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Polish Pedagogical Thought


Following the Second World War, a number of ideological constraints were imposed on Polish scholarship as a consequence of the policy adopted by the communist regime. These constraints took the form of censorship (introduced in the period 1945-1989) which affected all published texts, including scholarly works, and were visible in the persecution of researchers who did not draw on the communist ideology. The Polish humanistic studies – and in particular the pedagogical thought – were especially affected by this, as a result of which it was impossible to develop most of the research strands which had existed prior to the Second World War.

In light of the above, the mission of the yearbook “Polish Pedagogical Thought” is to compensate for the loss resulting from the difficult historical circumstances through the demonstration of the wealth of theoretical and practical pedagogical concepts together with the multitude of their philosophical, ideological and ideational sources.


Polska Myśl Pedagogiczna 10 (2024) - cover go to the issue Next

Issue 10

Publication date: 08.11.2024

Issue Editor: Urszula Chęcińska

Editor-in-Chief: Janina Kostkiewicz

Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Dominika Jagielska

The publication was financed by the Jagiellonian University in Krakow – Institute of Pedagogy.

Cover design: Marcin Bruchnalski

Issue content

Dziecko i dzieciństwo – istota - problemy – konteksty

Maciej Bernasiewicz

Polish Pedagogical Thought, Issue 10, X (2024), pp. 23 - 38

The article describes the family environment of twenty outstanding Polish women and men. The overview of biographical monographs made it possible to identify two groups of parents who provided optimal upbringing conditions for future geniuses in terms of promoting books and reading. The first contact with a book took place in early childhood and was a result of either the daily use of books by parents as a tool for their work or the parents’ respect for knowledge and education.
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Mariusz Szajda

Polish Pedagogical Thought, Issue 10, X (2024), pp. 39 - 51

The values of the relationship that takes place between a parent and a child can be analyzed on various levels: moral, biological, symbolic, social, legal or artistic. The aim of this study is an attempt to characterize the presence of a child as a subject in the European visual arts, with particular emphasis on the value of fatherhood in relation to the artistic work of one of the greatest Polish painters: Stanisław Wyspiański. Through the identification of values through semiological and iconographic axiology, it becomes possible to read an artistic work as a specific, philosophical record about the essence of understanding the analyzed value. In the case of Wyspiański, the artist’s child portraits will be analyzed, which can be treated as a kind of symbolic record not only of understanding but above all of experiencing the value of fatherhood. In the multidimensional process of raising a child, the father plays an extremely important role, influencing the formation and development of a young person’s personality. But it is not a one-way process, and the child also significantly shapes the parent as a father, friend and companion in everyday life.
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Ryszard Skrzyniarz

Polish Pedagogical Thought, Issue 10, X (2024), pp. 53 - 71

Ewaryst Estkowski (1820–1856) believed that the most important task in the education and upbringing of children is teaching religion, reading, writing, calculation, history, drawing, physical education and geography. He based his specific programme for the patriotic and religious education of young people in elementary school on this principle. He saw learning to read and write as a way to broaden the horizons of the Polish people, learning calculation as a means to fight for their financial well-being, and history and geography as a means to awaken in young people a love for their homeland. He perceived physical education as a source of strength to work for the good of others and the country. The practical use of drawing was to sensitize people to the beauty of their homeland. After finishing their primary school education, pupils were supposed to be good and pious persons, above all, aware of their duties to their family, community, homeland and the Church. Further education was supposed to help develop their ability to think independently and facilitate making good choices. Estkowski believed that if Poles were deprived of the Catholic religion, they would lose their national identity. Parents and teachers, the Church and priests, as well as the community and the nation were to help implement this model of education.
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Andrzej Ryk

Polish Pedagogical Thought, Issue 10, X (2024), pp. 73 - 84

The article describes selected problems of child care and upbringing presented during the 1st National Children’s Congress, which took place in Warsaw on 2–4 October 1938. The congress was an important event for all circles of the Second Polish Republic who wanted to improve the situation of Polish children. The economic crisis, Poland regaining independence after many years of captivity, the syndrome of the young Polish state and the maturing democracy brought many neglects and deficiencies in the care and upbringing of children and young people. The congress became an opportunity not only to highlight them but also to take countermeasures.
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Agnieszka Cybal-Michalska

