2017 Następne

Data publikacji: 26.09.2017

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Redakcja zeszytu Jan Kreft

Zawartość numeru

Marcin Laberschek

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 5, Numer 2, 2017, s. 35 - 60

Through the selection of human death incidents and the appropriate title design, Internet portals make information available to readers in a unique way. This article presents how the most popular Polish online information services (onet.pl, gazeta.pl, wp.pl and interia.pl), using necromarketing practices for positioning information products. Research provided in this paper shows that the most intensified activities in necromarketing scope are conducted by interia.pl. It concerns both the intensity of sharing such headlines on the home page and the most expressive composition of them. The activities of this portal Author called as the strategy of necromarketing offensive. The other three websites implement a strategy of necromarketing mimeticism – similar to the competition for the presentation of death related topics.
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Magdalena Różycka, Anna Jawor-Lachowicz

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 5, Numer 2, 2017, s. 61 - 78

The evolution of marketing managing in companies has led to the increase of brand’s significance and its position on the market, where it competes for customer’s purchase funds. Nowadays, as for marketing communication, companies are forced to look for some innovative tools which can be used to promote their own brand. Good brands are considered to be one of the companies’ most lasting resources. Modern marketing uses a wide variety of communication tools. What has become to be more appreciated over time is event marketing, which creates an opportunity of direct contact between the customer and the brand, of experiencing it in action, and engaging the customer in its world. It constitutes the alternative to the classical communication techniques, which are not effective anymore. The aim of this publication is to demonstrate that marketing actions of this nature, conducted on the local media level, can easily become a very efficient tool of marketing communication. To prove the thesis in question, an example of local media events, realised in Silesia by ­Dziennik Zachodni, has been used.
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Sabina Baraniewicz

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 5, Numer 2, 2017, s. 79 - 88

Google, once a student project, now a real empire of the ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) industry. Its power Google has built on the commercialization of information and the access to it. Its trailblazing project – the search engine, has ensured it nearly monopolistic position on the search market. Google its success on this marketplace does not owe only to the creation of the very useful and functional information search tool; the influence on it has had many more indirect factors, which has foredoomed the fiasco of other offering the same product competitory corporations.
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Marta Gliniecka

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 5, Numer 2, 2017, s. 89 - 103

People from the beginning of history assumed the mask. In tribal cultures, they were accompanied by magical rituals and rites of passage. Currently masks are attributes of superheroes. Today we assume virtual mask. We’re trying to create the perfect look. For this purpose, we use online games, and social media, especially Facebook web portal, called the great book of faces. The article presents the results of research (content analysis, focus groups) conducted among students on Facebook and avatars.
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