as in the processes of political communication conducted by politicians.
Electronic Media Management With the Use of Blockchain Technology in Scholarly Communication
Blockchain is a revolutionary technology, which has the potential to fundamentally change many areas of activities, including scientific research and scholarly communication, together with the publishing industry. This paper focuses on the blockchain’s potential to transform scholarly communication and research in general. It highlights, how blockchain can touch many critical aspects of scholarly communication, including transparency, trust, reproducibility and credit. Moreover, blockchain could change the future role of every stakeholder, and it could have an important role in all research processes, not only scholarly communication. The paper shows that blockchain technology has the potential to solve some of the most prominent issues the scholarly communication is currently facing, such as issues around costs, trust and credibility, openness, and universal accessibility to scholarly information. The research presents basic information about blockchain technology. Based on the literature, an attempt was made to create a model, how to use this technology as a disruptive innovation in scholarly communication.
Dehumanization in the Internet Comments on Polish News Portals. Identification and Classification of the Phenomenon, on the Example of the Reception of Franz Timmermans
The paper addresses the issue of the main types of dehumanization in the Polish right-wing portals (wPolityce, DoRzeczy, Republika) and the conceptualization of hypotheses concerning the relationship between framing and the content of comments on the Vice-President of the European Commission, Frans Timmermans. The premise of the paper is that an article and its comments form a specific entity and in tandem constitute its essence (global sense) together. In the literature review, some types of dehumanization were distinguished: animalization, biologization, objectification, subhumanization, demonization. An insectization was added as an extremely hateful form of de-humanization. Then the role of political hate speech and selected forms of dehumanization in the portals was determined by specially prepared indicators. Comments in the right-wing identity portals like wPolityce and Republika are specific with the noticeable role of insectization and demonization. Subsequently, the dehumanization comments in right-wing portals were compared with the comments on TVPInfo and Gazeta.pl. The latters, in comparison to right-wing portals, turned out to be similar when it comes to dehumanization as such and political hate speech, but contained a limited number of dehumanization forms. Frames based on conflict were consistently used in all the portals. However, the right-wing portals were distinguished by a much greater role of moral frames, which, combined with expressive linguistic forms, constituted strong frames.
In-Audible Experts? Managing the Perception of Expert’s Statements in the Era of Multimodal Media, on the Example of Selected Material From an Information Service ‒ Pilot Study
The article discusses the perception studies of experts commenting political events on television. The aim of the study was to determine to what extent the expert hypothesis works in the era of multimodal communication and information noise. In addition, an attempt was made to identify elements of viewers’ attention management, such as: attractors and visual distractors, and to determine the importance of emblems of expertise in qualifying people who speak to this group. Two research techniques were used in the study: eye tracking and surveys, which allowed for comprehensive analysis of multimodal message. Research shows that in the case of such messages, viewers usually use the face-caption-face scheme, with the face being the attractor for both groups – a single person and a crowd. The elements of the background turned out to be distractors, which can be of great importance in the perception of expert statements, since in the media we recently tend to place the expert outside, in a dynamic surrounding. At the same time, the analysis showed that expert emblems, e.g. title or clothing, are an indicator of the speaker’s belonging to this group. Despite of this, expert statements were considered by the respondents to be aggressive, non-substantive and not adding anything to their knowledge of politics, which supports the recognition of Tom Nichols’s thesis about the death of experts and their expertise, and at the same time about the inadequacy of the hypothesis referring to experts in the age of multimodal media.
The Audiovisual Producer – Concept and Legal Position
The production of audiovisual forms is organisationally and economically complicated. The issues “inside” audiovisual work, as well as the huge costs of production and distribution, or the potential income from their dissemination in various fields of exploitation, may cause conflicts between authors, producers, and users. That is the reason why balancing these interests requires a rational intervention of the legislator. The aim of the considerations is to find an answer to the question about an audiovisual producer and their legal position in the light of legal acts and practice. There are very few opinions on this subject and the article aims to fill the existing cognitive gap. The research problem is presented by law regulations, using the formal and dogmatic method.
Twitter is becoming an increasingly popular tool used for political communication, especially in election campaigns. It is also an important element of image creation. Due to its functionalities, it allows for quick, low-cost reaching of recipients. As part of the article, over 130,000 entries from the period of the 2019 European Parliament election campaign in Poland were subject to quantitative analysis. The activity of 397 people running from six national election committees was analyzed. Every second candidate applying for a mandate as an MEP used this service. The article is an attempt to answer whether and to what extent popularity on Twitter translated into the electoral result.
Nudity in Social Campaigns in the Light of Attention Economy
This article offers a quantitative analysis of social campaigns showing naked bodies, with the focus on what social problems are portrayed with the use of nudity and whether the images of nudity are of a direct or indirect character. Other questions posed in this article are whether nudity has a gender, what does it symbolize and what associations does it generates in the recipient. My research shows that nudity (primarily female nudity) is deployed in campaigns of a wide thematic array and is endowed with various meanings.
The article attempts to map and systematise the changes and reactions triggered by the first wave of the COVID-19 epidemic in media marketing (MM) of VOD platforms operating in Poland. The aim of the authors is to capture general trends and regularities that appear in the industry practices, as well as to indicate, firstly, the most meaningful elements of MM (the product offer, distribution, price, and marketing communication), and secondly – to identify the VOD platforms that excelled in these changes. The paper, using the content analysis method, is the first to present a cross-sectional research perspective on the MM-VOD-COVID-19 line, aiming not only to initially estimate the actual media modifications caused by the pandemic, but also to classify them in order to lay the foundation for further research in case this type of situation recurs.
Word of mouth is one of the most important factors that affect customers when making purchases and making purchasing decisions. The growing number of its new forms and the increasingly complex nature, caused a lot of ambiguities and difficulties both in conducting research on this phenomenon and in the implementation of effective marketing activities. Therefore, the purpose of this chapter is to organize the most important concepts and concepts related to WOM communication, based on current global research results. The chapter identifies and defines the most important concepts related to WOM, including traditional WOM, eWOM and sWOM. Furthermore, the main differences between them are identified. Finally, the necessary directions for further research in this area were indicated.
Bauer Publisher – Traditional Publisher in the Digital World
The Bauer publishing house has gained the position of the largest press publisher in Poland thanks to the creation of an extensive portfolio of magazines aimed at various groups of recipients. The publishing strategy based on a low copy price and efficient marketing ensured high sales revenues and relatively high independence from advertising revenues. Despite the decline in the readership of the printed press, the publishing house did not make any efforts to digitally transform its magazines and develop its activities on the Internet. Only in the face of the coronavirus pandemic, it created e-editions and websites of a few titles. However, the recent business decisions of the German owner indicate that instead of investing in digital change and waiting for its effects, it is more willing to quit the traditional media markets.
“Word Management” by the Press Media in the Process of Seeking to Know and Present the Truth
The importance of the press in a democratic state is beyond doubt. This requires that freedom of press expression be guaranteed. However, this is not an absolute freedom and is subject to restrictions. In particular, the journalist must remember that “The press is under an obligation to truly present the discussed phenomena” (Article 6 par. 1 of the Press Law). However, understanding this principle too literally may raise reasonable doubts. The result of a journalist’s cognitive conduct – even with the utmost care – may turn out to be untrue. It would therefore be unreasonable to hold a journalist accountable according to an absolute criterion of the veracity of the facts. It is therefore appropriate to consider the regulation referred to here as a directional standard, the performance of which should be assessed particularly carefully in the context of the implementation of the statutory obligations imposed on the press (journalist).
Friendship, a mutual and profound relationship, permeates history of human culture and occurs in all social situations, including professional and informal human activities. In organizations, it develops through processes of communication and generates a communication culture of kindness and support. Organizational friendship enhances work engagement and satisfaction, as well as helps to promote individual ends. This article investigates the more vital significance of friendship in alternative organizations. Such organizations, operating at the margins of the currently dominant profit-oriented business model, offer a plethora of insights of possible structures and practices. Our ethnographic qualitative research shows the implications of workplace friendship as organizing principle. It helps to make organizations more humane, and redressed the moral imbalance, so prevalent in contemporary organizing and management. This has important implications for any kind of communication, creating social awareness around important themes related to management and organizations. Patterns of friendship are meaningful for organizing and organizations and their most vital significance concerns the area of social communication.
Risk Management Objectives in Polish Enterprises in the Media Sector Listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange
Risk management is an extremely important domain of management, conditioning the development of enterprises and business continuity, as well as developing and maintaining a competitive position. The main purpose of this text is to identify and categorize the risk management objectives adopted in Polish enterprises in the media sector listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE). The aim of empirical research was achieved through the use of triangulation of research methods. The following methods were used in the research process: the method of analyzing the content of source documents of the studied group of enterprises, the logic classification method and the comparative method. The main research findings indicate that: the overriding goal of risk management in the surveyed companies formulating them in a hierarchical system is in most cases ensuring compliance with the applicable requirements of external and internal origin, and the specific objectives (being components of the overarching goal) are mainly determined by the specificity of the media sector. The obtained research results refer to both the theory and practice of risk management among enterprises representing the media sector and may serve as a source of knowledge for the stakeholders of companies being listed entities, which constitutes the added value of this work.
The Challenges of Incorporating Social Media Marketing Within Integrated Marketing Communication
The paper aims to systematise the modifications within the concept of integrated marketing communication, resulting from the usage of social media in the companies’ communication practices. Based on the literature review, the current challenges of integrating social media into marketing communication were identified. They were structured into three groups of tactical, strategic and ethical challenges. These challenges are related to both, the practical issues of marketing communication through the evolving social media and the theoretical discussion on the conceptual framework of integrated marketing communication.
Public Perception of a TV Program as a Major Source of Competitive Advantage for Broadcasters
This paper’s is to present the importance of the level of public perception of TV program, with particular focus on television genres which contribute to creating the competitive advantage of the station. This study used primary and secondary sources. The original research involved a survey. The survey was conducted at the turn of 2018 and 2019 on a sample of 1249 adult Polish TV viewers. The secondary sources included: telemetry audience measurement reports and reports published by the major TV broadcasters in Poland. The programming of Polish television broadcasters is increasingly market-oriented, both when it comes to commercial and public broadcasters. Films, TV serials, sports broadcasts, entertainment shows and news programs are the key formats which attract satisfying audiences and create competitive advantage. The findings have implications for both the TV stations creating the broadcasting schedules for subsequent seasons and for advertisers making decisions about allocating their media budgets.
The main purpose of this study is to explore the role of media as a vehicle for social memory in building social identity. The concept of social memory used by historians and others is to explore the connection between social identity and historical memory. In this research, the authors explore the role of media in the formation of social memory. The first part of the article explores the term of social memory in the light of literature. In the second part, the authors discussed the role of media in the formation of social memory on the example of Air Commodore Władysław Turowicz, a Polish Pakistani Engineer who was known as “The Rocket-Missile Man of Pakistan”. The researchers present the social memories of the Polish Godfather of Pakistan’s Space and Missile programs in the light of Pakistani electronic media. The authors have explored the role of Polish Engineer Władysław Turowicz in SUPARCO, his personal and professional life that has been widely discussed in Pakistani electronic media vs mere mention in Polish media. From the knowledge perspective, this research highlights some of the forgotten memories of Turowicz.
The subject of is study was the image of contemporary young people in Polish opinion magazines. The research problem was identified as the manner in which the opinion-forming press creates the image of the Z generation. Nearly 500 issues published by 10 weeklies in the period between 2015–2016 were analysed. As a result, knowledge was gained on how readers evaluate their message. Moreover, the question was answered as to which of the public, economic, and private spheres of young people’s lives the editors emphasize most distinctly, as well as which categories assigned to these spheres arouse most emotion among readers.
Zarządzanie Mediami,
Tom 9, Numer 2,
2021, s. 339 - 353
Audience Development on the Internet. Netnography of the Activities of Polish Theatres During the Epidemic
Moving theatre operations to the Internet during the COVID-19 pandemic constituted a substantial organisational challenge, mostly due to the nature of theatrical events itself, which is based on the direct interaction between actors and the audience. Theatres were forced to swiftly implement various solutions in order to adapt and preserve their existing relationships with their public, and at best to establish new ones, but also to create new working conditions for artists and the rest of the staff. The article presents the results of the study on establishing the audience on the Internet by Polish theatres from March to August 2020. The study was carried out with the method of netnography. The aim of the study was not only to explore the strategies used but also to emphasise the issue of the digital maturity of cultural organisations, to signal an excess of culture that exists on-line, and to show various patterns of participation in culture in new conditions. Moreover, the study has shed some light on the most crucial research gaps that can become the basis for further scientific investigation in the context of adjusting the ways in which cultural institutions operate to unexpected shifts in the external environment.
Zarządzanie Mediami,
Tom 9, Numer 2,
2021, s. 355 - 368
The Protection of Image in Media in the Time of a Pandemic
The authors examine the adequacy of Polish regulations on the protection of the image to the challenges to prevent stigmatization of people who come into contact with COVID-19 and the special role of the media. In authors opinion there is a social responsibility of media to protect image, as a part of the human privacy. The aim of this study is emphasising the particular role of media to reduce the risk of stigmatization and social exclusion. There are no publication on this subject what can mean also the lack of protection. The article fills the existing cognitive gap. The research problem is presented by showing adequate law regulations, judgements and literature, using the formal – dogmatic method and also law-empiric one. The authors give some law recommendation to protect human image in media during pandemic times. Those clues could minimize the stigmatization and social exclusion of those who come into contact with COVID-19.
Zarządzanie Mediami,
Tom 9, Numer 2,
2021, s. 369 - 385
Persuasion Techniques in TV Commercials of Discount Stores, Telecommunications Companies and Banks During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic affects the media market, including the advertising strategies of most companies. Brands have to revise their messages and adapt them to the changing needs of consumers. The aim of this article is to identify the linguistic and visual techniques of persuasion used in TV commercials during the “national quarantine.” To achieve the research goal, the advertising messages were analyzed both in terms of image and sound used in the commercial. In presented research the examined TV spots were transcribed and divided into consecutive shots. The way of using these techniques was discussed on the example of advertisements for three critical industries during the pandemic: discount stores (Biedronka, Carrefour, Lidl), telecommunication companies (T-Mobile, Plus) and banks (ING Bank Śląski, Millennium). The conducted analysis shows that brands changed the advertising production process (handheld shots, usage of video conferencing tools, ads filmed at home) and adjusted their strategies to consumer expectations (focusing on safety and belongingness needs).
Social media management in the context of social projects against hate speech on the example of the project Grażyna Żarko. Catholic voice on the Internet
Argument/objective: In view of the growing negative phenomenon of hate speech in the social media, targeted informational and educational activities in the public sphere seem important and necessary, for the common good and in the common interest, as a reminder of respect for the other person and respect for his or her rights. The aim of the article is to identify and analyse the selected project in terms of the occurrence, spread and scale of the hate speech phenomenon in social media and to try to evaluate this type of communication. Research methods, research questions: The text uses methods such as case study, desk research and media content analysis. The following research questions were posed: how does the broadly understood civil society, and in principle its representatives, try to oppose hate speech? For what purpose are social projects against hate speech created and implemented? Do social projects against hate speech show the scale of this phenomenon, its horror and immorality? What image of Poles, including Polish Internet users (and in the case of a selected YouTube project) emerges from them? and how do they exchange views on the subject and what conclusions do they draw from this? Results and conclusions: Research has shown that when modern society, which is largely civic, starts to rebel against injustice, lack of respect for others, or socially unacceptable behaviour, including hate speech, it reaches for tools of opposition, among others. Projects such as these are born in this way: Incubator of Ideas, #StopMowieNienawiści, or the title one, analysed: Grażyna Żarko. Catholic Voice on the Internet. This non-commercial, over two months long project, and at the same time a media, Internet provocation carried out in the form of a Polish vlog, showed not only the enormous scale of the problem of “verbal violence”of Polish Internet users on the example of YouTube, but also the lack of preventive actions and responsibility, or rather criminal consequences, for example, incurred for this type of conduct. Cognitive value: The article is part of the discussion on the way and quality of communication of Polish society, with particular emphasis on hate speech, through new media.
The impact of hate speech contained in the statements of the Alternative for Germany party representatives on changes taking place in the media management system in Germany
The purpose of the article is to present the introduced legal solutions regulating the functioning and management of the media system in Germany, which came into force under the influence of changes in political communication. A case study is presented examples of hate speech in the discourse of the party of the new right-wing populism –Alternative for Germany (Alternative fur Deutschland, AfD). The party uses rhetoric which until now has been marginal in the German media and since the refugee crisis it has become an increasingly common form of expression. The analysis was conducted against the backdrop of events that influenced the Bundestags to adopted Law improving law enforcement in social networks (Gesetz zur Verbesserung der Rechtsdurchsetzung in sozialen Netzwerken, Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz, NetzDG). The analysis leads to the conclusions that the new right-wing populism changed the style of communication on the German political scene, which is not without influence on the decisions making by the legislator to introduce specific legal provisions regulating the management and framework of discourse in the social media in this state.
