2020 Następne

Data publikacji: 27.03.2020

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Jolanta Kępa-Mętrak

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 8, Numer 3, 2020, s. 153-168


Are Changes in the Functioning of the Local Press Necessary? Discussion Concerning Self-Government and Private Press Models

The aim of the article is to draw attention to the strength of the local press, a bit paradoxically, by recalling the examples of the activities taken by various bodies against local government press. I assume that if the strength of the local press in influencing on the communities of communes or poviats were not noticed, there would not be any initiatives to defend the so-called independent press, the initiatives which tried to ban the issuing of press by commune, poviat and voivodship self- governments. I compared the analysis of speeches of the Association of Local Newspapers, of the Ombudsman, of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights and finally of the Kukiz’15 parliamentary club with the latest data of the National Library concerning regional and local magazines which were registered in 2019. It turned out that they constitute nearly half of all new or changing titles submitted to the National Library. Among them there was 50 percent of magazines published by local governments or institutions subordinated to them. The existing projects aimed against self-government publishing activities have not been successful so far. The strength of the local press should not result from the status of its publisher, but from the message that the recipient gets. 

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Lidia Pokrzycka

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 8, Numer 3, 2020, s. 169-182


E-learning in Estonia based on the example of Tallin University of Technology

In Estonia, as in Western Europe, the effectiveness of mixed-hybrid teaching is increasingly taken
into account as part of modern academic education. A hybrid approach, very popular in Estonia,
combines direct contact with the student and online activity, as well as support for work at a slow
pace and group work. The purpose of the article is to present the specifics of Estonian e- learning
and hybrid training in IT on the example of Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech). This article
is based on observations and interviews with lecturers and describes the most effective methods of distance learning, as well as applications and e-learning platforms used in TalTech.
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Magdalena Szpunar

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 8, Numer 3, 2020, s. 183-199


Narcissistic Culture. Aboutthe Condition of Postmodern Man in a Culture Dominated by Narcissism

The article refers to issues related to the formation of a culture called narcissism. The author hypothesizes that narcissism is becoming a key tool in describing the condition of postmodern man. In the article, the author answers the question whether and why we can talk about the development of a culture of narcissism and what are its determinants. A definition of narcissism in the socio-cultural sense is proposed.
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Anna Kalinowska-Żeleźnik, Sylwia Kuczamer-Kłopotowska

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 8, Numer 3, 2020, s. 201-218


Storytelling in the Allegro Brand Image Creation Process

The main objective of this study was to present the concept of storytelling as a modern, unconventional and creative tool for creating an advertising message on the example of the Allegro brand. The authors made a comparative analysis of two selected Allegro advertising spots, which are part of the campaign “What are you looking for?”. Based on the Freytag model, the compatibility of the advertising message structure with the concept of storytelling was examined. The campaign’s market effects were also described to assess the values the use of storytelling in an advertising message. Literature studies, desk research, media content analysis and case study with comparative analysis were used to achieve the research goal.
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Monika Jedynak

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 8, Numer 3, 2020, s. 219-241


Currently, social media are increasingly used by enterprises to achieve various goals, including those related to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The article analyzes the occurrence of social media and CSR issues in peer-reviewed scientific publications. The following research questions were formulated: 1) Is there a research gap in the thematic area? 2) Is there a trend when it comes to publication time on a given topic? 3) Which scientific journals publish articles on social media and CSR? 4), Which countries do authors undertaking social media and CSR issues mostly come from? 5) What research interests are pursued by authors of articles related to social media and CSR issues? The basic research method was a systematic review of literature. The selection of the analyzed texts was based on EBSCO, ProQuest, JSTOR and Google Scholar databases. Bibliometric and contextual analysis have enabled the following conclusions to be drawn: 1) the issues of social media and CSR are present in peer-reviewed scientific publications, 2) a small number of publications is associated with a relatively short period of time in which publications appeared, but an upward trend can be observed, 3) the authors who undertake the analyzed issues come from various countries, mostly from the USA 5) Social media and CSR are the subject of research in numerous research areas. Following a systematic literature review, proposals for future research directions were also formulated. 

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Remigiusz Żulicki , Michał Żytomirski

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 8, Numer 3, 2020, s. 243-257


An attempt to develop a methodology of measuring filter bubbles in Google search engine

The authors proposed a method of quantitative measurement of the phenomenon of filter bubbles in Google search engine. Firstly, the topic was taken up because of the lack of such a method in the academic world and the proposal of a competitor to Google, DuckDuckGo. Secondly, because of the social consequences of the phenomenon of filter bubbles raised by activists and researchers. The aim was to test the used methodology of quantitative measurement of the phenomenon of information bubbles and to refine it. A pilot survey was conducted on a homogeneous group in an experimental scheme. It consisted in comparing sets of search results (SSR) in the normal mode of a  web browser, logged into a Google account with SSR in the private (incognito) mode logged out of that account. One political search term was used – “Paweł Adamowicz”. The SSR was treated as a sequence of characters, a string, and compared in two web browser’s modes using the optimal string alignment distance method. The open sourced data and code allow readers to trace and reproduce the analyses made. The results do not indicate that the differences in the SSR are influenced neither by the world view in terms of liberalism/conservatism nor by the attitude to control the privacy of the Internet user. The influence was noted for the degree of personalization of the SSR in the normal web browser mode. 

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Katarzyna Hałas

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 8, Numer 3, 2020, s. 259-275


Academic e-learning - a case study of the Virtual Campus of the Maria Curie Skłodowska University in Lublin

The increasing mediation of the didactic process encourages reflection on the new quality of academic education. The expansion of technology has forced the using of new forms of education, also carried out in non-school space. Educational platforms are good environment for implementing  education in a remote formula. One example of such a platform is Virtual Campus UMCS. The aim of the article was to verify students’ expectations regarding the design, course and ways of implementing the didactic process in teaching implemented via the Virtual Campus platform. It was analyzed how students of UMCS use the platform and examine level of their satisfaction with the classes conducted in the remote mode. The author proposed several improvements regarding the enrichment of Virtual Campus UMCS about additional functions. The recommendations can translate into the attractiveness of the teaching process and deserve to be included in the design of the next version of the system. The research technique was survey research. 

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Łukasz Kasprowski

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 8, Numer 3, 2020, s. 277-302


Overproduction of talent in formats based on the example of musical talent shows

The subject of research are activities of television stations based on the adaptation of entertainment formats. An example of musical talent shows was used here as the most transparent shows of this type. The main goal is to show: dehumanized mechanisms and their effects in the form of overproduction of talents and viewer’s opinions on this topic. The author looks for a solution that could prevent or mitigate this process (as a result of television activities within the production of formats). He finds the recipe in lean management philosophy. The key reflection of the text is the question about behind-the-scenes “life” as well as the motives and stages of such productions. The project was based on a review of literature and empirical research (quantitative and qualitative) in the form of: a survey, case study, in-depth and expert interview. 

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Angelika Czajkowska

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 8, Numer 3, 2020, s. 303-321


Real Time Marketing as a Form of Promotion on the Example of the IKEA and Żywiec Brands

Real-time marketing is a phenomenon that is increasingly used in marketing activities of companies. Brands strive to establish and maintain close relations with their target group by referring to many issues, including popular natural phenomena or pop culture. In this article, the author analyzes real-time marketing activities of the IKEA and Żywiec brands on the social networking site called Facebook in the years 2014–2019. The aim of the study was a comparative analysis of published posts in terms of their graphic layout, shared messages as well as descriptions. The author also presented issues that were used by Żywiec and IKEA to implement real-time marketing activities.

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