2017 Następne

Data publikacji: 2018

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Redakcja zeszytu Jan Kreft

Zawartość numeru

Jan Kania

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 5, Numer 4, 2017, s. 167-177


In the Shadow of Google – the Market Value of the Media

Some media organizations are present on stock exchanges that determine their market value. In this way, the Alphabet conglomeration created by Google and Google as the most important part of it has been valued by the New York Stock Exchange for over $500 billion. The value of Google’s brand, Millward Brown, was valued at $229 billion. Most media are, however, out-of-stock, and setting a market value is important to them because of the different transactions they are involved in. Most often they are sold but also shared, indebted, merged, etc. In these transactions, market value is important. Among the various components that make up the value of the media are the so-called intangible assets associated with the name, scale of impact, market position. The theoretical basis for measuring the market value of the media is in the area of interest mainly in media economics, as well as in law, management, marketing, accounting and finance. Four main valuation methods have been developed: cost, market, income, mixed. The most well-known in Poland are the rules for the valuation of the press titles of two scientists Tadeusz Kowalski and Jan Kania and free tools for valuing websites. The demand for valuation will be increasing, and thus the development of their scientific basis. The main research directions, followed by the expected recommendations for valuation practice, are connected with the essence of mass communication, with the changes that take place in it, with the characteristics of the various types of media.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Magdalena Różycka, Anna Teler

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 5, Numer 4, 2017, s. 179-206


Management in Media Organization Seems to Be a Reality, That is Ethically Sensitive

Business ethics are more than just words used to enhance the image of a corporation; they are the very foundation of success. Business ethics should be applied at the very moment of management.
Due to humanistic management, human is always a goal of every acting. The ethics of a business have the power to help or harm people. Business ethics are important because if an enterprise lacks ethics, the employees, the customers, and everyone else involved with the company can be harmed. This article summarises the findings from a study of practicing managers: Ted Turner and Rupert Murdoch, which explored experiences of and views on decision making about actual ethical issues in organizations. The analysis covers issues such as history of Ted Turner System and News Corp. organizations, developing mission, vision and value, strategy formulation, dilemma of a profitability, ethical and social responsibility and influence and role of manager in media organization. Postulating to instill ethics into decision making, creating vision and strategy in media management seems to be very universal.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Michał Koncur

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 5, Numer 4, 2017, s. 207-228


The paper is an analysis of the impact of human resources policy on information management in the main news broadcast of the first channel of the Polish Television. This article introduces the reader to the issue of human resources policy in the public media with the background of personal changes in the Polish Television after the change of power as a result of the parliamentary elections in 2015 and the impact of these changes on the way that political news are structured. In the empirical part, selected materials presented in Wiadomości, before and after the personnel reconstruction in Polish Television were examined. Using the Case Study as one of the basic ways of conducting qualitative research in humanistic management and the analysis of the content of audiovisual materials, the following events were analyzed: 11.01.2015 – XXIII Finale of the Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy; 12. and 19.12.2015 – crisis around the Constitutional Court and demonstrations of the KOD (Komitet Obrony Demokracji/the Committee for the Defence of Democracy); 13.12.2016 – manifestations of the KOD on the 35th anniversary of the impose of martial law; 15.01.2017 – XXV Finale of the Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy. The research conducted in an objective and free of author’s interpretation way, leaves the reader with the opportunity of an individual reflection on changes in the ways that selected materials were presented.

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