L82Presentation of the methods of staying in touch with journalists that are preferred by media relations specialists is the aim of the paper. The opinion survey dedicated to this issue was carried out in 2020 among all spokespersons for the municipalities forming the statutory separated Upper Silesian and Zagłębie Metropolis (Metropolis GZM). It was found that personalized communication tools such as e.g. personal e-mail (40%) or telephone conversations (22%) are most commonly used. Obtained results were compared with the results of analysis with 94% share of Silesian police officers authorized to provide information to the media. An assessment of social reach of disinformation and verification of perception of the effectiveness of publishing the corrections, as a way of responding to distortions in press materials, were also subject of the study.
The profitability paradox. Political bias on the Polish media market – an attempt of a synthesis
The study includes an attempt to synthesize the basic trends of political bias of 14 relevant media entities appearing on the Polish media market in a context of their readership and viewership. Searching for an intersubjectively consistent analytical perspective, the authors use critical and comparative analysis of the results of empirical research contained in the literature of the subject, as well as the content of specialized institutional reports, with a respect to the methods of critique of sources. Due to the processual nature of the development of the media market in Poland, some of the results of empirical research cited goes back to year 2010 but the vast majority concerns year 2015 and the next ones. In the introduction, the authors refer to the universal agreement of researchers of the quality of Polish public debate regarding its critical assessment. The first section of the article contains a description of the methodological assumptions made. The next three contain an attempt to synthesize the basic bias trends of relevant media titles within each of the three segments of media activity: [1] the press sector of nationwide dailies; [2] the weekly sector of opinion-forming magazines; and [3] the 24-hour news television sector. The last part of the study contains conclusions and reference to the research results of the political parallelism concept.
Soc-narcissism (or socialist narcissism) – celebrities in communist Poland on the example of the monthly "Ty i Ja"
The article assumes that during communism time in Poland, especially during the period of increased television development in the Gomułka era (the 60s), there were no political, socio-communicative and cultural conditions for the development of the culture of celebrity and the related phenomenon of narcissistic attitudes of individuals popular in the media. This thesis is confirmed by the content analysis of the monthly “Ty i Ja”published in 1960–1973, considered to be the first Polish lifestyle magazine, presenting the stars of theater, film etc., but these presentations were far from revealing any narcissist features characteristic of contemporary culture or Western culture at the time.
Innovation and novelty in the media industry according to the theory of innovation by Joseph A. Schumpeter on the example of CNN
Demand for novelty is inscribed in the DNA of media and media organizations, especially those that specialize in delivering the latest news. This is a prerequisite for media consumption. The media organizations responsible for delivering new products to recipients, are subject to market laws, compete, achieve an advantage, fight for survival in the turbulent environment of the media and technology –and therefore remain in constant development. According to Joseph A. Schumpeter, development is possible by introducing innovations. Schumpeter’s Theory of Innovation was a research tool for an analysis of the CNN group, specializing in information for 24/7.
The research question posed: can we talk about innovations in the media industry? –indicates some doubt related to the specificity of the media industry. Doubt also arises from the fact that not every novelty is an innovation.
As a result of research, it was discovered that there are innovations in the media industry, but not in all cases of innovation indicated by Schumpeter. Indeed, this is due to the specifics of the media industry. The purpose of the article is to attempt to assess whether there can be innovations in the media industry, according to Schumpeter’s Theory of Innovation; and initiating a discussion on innovation in specific industry, which does not exist without novelty.
Live video streaming on YouTube – management of a hateful content
The purpose of the article is to characterize current issues related to the occurrence of hate speech in live broadcasts on YouTube. Adding more tools to make the platform more attractive to users also gives new opportunities to spread hateful content. Platform policy must be constantly evolving, and subsequent regulations are widely commented on by both advertisers and users. For live broadcasts, real-time control requires automated solutions that are sometimes fallible.
The role of social media marketing in television viewer relationship management based on the TV production 'Zakochani po uszy'
Social media marketing is becoming the main aspect of strategies implemented by traditional media workers. The aim of the study is an analysis of an impact this kind of internet marketing has on television viewer relationship management, in the form of case study. The author’s intention was to do the qualitative research on the TV production Zakochani po uszy created by TVN, including its promotion through an official profile on the social networking site called Instagram in terms of building relationships with viewers along with holistic and deepened description of analysed phenomena. In the study, the author presents the results of the research based on non-participant observation of the official profile of Zakochani po uszy on Instagram, in-depth interview with a person responsible for public relations of the series, results of the survey along with data analysis, which contains viewership and statistics from analysed profile. These activities enabled solving the research problem phrased as a question: how is the strategy, which is to create strong relations with viewers, formulated and answering detailed research questions posed in the study.
The aim of the study is to examine the impact of information on lockdown connected with COVID-19 on stock indexes. The hypothesis was: it is a strong impact of the lockdown announcement on stock indexes at the time of its announcement or cancelation. Panel event models were used to verify the hypothesis. The study used data from the Thomson Reuters Database for the period from 2.01.2019–10.05.2020. The analysis was based on the papers and reports on COVID-19 and the literature on behavioral finance.
The process of shaping the structure of the Polish printing sector dates back to 1989. The fundamental changes consisting in the elimination of censorship and the abolition of paper rationing enabled the development of printing industry in Poland. Printing industry, including the company owners and managers, managed to overcome the technological gap between the EU and the former Eastern Bloc countries as early as in the 1990s. The beginning of the 21st century was characterized by a high technology level and a competitive advantage, which was based primarily on low labour costs. The analysis of statistical data shows that the sector commands new technologies and large production capacities. On the demand side, however, radical changes are taking place. Printed media reduce their circulation and migrate to digital space. Advertising, so far mainly using printing services, now uses electronic distribution channels with increasing frequency. In addition, the market places ecological requirements and low costs demands. The research conducted among printing companies in 2018 and twice in 2020 shows evidence of the current condition of this sector. Its actual state of affairs has been influenced by the COVID-19 epidemic and the consequences of restrictions introduced in the economy. These studies register the changes proceeding in the Polish printing industry. They reveal the existing overcapacity and the negative impact of the pandemic on the whole printing industry. They also point to the need for profound technological and organisational changes.
Fourth Estate as the Form of Adam Smith's Invisible Hand on the Global Platform of Electronic Media - its Nature, Structure and Expected Power
The article analyses the hypothetical Fourth Estate (the 4th Power) on the platform of modern, global electronic media. The entry assumption is that the engine of 4th Power is Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand (ASIH), but functioning not on the socio-economic platform, but on the platform of modern, global electronic media. This implied significant research phenomena, because two large scale processes have been spotted on this platform, which fulfil theoretical model of Invisible Hand as proposed by American philosopher Robert Nozick. The rank of success is confirmed by the fact, that nobody yet on socio-economic platform managed to point to real life symptoms of the Invisible Hand self-regulative activity. Platform of global electronic media has a much more IT nature, comparing to the economic/social platform. For this, applying the way of thinking of Nobel-awarded economist Friedrich Hayek, that the mechanism of the Invisible Hand is IT in nature, it has been assumed that it is an unconscious, chaotic, discontinuous, distributed, multi-threaded computational process, not on the platform of digital computers, but on the platform of minds of agents operating in modern media. This allowed us to propose description methodology based on GIS (Geographic Information Systems). The conclusion of the article is that the Fourth Estate inherits and manifests in very well visible way the Invisible Hand self-steering functions, on the media platform and even more. This sheds a whole new light on the problem of media management on a global scale, because state or corporate factors have to reckon with the fact that there is yet another “ruler” of great power. In addition, due to the global nature, in a situation where the Legislative, Judicial and Legislative Powers are distributed and limited to the area of countries or meta-nation structures like European Union, the Fourth Estate is on the best way to take over partial or total control over global media, as well as over local Legislative, Judicial and Executive authorities. This is to some extent confirmation of Robert Nozick hypothesis about “ultra-minimal state”.
The article contains an analysis of contextual models used for propaganda activities carried out in two state television stations – RT and CCTV, in connection with the protests in Hong Kong that have been ongoing since June 2019. The research, referred to in the text, is an analysis of the narrative created in connection with the protests on both televisions in the context relevant to the achievement of propaganda goals by broadcasters. Storytelling built a one-sided picture of events as a tool for persuasion and influence on public opinion using the existing social and political polarization. The research was carried out using the quantitative and qualitative method. The obtained conclusions are part of the research on propaganda and contemporary distribution channels to create alternative images of reality using contextual models by mass media positioning themselves as state broadcasters.
European election of 2019 on the Polish media agenda. Editorial communication strategies of selected TV news programs on Twitter
The article presents the results of empirical research regarding the use of the main nationwide television news programs by the potential of the Twitter micro-blog in terms of publicizing the election campaign to the European Parliament in 2019. The main research questions concerned the degree of interest of the editors of public television programs (“Wiadomości” TVP1) and commercial television (“Fakty” TVN) in European elections and the manner in which the campaigns of individual political entities were publicized. The results of the research allowed not only to identify and analyze the communication strategies used by the both editorial boards, but also to deduce about their degree of political bias during the campaign.
This paper is an attempt to analyze the patterns of the 45th President’s use of Twitter for promoting his political agenda. Donald J. Trump used to “tweet” often even before entering politics; in the White House it is his primary instrument of contact with the U.S. society, bypassing the established media channels. A special emphasis was put on the rhetorical characteristics of Trump’s social media communications as well as the identity-building aspect of his Twitter oratory. The research was conducted with the use of the method of quantitative content analysis. Obtained results point out to the Republican as an unconventional political player, employing the possibilities offered by new media in an original yet effective manner.
The subject of the analysis is the sphere of media economization and specifically the problem of quality in journalism. The article tries to show that quality assurance in journalism is a task not only for authors, editorial teams, media companies, it is a social issue. The aim of the article is to indicate the most important dimensions and criteria of quality and to build a theoretical interpretation of quality management adequate to the work of journalists and the functioning of media organizations. The author suggests that the crisis of responsible journalism coincided with the crisis of democracy observed in all media models. In Polish scientific discourse, the subject of quality in journalism is almost absent. This lack is not compensated by considerations devoted to professionalism, professional culture, and even more so to deontology of journalism. The presented article attempts to include the issue of quality in the economic theory of media, indicating areas in which high-quality journalistic products or services create value that increases the competitive advantage.
The Community Rating as an Element of the Comments Managing System
The two most important strategies of managing user generated content are premoderation and postmoderation. The community rating can be used as a supporting element of the postmoderation system. It has a crucial role in informational portals where the amount of readers and published comments is large, so professional moderators would have problem in finding all comments that should be deleted. In the moderation process the role of Internet users is growing – they not only comment, but also evaluate comments of other users. Here occurs a transition: from user generated content to user moderated content. The aim of presented paper is to indicate a place of the community rating in the system of postmoderation, on the example of chosen Polish informational portals.
Revision of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive in the light of European media policy
The Audiovisual Media Services Directive, 2010/13/UE, due to development of convergence and digitalization phenomena, has responded to the technological paradigm shift, thereby continuing the late 1980s standard of transfrontier television. The dramatic shift of all aspects of audiovisual sector which has occurred for the last decade, triggered the adoption of its revision on the 14th of November, 2018 which creates a media framework for the 21st century. The aim of the article is to point out – within the frame of historical aspects of European media policy, including a digital single market impact – the wide spectrum of its implications, taking into consideration the dual – cultural and economic – status of audiovisual media services. Hence, the analysis of certain regulatory changes, concerning the following issues, ought to be mentioned: 1) the scope of the audiovisual media notion; 2) principles of jurisdiction; 3) independence of national media regulators; 4) promotion of European works; 5) requirements for audiovisual commercial communications; 6) consumer protection. The presentation of the subject in the light of the regulation historical aspects allows to come to the certain conclusions regarding the political, economic, social and cultural feasible results of the mentioned changes and their impact on media organisation and management in the new audiovisual environment. Therefore, the legal approach is justified; the interpretation of the law with the subsidiary role of methodological trend of legal hermeneutics are applied.
The undertaken subject is up-to-date. Moreover, it is needed to be notified as the Member States are obliged to implement the directive by the 19th of September, 2020.
Visual communication in management science based on the example of scientific poster
The article describes the essence of visual communication and the tools for its design, including the reason for addressing these issues in management sciences. The scientific poster is presented as an example of the use of visual communication presents. The results of research on critical analysis of the literature in the field of management and applied arts, including graphics and related sciences covering issues related to visual communication design, were presented. The research shows that in the literature on scientific posters there are publications which only describe the correct substantive structure, i.e. the content, and when it comes to the issues of visual communication (tools), they are very inaccurate and unreliable, or even misleading.
Risk management currently determines the probability of survival and development of enterprises. The main aim of this article is to attempt to map the risk profile of Polish companies in the media sector listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) based on the categorization of risk factors identified by them. Empirical research was carried out on a sample of 15 companies listed on this Stock Exchange. The goal of empirical research was achieved through triangulation of research methods and techniques. The main method used in the research procedure was content analysis of source documents of the examined group of enterprises, mainly: annual reports (financial statements, management board reports), capital adequacy reports and other information published mandatory by WSE listed entities. The logical classification method and the comparative method in the closed comparison variant were also used. The main research findings indicate that the risk profile of the enterprises studied shows characteristics specific to the media sector that they represent.
"Social Media Muckraking" on the Example of the Documentary Film Don't Tell Anyone - Characteristics and Directions of Impact
In this paper the author has analyzed the phenomenon of investigative journalism in social media on the example of Tomasz Sekielski, which was defined by the author’s term “social media muckraking”. Muckraking, which dates back to the so-called “golden age of journalism” in the United States is one of the most ennobling terms for investigative journalism. The proposed term is the result of observing the increasingly popular practice of using social media in the work of an investigative reporter also in the context of increasing publicity of the pedophile theme among priests, which was presented in the documentary film Do Not Tell Anyone. Therefore, social media content analysis and case study were used. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the activity of Tomasz Sekielski reflects the nature of the concept of “social media muckraking” which is one of the possibilities of practicing investigative journalism in the era of new technologies.
The proposed paper is going to be an analysis of communication management during local elections campaigns in Poland in 2002, 2006, 2010, 2014, 2018. The 2002 was chosen as the starting point of the analysis because of the following facts: 1) those were the first direct local elections for mayors/municipality heads; 2) the number of council members was reduced by law all of which heralded an interesting competition. The high turnover rate of candidates for councillors across different regions of Poland in 2002, 2006, 2010, 2014 and 2018 local government elections has been attributed in part to the volatility caused by greater media and public interest in council issues. The paper is based on: the theory analysis, qualitative and quantitative research (questionnaires), statistical analysis (questionnaires and reports) and content analysis (selected papers; radio/TV stations; web pages). Surveys were carried out in: 2002, 2006, 2010, 2014 and 2018. The survey was followed at the region of Lower Silesia. In this paper there is presented detailed data from the study of Dzierżoniów county. There were chosen varied types of communes: periphery and centre of the region. The group of around 2500 respondents was analysed.
* The research was followed due to the MSCA Horizon 2020 funds.
Museum and new media. Development of the digital offer in the time of the pandemic
This article outlines the results of studies analysing the activity of museums around the world during the period of limited cultural activity caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of these unprecedented circumstances, virtually all activities of museums have been transferred to the digital reality of the Internet and premised on the functionalities offered by the new media. Even though the existence of relationships between museums and the media is not a new development, its intensity during the pandemic reached unprecedented levels. Furthermore, during the pandemic, there emerged new types of services offered by museums, and they will likely remain a permanent fixture of their offer. Notably, such a broadened offer significantly increases the educational potential of museums and directly relates to the demand for lifelong learning.
Covid-19 Impact on Countires’ Outlooks and Credit Ratings
The aim of the study is to examine the impact of the financial crisis caused by COVID-19 on changes in outlooks and credit ratings of major rating agencies. The research hypothesis was as follows: the financial crisis caused by COVID-19 negatively affected the change in outlooks and credit ratings of countries. The study used long-term and short-term credit ratings and outlooks collected from the Thomson Reuters / Refinitiv database regarding liabilities expressed in foreign currency and macroeconomic data from the International Monetary Fund databases, for 2010–2021. The analysis was carried out using ordered logit panel models. The presented results showed a weak significant impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on credit rating. The agency that changed its notes in connection with this situation is Standard & Poor’s (S&P). However, the attitude responded to the situation under investigation. During the crisis, country ratings have become less sensitive to growing debt, which may be dictated by widespread loosening of fiscal policy. The rate of GDP growth has a particular impact during the COVID-19 period in the event of a change of outlook. Rising inflation is particularly dangerous in the age of pandemics. It may be related to monetary policy easing.
