Fake News: Possibility of Identification in Post-Truth Media Ecology System

Data publikacji: 18.10.2019

Zarządzanie Mediami, 2019, Tom 7, Numer 3, s. 133-142



Jan Kreft
Politechnika Gdańska
, Polska
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4129-8424 Orcid
Wszystkie publikacje autora →
Monika Hapek
Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
, Polska
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2962-8232 Orcid
Kontakt z autorem
Wszystkie publikacje autora →


Fake News: Possibility of Identification in Post-Truth Media Ecology System


The main aim of the article is identification of the attitudes towards the processes of identification and verification of fake news in the environment of digital media. The subject of the research refers to the users’ attitudes towards fake news. As indicated by the research, the attitudes towards fake news are not unambiguous. About 2/3 of the respondents claim that they are not able to distinguish fake news from true information; only every twelfth respondent declares that they know tools for verification of information, although the research survey has been carried out among students of media management, journalism and marketing – students who deal with information in social media.


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Informacje: Zarządzanie Mediami, 2019, Tom 7, Numer 3, s. 133-142

Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy


Fake News: Possibility of Identification in Post-Truth Media Ecology System

Fake News: Possibility of Identification in Post-Truth Media Ecology System



Jan Kreft
Politechnika Gdańska
, Polska
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4129-8424 Orcid
Wszystkie publikacje autora →

Politechnika Gdańska


Monika Hapek
Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
, Polska
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2962-8232 Orcid
Kontakt z autorem
Wszystkie publikacje autora →

Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie

Publikacja: 18.10.2019

Status artykułu: Otwarte __T_UNLOCK

Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND  ikona licencji

Udział procentowy autorów:

Jan Kreft (Autor) - 50%
Monika Hapek (Autor) - 50%

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