Zarządzanie mediami elektronicznymi z wykorzystaniem technologii blockchain w komunikacji naukowej
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEWybierz format
RIS BIB ENDNOTEZarządzanie mediami elektronicznymi z wykorzystaniem technologii blockchain w komunikacji naukowej
Data publikacji: 28.09.2021
Zarządzanie Mediami, 2021, Tom 9, Numer 3, s. 429 - 449
Zarządzanie mediami elektronicznymi z wykorzystaniem technologii blockchain w komunikacji naukowej
Electronic Media Management With the Use of Blockchain Technology in Scholarly Communication
Blockchain is a revolutionary technology, which has the potential to fundamentally change many areas of activities, including scientific research and scholarly communication, together with the publishing industry. This paper focuses on the blockchain’s potential to transform scholarly communication and research in general. It highlights, how blockchain can touch many critical aspects of scholarly communication, including transparency, trust, reproducibility and credit. Moreover, blockchain could change the future role of every stakeholder, and it could have an important role in all research processes, not only scholarly communication. The paper shows that blockchain technology has the potential to solve some of the most prominent issues the scholarly communication is currently facing, such as issues around costs, trust and credibility, openness, and universal accessibility to scholarly information. The research presents basic information about blockchain technology. Based on the literature, an attempt was made to create a model, how to use this technology as a disruptive innovation in scholarly communication.
Informacje: Zarządzanie Mediami, 2021, Tom 9, Numer 3, s. 429 - 449
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Zarządzanie mediami elektronicznymi z wykorzystaniem technologii blockchain w komunikacji naukowej
Electronic Media Management With the Use of Blockchain Technology in Scholarly Communication
Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie, Polska, ul. Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków
Publikacja: 28.09.2021
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: CC BY
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PolskiLiczba wyświetleń: 968
Liczba pobrań: 600