Are Changes in the Functioning of the Local Press Necessary? Discussion Concerning Self-Government and Private Press Models
The aim of the article is to draw attention to the strength of the local press, a bit paradoxically, by recalling the examples of the activities taken by various bodies against local government press. I assume that if the strength of the local press in influencing on the communities of communes or poviats were not noticed, there would not be any initiatives to defend the so-called independent press, the initiatives which tried to ban the issuing of press by commune, poviat and voivodship self- governments. I compared the analysis of speeches of the Association of Local Newspapers, of the Ombudsman, of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights and finally of the Kukiz’15 parliamentary club with the latest data of the National Library concerning regional and local magazines which were registered in 2019. It turned out that they constitute nearly half of all new or changing titles submitted to the National Library. Among them there was 50 percent of magazines published by local governments or institutions subordinated to them. The existing projects aimed against self-government publishing activities have not been successful so far. The strength of the local press should not result from the status of its publisher, but from the message that the recipient gets.
E-learning in Estonia based on the example of Tallin University of Technology
In Estonia, as in Western Europe, the effectiveness of mixed-hybrid teaching is increasingly taken
into account as part of modern academic education. A hybrid approach, very popular in Estonia,
combines direct contact with the student and online activity, as well as support for work at a slow
pace and group work. The purpose of the article is to present the specifics of Estonian e- learning
and hybrid training in IT on the example of Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech). This article
is based on observations and interviews with lecturers and describes the most effective methods of distance learning, as well as applications and e-learning platforms used in TalTech.
Narcissistic Culture. Aboutthe Condition of Postmodern Man in a Culture Dominated by Narcissism
The article refers to issues related to the formation of a culture called narcissism. The author hypothesizes that narcissism is becoming a key tool in describing the condition of postmodern man. In the article, the author answers the question whether and why we can talk about the development of a culture of narcissism and what are its determinants. A definition of narcissism in the socio-cultural sense is proposed.
Storytelling in the Allegro Brand Image Creation Process
The main objective of this study was to present the concept of storytelling as a modern, unconventional and creative tool for creating an advertising message on the example of the Allegro brand. The authors made a comparative analysis of two selected Allegro advertising spots, which are part of the campaign “What are you looking for?”. Based on the Freytag model, the compatibility of the advertising message structure with the concept of storytelling was examined. The campaign’s market effects were also described to assess the values the use of storytelling in an advertising message. Literature studies, desk research, media content analysis and case study with comparative analysis were used to achieve the research goal.
Currently, social media are increasingly used by enterprises to achieve various goals, including those related to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The article analyzes the occurrence of social media and CSR issues in peer-reviewed scientific publications. The following research questions were formulated: 1) Is there a research gap in the thematic area? 2) Is there a trend when it comes to publication time on a given topic? 3) Which scientific journals publish articles on social media and CSR? 4), Which countries do authors undertaking social media and CSR issues mostly come from? 5) What research interests are pursued by authors of articles related to social media and CSR issues? The basic research method was a systematic review of literature. The selection of the analyzed texts was based on EBSCO, ProQuest, JSTOR and Google Scholar databases. Bibliometric and contextual analysis have enabled the following conclusions to be drawn: 1) the issues of social media and CSR are present in peer-reviewed scientific publications, 2) a small number of publications is associated with a relatively short period of time in which publications appeared, but an upward trend can be observed, 3) the authors who undertake the analyzed issues come from various countries, mostly from the USA 5) Social media and CSR are the subject of research in numerous research areas. Following a systematic literature review, proposals for future research directions were also formulated.
An attempt to develop a methodology of measuring filter bubbles in Google search engine
The authors proposed a method of quantitative measurement of the phenomenon of filter bubbles in Google search engine. Firstly, the topic was taken up because of the lack of such a method in the academic world and the proposal of a competitor to Google, DuckDuckGo. Secondly, because of the social consequences of the phenomenon of filter bubbles raised by activists and researchers. The aim was to test the used methodology of quantitative measurement of the phenomenon of information bubbles and to refine it. A pilot survey was conducted on a homogeneous group in an experimental scheme. It consisted in comparing sets of search results (SSR) in the normal mode of a web browser, logged into a Google account with SSR in the private (incognito) mode logged out of that account. One political search term was used – “Paweł Adamowicz”. The SSR was treated as a sequence of characters, a string, and compared in two web browser’s modes using the optimal string alignment distance method. The open sourced data and code allow readers to trace and reproduce the analyses made. The results do not indicate that the differences in the SSR are influenced neither by the world view in terms of liberalism/conservatism nor by the attitude to control the privacy of the Internet user. The influence was noted for the degree of personalization of the SSR in the normal web browser mode.
Academic e-learning - a case study of the Virtual Campus of the Maria Curie Skłodowska University in Lublin
The increasing mediation of the didactic process encourages reflection on the new quality of academic education. The expansion of technology has forced the using of new forms of education, also carried out in non-school space. Educational platforms are good environment for implementing education in a remote formula. One example of such a platform is Virtual Campus UMCS. The aim of the article was to verify students’ expectations regarding the design, course and ways of implementing the didactic process in teaching implemented via the Virtual Campus platform. It was analyzed how students of UMCS use the platform and examine level of their satisfaction with the classes conducted in the remote mode. The author proposed several improvements regarding the enrichment of Virtual Campus UMCS about additional functions. The recommendations can translate into the attractiveness of the teaching process and deserve to be included in the design of the next version of the system. The research technique was survey research.
Overproduction of talent in formats based on the example of musical talent shows
The subject of research are activities of television stations based on the adaptation of entertainment formats. An example of musical talent shows was used here as the most transparent shows of this type. The main goal is to show: dehumanized mechanisms and their effects in the form of overproduction of talents and viewer’s opinions on this topic. The author looks for a solution that could prevent or mitigate this process (as a result of television activities within the production of formats). He finds the recipe in lean management philosophy. The key reflection of the text is the question about behind-the-scenes “life” as well as the motives and stages of such productions. The project was based on a review of literature and empirical research (quantitative and qualitative) in the form of: a survey, case study, in-depth and expert interview.
Real Time Marketing as a Form of Promotion on the Example of the IKEA and Żywiec Brands
Real-time marketing is a phenomenon that is increasingly used in marketing activities of companies. Brands strive to establish and maintain close relations with their target group by referring to many issues, including popular natural phenomena or pop culture. In this article, the author analyzes real-time marketing activities of the IKEA and Żywiec brands on the social networking site called Facebook in the years 2014–2019. The aim of the study was a comparative analysis of published posts in terms of their graphic layout, shared messages as well as descriptions. The author also presented issues that were used by Żywiec and IKEA to implement real-time marketing activities.
From the experiences of Solidarity in Opole Silesia 1980-1981: Three case studies from the perspective of media
The article is a contribution to the understanding of not only the organisational and social phenomenon of Solidarity in Poland in the years 1980-81, but also of its media image. The research presented in the article was based on the analysis of three case studies. The author took active part in each of them. The studied cases concern the region of Opole Silesia and pertain to one of the first strikes that took place in this part of the country in that time; a radio programme in which for the first time in the Polish People’s Republic, a local historian reminds about the significance of Poland regaining independence in 1918 and the issues concerning the general strike which was to take place in March 1918, according to the then chairperson of the Regional Board of Solidarity in Opole Silesia. The analysis of the three cases performed against the backdrop of the events that took place in that time leads the author to refl ect that there are moments in the existence of nations, but also in the structures within which they function, when the attitude of the people who participate in them becomes highly important.
Hate speech as a source of crisis situations of entities in the social space
The discourse of public space has been brutalizing for years. The lack of social reactions, including media, which can be a sign of a kind of acceptance of the phenomenon, as well as a low level of legal responsibility, means that the communication of entities (companies, political parties and other organizations) in the social space goes far beyond the norms understood as the cultural construction of messages and creating a dialogue to implement the mission and goals of the entity. Therefore, it becomes important to determine how you can manage crisis communication to stabilize the entity’s situation. It is worth referring to the typology of crisis management in the social media space of W.T. Coombs assumes three levels of attribution of the subject’s responsibility, namely: the subject is a victim of a crisis, the subject has caused the crisis unknowingly and the subject has caused the crisis knowingly. In such a defined environment, the specificity of the hate should also be taken into account due to its subject, the subject of the hate and the author, and properly anticipate the effects of the hate in the context of managing the crisis situation of the entity, which will allow to choose the appropriate strategy of actions. Finally, it is necessary to indicate ways of reacting to the hate by the entities affected by it in the sphere of prevention and possible actions in the event of a hate crisis.
The subject of consideration is the problem of falsification of audiovisual materials, referred to as deepfake. In this publication, I analyze literature on the problem, as well as draw the genesis and technological aspects of deepfake movies. Reflections on the issue discussed have been enriched with specific examples of films that have been published on the Internet to date. The article is an attempt to answer the question about the real threats associated with the existence of deepfakes and the possibilities of protection against them. An important aspect is the question about the security of every modern Internet user (in the context of data posted on social media), as well as the security of entire societies and nations. The publication highlights the threats associated with the spread of fake news and deepfakes in the online sphere in the context of off-line security
Children's film production - limitations on methods and tools
The article provides an overview of the available film research methods to strengthen film production management for children aged 4 to 6 years. It diagnoses the limitations of currently used methods and identifies new opportunities related to the development of tools in the field of neuroscience, in particular oculography (eyetracking). The subject of the study is a film for children as a medium of social communication of a wide range. For the purposes of the study, the methods of film research for children used so far were analysed, current needs related to market development were diagnosed and the possibilities of using new tools to measure customer satisfaction were indicated.
The social network(ing) YouTube – towards the classification of the site
The aim of the article is to systematize knowledge about YouTube within the frames of social communication and media sciences. The review of literature showed problems of a terminological nature. Researchers do not agree on how to define and what terms to use to describe YouTube. The site is sometimes classifi ed as a video sharing site or digital archive. Many authors making deeper divisions within social media do not classify this site as a social networking site, although – as demonstrated in this article – it has the vast majority of the constitutive features attributed to social networking sites in the scientific literature.
This popular science article focuses on digital nomadism and its relation to lifestyle and career management. The study includes a review of literature related to those issues. The growing amount of both scientific and amateur publications about digital nomadism makes researching this phenomenon not only interesting but means it can also become a valuable academic topic. This article seeks to discover if the way literature presents digital nomadism shows any characteristics that would allow to classify it as a career management style and a lifestyle. The qualities of digital nomadism observed during the literature review that make it possible for the phenomenon to be considered both a lifestyle and a career management style were also analyzed in conjunction with a number of digital nomads’ opinions gained during holding interviews with them. The conducted research was based on the interpretivist paradigm.
Threats to school children by hate speech on the internet
The internet is a natural environment for school children. Some of the messages through it are aggression and verbal violence. The aim of the article is to show the phenomenon of aggression and verbal violence on the Internet towards school children and adolescents. The subject of the research contained in the article are school children and adolescents as recipients and victims of hate speech on the Internet. Research problems are questions about the level of online threats to schoolchildren, how the Polish education system prevents this and how it protects children from these threats. In search of answers to these questions, the author used published research data, showing the activity of children on the Internet, He also reviewed the basics of teaching in terms of preparing students to avoid hate speech on the internet.
The basic research methods are document examination and method of analysis and logical construction. The research shows two key conclusions as answers to research problems. First of all, the level of threat to school children and youth by aggression and verbal violence is significant, because every third teenager was a victim of violence or verbal aggression on the Internet. Secondly, the Polish education system did not protect students from these threats. Schools did not teach children proper behavior on the internet.
Attitudes of medical doctorstowards social media activity
The research aims to identify the level and the character of the participation of medical doctors and their perception of advantages and disadvantages of their activity in social media from the perspective of the process of building positive professional image. The method of subject literature review and the results of an online surveys conducted among 81 medical doctors have been applied in the article. Virtually all the survey participants (98,8%) admitted having a profile in social media with Facebook being the most popular one (83,3% of profiles). Only a small proportion of the respondents declare the professional character of their activity in social media, mostly taking place on LinkedIn (15,0%). The doctors considered restrictions on privacy (61,7%) and subjecting private life to assessments (53,1%) as the biggest disadvantage of the presence in social media. The advantages included the promotion of medical knowledge and preventive medicine (81,5%) and the possibility of creating positive professional image among prospective patients and in the medical society environment (77,8%) with 85,7% of respondents considering Facebook as the best medium to achieve the above.
Changes in the model of trade in television formats in the cultural and economic dimension
In response to the changing television market, media organizations create strategic solutions to affect the format trading system that has been stable so far. For two decades, a model of format trade has allowed finding balance in the conceptual frame set by the opposition: adaptation versus creation, broadcasters versus production companies, global versus local conditions, business and cultural values.
The purpose of the article is to preliminarily describe how these strategic and operational activities undertaken by global organisations disturb this balance. Taking control of format production by subsidiaries of foreign capital, new distribution channels may result in a smaller share of broadcasters in creation, universalization of formats lacking local accents, weakening the brand of entities identified on local markets.
The role of values in brand communities. Case study of IKEA and IKEAhackers community.
Linking values of brand communities are the subject of the analysis. Various types of consumption communities are not a new phenomenon, however, the development of communication technologies in recent two decades has significantly impacted on the number and character of such groups. Relationship between brands and brand communities has become interesting research field due to growing importance of such groups in consumers’ lives as well as their marketing potential. Recent studies highlight the role of values in emerging and functioning of brand communities. The purpose of this case study analysis is to examine the relationship between strategic brand values and linking values of brand community on the example of IKEA and IKEAhackers community. This case confirms earlier hypotheses that brand communities are autonomous, and brand strategic values are neither automatically nor uncritically accepted by the community as linking values of the community. Such groups may accept the values proposed by the brand managers, however, they may also reinterpret them, reject, recognize as irrelevant or consider different values as linking values of brand community.
The study reported in this article portrays production of news in three news agencies: Swedish TT, Italian ANSA and the worldwide Reuters. It is a study of organizing rather than of journalism, and it reveals two accelerating phenomena: cybernetization (machines play a more and more central role in news production) and cyborgization (people rely more and more on machines). As usual, however, technological developments lead to many unexpected consequences and complications.
This paper addresses the place of Poland’s public television network, Telewizja Polska (TVP) within the country’s media system. The role of journalists is an important element of public media. In an author view Poland’s public media as part of a system of polarised pluralism, as described in Daniel Hallin and Paolo Mancini’s classification. The main aspect of this research is that of TVP’s transformation in its approach to technology. Journalists who started working in the 1990s have different attitudes from younger staff to the network’s public objectives. They are usually less competent in new media and less concerned about technological convergence and social media. The research involved unstructured interviews with TVP journalists.
Financial Condition Of Private Publishers Of Local Weekly Newspapers
The condition for the existence of independent local press is its economic self-sufficiency. An analysis of the financial statements of private local weekly publishers shows that their financial condition has deteriorated signifi cantly in recent years. This was mainly due to the decline in print press readership and the outflow of advertisers to the Internet. Revenues from issue sales and advertising revenue in 2018 decreased by an average of 1/3 compared to 2010. The reduction in publishing costs slightly improved the financial results of the owners of local weeklies. Their profits decreased on average by 150%, which for most meant incurring losses on operations. The deteriorating financial condition of publishers threatens a reduction of the quality of the local press, recduction of the number of titles or further concentration of ownership in this media segment.
Patostreaming – Characteristics and Legal Contexts of the Phenomenon
The article describes the phenomenon of patostreaming which is present in the Polish Internet. The authors applied the desk research method and the analysis of media content. The authors explain what is characteristic of patostreaming and how it was created. There is an analysis of media content published by the most recognizable patostreamers: Gural, Rafatus, Daniel Magical and Rafonix. There is a defi nition of the most important concepts related to the discussed problem, as well as the classification of patostreaming content. The second part of the paper analyses the phenomenon from the legal point of view, taking into account the issues of legal liability of persons submitting content, persons viewing content, as well as platforms providing access to this material. The authors also discussed legal diffi culties related to solving the patostreaming problem.
The article describes the phenomenon of patostreaming which is present in the Polish Internet. The authors applied the desk research method and the analysis of media content. The authors explain what is characteristic of patostreaming and how it was created. An analysis of media content has been published by the most recognizable patostreamers: Gural, Rafatus, Daniel Magical and Rafonix. A definition of the most important concepts related to the discussed problem, as well as the classification of patostreaming content, have been included. The second part of the paper analyses the phenomenon from the legal point of view, taking the issues of legal liability of persons submitting content, persons viewing content, as well as platforms providing access to this material into account. The authors also discussed the legal diffi culties related to solving the patostreaming problem.