Polish Pedagogical Thought, Issue 10, X (2024), pp. 85 - 96

Each epoch leaves its own literary mark. The discourse of humanities concerning literary works as a reception of historically transformed social reality and socio-cultural experiences should include a reflection on the testimony of (non) indifference. The presentation referring to the pedagogical “shading” of Janusz Korczak’s works will be a pretext for considering literature as a testimony of presence in social experiences but will also direct cognitive interests towards behaviour and interpersonal relations. Thus, analyses of the social conditions that resulted in Janusz Korczak’s literature and, above all, reflections on what social effects it caused and continues to cause are cognitively fascinating. Thus, by embedding literature as a cultural feature in a network of social relations, it is worth reflecting on the type, not only of knowledge, but of psychological predispositions that can be reproduced in it, taking the quality of socio-cultural reality as a point of reference.
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Kinga Flaga-Gieruszyńska, Urszula Chęcińska

Polish Pedagogical Thought, Issue 10, X (2024), pp. 97 - 115

The article consists of two parts. The first part, based on pedagogical publications, discusses the pedagogical activity of Janusz Korczak as a precursor and advocate for children’s rights. The second part, based on legal publications, presents considerations concerning the rights of the child and their correct reflection, related to the child’s right to be heard in civil cases. The article ends with a conclusion about the necessity of cooperation between educators and lawyers at a time when there is a growing awareness of the need to look for new legal solutions related to the presence of “children without childhood” and “childhood beyond borders.” The article is a preview of further publications on this topic.
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Alicja Żywczok

Polish Pedagogical Thought, Issue 10, X (2024), pp. 117 - 140

The subject of the study described in this article is primarily the perception of a child by Father Franciszek Blachnicki (1921–1987), the founder of the Light-Life Movement, the Crusade for the Liberation of Man, and the Christian Service for the Liberation of Nations, among others. Based on an analysis of the works of this educator and theologian, his vision of childhood is also outlined. The research results have been supported by an appropriate structure for the article, which describes the methodological basis, places the research problems among the disciplines and subdisciplines of science, provides the basic concepts, and portrays Blachnicki in a broader historical context. The article also resolves research problems concerning his perception of a child and childhood (following the teachings of the Catholic Church) and his educational, pro-social and ethical suggestions addressed to contemporary people and found in his works.
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Andrzej Skrendo

Polish Pedagogical Thought, Issue 10, X (2024), pp. 141 - 158

Tadeusz Różewicz had created the myth of childhood in his work, especially in later years. This myth is based on several assumptions. First, that a poet is someone who has a special relationship with his mother throughout his life (the poet’s mother was a Jewish convert to Catholicism). Second, that childhood is a source to which one must return in order for poetry to exist in a world that no longer has values after the war and the Holocaust. Third, that childhood is a time of innocence in which one cannot distinguish between good and evil. In contrast to these assumptions, the author of the article argues that – first of all – the relationship with the mother has the other side, namely the relationship between father and son. Różewicz enters it as a son and as a father of his own two sons. Second, that there is no return to childhood, it is above the order of time, and this space above time is not the order of myth, but of trauma. Thirdly, Różewicz’s childhood is internally marked by the experience of evil – childhood is not innocent.
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Barbara Bilewicz

Polish Pedagogical Thought, Issue 10, X (2024), pp. 159 - 174

The article is a dissertation on the thoughts, views and methodology of Friedrich Froebel, perceived anew and practiced in the educational reality of the 21st century. The issue was developed on the basis of a review of pedagogical literature, theoretical approaches and methodological proposals, described both by the first and contemporary promoters of Froebel’s pedagogical ideas. The past and the present became the areas of analysis: Froebel’s pedagogical biography, the vision of the child, the role of the teacher, the understanding of upbringing, the importance of play, the use of teaching gifts set, the essence of education. The text ends with the conclusion that the pedagogy and Froebelian practice in Poland is well developed conceptually and broadly in the didactic and methodological sense.
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Anna Murawska

Polish Pedagogical Thought, Issue 10, X (2024), pp. 175 - 186

In the article, the author points out the specificity of early childhood education with particular inconsistencies between the rank given to this stage of education and its quality revealed in numerous studies. She also shows the problematic nature of childhood seen in the context of hope, pointing out that hope is not automatically assigned to this period of human life. Like other human dispositions, it needs to be supported in its development. Because of the role that language plays in cognition, understanding and interpreting the world, she posits the need to reflect on the language used by early childhood education teachers. She proposes that this reflection should take into account the characteristics of the ‘language of hope’ she formulates.
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Katarzyna Krasoń

