2016 Następne

Data publikacji: 27.10.2016

Licencja: Żadna


Redakcja zeszytu Jan Kreft

Zawartość numeru

Tomasz Dryl

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 4, Numer 2, 2016, s. 55-67


Social media are now present in almost every market. Their importance grows along with gaining an increasing number of users. The popularity of social media is huge. It must have business consequences, especially in the area of marketing. Interesting phenomenon in the area of social media are blogs.
The article shows a marketing dimension to the functioning of social media. The aim of the article was to present the social media, especially blogs, in the context of their marketing usability.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Magdalena Różycka

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 4, Numer 2, 2016, s. 69-96


Human resources management in public media.
Case study TVP Katowice

It seems that the employers’ approach to their employees ought to change in the context of human resources management of public media. In fact, what should be considered most important is ‘change-oriented thinking’, which means positive thinking and encouraging creativity. One might presume that the apparent restructuring process in public media – and the one conducted in 2014 by the public broadcasting service may be regarded as such – is a realisation of the Copernicus-Gresham law, where ‘bad money’ drives out good. In reality, it is all about creating new ways of economising and there is no evidence pointing towards any changes in the foreseeable future. Moreover, the common belief dominating the global discourse that employees, equipped with suitable knowledge, abilities and skills decide about the company’s position on the market – in reference to Polish public media may be regarded merely as an academic discussion related to HR managing. The example of the above-mentioned deliberations is TVP Katowice, where for a number of years many areas have been consistently undergoing a restructuring process, first and foremost – the area of human resources (with a special focus on creative employees). It may be assumed that the analysis of the TVP Katowice case is representative of the other 15 regional public television centres, which similarly to Katowice have financial problems, which consequently leads to restructuring (dismissing employees). The aim of this publication is to demonstrate that politics and economy are two significant determiners having influence over human resources managing in Polish public media. Which in reality affects explicit actions undertaken by the regional media, to which they are obligated by law.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Joanna Papińska-Kacperek, Krystyna Polańska

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 4, Numer 2, 2016, s. 97-112


Public institutions in social media on the example of Facebook in an international perspective

Although the existence of public institutions in social media may be perceived by a part of the society as an unserious endeavor, however it is not possible to disregard the space where citizens of every country of the world are present. Therefore both public administration, as well as cultural institutions should integrate the new way of communication with theirs customers not only in a marketing strategy, remembering about threats associated with a new modus operandi. The aim of the article is to discuss the characteristics of the use of social media by tax administrations and museums in selected countries of the world with a special focus on Facebook. For analysis tax institutions and well-known museums in selected countries of three continents were chosen.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Magdalena Różycka, Agnieszka Świętanowska

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 4, Numer 2, 2016, s. 113-129


Selected legal aspects of media tabloidization. Protecting
the image of celebrities
It would seem that modern media constantly balance on the edge of law, common decency and morality. Puzzling might be the reason why these unlawful procedures keep happening even though regulations exist in the Polish law, however not sufficient. In fact, there are many causes. The consumers’ interest in the offered product appears to be one of the most important. The immediate consequence of this phenomenon is the tabloidization of media. Searching for scandals, gossips and drama in every sense of the word, has become the driving force behind the media market. It can be assumed that the media are slowly losing their independence, following the defined (in their judgement) needs of society. The financial aspects outweigh the quality and the reliability of given content. Journalism, as a public trust profession, imposes on the broadcasters and the publishers the duty of acting pro publico bono. It is associated with fulfilling a certain mission and serving the public. Honest journalism, that is in line with the norms of ethics and is fully responsible for the effects of the publications may be considered as such. Unfortunately, the customary practice suggests that the journalists very often decide to overstep the boundaries set by the legislators. Their actions are fully conscious and what is more, desired and accepted by the employers, all the while being consistent with the economic interest of a given media organisation. It results in operating on the edge of the existing law, leading up to an increasing number of public image rights violation claims. The Polish law is not adapted to the changing media reality. The review of judicial decisions shows that the current rules must be updated and specified. Both media representatives and public figures ought to be aware that they operate within the law and if they are to go beyond it, they do that knowingly, on their own responsibility, and that there are legal consequences to be suffered.

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