2018 Następne

Data publikacji: 2018

Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND  ikona licencji

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Katarzyna Sanak-Kosmowska

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 6, Numer 1, 2018, s. 1-8

Brand and its capital are now one of the company’s most important intangible assets. A strong, well-positioned brand stands out against others and therefore improves competitive advantage. Web search engines are commonly used to review brand reviews and this find information in them to significantly shape the reputation of the product or service. The article attempts to identify the opportunities and threats of using image positioning, and hence the search engine reputation (SERM). To achieve the research objective, the case study method was applied. The article argues for the need to manage the reputation of a company on the Web, showing in this context the specificity of search engines.
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Ewelina Węgrzyn

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 6, Numer 1, 2018, s. 9-24

Unique experiences, phenomenal sensations and development opportunities – these are the challenges that clients constantly set for producers. Experience, as a foundation for humanitarian and social marketing dimension, is becoming a new paradigm for a given field. The aim of the study is to analyse the process of building and managing consumers’ experience. Therefore, the author has set following question as the basis of the theme: how the process of consumer experience’s design looks like and how organisations deal with its management. The main subject of scientific analysis covers IKEA’s social experiment. Qualitative research methods include content analysis and an interview.
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Anna Modzelewska

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 6, Numer 1, 2018, s. 25-40

The aim of the present article is to analyse the mechanisms of self-representation and how the personal brand is being built by the Instagram users, with a particular emphasis on practices which fit into the culture of narcissism. The author uses qualitative methods based on a content analysis of Instagram profiles belonging to selected celebrities and celetoids. The group selection is intentional: the ten accounts which have been brought under study have the greatest number of followers according to the Social Blade rank. The author also reviews and analyses Polish and English literature on the phenomenon of Instagram, paying attention to its content and discussing research related to self-representation through this platform.
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Joanna Szpyt-Wiktorowska

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 6, Numer 1, 2018, s. 41-50

Article contains reflections on limited possibilities that media companies have in reaching out to the users out of their natural readers group. Article bases on the conception of filter bubbles coined by Eli Pariser, that is describing the phenomenon of limiting access to information by algorithms automatically sorting the priorities of information on the basis of behavioral history of individual Internet user. Article presents results of analysis of media content available via Google search engine to the group of Internet users with various socio-political views. Following researching techniques were used in the research: poll; qualitative data analysis; literature analysis. Research results made it possible to describe limitations that media managers are facing with increasing the reach of their media websites. Article presents the way that filter bubbles are affecting not only the public debate limitations but as well methods used to manage media companies with special emphasis on marketing activities of specific media organizations.
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Klaudia Skelnik

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 6, Numer 1, 2018, s. 51-72

The difficulty in discussing the notion of information lies in the fact that the general concept of information – both linguistic and cultural – must be extracted from the various fields and contexts within which it is used. And these are contexts and domains very diverse. The scientific concept of information extends from physics and biology, computer science and cybernetics to the methodology of science and philosophy. Even more complex is the situation when it comes to information in the world of electronic media. Information research is so fragmented and so specialized that it is extremely difficult to isolate individual dimensions of information from them, and even more difficult to grasp the whole picture. “Information is a representation of something in a specific form that someone has given to this representation”. Philosophers, communication specialists, methodologists often argue or call information can be the content of the message, which does not enrich the knowledge of the recipient. This discussion of the concept of information in the world of electronic media is extremely important. The author would like to present an interdisciplinary review of the definition and refer it mainly to information communicated in electronic media. It should be noted that information can be interpreted in broader or narrower terms depending on the content or the accepted system of references. In broad terms, information is understood as “content taken from the outside world in the process of our adaptation and adaptation of our senses”. In the narrow sense, the information refers to the message “obtained by man through observation or mental activity, transmitted in the sender (man) – recipient (man)”. Increasingly, the concept of information becomes a key category, a central point of reflection, which is a common set of research conducted at the interface between different disciplines and disciplines. Discussing the current role of electronic media, it is impossible to discuss this without defining the role of information.
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Marcin Maliszewski

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 6, Numer 1, 2018, s. 73-86

Launched in 2012, The Polish Social Insurance Institution Electronic Services Platform (PUE ZUS) has been a key innovation in functioning of the Polish social security system. The citizens have gained the possibility to check data entered into their accounts in The Polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS). The main goal of this article is analysis of the relation between insured persons and the data entered into their individual accounts in The Polish Social Insurance Institution in the context of opportunities and threats for the functioning of Polish social security system. Author of the article has given much attention to the role of PUE ZUS in shaping social security of the citizens, especially in the face of the thorough reform of the Polish social security system in 1999.
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