Logotyp Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie

2013 Następne

Data publikacji: 04.04.2013

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naczelny Wojciech Kajtoch

Zastępca redaktora naczelnego Agnieszka Cieślikowa

Sekretarz redakcji Edyta Żyrek-Horodyska

Zawartość numeru

Tomasz Goban-Klas

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 56, Numer 1 (213), 2013, s. 11 - 25


The decision of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of August 8, 2011 on including the media studies in the register of scientific disciplines in Poland, seems to be an opportunity to recall the precursors, the names of founding fathers of communication research, and current schools of developing theory and empirical investigations in this field.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Bogusław Nierenberg

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 56, Numer 1 (213), 2013, s. 26 - 39


The article is devoted to work and scientific accomplishments of an outstanding media expert – Professor Tomasz Goban-Klas. It covers particular elements of his curriculum vitae as well as scientific achievements, both on Polish and international grounds. It also indicates a variety of scientific accomplishments in the very year of Scholar‛s jubilee - his 70th birthday.

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Ignacy S. Fiut

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 56, Numer 1 (213), 2013, s. 40 - 50


The paper contains an attempt to reconstruct Tomasz Goban-Klas´ views on the ethics of journalism and media. What was first discussed was the central element of the theoretical construction of the ethical field of the media - the triangle: freedom, responsibility and professionalism. Then the evolution of this idea in the context of evolution and social-communication metamorphosis of the media was traced. It has been found that subjectivity of the human being and media institutions has currently changed to such an extent that the most appropriate description and assessment of media ethics will be to show it in the logic of non-zero-sum games as referred to the collective entity creating the media communication system.

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Magdalena Szpunar

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 56, Numer 1 (213), 2013, s. 51 - 58


The article addresses the challenges with the views of Professor Tomasz Goban-Klas on the Internet and his role in the development of communication sciences in Poland. The article includes Goban-Klas´ views associated with the ontological status of the Internet, its specificity as compared to other media and the different models of use - thoughtless surfing and active sailing. The author argues that Professor entered the canon of the Polish media studies and certainly should be considered as one of the first initiators of the Polish communication science.

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Jerzy Olędzki

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 56, Numer 1 (213), 2013, s. 59 - 71


This article analyzes the role PR specialists play in shaping the media content. In the context of media agenda-setting theory the article discusses the results of B. Baerns study on the impact of German PR specialists on the national media and the meaning of so-called “determination thesis” and interefication theory which explain the issue of the mutual relationship bewteen PR and journalism. The paper also presents the results of a survey conducted by the author of the article among Polish PR professionals about their influence on the Polish media content.

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Paul Klimsa

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 56, Numer 1 (213), 2013, s. 72 - 81


A large number of diverse models illustrating the complexity of the communication process are used in the communication studies. Those models form the foundation of studies undertaken by scholars and hypotheses employed by them. Current theoretical findings cannot, however, keep up with the change that has happened in the communication process due to digitalization of the media. The author of this article attempts to fill the existing gap by proposing his own model (CTO model, Content-, Technik- und Organisations-Modell), which takes into consideration the frequently omitted area of media production and puts an emphasis on the causal relation between its elements, such as the content, technology, and organization of the media. The main value of the proposed model lies in the fact that its application makes it possible to analyze, with the use of scientific methods, also such phenomena as convergence and internationalization of the media.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Antoine de Tarlé

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 56, Numer 1 (213), 2013, s. 82 - 89


Since 1995, along with the rise of the Internet, traditional daily papers have been experiencing a real revolution. There are three stakes in this game. The first is economic: how to ensure their survival, which is dependent on finances? The second is ethical: how to guarantee proven valuable information in the net? The third is political: how to ensure equal access to complete, reliable, and pluralistic information, which is the main pillar of democracy? This article offers an analysis of answers to those questions, contained in the newspapers of the Western democracies, particularly the American press.