Zarządzanie Mediami,
Tom 7, Numer 4,
2019, s. 267 - 270
Recenzja książki Magdaleny Szpunar Imperializm kulturowy Internetu, Instytut Dziennikarstwa, Mediów i Komunikacji Społecznej, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków 2017, 148 s.
The main aim of the article is identification of the attitudes towards the processes of identification and verification of fake news in the environment of digital media. The subject of the research refers to the users’ attitudes towards fake news. As indicated by the research, the attitudes towards fake news are not unambiguous. About 2/3 of the respondents claim that they are not able to distinguish fake news from true information; only every twelfth respondent declares that they know tools for verification of information, although the research survey has been carried out among students of media management, journalism and marketing – students who deal with information in social media.
This article presents the results of the research of the current state, tendencies and developments of the modern corporate media and the peculiarities of their use of innovations in communications. The theoretical part is based on the study of the knowledge base through a general review, critical analysis, systematization and generalization. Practical part contains analysis of statistical data and descriptive analysis of samples of corporate media.
The overall state of the industry in corporate publishing in Ukraine is investigated. The data on projects presented during the last fi ve years for the Association of Corporate Media, Ukraine is analyzed. Features and prospects of development of printed and digital communication channels are considered. The innovative approaches used by companies when using corporate media are analyzed, the main trends of their development are formulated.
A statement can be made that innovation signifi cantly transforms the status, content and forms of corporate media. In particular, with the reduction of printed publications, the company ’s active development of social networking websites, online video, mobile applications, chat bots, other digital channels and communication tools are envisaged. Given the current state of corporate media it is possible to predict their further growth and deeper integration in social and business processes. More and more companies from different industries will use this communication tool to build a comprehensive dialogue with the audience, create an image, promote the market for goods or services, and enhance corporate culture and employee motivation.
Filter Bubble and its Awareness Among Youth - Results of a Study Conducted Among Junior High School Students
The subject of the paper is filter bubble and awareness of its mechanism among junior high school students. The article attempts to answer the question about how many representatives of the Z Generation (in this case junior high school students) are familiar with the issue of personalizing content on the Web, how they perceive it and whether they can manage information on the web to minimize the negative consequences of filter bubble and efficiently manage information on the Internet. 15 in-depth interviews were conducted. Th e results show that young people notice the effects of a filter bubble, but they do not always know the mechanisms of its. The respondents do not prevent content personalization, it is not always perceived by them negatively. People who actively create content on the Web have the best knowledge about filter bubble mechanism. The space of communication platforms such as Facebook is for a Z Generation natural information management environment. Social media tools are eagerly chosen, and it is oft en the only tool used for the information management purposes.
The article points to the dual nature of additivity in children’s entertainment formats taking the form of active and passive in the process of creating, shaping and consuming of content. The study concerns underage show participants and people influencing their decisions and fate in the program show production staff , family, as well as indirectly viewers. The starting point was reflection on the extent to which additivity in this type of show is manifested and what consequences it brings participation of children in entertainment formats, where they are subject to competition on an equal footing with adults? To conduct a thorough analysis of the phenomenon, several research methods were used: audio-visual analysis, case study with in-depth interviews and participatory observation. The study highlights the treatment of minors in product categories, in media organizations, specifically in children’s entertainment formats.
Many recent publications hold a dark view of contemporary business administration and its context. The current state of capitalism and corporate management is described as zombie (Harman, 2009), ghostly (Roy, 2014) or, in the most benign appraisal, sick but not dying (Tomlinson, 2010). At the same time, business schools, textbooks and popular management books remain wedded to a reductive view of social interactions, drawing inspiration as well as authority from a century of socioeconomic triumph as well as from the rigid definitions of management relations as handed down by the founding figures of the discipline. Drawing inspiration from Walter Benjamin’s (1969) refiguring of Charles Baudelaire’s flâneur, we revisit the haunted spaces of popular management books, using the situationist method of dérive to invoke the ghosts of foundational thinkers for inspiration and, possibly, exorcism. The aim of this excursion is to propose strategies for communication about some old ideas of management which still can be regarded as vital, even though the contemporary forms may have become morbid (Fleming, 2017).
Professionalization of the Journalist Profession in the Context of Media Convergence
The aim of this article is to broaden the current knowledge about changes in the profession of a journalist caused by the digitization and convergence of the media. The authors carried out surveys among journalists, exploring issues related to their opinion on professionalization, the process of changes in the media as well as opportunities and threats indicated by new media.
Building an Organisational Identity – A Case Study of the Rzeczpospolita Daily Newspaper
Rzeczpospolita is a daily newspaper that went through a difficult time to regain its freedom and independence. Established as an independent newspaper in 1920, it was closed in the early 1930s, and later in the last months of the war it was reactivated by a communist activist. At the beginning of the 1950s it ceased to appear again, and it was re-established in 1980 and operated under the auspices of the communist authorities. Rzeczpospolita started its journey towards regaining its freedom together with Poland at the end of the 1980s. Freedom is inseparable from the identity that distinguishes the social group and claims its existence. This article – an ethnographic case study of the Rzeczpospolita daily newspaper – presents the identity of the organisation and its construction researched in 2001. The period of changes in Rzeczpospolita and the creation of a new identity was a key time for the future of the newspaper. The identity from 2001 proves that despite the absence of the leadership of Dariusz Fikus, who had carried out the transformation in the newspaper (he died in 1996), his work was continued, and the newspaper consistently followed the path appointed by him and his team. The current activity of the newspaper, its identity, image and reputation are the aftermath of activities undertaken by Dariusz Fikus and his people. This article presents their extraordinary faith as well as difficult and devoted work that resulted in great changes.
Crowdfunding as an Innovative Way of Financing Projects by Society Based on the Fintech Industry
Lately, crowdfunding has emerged as an alternative source of raising needed money for different types of projects. This paper provides an overview of crowdfunding topic. It characterizes the main concept, shows its types as well as describes the benefi ts and risks that comes with raising money with the help of the people and Internet. The aim of the article is to show how crowdfunding can contribute to the growth of innovation in the country, especially based on the FinTech industry. The paper outlines the size of transactions value in the crowdfunding market and predicts reasonable growth for the next 5 years.
At present, when there are so many news media platforms, the use of media consists in building personal, specific repertoire. These repertoires are a combination of many factors, including the available reception platforms, the geographical and social coverage of the media, the interests and needs of users. In this article I try to answer the question of how, in a very competitive media market, media users, by building their own individual media repertoires as a source of the news needed in everyday life and treated as a resource of democracy, use public radio. Through qualitative in-depth interviews with audiences of different social and demographic profiles in 8 European countries and Israel, the perception of the role of the news and current affaire of public radio organisations and understanding of their remit was examined.
Effectiveness of teaching in e-learning system in higher education. Case studies
The popularity of using e-learning in higher education in Poland is insufficient. The lecturers have doubts about the effectiveness of this way of teaching. In this article, the author presents examples of conducting classes in the blended learning formula along with the results of surveys, conducted among PhD students learning specialist English in the remote formula. Education in the social sciences is based on the practice orientation, transfer of specific skills, working in groups (eg editorial), discovering creativity through case studies. However, it is necessary to strengthen the trust in online learning, as well as to learn compulsory and verify learning on a regular basis. The basis is proper motivation of students to study and regularity of work using the elements of remote teaching.
Internet Piracy - Limitations on the Freedom of Speech and Access to the Content on the Internet
Many young Internet users equate freedom of speech with the freedom to access content disseminated on the web - treating both concepts as synonyms.
Internet piracy undoubtedly has serious consequences for the economy. It is the example of sophisticated methods of violating intellectual property rights. It causes financial losses in music, publishing and media sectors and film industry. Accurate assessment of the losses is difficult. A lot of web users support pirates, thus becoming a part of their profitable business. Prosecution of the subjects illegally distributing and storing pieces is sometimes extremely complicated. It is so due to difficulties in identifying perpetrators and jurisdictional problems. Digital technologies which occur on the internet are easily adopted before any adequate laws are introduced, and the existing copyright laws stem from the experience of the era of analog technology. Current lawmakers try to create norms and rules which would befit the constantly changing digital reality and they are still one step behind.
During the economization of culture and the culturisation of the economy, creativity in the advertising industry has become a myth. The subject of this dissertation is a “discoursive oversweetening” resulting from the desire to raise the prestige of the so-called creative sector. The dissertation confronts mythical stories with the opinions presented by employees of Polish advertising agencies in accordance with the paradigm of radical humanism.
The empirical part of the dissertation includes fourteen individual in-depth interviews with selected employees of the advertising industry. The collected research material allows to reveal problems, blockades and shortcomings in the aspect of behavior and pro-creative and pro-innovative attitudes. By immersing research in the perspective of Critical Management Studies, a holistic analysis of the phenomenon of creativity in the advertising industry will be carried out.
The public broadcaster RAI (Radiotelevisione italiana), in its parliamentary campaign in 2018, was to be the guarantor of the electoral success of the Italian centre-left. However, this was not the case. The Democratic Party (Partito Democratico) lost the elections. The decision of the then Prime Minister Matteo Renzi to strengthen political control over the RAI before the upcoming elections was wrong. The model of government television criticised by the opposition proved to be dysfunctional. The restriction of the autonomy and the consequent reduction in the credibility of the public broadcaster RAI gave the Italian opposition an argument to change its electoral strategy and to transfer the campaign to the network, which determined its final outcome. In the 2018 parliamentary campaign in Italy, RAI stopped serving as a forum for public debate, thus ending the stage of its domination as a medium in the process of political communication during the Second Republic.
Functions of local media on the example of the national charity action “Help Children Survive Winter”
In the modern world mass media stimulate and create social reality. It is with their significant participation that the socialization of the young generation takes place. As the researchers point out, they often teach better than school and interact more effectively than traditional educational environments. A lot of subject literature is devoted to the analysis of the impact of mass media, mostly negative, on the recipients. This text will present the implementation of media functions on the example of the All-Poland Charity Action “Help the Children Survive Winter”. It is an initiative that,thanks to the strength and power of mass media, has evolved over the course of 25 years from local ad hoc collection of gifts into a nationwide program to help the youngest in need.
Selected issues in using technology in education in critical and historical perspective
High educational hopes were put into the appearance of each and every medium. The history of media development in the 20th century is also the history of high educational hopes and spectacular failures. It seems that at least some major links of these processes are repeated in the development of most important technologies for transmission of information. Many scholars (e.g. Neil Selwyn from Monash University) believe that critical approach provides accurate diagnosis of failures in educational technology applications. Historical perspective, on the other hand, allows for seeing the whole of certain processes and eliminating the phenomena that are negative from the researcher’s standpoint, e.g. excessive enthusiasm that accompanied the introduction of new technologies. This kind of “emotional smog” largely disappears if we accept historical perspective. Critical and historical analysis of the use of technology in education may give the opportunity for its effective use and avoiding traps into which radio, television, and the Internet fell during the 1990s.
The educational and promotional role of the BBC in the field of media literacy
The article proposes a reflection on the experience of British Broadcasting Corporation in promoting media literacy which is defined as “the ability to access, understand and create communications in a variety of contexts”. While discussing the issue of media literacy in Poland, one is prompted to refer to the experience of public broadcasters in countries regarded as leaders in pursuing its objectives. The BBC seems to be a natural choice due to its leading position in the digital revolution of the British media system and its public mission to promote education and reading. The article presents an overview of selected projects committed to the promotion of media literacy among various social groups. The authors seek an answer to the following questions: 1) are these projects in line with the strategy for media literacy formulated by the BBC in 2013? and 2) what conditions would need to be fulfilled if such projects were to be implemented in Poland?
Media education in shaping the future of mass media
The subject of the contribution is the importance of media education for the future of mass media. The reason for considering this relationship are changes in the media reception. The nature of these changes and the threats posed to the media illustrate the results of research on new patterns of media consumption. The key research question is what and how it can help the media to overcome new challenges. In searching for the answer to this question, research findings and reports on the changing preferences of media recipients and literature studies on the essence of media education were used. The first allowed the identification of the most important threats to the media, the second indicated the special role of media education in counteracting the negative effects of changes. The main areas of interest of media education are: education about the media, education through the media, education for the media. The most important for the future of mass media is the area of education for media, which focuses on the theory and practice of the media. As an integral part of edagogy that deals with the whole-life development of man and his environment, he is to prepare for proper understanding and active use of the media, as well as to support the training of specialists to work in them. Both practical and practical actions have been proposed for the implementation of these two tasks.
Visual literacy of PR recipients in the media sphere – anxieties
In the times of the image culture, an extremely important element of media education is the dissemination of knowledge about the specifics and determinants of visual communication in the media, especially those inspired by public relations tools. The world of influencers, youtubers and video bloggers is often the environment for the dominant reception of media messages among kids and young adults, especially those with smartphones. The paper aims to outline areas in which knowledge about imaging has its application in the area of media education, and to provide examples of PR activities shaping the reception in these fields. Visual media education should develop the visual literacy of recipients including knowledge on PR visual activities. Through the intentional and creative use of visual competencies, the recipient can better communicate with others. At the same time, the awareness of the participation of PR tools in media content is related to social attitudes of children and young people, especially to the consumption and market behaviours.
Online Social Networks Based On Decentralized Architecture (DOSN) and improvement of the security and privacy of social media users
OSN (Online Social Networks), and thus “traditional” social media, are characterized by a centralized architecture. Therefore, all user data is stored logically in the servers of the service provider. This leads to many cases of abuse, such as monetization of users’ data, violations of the security and privacy of individuals. The search for alternative solutions combined with the development of information technology has led to the creation of a new type of social media that distinguishes the decentralized structure. DOSN (Decentralized Online Social Networks) are created using P2P technology, a Web-based network or with a Blockchain protocol. Decentralized portals use additional encryption tools and cryptography, so they can ensure better control of users’ privacy and increase their autonomy. The aim of this article is to present DOSN as sites providing better mechanisms to protect the privacy and security of users than social media with centralized architecture.
Bloger as a shopping advisor. Building trust and relationships with the recipient on the example of blogs www.macademiangirl.com and www.ekskluzywnymenel.com
Making decisions about the purchase of products are often suggested by the information provided by bloggers, as well as their opinions, suggestions, or advice. Increasingly, this is done without the traditional forms of advertising. This article describes questions related to building trust to bloggers in social media and issues related to creating relations between bloggers and their recipients. The aim of the paper was to examine how bloggers become popular sellers of various products. The author tries to find answers to the following questions: What are the tools and techniques for building trust between bloggers and recipients? How the selection of the techniques is changing over time? Which of them are the most effective? To achieve the goal, two blogs were analyzed, the authors of which became sellers of selected products. The presented analysis allows to better understand how the processes of establishing relationships, building trust, and possibly influencing the shopping decisions of Internet users are observed in the Internet space.
Phenomena such as globalization, marketization of the public sector institutions, and the massification of higher education have brought about the necessity to reshape academia and its modus operandi. The progressive digitization of society has caused that new technologies and their tools, thus the Internet and the social networking, have become an important element of the functioning of the university. This has led to the development of a completely new range of issues, such as the democratization of the universities, innovative ways of pursuing their learning mission, digital exclusion, and the weakening of the archetypal master-student relationship. The aim of this article is to present selected aspects of the functioning of universities in social media in critical terms, focusing on the axiology of the topics discussed.
Formed in 2004, the social networking site Facebook for more than 10 years of existence has become the most popular medium of the information society in the world. In 2010, it has already had more than 500 million users, and today more than a two and a half billion people in the world use this medium. In 2008, a Polish version of the portal started functioning. The growing interest of users of the portal has been recognised by the business world. Most companies already have their profiles on Facebook. Through the “like it” they allow their clients to take advantage of the many attractions. Through the possibility of becoming a part of the community of customers of the company, the user is informed about special offers, he is granted discounts only available through the portal, or obtains information about new products. The purpose of this article is to verify the claim, and
that with the increasing popularity of Facebook is growing importance as a source of economic
and marketing portal. Research methods will be used in the article, based on an analysis of avail-
Commercial channels try to acquire the biggest number of listeners possible by taking more and more varied measures. This article thesis aims at analysing the mechanisms of attention management targeted at the listeners on the basis of two broadcasts in RMF FM radio: Byle do piątku by Ewelina Pacyna and Przepis na weekend by Krzysztof Urbaniak. The results show that the methods of attracting attention used by the radio presenters are not limited to the implementation of certain techniques but also rely on building sincere relations between the listeners and the presenters.
This article presents elements of management process of broadcast station based on an example of Radio Kraków, focusing on emotions of listeners in creating the strategy of this broadcast station. The author notices that broadcast station is a specific type of media organization which loses its uniqueness and symbolic character under the convergence process. Thanks to making two categories of radio listeners, the paper presents differences in influencing on their emotions during listening to a radio station. Pointed at the need for superior engagement of present managers in the management of broadcast station by immaterial values including emotions.
