Logotyp Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie

2020 Następne

Data publikacji: 18.03.2020

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Zawartość numeru

Aleksander Woźny

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 63, Numer 1 (241), 2020, s. 11-26

Cultural Scenarios and the Media. Between a Sense of Security and Resistance
This article presents a concept of cultural scenarios, structures that are vested in a long-term status in the Braudelian sense. They are specific matrices imprinting both in the scenarios specific to the imagination, ordering meanings in the media, and in the acts of communication played – usually unconsciously – by media users. The reconstructed scenarios include very extensive material: from ancient itineraries that are reborn in television reports after the Smolensk plane crash, through medieval opera beggars, whose rules are run in television formats like makeover shows, to metamorphic transformations in the trickster-jurodivy-celebrity-scandalist scenario. In the study of cultural scenarios, the author primarily took into account the instruments of anthropology of communication, historical anthropology and cultural archeology, he also used a conceptualization based on the triple model of Lotman-Bachtin-Guriewicz. The analyzes carried out showed that the current cultural scenarios in the media are not receptive to easy rationalizations. Their uncertain, shaky status – going beyond logic and bivalent semantics – is reflected in their users’ attitudes, suspended between a compromise sense of security and non-conformist resistance. This ambivalence perhaps raises the greatest difficulty in attempting to describe (conceptualize) them, but it seems to be the most tempting challenge, also for doctoral students from the Wrocław media research center who undertake research on cultural scenarios in their work.
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Włodzimierz Mich

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 63, Numer 1 (241), 2020, s. 27-40

On the Creativity of Oral Poets
Academic discourse on oral poetry usually underlines the accuracy of intergenerational transfer of tradition. Long, narrative-based poems, realized orally as songs, and poetry works are perceived as the most basic medium of this transfer, along with ritual formulas. In opposition to that perspective, this paper focuses on the role of poets’ creativity and limits of memory, as well as, in consequence, changing and multi-variant nature of messages. That latter stance neglects the concept of oral works’ collective authorship by reaching for examples of how individual authorship of particular works was acknowledged in certain societies. Meanwhile, the concept is founded on the notion that those works were composed in performance, therefore there were no canonical versions available. The further reaching version of the argument states that each performance was in fact a different work of the performer created during and by the interaction with the public. Memory limitations along with society-sanctioned poets’ drive for innovation influenced the performance which went beyond just repeating of traditional works. Instead, poets used already existing formulas, motives, and narrative schemes to improvise their own versions of well-known stories or create completely new stories. A modest version of the argument is based on the assumption that the link between creation and memorization was undergoing changes and depended on a particular genre and a performer which led to the whole range of practices, from improvisation to performing pre-composed and memorized works. Both stances underline that oral poets’ creativity was in a dialectic relation with traditionalism. While creating new stories, a poet had to follow traditional themes and narrative schemes expected by the audience. His creative imagination was shaped by his culture’s patterns – tradition remained his basic or even only resource of themes and formal methods used.
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Krzysztof Marcyński

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 63, Numer 1 (241), 2020, s. 41-54

Methods for Testing, Measuring and Assessing Communicative Competence
The basic goal of this article is to present the methods of research, assessment and measurement of communicative competence developed by researchers of social communication and media studies over the years since the beginning of this discipline in Poland and in the world. This is a review article that is part of the discipline’s methodology. The author reviewed the methods and techniques of research in communicative competence in Polish and English-language literature. Due to their large number and diversity, this study presents selected methods that are most often used to measure communicative competence. The author pays special attention to the self-report method, at the same time showing its advantages and disadvantages. This article is a synthetic approach to the methodology of communicative competence research, and thus an important voice in the Polish school and the research tradition of social communication and media studies.
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Jolanta Dzierżyńska-Mielczarek

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 63, Numer 1 (241), 2020, s. 55-68

Research in the Economic Value of the Media
Economic analyzes of the media’s share in the economy are based on measuring advertising and consumer spending on the media. They do not take into account changes in the costs of production and distribution of utilities due to their digitization. New technologies have led to non-institutional media production and the distribution, privatization of profits and socialization of media production costs. This requires the development of new indicators to measure the impact of the media industry on the economy. The article, based on publicly available data, presents various methods of research in the economic value of the traditional media and points out that their seemingly decreasing share in the economy is caused by the fact that the consumer spending on online media content and the revenue of media companies from online advertising is not taken into account in public statistics. It also signals that the digitization of media (including the virtualization of production and consumption of media content) has changed the definition and the boundaries of the media industry.
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Z historii mediów