Polish Pedagogical Thought, Issue 10, X (2024), pp. 187 - 200

The aim of this article is to show the importance of film in education. The goal of the considerations is to compare the educational offer, which often fails to meet the needs of children, and the entertainment films, whose message is decoded by the audience. Films included in the popular streaming offer and related to the Star Wars universe were presented as an example thereof.
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Justyna Nowotniak

Polish Pedagogical Thought, Issue 10, X (2024), pp. 201 - 217

The article refers to a small – yet concerning a significant problem area – segment of visual culture: creating visual worlds for children in the form of online games, as well as implying streamers’ navigational role in the virtual world and said games. Part one of the article focuses on understanding visual culture and mechanisms of its creation – whereas part two shows certain games and their respective most popular streamers in Poland as an example. This article is a preliminary proposal of addressing said problem area.
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Zuzanna Sury, Sara Zygmuntowicz, Ewelina Dziubla

Polish Pedagogical Thought, Issue 10, X (2024), pp. 219 - 239

This article examines the phenomenon of parental trolling videos on TikTok, where parents engage in pranks involving their children as part of platform challenges. The study investigates communication methods, user demographics, and algorithmic influences on content dissemination. Findings suggest potential psychosocial implications for children resembling cyberbullying, raising concerns about future parent-child relationships and the risk of social normalization of abuse of children’s images on the Internet. Authors advocate for increased pedagogical education for parents, and recommend more social campaigns and research on predictors and effects of parental trolling, highlighting the need for holistic education and therapeutic support for children affected by the misuse of their image. The article shows some probable effects of publicizing images of children by parents, taking into account the impact of individual parents’ decisions on entire societies. This topic opens a new, relevant area of pedagogical reflection.
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Zuzanna Zbróg

Polish Pedagogical Thought, Issue 10, X (2024), pp. 241 - 255

Peer exclusion in pre-school groups, although a common phenomenon, is rarely studied, especially in Polish pedagogy – as it more often affects school children. In this article, I propose a new experimental method for analysing observed practices of peer exclusion: diffraction analysis. Fragments of peer conversations in a group of five-year-olds girls form the basis of expanding the research perspective by an attempt to think in terms of the categories of intra-action and diffraction, which constitute a complex, spatial system of interdependent relationships. A characteristic feature of the argument in question is the problematisation of the successive elements of the events under analysis, which in fact leads to a liberation from the habitual way of thinking about peer exclusion (the blame of the aggressor) and the emergence of a more “ethical” way of interpreting the events – which becomes the main objective of the presented research.
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Renata Michalak

Polish Pedagogical Thought, Issue 10, X (2024), pp. 257 - 278

The purpose of the article is to show the place and role of the child in the modern ecological discourse, the foundation of which becomes the acknowledgment, recognition and deep understanding of children’s rights and their new position in the world and in their relations with adults as well as nature. These narratives are juxtaposed with the reality, in which children’s rights to participation and social activism are very often taken away or significantly restricted, viewing them in terms of a vulnerable, immature being, susceptible to experiencing harm and in need of care and concern, and therefore incapable of subjective interaction and involvement in problems appropriated by adults. In the analysis of the ecological discourse relating to the role of the child in the construction of harmony in human-nature relations, a dichotomous division was applied: the child-victim (victima) and the child-savior (salvatore). Given the multifaceted nature of this discourse, only selected themes with a pedagogical connotations have been featured in it. Statements and attempts to construct representations of the child in the ecological space were also based on the results of our own research, which was carried out with students of early childhood pedagogy, after a three-semester cycle of courses in natural-ecological education. The empirical material was obtained from the linguistic analysis of oral and written statements of 183 students.
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Małgorzata Łobacz, Paweł Łobacz