Crisis situations require quick decisions which are to reduce as much as possible the risk of losses for a given organization. In the case of media organizations, reactions to a crisis should be bilateral. In addition to their own internal decisions, media are supposed to report on crisis to the public. The author of the considerations wonders media coverage has an impact on the course of crisis. Based on an example of economic crisis in the USA in 2007–2009 were considered the effects that media reports or their lack can bring for the economic situation.
Transhumanism has a great influence on the evolution of our society. It is defined as an ideology that perceives constant changes in a human being over the years. They are determined mainly by the unavoidable development of technology affecting i.a. creation of the first cyborgs or postmen. Transhumanism is also perceived in the use of various prostheses or implants as well as in wearable technologies and 3D printing. The aim of the study is to present the concept of transhumanism and its development, as well as to get to know the opinions of both scientists and respondents about this phenomenon. Their answers are not unambiguous, therefore in this article the author will strive to answer the question whether transhumanism is the future or perhaps the destruction of our civilization. The researcher used both qualitative data (analysis of existing data) and quantitative data (conducting a survey among respondents).
The article presents the two main variants of media performance on the basis on their location. The first one is a frame for ongoing social phenomena. The key concept illustrating this type is Piotr Sztompka’s theory of social becoming, and specifically the term praxis. The influence of descriptions of the surroundings, including the ideological surroundings, on a completed piece as well as on practical and discursive consciousness, have also been taken into consideration. The other variant of media performance is related to creating new situations and media environment according to the instruction for building the agenda and in compliance with precise requirements for the structure. The text contains: the descriptions of qualities of both variants, a comparison to other performance genres, by analogy and amplification, and reflections on the feedback mechanism, the influence, and the agency associated with all sorts of media performance. The category of delegated performance as a media performance has been discussed here in more detail. The text adopts the processual perspective, which, according the author, delivers a far more integrated understanding of such cultural aspects as media performances, their means and determinations of creation, the influence they have, and the changes they undergo, which remain in tight relation to technological progress.
Brand and its capital are now one of the company’s most important intangible assets. A strong, well-positioned brand stands out against others and therefore improves competitive advantage. Web search engines are commonly used to review brand reviews and this find information in them to significantly shape the reputation of the product or service. The article attempts to identify the opportunities and threats of using image positioning, and hence the search engine reputation (SERM). To achieve the research objective, the case study method was applied. The article argues for the need to manage the reputation of a company on the Web, showing in this context the specificity of search engines.
Unique experiences, phenomenal sensations and development opportunities – these are the challenges that clients constantly set for producers. Experience, as a foundation for humanitarian and social marketing dimension, is becoming a new paradigm for a given field. The aim of the study is to analyse the process of building and managing consumers’ experience. Therefore, the author has set following question as the basis of the theme: how the process of consumer experience’s design looks like and how organisations deal with its management. The main subject of scientific analysis covers IKEA’s social experiment. Qualitative research methods include content analysis and an interview.
The aim of the present article is to analyse the mechanisms of self-representation and how the personal brand is being built by the Instagram users, with a particular emphasis on practices which fit into the culture of narcissism. The author uses qualitative methods based on a content analysis of Instagram profiles belonging to selected celebrities and celetoids. The group selection is intentional: the ten accounts which have been brought under study have the greatest number of followers according to the Social Blade rank. The author also reviews and analyses Polish and English literature on the phenomenon of Instagram, paying attention to its content and discussing research related to self-representation through this platform.
Article contains reflections on limited possibilities that media companies have in reaching out to the users out of their natural readers group. Article bases on the conception of filter bubbles coined by Eli Pariser, that is describing the phenomenon of limiting access to information by algorithms automatically sorting the priorities of information on the basis of behavioral history of individual Internet user. Article presents results of analysis of media content available via Google search engine to the group of Internet users with various socio-political views. Following researching techniques were used in the research: poll; qualitative data analysis; literature analysis. Research results made it possible to describe limitations that media managers are facing with increasing the reach of their media websites. Article presents the way that filter bubbles are affecting not only the public debate limitations but as well methods used to manage media companies with special emphasis on marketing activities of specific media organizations.
The difficulty in discussing the notion of information lies in the fact that the general concept of information – both linguistic and cultural – must be extracted from the various fields and contexts within which it is used. And these are contexts and domains very diverse. The scientific concept of information extends from physics and biology, computer science and cybernetics to the methodology of science and philosophy. Even more complex is the situation when it comes to information in the world of electronic media. Information research is so fragmented and so specialized that it is extremely difficult to isolate individual dimensions of information from them, and even more difficult to grasp the whole picture. “Information is a representation of something in a specific form that someone has given to this representation”. Philosophers, communication specialists, methodologists often argue or call information can be the content of the message, which does not enrich the knowledge of the recipient. This discussion of the concept of information in the world of electronic media is extremely important. The author would like to present an interdisciplinary review of the definition and refer it mainly to information communicated in electronic media. It should be noted that information can be interpreted in broader or narrower terms depending on the content or the accepted system of references. In broad terms, information is understood as “content taken from the outside world in the process of our adaptation and adaptation of our senses”. In the narrow sense, the information refers to the message “obtained by man through observation or mental activity, transmitted in the sender (man) – recipient (man)”. Increasingly, the concept of information becomes a key category, a central point of reflection, which is a common set of research conducted at the interface between different disciplines and disciplines. Discussing the current role of electronic media, it is impossible to discuss this without defining the role of information.
Launched in 2012, The Polish Social Insurance Institution Electronic Services Platform (PUE ZUS) has been a key innovation in functioning of the Polish social security system. The citizens have gained the possibility to check data entered into their accounts in The Polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS). The main goal of this article is analysis of the relation between insured persons and the data entered into their individual accounts in The Polish Social Insurance Institution in the context of opportunities and threats for the functioning of Polish social security system. Author of the article has given much attention to the role of PUE ZUS in shaping social security of the citizens, especially in the face of the thorough reform of the Polish social security system in 1999.
In the Shadow of Google – the Market Value of the Media
Some media organizations are present on stock exchanges that determine their market value. In this way, the Alphabet conglomeration created by Google and Google as the most important part of it has been valued by the New York Stock Exchange for over $500 billion. The value of Google’s brand, Millward Brown, was valued at $229 billion. Most media are, however, out-of-stock, and setting a market value is important to them because of the different transactions they are involved in. Most often they are sold but also shared, indebted, merged, etc. In these transactions, market value is important. Among the various components that make up the value of the media are the so-called intangible assets associated with the name, scale of impact, market position. The theoretical basis for measuring the market value of the media is in the area of interest mainly in media economics, as well as in law, management, marketing, accounting and finance. Four main valuation methods have been developed: cost, market, income, mixed. The most well-known in Poland are the rules for the valuation of the press titles of two scientists Tadeusz Kowalski and Jan Kania and free tools for valuing websites. The demand for valuation will be increasing, and thus the development of their scientific basis. The main research directions, followed by the expected recommendations for valuation practice, are connected with the essence of mass communication, with the changes that take place in it, with the characteristics of the various types of media.
Management in Media Organization Seems to Be a Reality, That is Ethically Sensitive
Business ethics are more than just words used to enhance the image of a corporation; they are the very foundation of success. Business ethics should be applied at the very moment of management.
Due to humanistic management, human is always a goal of every acting. The ethics of a business have the power to help or harm people. Business ethics are important because if an enterprise lacks ethics, the employees, the customers, and everyone else involved with the company can be harmed. This article summarises the findings from a study of practicing managers: Ted Turner and Rupert Murdoch, which explored experiences of and views on decision making about actual ethical issues in organizations. The analysis covers issues such as history of Ted Turner System and News Corp. organizations, developing mission, vision and value, strategy formulation, dilemma of a profitability, ethical and social responsibility and influence and role of manager in media organization. Postulating to instill ethics into decision making, creating vision and strategy in media management seems to be very universal.
The paper is an analysis of the impact of human resources policy on information management in the main news broadcast of the first channel of the Polish Television. This article introduces the reader to the issue of human resources policy in the public media with the background of personal changes in the Polish Television after the change of power as a result of the parliamentary elections in 2015 and the impact of these changes on the way that political news are structured. In the empirical part, selected materials presented in Wiadomości, before and after the personnel reconstruction in Polish Television were examined. Using the Case Study as one of the basic ways of conducting qualitative research in humanistic management and the analysis of the content of audiovisual materials, the following events were analyzed: 11.01.2015 – XXIII Finale of the Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy; 12. and 19.12.2015 – crisis around the Constitutional Court and demonstrations of the KOD (Komitet Obrony Demokracji/the Committee for the Defence of Democracy); 13.12.2016 – manifestations of the KOD on the 35th anniversary of the impose of martial law; 15.01.2017 – XXV Finale of the Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy. The research conducted in an objective and free of author’s interpretation way, leaves the reader with the opportunity of an individual reflection on changes in the ways that selected materials were presented.
The purpose of this article is the comprehension of some, often controversial, features of understanding of plagiarism problem with various perspectives, especially in the context of axiology and philosophy, on the ground of information gathered during the “Reception of plagiarism” expert survey (carrying-out period: June–November 2016), which covered members of the Scientific and Methodological Commission of Journalism and Information of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and university professors of Ukraine. Moreover, the article covers the issue of plagiarism in mass media, in particular deals with copy-and-paste phenomena, as well as cyber plagiarism.
Experiencing death is one of the elements of life that has found its place on the Net. Elements of social life published on the Internet are repeatedly interpreted and read by their users. The world of the Internet exists parallel to the real world. Death has its virtual representations. There are voices saying that the Internet, which is an electronic form of commemorating people, is “better than a material form of commemorating the deceased, because (...) it will survive as long as the Internet survives”. Experiencing, commemorating and celebrating one’s own and someone else’s death on the Internet in the face of the “virtual presence of others” is no longer just reserved for Blog or virtual cemeteries but has moved to the Facebook platform. The accounts of the deceased on this platform are in the form of virtual tombstones, often run by people closely associated with the account owner. The subject of my analysis was content (moderator posts, guest posts posted in the comments) posted on the Facebook social network, assigned to an active account called “Anna Przybylska”. I have reduced the analysis to the interpretation of images, signs and photographs to show how these contents (representations of death) influence the way Facebook experiences them. This analysis was used to find the answer to the question: How and to what extent Facebook allows Internet users to experience (through the interpretation of someone else’s death and accompanying images) mourning. The text takes the form of research investigations combined with multi-faceted considerations about death in contemporary culture, in particular manifested by mass communication.
The subject matter of the article is cinema and television in Europe, and more precisely the influence of the United States on their development and the way of counteracting this domination. The reason for the interests presented in the text is the conviction of the important role of the film in the life of every human community. The article answers the question of whether Europe is only a profitable market for American corporations and it draws attention to the fact that media history in the world is a history of mutual relations between American and European media. The growing importance of the United States in relation to the media caused the European Union had to take steps to prevent this domination, inter alia by issuing a number of legal acts, co-production, creation of European works and various forms of state aid. The aim of the article is to prove that Europe has a long history of involvement in media and audiovisual policy, despite the strong position of the United States and its various activities include the creation and development of regulatory frameworks, creation of financing programs and even representation of European interests outside the European Union. In the article, the author refers to a number of books, articles, legal acts and research.
Through the selection of human death incidents and the appropriate title design, Internet portals make information available to readers in a unique way. This article presents how the most popular Polish online information services (onet.pl, gazeta.pl, wp.pl and interia.pl), using necromarketing practices for positioning information products. Research provided in this paper shows that the most intensified activities in necromarketing scope are conducted by interia.pl. It concerns both the intensity of sharing such headlines on the home page and the most expressive composition of them. The activities of this portal Author called as the strategy of necromarketing offensive. The other three websites implement a strategy of necromarketing mimeticism – similar to the competition for the presentation of death related topics.
The evolution of marketing managing in companies has led to the increase of brand’s significance and its position on the market, where it competes for customer’s purchase funds. Nowadays, as for marketing communication, companies are forced to look for some innovative tools which can be used to promote their own brand. Good brands are considered to be one of the companies’ most lasting resources. Modern marketing uses a wide variety of communication tools. What has become to be more appreciated over time is event marketing, which creates an opportunity of direct contact between the customer and the brand, of experiencing it in action, and engaging the customer in its world. It constitutes the alternative to the classical communication techniques, which are not effective anymore. The aim of this publication is to demonstrate that marketing actions of this nature, conducted on the local media level, can easily become a very efficient tool of marketing communication. To prove the thesis in question, an example of local media events, realised in Silesia by Dziennik Zachodni, has been used.
Google, once a student project, now a real empire of the ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) industry. Its power Google has built on the commercialization of information and the access to it. Its trailblazing project – the search engine, has ensured it nearly monopolistic position on the search market. Google its success on this marketplace does not owe only to the creation of the very useful and functional information search tool; the influence on it has had many more indirect factors, which has foredoomed the fiasco of other offering the same product competitory corporations.
People from the beginning of history assumed the mask. In tribal cultures, they were accompanied by magical rituals and rites of passage. Currently masks are attributes of superheroes. Today we assume virtual mask. We’re trying to create the perfect look. For this purpose, we use online games, and social media, especially Facebook web portal, called the great book of faces. The article presents the results of research (content analysis, focus groups) conducted among students on Facebook and avatars.
The aim of this study is an attempt to answer the question as to whether Facebook, the leading social networking site, is a blessing or a curse of the Internet. Apart from the literature and the author’s own knowledge, results from a study on the degree of satisfaction of respondents from the use of Facebook were also referred to.
The pros and cons of Facebook were presented. During February–May 2015 the author’s own survey on the Internet was conducted. This survey was targeted at Facebook users in Poland. Nonprobability methods: a convenient selection and then snowball sampling were used. Because the sample was not representative, it did not give rise to statistical inferences about the population of Facebook users. However, it allowed the formulation of assumptions about the trend.
Three spheres of Facebook: functionality, layout and security were evaluated. Respondents attributed the weight of the individual characteristics of each sphere, and then they assessed the degree of satisfaction from these characteristics. For this purpose, a Likert scale was used. The degree of satisfaction with the website’s services was examined by constructing a customer satisfaction index.
The aim of this article is to present the possibilities and scope of the use of Facebook and some other selected social media services in marketing communication of automotive brands in Poland. The
theoretical basis of scholarly literature relating to the described problem. In the empirical part,
the results of the author’s own research are presented, on the topic of social networking sites in marketing communications of mentioned companies. For the purposes of this study audit of web sites content (the way of communicating about possessing profiles on sites, the location of social plugins in the structure of the web page) and social media profiles of each brand was carried out. On this basis, the diagnosis of the state of the current use of social media in promotional programs of surveyed entities was done.
Dynamically changing enterprise environment and the development of information technology pose a lot of challenges in front of each business unit, and especially in front of banks as institutions of public trust. Distribution channel of information between banking enterprises and buyers of their products and services increasingly provides a Facebook as a social networking site which allows interaction with customers, asking questions, exchanging insights, observations and comments. The purpose of this article is to present the social networking site Facebook as a distribution channel of information between the banking business and its customers.
Polish Humanitarian Organization – the social leader at Facebook
In the age of continued instability, constant crises, age of not coping with building-up problems of the globalizing world, increasingly the role of social leaders is taken by non-governmental organizations, such as Polska Akcja Humanitarna. It quickly and accurately diagnoses social problems, in order to reduce them. In order to meet the challenges posed in front, not only by its own region or country, but also by the globalizing world, it performs its tasks at the level of the general public. In carrying out the mission of global humanitarian aid it uses, inter alia, modern marketing communications tools, including the interactive communication in social media.
Social media and social campaigns. „Facebook is not life” as an example of a social campaign about and on Facebook.
Today’s world, speeding in optical fibers of new technologies, largely focusing on Internet users a variety of social media, forced the non-profit institutions – organizations, foundations education in the fields of social problems using their tools. You do not have Facebook? Today you do not exist – say these modern young generation X, Y and Z on high-speed connections drifting across borders globalized world. In it they create its image – professional, personal, intimate. Because a wide range of Facebook, unmatched in the flow of relevant and irrelevant information, and the low cost of the promotion are the arguments, which does not have any traditional medium. Thus leading social campaigns on Facebook opens up significant opportunities. They also apply to two issues directly related to it – undesirable social contacts, rejection or addiction. The first refers to Polski Czerwony Krzyż campaign in 2010 entitled: “Facebook is not life”. Through its analysis sought to show how Facebook, based on the mechanisms of rapid and shallow Internet communications, affects interpersonal relationships, especially socializing and what it could have consequences in real life. This step in the social environment rated as fast action, regardless, unconditional and reckless consequences that direct contacts, especially sexual, would be tragic and irreversible.
