2013 Następne

Data publikacji: 2013

Licencja: Żadna


Redakcja zeszytu Bogusław Nierenberg

Zawartość numeru

Maria Gołda-Sobczak

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 1, Numer 4, 2013, s. 201-214

Digitalization and sharing of the cultural works on the Internet and protection of the digital resources
Digitalization is an introduction of traditional, printed or manuscript library materials or archival materials
in the form of digital data to the computer’s memory by scanning. The purpose of digitalization is primarily the protection of a collection by permanent preservation of the digital mapping of the object that belongs to the national heritage, protection of the original piece of work from excessive exploitation, devastation, theft, and finally support of the development of collections as a result of supplementing the existing original description based on a digital copy. Digitalization restricts the access to the original piece of work; however, the user while using the digital copy gets the impression of using the original. The problem of digitalization in the area of the European Union law is regulated by the recommendations of the European Parliament and of the Council and European directives, not to mention the lower-order acts. However such documents – as demonstrated in the article – lack of proper detail and accuracy.
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Agnieszka Unzeitig

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 1, Numer 4, 2013, s. 215-227

Promotion in the blogosphere
Today, more and more often heroes of the advertising campaigns are bloggers. These are people seen by readers as a credible and influential authors. This article is an attempt to explore the phenomenon in order to answer the questions about the effectiveness of the promotion based on activities carried out in collaboration with bloggers as compared to those conducted in traditional manner by private, public and non-profit organizations.
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Magdalena Różycka

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 1, Numer 4, 2013, s. 229-247

Public regional media – between mission and the market
Media companies, in order to survive and develop on the market – need to be interested in creating positive relationships with recipients. In the period of digitalizing media – more and more diversification can be observed which may be important condition of success of media companies. How­ever in the contrast to commercial broadcasters, public media shall do all the best and use all possible means (including new age marketing) in order to publish contents set in the mission of broadcasters. Presented in the article, studies have shown that the goodwill is created by a wide range of players in the chain of its value, and how important is the relationship between the supplier and customers, as this could result in customer loyalty to the brand – in this case, the regional public broadcaster. From the perspective of this publication are important research on public marketing assets of regional media and their use in the process of marketing communication.
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