Polish Pedagogical Thought, Issue 10, X (2024), pp. 279 - 294

The present article, after the introductory remarks, discusses the difficult matter that is continually of interest to the researchers: children’s and youth’s relationships with their disabled peers in the school environment. The paper goes on to focus on the key issue of personal self-fulfilment and presents the conditions that lead to attaining personal self-realisation through contact with the “Other” – a physically incapacitated person. These considerations are concluded with a short summary. People as human beings are required to fulfil themselves, to realise their humanity, to achieve their full potential. It can only be done through morally good deeds. Therefore, it is crucial to nurture in children, since an early age, an appropriate attitude towards other people, especially those who are weak, ill, or afflicted with suffering. The article aims to presenting the school environment as a place where children and youth fulfil themselves through relationships with disabled persons.
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Lidia Pawlusińska

Polish Pedagogical Thought, Issue 10, X (2024), pp. 295 - 307

Modern trends mathematical education of the youngest school children emphasise cognitive activity as the necessary condition for proper development of mathematical competences. In this context, learning mathematics should be understood as a formation process of the individual’s own mental structures. Teaching through exploration is a practice naturally tied to mathematical education defined in such way.

The article presents the problem of organised mathematical exploration done by students in the early childhood education. It aims at giving arguments supporting the idea that despite their intellectual immaturity, children are still able to perform exploration activities, during which they show behaviours similar to those that are usually associated with professional mathematicians. The paper outlines the origins of the concept of teaching through exploration and touches on ideas of children’s mathematical exploration activity, as well as the cognitive processes in motion during learning though exploration.
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Monika Noszczyk-Bernasiewicz

Polish Pedagogical Thought, Issue 10, X (2024), pp. 309 - 324

The article describes the educational environment of the State Department of Education and Science in Krzeszowice, organised by Stanisław Jedlewski. The facility was portrayed through the experiences of its residents. The impact of the charismatic personality and high education of the facility's director on the educational atmosphere and forms of work with the students were analysed. These two factors were shown to play a key role in achieving the desired educational outcomes. Presenting the characteristics of the establishment and its functioning also offers an opportunity to show the dramatic fate of the Polish nation and the determination of an outstanding person who was able to successfully influence the fate of hundreds of people who had found themselves in a difficult life situation.
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Joanna Król

Polish Pedagogical Thought, Issue 10, X (2024), pp. 325 - 340

The article presents a reconstruction and interpretation of the process of creating a children’s world and its main elements in the magazine Płomyczek in the years 1948–1956. The content analysis of the magazine shows that almost every aspect of the created children's world referring to the natural and cultural space, despite its undeniable educational value, also contained a strong propaganda charge. Content that genuinely developed the cognitive, socio-moral and emotional side of the reader was saturated with an ideological layer that reflected the political direction of the time. By being inscribed in a specific historical period, it was therefore a magazine that exhausted the model of the communist press, which, through its aims, functions and content, acted as a transmission belt for the ideological message. The propagandistic nature of the content of Płomyczek, in turn, gave rise to the question as to what extent the effect of the aforementioned process referred to the children’s world of meanings and to what extent it was a response to the immediate socio-political needs.
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Janusz Surzykiewicz , Sebastian Binyamin Skalski-Bednarz, Łukasz Kwadrans, Jolanta Muszyńska, Karol Konaszewski

Polish Pedagogical Thought, Issue 10, X (2024), pp. 341 - 356

Background: Aggression is one of the important problems of psychosocial functioning, but it is also an area of physical and mental health among children and adolescents. The purpose of the present study was to examine the role of spiritual sensitivity as a mediator in the relationship between empathy and aggression in a group of school children and adolescents.

Participants and procedure: The study included 281 children and adolescents (54% were girls) aged 9–14 years. The study procedure consisted of completing three questionnaires measuring spiritual sensitivity, empathy and aggression. The structural equation modeling using maximum likelihood estimation were used to determine the relationship between variables.

Results: Our results suggest that spiritual sensitivity may mediate the relationship between empathy and aggression. Including spiritual sensitivity in the model reduced the negative relationship between the independent and dependent variables, indicating full mediation.