The campaign was a success. In two days led to social, international discourse (in 150 countries) on the mindless making friends, which usually takes place on Facebook, in the context of prevention of HIV.
Social media has become an integral part of the life of modern society. Facebook is the most popular social media, his role was primarily to share information about your friends and share with them any content. Currently, the possibility of use Facebook are more widely, among other things enables banks to forming relationships with customers (current and potential). The benefits of social networking are double-sided – for consumers it is a form of access to banking services, for financial institutions access to information about the behavior and needs of their customers. The aim of this article is to present the role of Facebook in banks marketing activity in the context of social media. The article will be shown directions of the use of Facebook by selected banks, as well as will be described marketing activity of these institutions to their profiles on social networking sites.
The author describes several years of experience in teaching student groups and describes the role that Facebook can play when working with students. He highlights its importance in communication and mobile education. In the conclusion the author points out that the most important function of Facebook is to inform the academic community about the organization activities, current events and integrate the group when one is its supervisor. The educational functions of Facebook only complement traditional classes and works hops held in lecture halls.
Polish public media companies are facing strategic choices which are promising but difficult to implement. These exceptional opportunities are especially important to the regional media and they refer to both the Polish Television as well as the radio stations. They result from the deepening of the strategic gap created as a consequence of the erosion of the competitive advantages of traditional providers of media content, particularly regional press. In the face of a lasting trend of dropping sales and readership (and consequently advertising revenue) of newspapers and their weak position in the new media, there is now space for development which can, and should be, filled by the public media. The use of this strategic opportunity may accept the obligations of the public media – which result from their public mission – with providing high – quality media content and it should be based on the strategy of public media companies “the television and radio interactions”.
The phenomenon of “the always connected traveler” has been witnessed in the aviation industry during over the last decades. It refers to the actions of air passengers who use mobile devices at every stage of their journeys. The changes in travelers’ behavior and the development of mobile technology contributed to the transformation of marketing strategy in the air service market. This paper investigates the determinants of the airports’ presence in the social networks especially their brands’ presence on Facebook.
Creating a personal brand is when the current market conditions one of the most popular activities undertaken. Personal brand is gaining on its potential value also becoming emotional nature. The bond linking her with her repeatedly buyer goes beyond the standard approach of strategic communication campaigns. Based on the recipient’s emotions, trying to be the most engaging, with time, become an important part of life recipient. Same social media are tools, usually unpaid, allowing in a permanent dialogue with existing fans of the brand and potential future – because it allows also to establish contacts with people. Building this special bond is possible through continuous contact with the customer, based on dialogue. Perfectly suited such a situation of social media. Thanks to the activities in social media, the brand becomes visible to humans. In addition, they allow you to create your own content. Such tools are blogs – or online journal, video and photo sites, social networking sites, forums, and even podcasts and Internet radio. One of the most frequented social networking is Facebook. It was he who offered the holidays due to the possibility of actions that may be in the context of use has become much preferred tool for creating personal brands through building relationships and customer relationships. The successes generated by the personal brand using Facebook to relational activities are no longer just incidental but with proper involvement of the same brand become almost the norm. It is an excellent source of motivation but also an innovative idea for a business activity that is thanks to the strong personalize these actions may allow to generate a completely new quality on the market.
Social media are now present in almost every market. Their importance grows along with gaining an increasing number of users. The popularity of social media is huge. It must have business consequences, especially in the area of marketing. Interesting phenomenon in the area of social media are blogs.
The article shows a marketing dimension to the functioning of social media. The aim of the article was to present the social media, especially blogs, in the context of their marketing usability.
Human resources management in public media.
Case study TVP Katowice
It seems that the employers’ approach to their employees ought to change in the context of human resources management of public media. In fact, what should be considered most important is ‘change-oriented thinking’, which means positive thinking and encouraging creativity. One might presume that the apparent restructuring process in public media – and the one conducted in 2014 by the public broadcasting service may be regarded as such – is a realisation of the Copernicus-Gresham law, where ‘bad money’ drives out good. In reality, it is all about creating new ways of economising and there is no evidence pointing towards any changes in the foreseeable future. Moreover, the common belief dominating the global discourse that employees, equipped with suitable knowledge, abilities and skills decide about the company’s position on the market – in reference to Polish public media may be regarded merely as an academic discussion related to HR managing. The example of the above-mentioned deliberations is TVP Katowice, where for a number of years many areas have been consistently undergoing a restructuring process, first and foremost – the area of human resources (with a special focus on creative employees). It may be assumed that the analysis of the TVP Katowice case is representative of the other 15 regional public television centres, which similarly to Katowice have financial problems, which consequently leads to restructuring (dismissing employees). The aim of this publication is to demonstrate that politics and economy are two significant determiners having influence over human resources managing in Polish public media. Which in reality affects explicit actions undertaken by the regional media, to which they are obligated by law.
Public institutions in social media on the example of Facebook in an international perspective
Although the existence of public institutions in social media may be perceived by a part of the society as an unserious endeavor, however it is not possible to disregard the space where citizens of every country of the world are present. Therefore both public administration, as well as cultural institutions should integrate the new way of communication with theirs customers not only in a marketing strategy, remembering about threats associated with a new modus operandi. The aim of the article is to discuss the characteristics of the use of social media by tax administrations and museums in selected countries of the world with a special focus on Facebook. For analysis tax institutions and well-known museums in selected countries of three continents were chosen.
Selected legal aspects of media tabloidization. Protecting
the image of celebrities
It would seem that modern media constantly balance on the edge of law, common decency and morality. Puzzling might be the reason why these unlawful procedures keep happening even though regulations exist in the Polish law, however not sufficient. In fact, there are many causes. The consumers’ interest in the offered product appears to be one of the most important. The immediate consequence of this phenomenon is the tabloidization of media. Searching for scandals, gossips and drama in every sense of the word, has become the driving force behind the media market. It can be assumed that the media are slowly losing their independence, following the defined (in their judgement) needs of society. The financial aspects outweigh the quality and the reliability of given content. Journalism, as a public trust profession, imposes on the broadcasters and the publishers the duty of acting pro publico bono. It is associated with fulfilling a certain mission and serving the public. Honest journalism, that is in line with the norms of ethics and is fully responsible for the effects of the publications may be considered as such. Unfortunately, the customary practice suggests that the journalists very often decide to overstep the boundaries set by the legislators. Their actions are fully conscious and what is more, desired and accepted by the employers, all the while being consistent with the economic interest of a given media organisation. It results in operating on the edge of the existing law, leading up to an increasing number of public image rights violation claims. The Polish law is not adapted to the changing media reality. The review of judicial decisions shows that the current rules must be updated and specified. Both media representatives and public figures ought to be aware that they operate within the law and if they are to go beyond it, they do that knowingly, on their own responsibility, and that there are legal consequences to be suffered.
System of social communication is constantly evolving. The history of media shows that new technologies play a significant role in the formation and perception of social environment. In the 21st century, the influence of the Internet on the functioning of the social, political and media institutions has become a subject of interest shared by numerous scholars working within the field of communication and social sciences.
Changes in the area of the media are thought to have important economic, cultural, and social consequences. However, the nature and scale of these changes are rather controversial (Briggs i Burke 2010). Technological changes, also those occurring in the world of media, result in drawing two risky conclusions. First of them is that the changes are perceived as an enemy (things are getting worse); second of them is – in opposition to the first one – that changes are seen as progress. In the media, the newest technologies have transformed the nature of the work of organisation and media workers, range of persons creating content, ways of retrieving and spreading information, ways of creating news, as well as ways of news consumption. This article presents changes taking place in the media environment and attempts to indicate further possible directions taken by these changes.
The article undertake to indicate the possible direction in which they follow the media and journalism in the era of the dominance of social media, with a focus on the role of Facebook. Is the journalist continues to be the provider of news? What comes down the function of searching for information? Where consumers are looking for news and whether a journalist is still a credible figure?
How does Facebook traps us in a bubble. The Facebook’s content filter algorithm vs filter bubble effect
The aim of the article is to analyze the relations between the Facebook’s content filter algorithm system and the filter bubble effect – a digital bubble that surrounds a user with personalized content and information, also isolating him from the information that does not fir his viewpoint.
The Facebook’s content filter algorithm – also known as EdgeRank – is controversial due to its mechanism that prevents certain amount of information from reaching user. This invisible selection system might significantly affect the way we perceive the world – it traps us in a peculiar information bubble.
The presented conclusions are to help in understanding the way the EdgeRank works, how it results in creating filter bubbles and what are the main threats being posed by it as well as the methods of reducing its negative effects.
The article is divided into five chapters:
1. Facebook as a source of information.
2. The Facebook’s content filter algorithm.
3. Filter bubble in theory and in reality.
4. The consequences of being trapped in a information bubble.
5. How to reduce the negative effects of filter bubble?
The article presents the most important festivals of street art in Poland in 2014: the reasons of uprising, distinctive features, the ways of organizing and being held. Festival is shown as typical urban phenomenon, with the character referring to carnival’s parade and with the roots reaching the ancient times. These days, the performances in urban space are becoming a common way of getting to the new viewers, showing heretofore existing kinds of performance in another context – full of immediacy and unpredictability. The materials were collected with usage of the Internet sources and also by ethnographical methods – directly from the participants.
Technological innovations are becoming a truly global phenomenon in the course of the twentieth first century. The article draws attention to the issue of sponsorship of two innovative projects dedicated to classical music – The Met Live in HD movie-theatre transmissions and Digital Concert Hall concerts on demand. The text shows how NGOs and commercial companies have been supporting the projects. The analysis includes all supporters. These are, respectively, Bloomberg, Toll Brothers and The Neubauer Family Foundation for The Met, and Sony and Deutsche Bank for Berliner Philharmoniker. Case study was chosen as the research method. The analysis revealed flexibility between the patterns of sponsorship and patronage, as well as absence of CSR term within campanies’ self-descriptions, except Deutsche Bank case.
The entrance of the print media unto the Internet required publishers to adopt a new strategy. Their goal was on the one hand, to introduce their publications unto the new electronic market, and on the other hand, to increase their market competitiveness. The process of adopting Internet technology by these print media publishers, did not occur in a uniform manner. These publishers accepted varied strategies, regarding the methods employed, as well as their approach to their heretofore, print media publications.
The functioning of print media publishing houses in cyberspace, also brought the necessity of changing prior work principles in the editorial staff, as well as in the organization of the newsrooms. In addition, the editorial staffs had to contend with heretofore unknown challenges, and take up challenges, for which they were not prepared. These challenges dealt with the specifics of the Internet readership, as well as the defense of intellectual copyrights in the Internet, additionally introducing some kind of payment on the part of the public for the content they were reading. As practice was to show, not all of the solutions introduced by the e-publishers turned out to be effective.
Facebook and other social media have existed for more than 10 years. During this time the portals, destined to build relations in different fields, have become tools used intensively by the business environment. Primarily, Baby Boomers haven’t understood the fascination of ICT (Information and Communication Technology), X generation have accepted them with reserve, meanwhile twenty and thirty-year-olds have realized they are powerful tools, useful for promoting their businesses.
The purpose of this paper is to present the possibilities of establishing new communication schemes using social media and to present the basic characteristics of new social media and their role for start-ups. To achieve the objective of the article the marketing (especially Internet marketing) literature (both domestic and foreign) has been used, as well as author’s own observation, gained during participation in international projects (while working on this project, the generation Y and Z group survey was made) and during running her own consulting agency.
The following theses are taken into consideration:
1. Modern companies must adopt to their business philosophy, based on new economy to avoid slow decay.
2. Internet community that feels involved in any business project is more likely to support, give advice and share its own experience with the newcomers, because they feel to be a part of the business and responsible for start-ups development without a will to be rewarded.
As a starting point, the author defines the term ‘new economy’ and its relation to the term of new business environment (which is a broader conceptual category). The article shows that the types of Internet users in social media are in many aspects consistent with those observed in other countries. Polish Internet users (running often their own start-ups’ business) are present and active in many social networking sites (including all key sites of global reach), in blogs – where they have their accounts, as well as in content communities. They share a lot of media, using them for many different purposes (not only related to making and maintaining contacts), thus new businesses must adopt their philosophy to the new online reality if they want to gain a competitive edge and survive among these larger and more experienced ones.
For that reason, this article aims at describing the phenomena of new economy and constitutes an introduction to further empirical research.
The aim of the article is to present the importance of the current business presence in social media channels in the process of building image of firm in the mind of the consumer. The use of real-time marketing will of course require the company’s ongoing monitoring of consumer activity and important economic, economic, social and cultural events, but also bring a much faster effect in terms of brand awareness than planned well in advance advertising campaigns. In this way, make full use of the potential and specific nature of social networking and gaining a “human face”. The development of the phenomenon of real-time marketing proves that those benefits are clear and significant for many companies. The basis of empirical studies will provide observations of activities in the field of real-time marketing in a number of social networking sites.
Facebook as an Element of Strategic Management or Broadcasters Ball and Chain. Example of Estonia and Poland
The social media are more and more important in creating the strategy for conventional media development. The aim of this article is to demonstrate how social media as Internet tools can diversify access to media and affect on the dynamics of dialogue with readers. Discovering the specifics of the Internet communication via social media becomes important. The article contains the characteristics of leading national dailies in Estonia and Poland and description their Facebook profiles. The authoress has examined the number of entries, likes and news sharing on dailies official Facebook profiles in the first two weeks of April 2015 (1.04.2015–15.04.2015). The results of the analysis are far from optimistic. The official dailies profiles available on Facebook are not a represent significant platform for dialogue. There are not effective for maintaining relationships between customers and newspapers. Maintaining a Facebook account in many cases seems to be only a necessity. In most cases it is not a complementing channel of communication between traditional press and readers. Only a few media publishers can lead account on Facebook in effective way.
Facebook is one of the most popular social networking sites. Via Facebook it is possible to determine very accurately the marketing messages for a target group. A precise profile is created to describe the behavior of consumers on the health care market. It provides the opportunity to use the medium in health promotion. Objective: The indication of possibilities and needs to use the medium of Facebook in marketing health care communication. Review paper based on secondary sources. In 2014 Facebook was used by 13.3 million Poles in various age ranges. There has been a growing tendency to actively use this medium. The strength of Facebook is the ability to establish direct relations, two-way communication and weakening confidence in traditional media. People seek and exchange the information on health and medical services. Institutions, medical companies that exist on the health care market try to exist in social media. Facebook is becoming a significant medium on the Polish healthcare market. In addition, it enables very precise targeting messages to specific audiences which enhances the effectiveness of health-promotion messages and health education. It helps to build trust and thus a good image of enterprises operating on the healthcare market.
An Increasing Use of Corporate Social Network by Companies for Internal Communication. The Service Facebook at Work as an Example of Innovation Communication
The object of considerations in present article is the potential of Internet technology, in particular social networking site Facebook, as an innovative tool for communication with the environment, enabling effective management motivation and loyalty of employees of public administration. The special attention was concentrated on evaluation of the new service Facebook designed for companies and business environments –„Facebook at Work”. The reader will find the description of possibilities offered by this tool to motivate a team of employees of public administration, building internal partnerships that can translate into attitudes of loyalty to the organization.
Education for Sale? Creating an Image Of A Higher Education Institution on Facebook Illustrated with an Example of Selected Private Higher Education Institutions in Poland
When a higher education institution functions as a company and is seen through the prism of market categories, it starts to function as an organization: first of all, it meets their customers’ expectations and acts so that it would satisfy their needs and demands in full. Marketing operations of higher education institutions are based on serving the needs of their customer – a student and they use the Internet as it is an environment which appeals to youth most. Higher education institutions have understood that their existence and success in education market should be based on excellent communication with the environment and distribution of their services. Facebook has turned out to be a perfect place as in crowded marketplaces one has to be able to sell himself, convince, encourage to enroll, highlight the advantages, stand out, promote a positive image in media. Higher education institutions have realized that a young person, who is success and fast profit- oriented, when he decides to pursue higher education he will look for such elements that are attractive, innovative, open to him, which invite him to co-create community of students and scholars under new principles. In order to examine how do higher education institutions develop their brand and image, what kind of tools and content is implemented using Facebook, I am going to analyse the content placed on websites of five selected private higher education institutions in Poland. It helped to show not only how important in the Internet the existence of a higher education institution is, but also what are the expectations of future students concerning higher education institutions.