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Thomas Bach, Mathias Weber, Oliver Quiring

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 56, Numer 1 (213), 2013, s. 90 - 110


This paper examines the economic coverage of German newspapers at the onset of the financial crisis with the help of framing-theory. It has three basic objectives. The first, to identify the frames in the news coverage. The second: the documentation of these frames and their occurrence as well as their distribution in different media outlets. The third: the examination of inter-media influences, exerted by different media outlets upon each other. The authors introduce the concept of Inter-Media Frame Transfer and apply a multi-method-design composed of a qualitative and quantitative content analysis as well as an ARIMA-time-series analysis. Eight frames are identified. The representation of the crisis as a systemic threat can be seen as the dominant interpretation. Inter-media influences can explain some of the dynamics of media framing. Yet, media framing of the financial crisis appears to be mainly contingent on extra media influences.

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Lutz M. Hagen, Reimar Zeh, Maike Müller-Klier

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 56, Numer 1 (213), 2013, s. 111 - 129


This paper examines the relationship between the media coverage of soccer and political popularity of certain parties during election campaigns which usually followed the world soccer games. The national team’s success on the pitch is related to victory in the political match. This surprising link between the national success in sports and the success in an election for a party or a candidate is explained in the light of Public Mood Theory, founded by W. Rahn, who pointed out that emotions play an important role in political behaviour and national identity, which, in turn, is influenced by the media content, like sports coverage among others. The creation of national identity is mostly built on the national success in sports. Especially in Germany, where soccer is number one sport in media coverage. Sports matches produce winners and losers, thus strongly influencing Public Mood, which is relevant for the formation of political evaluations and judgments, in a democracy shaped by emotions. Sports can shape Public Mood only if they are reported in the media. The analysis of the relationship between interest in soccer and political popularity, presented in the paper, shows how the media coverage of soccer influenced the German political attitudes in 2002, to an extent that it might have been decisive for the election.

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Władysław Marek Kolasa, Michał Rogoż

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 56, Numer 1 (213), 2013, s. 130 - 169


The bibliography is selective and covers only papers of scientific or documentary nature which concern journalistic matters. Only the original scientific dissertations (articles, books) were listed together. All other types of publications (information notes, reports, reviews) underwent selection. Only the papers of lasting value and some more important reviews of journalistic monographs were included. A total of 365 papers were listed. The books (including 25 author´s monographs and 10 volumes of edited or translated papers) are of special importance among these papers. The bibliography is preceded by a short methodological outline and statistics of the author´s works.

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Agnieszka Całek

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 56, Numer 1 (213), 2013, s. 170 - 179


This article discusses the works of Professor Tomasz Goban-Klas seen from the perspective of a young researcher of the new media. First of all, the texts from this area were analyzed. Four main topics of the new media appearing in Professor´s publications were singled out and described: the new media as a part of the history of media, the new media in terms of technology, the new media and society, intertextual references and philosophy of the new media. The summary contains the conclusions that come from the analysis of Professor´s works for young scholars of media.

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Omówienia, recenzje, rozbiory

Wiesław Sonczyk, Joanna P. Bierówka

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 56, Numer 1 (213), 2013, s. 180 - 186

  • Jolanta Kępa-Mętrak: Ustawicznie czujni... O dziennikarzach regionu kielecko-radomskiego (i nie tylko) (Wiesław Sonczyk) s. 180;
  • Katarzyna Pokorna-Ignatowicz (red.): Medialny obraz rodziny i płci (Joanna P. Bierówka) s. 183;
  • Krzysztof Stępnik:Setna rocznica urodzin Józefa Ignacego Kraszewskiego w prasie warszawskiej (ajc) s. 186
Czytaj więcej Następne

Lidia Pokrzycka, Agnieszka J. Cieślikowa

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 56, Numer 1 (213), 2013, s. 187 - 190

Agnieszka J. Cieślikowa - III Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa „Niewygodne dla władzy: ograniczanie wolności słowa na ziemiach polskich od wieku XIX do czasów współczesnych”

Lidia Pokrzycka - Seminarium „Media władzy czy media obywateli? Komunikacja i media w animacji lokalnych polityk publicznych”

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