2013 Następne

Data publikacji: 2013

Licencja: Żadna


Redakcja zeszytu Bogusław Nierenberg

Zawartość numeru

Jan Kreft

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 1, Numer 3, 2013, s. 151-165

New media coopetition: between consumer-creator and organization
The purpose of this article is to suggest a concept of “new media coopetition” – a comprehensive relationship between active media users and media companies as well as between the companies themselves. Co-creation of media contents by the users is a strategic challenge for media companies. Users who create texts, films or music recordings become competitors to the professional authors. Not only are users recipients and creators at the same time, but they are also competitors to media organizations. Coopetition is a strategy bringing benefits to the parties involved by making them simultaneously compete and cooperate with the competitors (users). While in the traditional version coopetition only concerns relationship between the organizations, I propose that it embra­ces the form of “new media coopetition”, which would also take the relationship between users and media organizations into account.
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Szymon Smolarek

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 1, Numer 3, 2013, s. 167-181

Subliminal advertising – essence, myths, threats
The aim of this research is to examine in detail the essence of subliminal advertising; attempt to separate the facts from the myths; and to look for the answer on two question: Does modern subliminal advertising may affect the human subconscious? Does modern subliminal advertising is any threat to humans? Author tried resolve that problems by analyzing the history of subliminal advertising. After that study he came to conclusion that the effect of subliminal advert will depend on the perception of the definition subliminal advertising. If you recognize that subliminal advertising is only subliminal stimuli, used deliberately, for marketing purposes, it should be noted that its effectiveness is rather a myth. Numerous constraints and difficulties, causes that using them for marketing purposes is unprofitable, and too risky for advertisers. If the subliminal advertisement considered as a symbol of an idea (to influence human behavior without their awareness) then it shall be defined as all the techniques that affect the subconscious mind (without detailing specific), used deliberately for marketing purposes. In this perspective, it can be concluded that subliminal advertising affects the human subconscious, although the impact is rather limited. And despite the many restrictions still poses a potential threat to consumers.
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Maria Gołda-Sobczak

Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 1, Numer 3, 2013, s. 183-200

Collective management of copyright in the view of recent EU directives. Threats to the culture and authors’ property rights
Copyright collecting agencies were established to protect the property rights of authors that were threatened as a result of the development of reprographic techniques. They are subjects of special status. Responsibilities of such copyright collecting agencies were defined in the directive 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 on the harmonization of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society. This directive, however, proved not to correspond to the current requirements of the fast-growing market and the new technical possibilities. Consequently, another directive was adopted by European Parliament and by the Council, directive 2014/26/EU, which content became the subject of discussion in this paper. Issues related to the representation of entities eligible for copyright and related rights, issues related to membership in the copyright collecting agencies the structure of such agencies, issues related to the management of revenues, as well as issues related to the transparency of the activities of these agencies, reporting and multi-territorial licensing on the rights of online use of musical works were subjects of regulations of this directive. The content of the directive is to be implemented into Polish law by the 10th of April 2016. However, it seems to carry significant risk for the development of Polish culture.
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