The current popularity of both radio and television services in the United Kingdom which are run on a not-for-profit basis, be they operated by the BBC or to a much lesser extent by the state-owned Channel 4, attests to the strength of public service broadcasting there. Largely – as this article seeks to explain – the strengths of the BBC and the influence of the public service ethos even in the way mainstream private-sector broadcasting, especially television, is regulated, can be attributed to the importance placed upon public service media right from the 1920s. Even in this pluralistic, multi-platform, age of media proliferation, the effects can be seen of the early establishment of clear objectives and standards for the sector by its founders, which have been largely maintained by their successors. There have been many pressures on the BBC and its supporters in public life to cede territory to the commercial sector, but although change has in some respects been inevitable, the corporation’s funding model and constitution have served the population well in bolstering the BBC against such attacks on its ability to function as an important bulwark of quality broadcasting and freedom of expression in democratic society. This is not merely a matter of territory, though, of spectrum allocation and the distribution of resources. It is also about public perceptions of the BBC and its output, the trust it enjoys among its audiences and the resultant brand loyalty upon which it ultimately depends and which is firmly rooted in quality and inclusiveness. This public sector ethos has, however, almost inevitably been weakened since the 1920s, as increasingly strident voices have lobbied for greater opportunities for the private sector to generate as much profit as possible from broadcasting have gained greater traction at certain critical points in the history of broadcasting, as is now also the case in 2016.
New face of communication. Selected legal and ethical aspects of spreading contents in the cyberspace
It can be regarded as we have a problem with the application of its provisions to the content present in the network in terms of law because regulations on media infiltrate boundaries – so, and the media themselves. Polish law is not adapted to the changing technology reality. And it is not only the universal use of social media. Traditional media also taking into account the convergence process are present in the network. The purpose of this publication is to analyze certain aspects of legal regulations concerning the distribution of content in cyberspace – on the basis of the law in Poland the media. To demonstrate that self-regulation in the area of electronic media has the great advantage that it can go in a relatively short distance for the development of “new” media. In contrast, new, precise regulations in the matter of electronic media are difficult to be implemented in a short time.
Convergence has contributed to placing some media contents on different electronic platforms. Bloggers and internet users have almost taken professional journalist’s place. The evolution has affected all branches of media sector, the citizen journalism has entered into the new media and social networks have become a source of information for many people. New models of media content management are primarily targeted at reducing costs and increasing profits and at splitting off from the traditional bilateral management model. In the modern chaos of information overload society needs to have not only free, clear and segregated media content available from a variety of devices but also to share their opinion with others.
Such demand was sensed by Arianna Huffington who created the whole media empire counting more than 100 million readers from all over the world. She has created a huge opinion-forming platform (The Huffington Post) which combines a news aggregator and blogging platform together to which you can add TV channels, magazines and e-books activity. Such combination of media content aggregator activity with bloggers platform activity can be defined as “huffinization”. Media content are created by the platform users and more than 30 000 unpaid bloggers that is allowed not only to ramp up profits but also stimulate the development of political and social events.
Zarządzanie Mediami,
Tom 3, Numer 2,
2015, s. 133 - 180
Zapis debaty z Międzynarodowej Konferencji Mediów Publicznych „Media publiczne w służbie demokracji. Polskie doświadczenia na tle Europy”, 4–5 czerwca 2014
The inconstancy of business and competition models influence the need for constant redefining of media enterprises strategy. In case of polish regional radio station companies, the destabilization of subscription revenue and rules governing their division is an additional factor underlining the instability of management conditions.
The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that in the face of persistent destabilization of external factors, public media companies have limited strategic choices and may maximize their income by increasing activity in the advertising market and value co-creation with the users of media products.
The paradox of those companies actions lies in the fact that they seek for stabilization of their financial situation in the highly competitive and unstable advertising market and that the forced competition with other commercial media must accompany carrying out the public media mission.
Those solutions are based on the example of the Polish Radio Gdańsk SA.
Media, as the name suggests, mediate social communication and oftentimes also play a leading role in constructing it by manipulation (Nierenberg, 2011). Pierre Bourdieu (1998) points out that intellectuals have a moral obligation to react to media manipulation, by offering themes and ideas enriching discourses and helping to make symbolic capital (Bourdieu, 1986) socially wider accessible.
In this text we show how the media discourse currently dominating in Poland creates an image of the public sector. We claim that such an image may ignite a destructive conflict, provoking a number of managerial dysfunctions. Instead of cultivating such an image we propose an approach more oriented towards diversity, which may promote constructive conflicts, which are creative, and also support humanistic functions of management and makes the symbolic capital of the ethos of public service more easily socially available.
The essence of management, is the confident and efficient use of resources, the organization’s and the means to achieve certain goals. The advertising agency, in addition to human resources also has financial, tangible and intangible resources. However, of particular interest is intellectual property rights which has economic value and gives the advertising agency a powerful competitive edge. It is significant, therefore, that the management of intellectual property is effective. In this article, the author attempts to illustrates what the process involves.
Marketing Media (MM ) is a term which, together with the ongoing massification and interactivity of the media is becoming increasingly popular. The media in the media marketing are characterized by sending transfers, mediates them and multiply them being their recipient at the same time. Media marketing should not be regarded as a way of reaching out through the media to the client – it is the component of the management and marketing. This media marketing, not marketing products or services by the media. The article pointed out some of the tools, techniques and modern marketing communication channels used by media companies. The purpose of this publication is to analyze the aspect of marketing communication which is organization of „Action plebiscite” in the network. Exemplification of the above considerations is the „Dziennik Zachodni” acting in Silesia since 70 years.
The main issue discussed by the article concerns the question what new digital media do to traditional TV audience and how new technologies are changing television programming and the way of viewing and consumption of this medium. Technological conditions of new mobile media are a decisive part of this change, which, at the same time, is not neutral, as it poses a threat of commercialization of our privacy.
Licenses to broadcast radio and TV programmes in the light of constitutional freedoms
The right of every person to obtain information, guaranteed by Article 54 Section 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, is realized mainly through media. In order to carry out these tasks, the media need to have guaranteed, and not just confirmed by the above mentioned regulation, freedom of speech, but also the freedom to perform activities, through which they will be able to distribute information. Such guarantees can be found in Article 14 of the Constitution, whereas the ban on preventive censorship and press licensing, expressed in Article 54 Section 2 of the Constitution is a detailed guarantee of the freedom to conduct business by the media. This regulation, however, stipulates that an act of parliament may introduce an obligation to obtain a prior license to run a radio or TV station. Administrative decisions in this matter are included mainly in Chapter 5 of the Broadcasting Act, titled "Licences to broadcast programmes", (Art.33-40b). It is also necessary to point to the fact that radio and TV programme broadcast takes place within the frames of running a business activity. However, according to Article 46 Section 1 Point 5 of the Act on the Freedom to Perform a Business Activity, running a business activity in the area of broadcasting radio and TV programmes requires to obtain a license, while the detailed range and conditions of running a business activity subject to licensing are regulated by other acts of parliament. According to Article 22 of the Constitution, “limiting the freedom to run a business activity is only acceptable by means of an act of parliament and only due to an important public interest.”
Gwarantowane w art. 54 ust. 1 Konstytucji prawo każdego człowieka do pozyskiwania informacji realizowane jest głównie poprzez środki społecznego przekazu. Aby to zadanie wykonać, środki owe muszą mieć zapewnioną nie tylko poświadczoną w tym samym przepisie wolność wypowiedzi, ale także swobodę podejmowania działalności, w ramach której będą mogły informacje rozpowszechniać. Gwarancje w tym zakresie odnajdujemy w art. 14 Konstytucji. Szczegółową gwarancją swobody prowadzenia działalności przez media jest natomiast wyrażony w art. 54 ust. 2 Konstytucji zakaz cenzury prewencyjnej oraz koncesjonowania prasy. Przepis ten przewiduje jednak, że ustawa może wprowadzić obowiązek uprzedniego uzyskania koncesji na prowadzenie stacji radiowej lub telewizyjnej. Rozstrzygnięcia w tym zakresie zawarte są przede wszystkim w rozdziale 5. ustawy o radiofonii i telewizji, zatytułowanym „Koncesje na rozpowszechnianie programów” (art. 33 – 40b). Należy jednocześnie zwrócić uwagę na fakt, że rozpowszechnianie programów radiowych i telewizyjnych odbywa się w ramach prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej. Zgodnie zaś z art. 46 ust. 1 pkt 5 ustawy o swobodzie działalności gospodarczej wykonywanie działalności gospodarczej w zakresie rozpowszechniania programów radiowych i telewizyjnych wymaga uzyskania koncesji, przy czym szczegółowy zakres i warunki wykonywania działalności gospodarczej podlegającej koncesjonowaniu określają przepisy odrębnych ustaw. W myśl art. 22 Konstytucji „Ograniczenie wolności działalności gospodarczej jest dopuszczalne tylko w drodze ustawy i tylko ze względu na ważny interes publiczny”.
The article discusses the history of the development of the idea of a network as a tool for research, indicating its dispersion within science, involving the use of extremely different theoretical approaches. The text proposes to include them in the form of the parent confrontation between mainly quantitative research stream and humanistic stream, based on the idea of a network society. It indicates also that a similar breakdown occurs from the beginning of the research within the quantitative stream, taking the form of a confrontation of sociological research and physical or biological research. The article cites facts about the development of all the described tracts, leading to conclusion, that such a state of network research must recall the epistemological reflection on the one hand, and, on the other hand, it establishes the possibility of the emergence of the synthetic and interdisciplinary concepts, which potential examples it shows.
Artykuł omawia historię rozwoju idei sieciowości jako narzędzia badań naukowych, wskazując jego rozproszenie w obrębie nauki, polegające na stosowaniu skrajnie różnych podejść teoretycznych. Tekst proponuje ujęcie ich w formie nadrzędnej konfrontacji nurtu posługującego się głównie badaniami ilościowymi oraz nurtu humanistycznego, opierającego się na idei społeczeństwa sieci. Wskazuje także, iż podobne rozbicie pojawia się od początku badań sieciowych w łonie nurtu nazwanego ilościowym, przyjmując formę konfrontacji badań socjologicznych i przyrodoznawczych, głównie fizykalnych. Artykuł przytacza fakty dotyczące rozwoju wszystkich opisanych dróg, prowadząc do konstatacji, iż taki stan badań sieci musi w końcu wywołać z jednej strony refleksję epistemologiczną, a z drugiej ustanawia on możliwość pojawienia się koncepcji syntetycznych i interdyscyplinarnych, których potencjalne przykłady wymienia.
This article examines transformations of females' representation in women's magazines of Soviet and Post-Soviet times. The paper is based on case study of two domestic publications Rabotnitsa and Krestyanka of two decades before Soviet Union's collapse (1971-1990) and two decades after it (1991-2010). Using the method of content analysis, texts, visuals and advertising are analyzed in terms of portraying women as of their gender and social roles, occupational images, beauty types, body languages, and job representations. Range of topics of the women's magazines of two periods under research are compared. Major inference of the study is that Soviet propaganda and communist values are replaced by a western-style image of a woman in Post-Soviet women's magazines, yet still influenced by traditional Slavic views of womanhood.
Analysis of Financial Condition of Radio Opole (2010-2013)
The basis activity ofmedia, both public service and private is the realization of two functions: social mission and commercial. At this dualism, of which writes Robert Picard, is imposedin Polandorganizationaldualism associated with legallocation ofthe public broadcaster. On the one hand, public media imposed is the realization of specific tasks, called the mission of public media, and other public media operate as commercial companies. The situation is further complicated by the method of funding public media, where the income from the license fee only partially sufficient to cover the roles that public media imposes Polish legislator. This article is an analysis of the financial situation of one of the regional public radio stations - Radio Opole and also the voice in the debate calling for systemic change in the financing of public media in Poland.
Podstawą działania mediów zarówno publicznych jak i prywatnych jest realizacja dwóch funkcji: misji społecznej i komercyjnej. Na ów dualizm, o którym pisze Robert Picard nakłada się jeszcze w Polsce dualizm organizacyjny związany z usytuowaniem prawnym nadawcy publicznego. Z jednej strony mediom publicznym narzucona jest realizacja konkretnych zadań, zwanych misją mediów publicznych, a z drugiej media publiczne funkcjonują w charakterze spółek prawa handlowego. Sytuację dodatkowo komplikuje sposób finansowania mediów publicznych, gdzie przychody z tytułu opłaty abonamentowej tylko w części wystarczają do pokrycia zadań jakie mediom publicznym narzuca polski ustawodawca. Niniejszy artykuł jest analizą sytuacji finansowej jednej z regionalnych rozgłośni radia publicznego – Radia Opole i zarazem głosem w dyskusji nawołującej do zmian systemowych w sposobie finansowania mediów publicznych w Polsce.
The transformation of the press in the era of digital media Gazeta Wyborcza case study
Achieved in recent years the sales of national dailies shows that publishers must constantly compete within daily newspapers market, as well as they need to take actions that will be the answer to substitute products, especially television and the Internet. This leads to the blurring of the boundaries between the media - leading to their convergence. Media convergence forces press publishers strategies , not only in their development, but also to survive in a competitive market. It is appropriate in these circumstances making activities that will strengthen the position of the publishing market . The purpose of this publication is to analyze the aspect of the transformation of the press in the digital environment - the introduction of charges for the available content on the Internet , and an indication that this phenomenon also applies to the local newspaper market . Exemplification of the foregoing is Gazeta Wyborcza
Osiągany w ostatnich latach poziom sprzedaży dzienników ogólnopolskich wskazuje, iż wydawcy muszą nieustannie rywalizować na rynku prasy codziennej, jak również podejmować działania, które będą odpowiedzią na produkty substytucyjne, szczególnie telewizję i Internet. Zjawisko to powoduje zacieranie się granic pomiędzy mediami – prowadząc do ich konwergencji.
Konwergencja mediów wymusza na wydawcach prasy strategie działania dotyczące nie tylko ich rozwoju, ale również przetrwania na konkurencyjnym rynku. Celowe jest w tych warunkach podejmowanie aktywności, które pozwolą umocnić pozycję danego wydawnictwa na rynku. Celem niniejszej publikacji jest analiza wybranego aspektu transformacji prasy w środowisku cyfrowym - wprowadzanie opłat za udostępniane treści w Internecieoraz wskazanie, że zjawisko to dotyczy również lokalnego rynku prasy. Egzemplifikacją powyższych rozważań jest Gazeta Wyborcza.
In order to accomplish the mission of a public radio it is necessary to manage the broadcasting time adequately, taking into account the mission-related objectives, such as production of programs focusing on matters important for local communities. Public radio should be perceived by the audience as a reliable and trustworthy source of information. At the same time it should compete for young listeners and improve attractiveness of the program without excessive commercialization. Therefore, being a public station, Radio Rzeszów SA broadcasts a wide variety of programs focusing on information, opinions, culture, entertainment, education and sport, in compliance with its mission. Moreover, the schedule of programs is designed taking into account the criteria for the preferred programs, as defined by the National Broadcasting Council. The numerous mission-related tasks of a public broadcasting entity include programs for national and ethnic minorities. Polskie Radio Rzeszów produces and broadcasts the most refined genres of radio journalism, such as reportage and radio drama.In Rzeszów Radio these are programs for Ukrainian and Łemko minorities. The related achievements are presented in the article, which also discusses the findings of Radio Rzeszów monitoring conducted by the National Broadcasting Council as well as a survey commissioned by us.
In order to accomplish the mission of a public radio it is necessary to manage the broadcasting time adequately, taking into account the mission-related objectives, such as production of programs focusing on matters important for local communities. Public radio should be perceived by the audience as a reliable and trustworthy source of information. At the same time it should compete for young listeners and improve attractiveness of the program without excessive commercialization. Therefore, being a public station, Radio Rzeszów SA broadcasts a wide variety of programs focusing on information, opinions, culture, entertainment, education and sport, in compliance with its mission. Moreover, the schedule of programs is designed taking into account the criteria for the preferred programs, as defined by the National Broadcasting Council. The numerous mission-related tasks of a public broadcasting entity include programs for national and ethnic minorities. Polskie Radio Rzeszów produces and broadcasts the most refined genres of radio journalism, such as reportage and radio drama.In Rzeszów Radio these are programs for Ukrainian and Łemko minorities. The related achievements are presented in the article, which also discusses the findings of Radio Rzeszów monitoring conducted by the National Broadcasting Council as well as a survey commissioned by us.
E-competences of digital natives – exploration of selected e-skills. Own research study
The paper focuses on selected e-skills of young people (Generation Y, Generation Z, Net Generation) who are considered as digital natives. The article deals especially with the common belief that representatives of the young generation are proficient in the use of ICT. This is an exploration of this issue, done by seeking answer to the question whether that kind of common belief is correct? In the first part of this paper, there is an overview of selected studies and reflections related to the problem, both enthusiastic and critical. The second part is a description of research, which was conducted by the author of the paper.