Andrzej J. Madera

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 63, Numer 1 (241), 2020, s. 69-82

A Brutal Campaign Against Władysław Grabski and His Monetary Reform of 1919 as Presented in the Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny Daily Newspaper
The unification process of the Polish state after 1918 called for some prompt and decisive measures and persistency in overcoming the post-partition differences and idiosyncrasies. The article presents the attitude of the Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny, a daily newpaper which deemed itself a representative of the interests of the people living in the Lesser Poland region (Małopolska, i.e. south-central Poland) towards the currency unification reform introduced in 1919. It shows how complex this reform was and how much criticism was directed at those behind it. The article focuses on the criticism from the Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny, the measures the journalists took in order to fight both the unfavorable reformatory solutions and the politicians who prepared them. Particular attention is paid to the newspaper’s attitude towards Władysław Grabski, who was the Minister of Finance and Prime Minister in the period under investigation, i.e. between the 1st of January 1919 and the end of 1920.
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Piotr Borowiec

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 63, Numer 1 (241), 2020, s. 83-96

Kraków-Based Newspapers and the Heritage of the Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny Press Syndicate Between 1945 and 1952
The takeover by the communist authorities of the estate of the Kraków-based press syndicate Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny in January 1945 meant its definitive end. The newcomers in the Pałac Prasy (Eng.: Press Palace) initiated works aimed at publishing newspaper rs and magazines promoting the “people’s state”. And so the estate of the press syndicate was made to serve the same communist propaganda it used to fight so passionately before. Among those creating the new titles were some of the former IKC employees, valued for their rich experience. The article aims to analyze the attitude of the Kraków’s post-war newspapers towards the heritage of the IKC press syndicate in the period when the memory of the IKC was still very vivid in its readers’ minds. The article attempts to present the attitude of the newspapers in Kraków towards the pre-war sensational style of the press. The period under analysis covers the years 1945 to 1952.
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Media na świecie

Rafał Kuś

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 63, Numer 1 (241), 2020, s. 97-113


This paper is an attempt to answer the question about how missionary cultural programming duties are carried out by the American National Public Radio (NPR). For almost fifty years, NPR has been an alternative to the programming of commercial radio broadcasters, filling the gaps present in their schedules. But do listeners in the United States still need the American public radio today, in the times of an abundance of digital audio broadcasters? This article, focused on NPR literary broadcasts, and on the WAMC network’s “The Book Show” in particular, was based on intensive interviews, conducted with employees of public media institutions in Upstate New York during the spring of 2019, and content analysis of radio broadcasts. Results of the study indicate that American public broadcasters do play a significant role in the promotion of reading.

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Grażyna Piechota

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 63, Numer 1 (241), 2020, s. 115-132

Media Narrative as a Russian Propaganda Tool. The “Yellow Vests” Revolution in France as Presented in Network Reports of Russian Propaganda Media
The article concerns the propagandist influence of the media narratives created during political protests. The results of research carried out during the „Yellow Vests” revolution in France, present the activity of Russian propaganda media. The quantitative analysis confirmed the hypothesis that the propaganda narrative does not have to involve creating fake news and trolling, or disinformation activities that are usually the domain of interference of the Russian Federation in the information security of third countries. Instead, effectively implemented propaganda can take the form of an intensive coverage of events that builds a narrative fostering the fulfillment of propaganda goals. The article shows the important role of social media used as a channel of „telling” stories about political protests, to strengthen the phenomenon of cyberpolarisation. Creating the network enclaves of deliberation effectively sustains interest in the protest, increasing the range of information about it and activating antagonisms between social groups.
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Z życia naukowego

Magdalena Idem

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 63, Numer 1 (241), 2020, s. 133-136


Agata Szydłowska: „Paryż domowym sposobem. O kreowaniu stylu życia w czasopismach PRL”. Wydawnictwo MUZA, Warszawa 2019, s. 365.

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