2014 Następne

Data publikacji: 2014

Licencja: Żadna


Redakcja zeszytu Bogusław Nierenberg, Anna Pluszyńska

Zawartość numeru

Lech Jaworski

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 2, Numer 1, 2014, s. 1-16

Freedom of press and other media as a system founding rule of the Republic of Poland
The catalogue of Poland’s most important system founding rules have been included in Chapter 1 of the Polish Constitution. However, the location of a given law does not determine its power. Yet it can lead to certain conclusions about its legal meaning. These norms are usually defined succinctly; therefore, it may be necessary to refer to other articles of the Constitution, especially to Article 14, which conveys the rule of the freedom of media. The role of this freedom is influenced mainly by its connection with the freedom of speech rule. It is usually emphasized in connection with realizing the principle of civil society and the rule of political pluralism on which it is based. Article 14 of the Constitution formulates a general guarantee, while further rules can be found in the chapters about the rights and freedoms of an individual (Art. 54), their extension in the press law, while the status of the radio and television is subject to special regulations (mainly the Broadcasting Act). Article 14 also involves the rights and freedoms of a human and a citizen. The basis is Article 5, while Article 14 is one of the co-defining norms. Expressing certain common values, the mentioned rule forms constitutional boundaries, within which the process of constituting the law takes place, as well as being the source of the obligation on the part of the whole state apparatus to implement the constitutional norms.
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Ewa Konstanty, Anna Modzelewska

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 2, Numer 1, 2014, s. 17-28

Human resources management
This article is based on a text by Tom Keenoy Human Resource Management, published in 2009 in a book The Oxford Handbook of Critical Management Studies. We can find there many definitions of human resource management and very detailed characterization of it, as well as about the history of the concept and its evolution over the years. We can see the process of introduction HRM to many different countries and the process of change through which it passed. This article touches the problem of reception of the popular HRM by the scientific community. In this text we may also find a description of the practices characterized the discourse of this concept and at the end a little bit criticism of it. 
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Dorota Rak

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 2, Numer 1, 2014, s. 29-49

The theatrical advertisement in new media
This article is a result of research of chosen Polish theatre advertising activity in new media. An author tried to extract their forms, starting from definitions of the “new media” and “theatrical advertisement”. She attempted to bring examples of the internet and off-line advertisements in the new media, using by theaters. The article is complemented by a list of the analyzed theaters and their presence in social media as a one of the form of advertisement in the new media. 
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Magdalena Różycka

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 2, Numer 1, 2014, s. 51-64

The digitization of regional centers of Polish Television
The digitization of television signals in Poland is presented as one of the most important achievements of the media in recent years. The purpose of this publication is to present the opportunities and risks of digital technology at the regional level. The process of digitization has not resulted in a wider range of regional public television programming. After launching of Regional Television Centers, their dedicated band time lengthened by one hour. Money from the subscription only secure the production of about 40% of programs of the channel and are mostly news programs and current affairs. Other are provided with money from sponsors. In fact, digitization creates only a potential, does not give the guarantee that it will be used as financing is crucial for stable funding system. An example of the foregoing is Regional Television Katowice.
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