Conclusions: In conclusion, the present study has provided some findings suggesting that spiritual sensitivity may indeed be one of the possible mechanisms by which religiosity leads to positive behavioral outcomes. The findings suggest that such internal factors may be important in leveling aggression and that focusing solely on environmental and situational influences may not fully capture individual differences in thinking, emotions and behavior.
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Filozofia - wychowanie - pedagogika

Dariusz Stępkowski

Polish Pedagogical Thought, Issue 10, X (2024), pp. 359 - 379

The aim of the present article is to confront Ignacy Krasicki’s statements on education and teaching expressed in the novel Pan Podstoli with the idea of modernity. The concepts of educability and (self)education have been used to describe this idea. The article used a linguistic methodology based on the theory of semantic potentials and the theory of conceptual integration. As a result of this exploration, the presence of the both pedagogical concepts as neosemantisms was confirmed and consequently the initial thesis accepted as true. The implication of this is as following: (1) the dominant reading method of Krasicki’s writings needs to be reinterpreted in the history of educational theories, (2) the concepts of educability and (self)education enable ideas of modernity to be identified in relation to both pedagogical theory and practice, and (3) the application of linguistic theories to pedagogy not only opens up a new field of research, but also offers a new access to pedagogical texts.
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Sławomir Chrost

Polish Pedagogical Thought, Issue 10, X (2024), pp. 381 - 401

Throughout the centuries, pedagogical reflection has been and continues to be (implicitly or explicitly derived from philosophical views. Each epoch developed a view on the essence of education specific to its time, being “derived” from the general spirit of the philosophy of that given time. Personalism too left its mark on education in a way. The basic determinant of personalism is the claim that a human is first a person, before attributing to them certain qualities or characteristics. Thus, the characteristics of pedagogy practiced in the personalist trend are – first of all – the promotion of the personal world and the empowerment of the subject through the process of personalizing the world.

For the purpose of this article, the tripartite division of the education philosophy – including: anthropology, epistemology and axiology of education – was adopted. The author's intention was to study anthropological, epistemologycal and axiologycal fundamnets of the pedagogy of the personalistic trend. In light of the results of the study, it seems legitimate to assume that personalist education is based on the anthropological interpretation that presents man as a person, an epistemological one based on cognitive realism, and an axiological one that emphasizes personal dignity and all personal values such as truth, goodness, beauty, life, freedom, love.
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Maciej Woźniczka

Polish Pedagogical Thought, Issue 10, X (2024), pp. 403 - 431

The complexity of language of any philosophical text permits references to the basic conditions of philosophising. The language of the “living word” is one of the traditional, basic, and at the same time – strongest forms of communicating philosophical content and competences. In Phaedrus, Plato states that only a person who does not touch upon the highest and most important issues in their writings is a philosopher. The “living word” inspires in a different way than text, as it inspires emotions, builds up motivation, evokes associations and impacts imagination. The “living word” is connected to an age-old tradition of primary value of direct communication. That is why it is so important to use a high moral standard (the strongest impact). In accordance with the newest analytical tendencies (hermeneutical method), the correct interpretation of many philosophical texts requires referring to the realm of “unwritten sciences”. Why is that? Why referring to the “most important things” requires giving up on a written text? Is the criticism of “any form of writing” also a criticism of one of the basic ways of philosophising? Attempts at answering these questions have been undertaken by contemporary philosophers (Jacques Derrida, Philosophy Writing). Polish examples of “spoken books” are the works of Marek Siemek (Wykłady z filozofii nowoczesności [Lectures on the Philosophy of Modernity]) and the works of Józef Tischner (Etyka a historia. Wykłady [Ethics and History. Lectures).
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Władysław Zapała CR, Maciej Gawlik CR

Polish Pedagogical Thought, Issue 10, X (2024), pp. 435 - 438

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Reviews and Reports

Agnieszka Materne

Polish Pedagogical Thought, Issue 10, X (2024), pp. 455 - 463


Report on the Nationwide Scientific Conference entitled From Korczak to Kulmowa: Child and the “Language of Early Education", held on March 23-24, 2023, in Szczecin, organized by the Department of Early Education within the Institute of Pedagogy at the University of Szczecin. The conference was held under the honorary patronage of the Ministry of Education and Science, the Committee on Pedagogical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, His Magnificence Rector Waldemar Tarczyński, and the President of Szczecin, Piotr Krzystek.

The conference aimed to demonstrate the impact of early education pedagogy on the convergence of other social and humanistic disciplines, highlighting its significant importance, apparent utility, and spectacular influence on shaping human subjectivity in the context of lifelong development. The considerable interest in the conference, with 65 presenters from various academic centers, confirmed its significance in the scientific and educational community.

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