2016 Następne

Data publikacji: 01.09.2016

Licencja: Żadna


Redakcja zeszytu Jan Kreft

Zawartość numeru

Irena Wolska-Zogata

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 4, Numer 1, 2016, s. 1-14


System of social communication is constantly evolving. The history of media shows that new technologies play a significant role in the formation and perception of social environment. In the 21st century, the influence of the Internet on the functioning of the social, political and media institutions has become a subject of interest shared by numerous scholars working within the field of communication and social sciences.
Changes in the area of the media are thought to have important economic, cultural, and social consequences. However, the nature and scale of these changes are rather controversial (Briggs i Burke 2010). Technological changes, also those occurring in the world of media, result in drawing two risky conclusions. First of them is that the changes are perceived as an enemy (things are getting worse); second of them is – in opposition to the first one – that changes are seen as progress. In the media, the newest technologies have transformed the nature of the work of organisation and media workers, range of persons creating content, ways of retrieving and spreading information, ways of creating news, as well as ways of news consumption. This article presents changes taking place in the media environment and attempts to indicate further possible directions taken by these changes.
The article undertake to indicate the possible direction in which they follow the media and journalism in the era of the dominance of social media, with a focus on the role of Facebook. Is the journalist continues to be the provider of news? What comes down the function of searching for information? Where consumers are looking for news and whether a journalist is still a credible figure?

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Bartosz Malinowski

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 4, Numer 1, 2016, s. 15-22


How does Facebook traps us in a bubble. The Facebook’s content filter algorithm vs filter bubble effect

The aim of the article is to analyze the relations between the Facebook’s content filter algorithm system and the filter bubble effect – a digital bubble that surrounds a user with personalized content and information, also isolating him from the information that does not fir his viewpoint.
The Facebook’s content filter algorithm – also known as EdgeRank – is controversial due to its mechanism that prevents certain amount of information from reaching user. This invisible selection system might significantly affect the way we perceive the world – it traps us in a peculiar information bubble.
The presented conclusions are to help in understanding the way the EdgeRank works, how it results in creating filter bubbles and what are the main threats being posed by it as well as the methods of reducing its negative effects.
The article is divided into five chapters:
1.    Facebook as a source of information.
2.    The Facebook’s content filter algorithm.
3.    Filter bubble in theory and in reality.
4.    The consequences of being trapped in a information bubble.
5.    How to reduce the negative effects of filter bubble?

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Marta Połeć

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 4, Numer 1, 2016, s. 23-38


The article presents the most important festivals of street art in Poland in 2014: the reasons of uprising, distinctive features, the ways of organizing and being held. Festival is shown as typical urban phenomenon, with the character referring to carnival’s parade and with the roots reaching the ancient times. These days, the performances in urban space are becoming a common way of getting to the new viewers, showing heretofore existing kinds of performance in another context – full of immediacy and unpredictability. The materials were collected with usage of the Internet sources and also by ethnographical methods – directly from the participants.


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Róża Zuzanna Różańska

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 4, Numer 1, 2016, s. 39-54


Technological innovations are becoming a truly global phenomenon in the course of the twentieth first century. The article draws attention to the issue of sponsorship of two innovative projects dedicated to classical music – The Met Live in HD movie-theatre transmissions and Digital Concert Hall concerts on demand. The text shows how NGOs and commercial companies have been supporting the projects. The analysis includes all supporters. These are, respectively, Bloomberg, Toll Brothers and The Neubauer Family Foundation for The Met, and Sony and Deutsche Bank for Berliner Philharmoniker. Case study was chosen as the research method. The analysis revealed flexibility between the patterns of sponsorship and patronage, as well as absence of CSR term within campanies’ self-descriptions, except Deutsche Bank case.


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