2015 Następne

Data publikacji: 2015

Licencja: Żadna


Redakcja zeszytu Jan Kreft

Zawartość numeru

Katarzyna Kamińska-Korolczuk

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 3, Numer 3, 2015, s. 181-196


Facebook as an Element of Strategic Management or Broadcasters Ball and Chain. Example of Estonia and Poland

The social media are more and more important in creating the strategy for conventional media development. The aim of this article is to demonstrate how social media as Internet tools can diversify access to media and affect on the dynamics of dialogue with readers. Discovering the specifics of the Internet communication via social media becomes important. The article contains the characteristics of leading national dailies in Estonia and Poland and description their Facebook profiles. The authoress has examined the number of entries, likes and news sharing on dailies official Facebook profiles in the first two weeks of April 2015 (1.04.2015–15.04.2015). The results of the analysis are far from optimistic. The official dailies profiles available on Facebook are not a represent significant platform for dialogue. There are not effective for maintaining relationships between customers and newspapers. Maintaining a Facebook account in many cases seems to be only a necessity. In most cases it is not a complementing channel of communication between traditional press and readers. Only a few media publishers can lead account on Facebook in effective way.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Magdalena Syrkiewicz-Świtała

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 3, Numer 3, 2015, s. 197-205


Facebook is one of the most popular social networking sites. Via Facebook it is possible to determine very accurately the marketing messages for a target group. A precise profile is created to describe the behavior of consumers on the health care market. It provides the opportunity to use the medium in health promotion. Objective: The indication of possibilities and needs to use the medium of Facebook in marketing health care communication. Review paper based on secondary sources. In 2014 Facebook was used by 13.3 million Poles in various age ranges. There has been a growing tendency to actively use this medium. The strength of Facebook is the ability to establish direct relations, two-way communication and weakening confidence in traditional media. People seek and exchange the information on health and medical services. Institutions, medical companies that exist on the health care market try to exist in social media. Facebook is becoming a significant medium on the Polish healthcare market. In addition, it enables very precise targeting messages to specific audiences which enhances the effectiveness of health-promotion messages and health education. It helps to build trust and thus a good image of enterprises operating on the healthcare market.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Zuzanna Słomczewska-Roge

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 3, Numer 3, 2015, s. 207-218


An Increasing Use of Corporate Social Network by Companies for Internal Communication. The Service Facebook at Work as an Example of Innovation Communication

The object of considerations in present article is the potential of Internet technology, in particular social networking site Facebook, as an innovative tool for communication with the environment, enabling effective management motivation and loyalty of employees of public administration. The special attention was concentrated on evaluation of the new service Facebook designed for companies and business environments –„Facebook at Work”. The reader will find the description of possibilities offered by this tool to motivate a team of employees of public administration, building internal partnerships that can translate into attitudes of loyalty to the organization.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Justyna Wrzochul-Stawinoga

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 3, Numer 3, 2015, s. 219-239


Education for Sale? Creating an Image Of A Higher Education Institution on Facebook Illustrated with an Example of Selected Private Higher Education Institutions in Poland

When a higher education institution functions as a company and is seen through the prism of market categories, it starts to function as an organization: first of all, it meets their customers’ expectations and acts so that it would satisfy their needs and demands in full. Marketing operations of higher education institutions are based on serving the needs of their customer – a student and they use the Internet as it is an environment which appeals to youth most. Higher education institutions have understood that their existence and success in education market should be based on excellent communication with the environment and distribution of their services. Facebook has turned out to be a perfect place as in crowded marketplaces one has to be able to sell himself, convince, encourage to enroll, highlight the advantages, stand out, promote a positive image in media. Higher education institutions have realized that a young person, who is success and fast profit- oriented, when he decides to pursue higher education he will look for such elements that are attractive, innovative, open to him, which invite him to co-create community of students and scholars under new principles. In order to examine how do higher education institutions develop their brand and image, what kind of tools and content is implemented using Facebook, I am going to analyse the content placed on websites of five selected private higher education institutions in Poland. It helped to show not only how important in the Internet the existence of a higher education institution is, but also what are the expectations of future students concerning higher education institutions.

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