2019 Następne

Data publikacji: 2019

Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND  ikona licencji

Zawartość numeru

Stanisław Jędrzejewski

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 7, Numer 1, 2019, s. 1 - 13


Public radio in individual media repertoires

At present, when there are so many news media platforms, the use of media consists in building personal, specific repertoire. These repertoires are a combination of many factors, including the available reception platforms, the geographical and social coverage of the media, the interests and needs of users. In this article I try to answer the question of how, in a very competitive media market, media users, by building their own individual media repertoires as a source of the news needed in everyday life and treated as a resource of democracy, use public radio. Through qualitative in-depth interviews with audiences of different social and demographic profiles in 8 European countries and Israel, the perception of the role of the news and current affaire of public radio organisations and understanding of their remit was examined.

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Lidia Pokrzycka

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 7, Numer 1, 2019, s. 15 - 27


Effectiveness of teaching in e-learning system in higher education. Case studies

The popularity of using e-learning in higher education in Poland is insufficient. The lecturers have doubts about the effectiveness of this way of teaching. In this article, the author presents examples of conducting classes in the blended learning formula along with the results of surveys, conducted among PhD students learning specialist English in the remote formula. Education in the social sciences is based on the practice orientation, transfer of specific skills, working in groups (eg editorial), discovering creativity through case studies. However, it is necessary to strengthen the trust in online learning, as well as to learn compulsory and verify learning on a regular basis. The basis is proper motivation of students to study and regularity of work using the elements of remote teaching.

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Zbigniew Kosiorowski

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 7, Numer 1, 2019, s. 29 - 44


Internet Piracy - Limitations on the Freedom of Speech and Access to the Content on the Internet

Many young Internet users equate freedom of speech with the freedom to access content disseminated on the web - treating both concepts as synonyms.

Internet piracy undoubtedly has serious consequences for the economy. It is the example of sophisticated methods of violating intellectual property rights. It causes financial losses in music, publishing and media sectors and film industry. Accurate assessment of the losses is difficult. A lot of web users support pirates, thus becoming a part of their profitable business. Prosecution of the subjects illegally distributing and storing pieces is sometimes extremely complicated. It is so due to difficulties in identifying perpetrators and jurisdictional problems. Digital technologies which occur on the internet are easily adopted before any adequate laws are introduced, and the existing copyright laws stem from the experience of the era of analog technology. Current lawmakers try to create norms and rules which would befit the constantly changing digital reality and they are still one step behind.

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Katarzyna Golonka

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 7, Numer 1, 2019, s. 45 - 59


During the economization of culture and the culturisation of the economy, creativity in the advertising industry has become a myth. The subject of this dissertation is a “discoursive oversweetening” resulting from the desire to raise the prestige of the so-called creative sector. The dissertation confronts mythical stories with the opinions presented by employees of Polish advertising agencies in accordance with the paradigm of radical humanism.

The empirical part of the dissertation includes fourteen individual in-depth interviews with selected employees of the advertising industry. The collected research material allows to reveal problems, blockades and shortcomings in the aspect of behavior and pro-creative and pro-innovative attitudes. By immersing research in the perspective of Critical Management Studies, a holistic analysis of the phenomenon of creativity in the advertising industry will be carried out.

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