Pedagogika Przedszkolna i Wczesnoszkolna


Czasopismo Pedagogika Przedszkolna i Wczesnoszkolna wydawane jest przez Instytut Pedagogiki Przedszkolnej i Szkolnej Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego im. KEN w Krakowie w formie półrocznika.
Celem czasopisma jest umożliwianie i pobudzanie dyskusji na poziomie akademickim wokół najważniejszych dla współczesności problemów wychowania  na poziomie przedszkola i  edukacji w klasach I-III oraz umożliwienie międzynarodowej dyskusji na temat miejsca pedagogiki przedszkolnej i wczesnoszkolnej w wielorakich kierunkach i tendencjach polskiej, europejskiej oraz światowej pedagogiki.
Czasopismo Pedagogika Przedszkolna i Wczesnoszkolna skierowane jest do osób zainteresowanych problematyką pedagogiki przedszkolnej i wczesnoszkolnej, a zwłaszcza do nauczycieli akademickich i studentów.


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2 (20)/2022

Data publikacji: 2023

Zastępca redaktora naczelnego: Iwona Czaja-Chudyba

Sekretarz redakcji:

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Katarzyna Myśliwiec

Pedagogika Przedszkolna i Wczesnoszkolna, 2 (20)/2022, 2022, s. 7-22


Information competences in the education process pre-school and early school teachers

The article presents the results of research conducted to answer the research problem formulated in the question: How students of preschool and early school pedagogy assess the level of their information competences?

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Natalia Lolo

Pedagogika Przedszkolna i Wczesnoszkolna, 2 (20)/2022, 2022, s. 23-26


Information and communication technologies in pre-school education — role and opportunities to use selected digital tools

Main topic analyzed in the article is role and opportunities to use of information and communication technologies in pre-school education. Uses of ICT in the educational process is one of the ways to increase motivation and development of key competences of child. Information and communication technologies contribute to the overall development of children in all areas. The topic of the article is also to analyze the most popular digital tools using in pre-school education and their impact on the development of children’s skills.

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Artur Matras

Pedagogika Przedszkolna i Wczesnoszkolna, 2 (20)/2022, 2022, s. 27-33


Remote education in Poland, with particular emphasis on physical education. From the perspective of the teacher and the student

The article deals with remote learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The author draws attention to the problems posed by social isolation as well as technological limitations when conducting online classes. It discusses the preparation of students, tools for conducting remote classes and problems faced by teachers and students during their duration. Then the author analyzes this problem in more depth on the basis of physical education lessons. This section focuses mainly on the issue of safety and unregulated regulations that did not clearly define the rules for the safe conduct of audiovisual activities in physical education lessons. Summing up, the author states that it is necessary to clarify the educational law and to refine the ways of maintaining relations between students. Only then will remote lessons be able to be held correctly and bring benefits.

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Natalia Jarominek

Pedagogika Przedszkolna i Wczesnoszkolna, 2 (20)/2022, 2022, s. 35-38


Multicultural education in kindergarten — the chances and the dangers

Multicultural education is essential in the current reality. The article presents the differences between multicultural and intercultural education. Also, it identifies the opportunities and challenges of multicultural education. The key to making it produce tangible results, including for the public — is the teacher, his competencies, and capabilities.

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Julia Kochańska

Pedagogika Przedszkolna i Wczesnoszkolna, 2 (20)/2022, 2022, s. 39-42


The importance of teaching a foreign language in kindergarten

Pre-school age is important period in a child’s life because then he learns many new skills. One of them is knowledge of a foreign language. However, is the child ready to learn a foreign language as early as kindergarten? This article answers whether preschool age is a good time to start teaching a child a foreign language.

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Diana Skurnóg

Pedagogika Przedszkolna i Wczesnoszkolna, 2 (20)/2022, 2022, s. 43-57


A pair work in an early school education

One of the ways which lead to an effective and informed cooperation amongst early school education pupils is enabling them to participate in various activities that successfully engage a pair work. According to the researchers exploring the above-mentioned theme, such an activity constitutes a solid base for shaping a variety of social skills. In the era of the omnipresent civilization changes, such skills have become the most desirable priority that humans can possess. One cannot deny that an efficient functioning of a human in a society determines their success relating to various areas of their existence. The approval of the closest environment also impacts the consciousness of the subject concerning the sense of self-efficacy, self-confidence and the eagerness to undertake various daily challenges. The paper has been created based upon the excerpts of my BA thesis entitled The methods of application a pair work in an early school education, which was written in 2016 under the supervision of dr Jovita Vaškevič-Buś.

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Renata Pradel

Pedagogika Przedszkolna i Wczesnoszkolna, 2 (20)/2022, 2022, s. 59-80


Horticultural therapy as a support method to rehabilitation of children and adolescents

The article discusses the issue of horticultural therapy. The first part of the article is a theoretical background of the problem in the literature of the subject: the definitions of garden therapy and its assumptions. The second part presents the development of horticultural therapy in a global and Polish perspective. The next part contains the features of a therapeutic garden, plants used in garden therapy, and the use of horticultural therapy in the rehabilitation process and in work with children. Follow-up of the article describes horticultural therapy activities in the Special School and Educational Center no. 3 in Krakow. The last part of the article contains conclusions of own research.

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