W artykule uwaga koncentruje się na e-umiejętnościach młodych ludzi uznawanych za cyfrowych tubylców. Podjęta została próba eksploracji tego zagadnienia poprzez poszukiwanie odpowiedzi na pytanie: czy można jednoznacznie stwierdzić, że uznawani za cyfrowe pokolenie ludzie młodzi biegle i swobodnie posługują się komputerem posiadając w tym zakresie zaawansowane umiejętności? W pierwszej części niniejszego tekstu zaprezentowany został przegląd wybranych badań i refleksji odnoszących się do tytułowego problemu. Drugą część artykułu stanowi opis badania, które przeprowadzone zostało przez autorkę tekstu.
Hashtag and media community in the resistance environment
The article raisesthe question of the media community created in the context of resistance. The issue of retaining environments is presented based on the issues related to media messages which are created in the form of hashtags. In the network society, the media symbols becomes a meta-commentary, which may result in changes and transformations both in virtual and real area. The text is a reflection on the three aspects of the properties of the hashtag. The message is described as a tool for change, community opposition and the community of the thinks. This point of view gives the opportunity to demonstrate the interdependence that prevail in online subcultures of resistance.
Artykuł porusza zagadnienie wspólnoty medialnej tworzonej w kontekście strategii oporu. Problematyka środowisk oporowych prezentowana jest w oparciu o zagadnienia związane z przekazami medialnymi tworzonymi w postaci hashtagów. W społeczeństwie sieci, ten nośnik symboli staje się meta-komentarzem, który może doprowadzać do zmian i przekształceń zarówno w rzeczywistości wirtualnej jak i realnej. Tekst stanowi refleksję nad trzema aspektami właściwości hashtagu. Przekaz opisywany jest jako narzędzie zmiany, wspólnota sprzeciwu i wspólnota myśli. Daje to możliwość wykazania współzależności jakie panują w internetowych subkulturach oporowych
Freedom of press and other media as a system founding rule of the Republic of Poland
The catalogue of Poland’s most important system founding rules have been included in Chapter 1 of the Polish Constitution. However, the location of a given law does not determine its power. Yet it can lead to certain conclusions about its legal meaning. These norms are usually defined succinctly; therefore, it may be necessary to refer to other articles of the Constitution, especially to Article 14, which conveys the rule of the freedom of media. The role of this freedom is influenced mainly by its connection with the freedom of speech rule. It is usually emphasized in connection with realizing the principle of civil society and the rule of political pluralism on which it is based. Article 14 of the Constitution formulates a general guarantee, while further rules can be found in the chapters about the rights and freedoms of an individual (Art. 54), their extension in the press law, while the status of the radio and television is subject to special regulations (mainly the Broadcasting Act). Article 14 also involves the rights and freedoms of a human and a citizen. The basis is Article 5, while Article 14 is one of the co-defining norms. Expressing certain common values, the mentioned rule forms constitutional boundaries, within which the process of constituting the law takes place, as well as being the source of the obligation on the part of the whole state apparatus to implement the constitutional norms.
This article is based on a text by Tom Keenoy Human Resource Management, published in 2009 in a book The Oxford Handbook of Critical Management Studies. We can find there many definitions of human resource management and very detailed characterization of it, as well as about the history of the concept and its evolution over the years. We can see the process of introduction HRM to many different countries and the process of change through which it passed. This article touches the problem of reception of the popular HRM by the scientific community. In this text we may also find a description of the practices characterized the discourse of this concept and at the end a little bit criticism of it.
This article is a result of research of chosen Polish theatre advertising activity in new media. An author tried to extract their forms, starting from definitions of the “new media” and “theatrical advertisement”. She attempted to bring examples of the internet and off-line advertisements in the new media, using by theaters. The article is complemented by a list of the analyzed theaters and their presence in social media as a one of the form of advertisement in the new media.
The digitization of regional centers of Polish Television
The digitization of television signals in Poland is presented as one of the most important achievements of the media in recent years. The purpose of this publication is to present the opportunities and risks of digital technology at the regional level. The process of digitization has not resulted in a wider range of regional public television programming. After launching of Regional Television Centers, their dedicated band time lengthened by one hour. Money from the subscription only secure the production of about 40% of programs of the channel and are mostly news programs and current affairs. Other are provided with money from sponsors. In fact, digitization creates only a potential, does not give the guarantee that it will be used as financing is crucial for stable funding system. An example of the foregoing is Regional Television Katowice.
Digitalization and sharing of the cultural works on the Internet and protection of the digital resources
Digitalization is an introduction of traditional, printed or manuscript library materials or archival materials
in the form of digital data to the computer’s memory by scanning. The purpose of digitalization is primarily the protection of a collection by permanent preservation of the digital mapping of the object that belongs to the national heritage, protection of the original piece of work from excessive exploitation, devastation, theft, and finally support of the development of collections as a result of supplementing the existing original description based on a digital copy. Digitalization restricts the access to the original piece of work; however, the user while using the digital copy gets the impression of using the original. The problem of digitalization in the area of the European Union law is regulated by the recommendations of the European Parliament and of the Council and European directives, not to mention the lower-order acts. However such documents – as demonstrated in the article – lack of proper detail and accuracy.
Today, more and more often heroes of the advertising campaigns are bloggers. These are people seen by readers as a credible and influential authors. This article is an attempt to explore the phenomenon in order to answer the questions about the effectiveness of the promotion based on activities carried out in collaboration with bloggers as compared to those conducted in traditional manner by private, public and non-profit organizations.
Public regional media – between mission and the market
Media companies, in order to survive and develop on the market – need to be interested in creating positive relationships with recipients. In the period of digitalizing media – more and more diversification can be observed which may be important condition of success of media companies. However in the contrast to commercial broadcasters, public media shall do all the best and use all possible means (including new age marketing) in order to publish contents set in the mission of broadcasters. Presented in the article, studies have shown that the goodwill is created by a wide range of players in the chain of its value, and how important is the relationship between the supplier and customers, as this could result in customer loyalty to the brand – in this case, the regional public broadcaster. From the perspective of this publication are important research on public marketing assets of regional media and their use in the process of marketing communication.
New media coopetition: between consumer-creator and organization
The purpose of this article is to suggest a concept of “new media coopetition” – a comprehensive relationship between active media users and media companies as well as between the companies themselves. Co-creation of media contents by the users is a strategic challenge for media companies. Users who create texts, films or music recordings become competitors to the professional authors. Not only are users recipients and creators at the same time, but they are also competitors to media organizations. Coopetition is a strategy bringing benefits to the parties involved by making them simultaneously compete and cooperate with the competitors (users). While in the traditional version coopetition only concerns relationship between the organizations, I propose that it embraces the form of “new media coopetition”, which would also take the relationship between users and media organizations into account.
The aim of this research is to examine in detail the essence of subliminal advertising; attempt to separate the facts from the myths; and to look for the answer on two question: Does modern subliminal advertising may affect the human subconscious? Does modern subliminal advertising is any threat to humans? Author tried resolve that problems by analyzing the history of subliminal advertising. After that study he came to conclusion that the effect of subliminal advert will depend on the perception of the definition subliminal advertising. If you recognize that subliminal advertising is only subliminal stimuli, used deliberately, for marketing purposes, it should be noted that its effectiveness is rather a myth. Numerous constraints and difficulties, causes that using them for marketing purposes is unprofitable, and too risky for advertisers. If the subliminal advertisement considered as a symbol of an idea (to influence human behavior without their awareness) then it shall be defined as all the techniques that affect the subconscious mind (without detailing specific), used deliberately for marketing purposes. In this perspective, it can be concluded that subliminal advertising affects the human subconscious, although the impact is rather limited. And despite the many restrictions still poses a potential threat to consumers.
Collective management of copyright in the view of recent EU directives. Threats to the culture and authors’ property rights
Copyright collecting agencies were established to protect the property rights of authors that were threatened as a result of the development of reprographic techniques. They are subjects of special status. Responsibilities of such copyright collecting agencies were defined in the directive 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 on the harmonization of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society. This directive, however, proved not to correspond to the current requirements of the fast-growing market and the new technical possibilities. Consequently, another directive was adopted by European Parliament and by the Council, directive 2014/26/EU, which content became the subject of discussion in this paper. Issues related to the representation of entities eligible for copyright and related rights, issues related to membership in the copyright collecting agencies the structure of such agencies, issues related to the management of revenues, as well as issues related to the transparency of the activities of these agencies, reporting and multi-territorial licensing on the rights of online use of musical works were subjects of regulations of this directive. The content of the directive is to be implemented into Polish law by the 10th of April 2016. However, it seems to carry significant risk for the development of Polish culture.
Seria prezentuje oryginalne artykuły naukowe publikowane pierwotnie w ramach kwartalnika ,,Zarządzanie w Kulturze". Nowa inicjatywa poświęcona jest w całości szeroko rozumianej tematyce medialnej.
The article addresses ways in which the Ukrainian protests of late 2013 and early 2014 have been covered in mass media. The author focuses, in particular, on the analysis of media-related provocations by identifying and interpreting them in terms of the current concepts and theories such as Infotainment, Social Responsibility, and Pseudo-Events. The article examines ways in which orchestrated events – more often than not, visually catchy and captivating – are launched, i.e. introduced into information space. It also argues a proposition that, as a result of a media event thus staged, political attitudes and entire policies can be adjusted through a shift in public opinion both inside and outside a country.
Regulations of the National Broadcasting Council and their compliance with the constitutional standard on selected examples
The paper addresses the issue of the compliance of regulations issued by the National Broadcasting Council, on the basis of delegation contained in the Broadcasting Act, with art. 92 of the Constitution. I have done detailed analysis of only a few out of approx. 20 regulations issued currently by the National Broadcasting Council. The analysis show that some provisions of the said regulations have been issued in contrary to constitutional principles – violated are rules regarding the scope of the regulated matters as well as those regarding the content of the regulation. It also happens that incorrect is a wording of delegation contained in the Broadcasting Act. The legislature has delegated issues that belong to, so-called, statutory matter. Thus, a prompt intervention, of both: the legislature and the National Broadcasting Council, is required in the analysed matter.
The alternative methods of the organisation and content managing in the citizen media
The goal of this article is to find the differences in managing citizen and mainstream media. For this purpose the chosen citizen medium – Wiadomości24.pl (one of the biggest and most popular citizen journalism portal) and two mainstream media - “Gazeta Wyborcza” and “Rzeczpospolita” were compared and quantitative content analysis of the cultural publications was done. According to the Ch. Fush's definition of the alternative media, to define the medium as an alternative one, it must differ from the mainstream medium in all mentioned dimensions: journalistic production, media product structure, organizational media structure, distribution structure and reception practices. The analysis of the chosen media shows, that the portal Wiadomości24.pl, as a citizen medium, differs a lot from two chosen mainstream media in every dimension. The portal is attuned to its basic function – including the receiver within the communication process as a sender. That is why, the portal puts all responsibility on prosumers, provides as high interactivity as possible, delimits all formal requirements and offers high openness. Thanks to that, the content published by the citizen reporters is alternative to the content published in mainstream media. The alternative media are supplement for mainstream media and allow a bigger diversity and variety of the form and content. They include the receivers and encourage them to publish their own content and share their experiences with others. The alternative media cannot replace public and commercial media, but can be a supplement and sometimes the alternative offer
Media in the face of challenges of the knowledge society: economic aspects of media management in the digital economy
The article is the attempt of analyzing key aspects of the management of media companies in the knowledge-based economy. The author concluded that the main factors affecting the shape of management processes in the media market are its unique character and trends related to digitization, among others, fragmentation of the audience, the phenomenon of convergence and changes in the network environment. It was stated that processes of the media transformation determine change of leaders' status in organizations. His role within the organization is more and more often determined by heterarchical power relations, requiring an attitude of openness to continuous learning nature of the digital societyThe article is the attempt of analyzing key aspects of the management of media companies in the knowledge-based economy. The author concluded that the main factors affecting the shape of management processes in the media market are its unique character and trends related to digitization, among others, fragmentation of the audience, the phenomenon of convergence and changes in the network environment. It was stated that processes of the media transformation determine change of leaders' status in organizations. His role within the organization is more and more often determined by heterarchical power relations, requiring an attitude of openness to continuous learning nature of the digital societyThe article is the attempt of analyzing key aspects of the management of media companies in the knowledge-based economy. The author concluded that the main factors affecting the shape of management processes in the media market are its unique character and trends related to digitization, among others, fragmentation of the audience, the phenomenon of convergence and changes in the network environment. It was stated that processes of the media transformation determine change of leaders' status in organizations. His role within the organization is more and more often determined by heterarchical power relations, requiring an attitude of openness to continuous learning nature of the digital society
Seria prezentuje oryginalne artykuły naukowe publikowane pierwotnie w ramach kwartalnika ,,Zarządzanie w Kulturze". Nowa inicjatywa poświęcona jest w całości szeroko rozumianej tematyce medialnej.
Digital development strategy for traditional media. Perspectives for the Polish Radio External Service
One of the most important challenges ahead for media is the structural and organizational cooperation between the traditional business and new media. The thesis presented is based on a theory that the traditional media will never be replaced with the new media. Moreover, they evolve under the influence of the later and interact with them. Traditional media contrived the Internet and even managed to raise the ratings. However, it has changed media enterprises management approach. Polish Radio External Service is the representative of the traditional media which will effectively integrate two contrary business models: radio broadcasting with the new media. This is how this broadcaster is facing the changes that happen in the media, which have to respond the requirements of the market. The changes that has to be made in the program need to correspond to such phenomenon as globalization of the markets, new broadcasting technologies and new expectations of the audience.
Public regional media – a state, a society, the market
Media companies, in order to survive and develop on the market – need to be interested in creating positive relationships with recipients. In the period of digitalizing media – more and more diversification can be observed which may be important condition of success of media companies. How-
ever in the contrast to commercial broadcasters, public media shall do all the best and use all possible means (including new age marketing) in order to publish contents set in the mission of broadcasters. Presented in the article, studies have shown that the goodwill is created by a wide range of players in the chain of its value, and how important is the relationship between the supplier and customers, as this could result in customer loyalty to the brand – in this case, the regional public broadcaster. From the perspective of this publication are important research on public marketing assets of regional media and their use in the process of marketing communication.
The article pays attension at the threats of traditional family model in the risk society. It presents basic U. Beck`s theory foundations about risk society and family model.This article emphasizes the family role in value transmission. It indicates threats, which appeare before modern family: poverty, consum values, sex conflict, lonlyness, alcoholism, the drug habit, delinquency, prostitution
Problems of managing the process of film production In the new media environment and the realities of Polish cinema
The author points out that economic efficiency and social functioning film industry is currently in an increasingly competitive market depends to a great extent on the skilful management of the implementation process and sell the film by its producer. This also applies to Polish cinema, which since 1989 has begun to develop the structure of the model of Western producers. Article presents the specificity of the investment process of the film, the course covers the basic stages of production and key decisions taken by the producer from the project preparation and collection for this purpose funds through supervision over the implementation up to the final finished work and putting it up for distribution. Discussion of this issues, the author situates in the context of the possibilities that offers film producers access to new media
Abstract: Autorka zwraca uwagę na to, że efektywność ekonomiczna i społeczna przemysłu filmowego funkcjonującego obecnie w warunkach rosnącej konkurencji zależy w wielkim stopniu od umiejętnego zarządzania procesem realizacji i sprzedaży filmu przez jego producenta. Dotyczy to również polskiej kinematografii, która po 1989 roku zaczęła wykształcać struktury producenckie wzorem państw zachodnich. Artykuł przybliża specyfikę procesu inwestycyjnego realizacji filmu, omawia podstawowe etapy toku produkcji i kluczowe decyzje podejmowane przez producenta od momentu przygotowania inwestycji i gromadzenia na ten cel środków finansowych, poprzez nadzór nad przebiegiem realizacji aż po odbiór gotowego dzieła i skierowanie go do dystrybucji. Rozważania nad tymi zagadnieniami autorka sytuuje w kontekście możliwości jakie producentom filmowym stwarza dostęp do nowych mediów
Nowadays values plays important role in the modern management. The essence of management values in the company is taking care by managers about the most important values, putting them on, promoting, compliance and control. The values in the field of management of the company can be, according to the author of the article into three main groups: 1. the values in the moral sense: set standards and norms of behavior, 2. the values in terms of utility, primarily concerning the product, 3. the values in economic terms, which include the value of the product, achieved, as well as the value of the firm. There is only one, according to the author of this paper a way to permanently improve the quality and attractiveness of information (as well as the media company’s reputation), namely, that the information will become real creative and cultural goods. At the time when the information produced and distributed by the media company will have the character and quality of cultural and creative goods, acquire the nature of public goods, giving positive externalities. As such, should benefit from public support perspective, as it happens with culture and education institutions.