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2014 Następne

Data publikacji: 29.12.2014

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naczelny Wojciech Kajtoch

Zastępca redaktora naczelnego Agnieszka Cieślikowa

Sekretarz redakcji Ryszard Filas

Zawartość numeru

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 57, Numer 3 (219), 2014, s. 1-1

  • Anne Schwan: Werbung Statt Waffen. Wie Strategische AuSSenkommunikation die AuSSenpolitik VerÄndert (Agnieszka Szymańska)
  • Jan Pleszczyński: Epistemologia komunikacji medialnej. Perspektywa ewolucyjna (Ignacy S. Fiut)
  • Krzysztof Miller: 13 wojen i jedna (Magdalena Hodalska)
  • Barbara Centek: Naukowe i popularnonaukowe czasopisma Lubelszczyzny 1944-1989 (Ewelina Kristanova)
  • Eugeniusz Kurzawa: Andrzej K. Waśkiewicz – miejsca opuszczone (Janusz Łastowiecki)
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Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 57, Numer 3 (219), 2014, s. 1-1

  • Konferencja Naukowa „Zarządzanie mediami. Teoria i praktyka”, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków, 7 - 8 marca 2013 r. (Anna Modzelewska)
  • Z Rocznika Historii Prasy Polskiej T. XVI (2013), z. 1 (31) (Adam Bańdo)
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Kamil Łuczaj

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 57, Numer 3 (219), 2014, s. 435-455


Cultural Capital of the Audience and the Graphic Form of Press Advertisements

This article attempts to empirically verify the theory of aesthetic taste formulated by Pierre Bourdieu. The research material consists of press advertisements. 2140 advertisements from five nationwide magazines aimed at different audiences were analyzed using the content analysis technique, which was enriched with qualitative elements. The analysis was conducted from August 2012 to September 2013. The article is part of a larger research project analyzing the aesthetics of Polish press advertisements. Results of the analysis indicate that the hypotheses, which can be derived from Bourdieu’s work, are accurate. Advertisements addressed to people with higher levels of cultural capital are simpler in relation to the form, and they often refer to global culture (they avoid local contexts). Moreover, this type of advertising is likely to take place in the city and people presented there, as opposed to advertising addressed to poorer and less educated people, are not the average people as they usually appear with the attributes of social prestige.

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Ewa Bobrowska

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 57, Numer 3 (219), 2014, s. 456-471


Semantic Structures in Slogans on the Banners of Radio Maryja and TV Trwam Activists

The paper poses the question whether a discourse community, which applies the same rules of discourse that shape the world view generated in the statements, has been established among the listeners of Radio Maryja. Former examinations of the subject do not answer this question as their character is that of a survey, which does not allow to reach the deeper semantic structures used by the respondents. The analysis of slogans written on the placards carried by supporters of Radio Maryja during manifestations is an attempt of reconstruction of such structures. The outcome of the analysis indicates a coherence of patterns used in the slogans as well as their similarity to those published in “Nasz Dziennik”. Therefore it seems that the hypothesis about the existence of a discourse community around Radio Maryja is highly feasible.

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Iwona Hofman

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 57, Numer 3 (219), 2014, s. 472-492


Model of editing and management on the basis of polityka cooperative

The main purpose of this article is to present the methods of functioning and the management model of a cooperative – a specific organization form of a press title. The analysis concerns the weekly newspaper Polityka, between 1990 and 2012, based on formal and legal aspects of the paper, the organization of its editorial board, and market  competitiveness. Furthermore, in the article I discuss important changes in the content and graphic design that were introduced due to the reading habits of a new type of audience. Moreover, I review the forms of the publishing business, social activities, etc., which strengthen the Polityka influence on public opinion. In my analysis the historical context is considered.
The paper is an empirical review. It was based on chronicles of the weekly written by M. Radkowski and W. Władyka (in the descriptive and historical part) and source material: annual volumes of this magazine, ZKPD lists (comparative analysis).
On the basis of measurable data (circulation, copy price, sales), it may be stated that the adopted form of a cooperative was a factor bringing forward the decision to change the structure and appearance of the weekly as well as the development of other activities such as building the brand, editorial politics (Res Publica Nowa, Forum, book series, etc.). Common responsibility for the newspaper consolidated the editorial team, while the continuity of the title – as a result of the marketing efforts – has become an added value.
The analysis of Polityka confirms the thesis about the importance of long-term projects implemented by one editor, combining the attributes of a strong personality and good management skills (Jerzy Baczyński).

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Magdalena Hodalska

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 57, Numer 3 (219), 2014, s. 493-506


Culture of Fear in Polish Tabloid Press

The content analysis of two Polish tabloids helped to distinguish visual and verbal means used to induce fear in the readers of Super Express and Fakt. The paper shows how the tabloid publications can contribute to the Culture of Fear (Frank Furedi, Barry Glassner). Publishers know that fear is an effective tool of persuasion, and the constant use of fear appeals, among others, leads the tabloids to the top of the selling lists. For years, tabloids have supplied their readers with dreadful news and stories evoking fears and anxieties nurtured by real events or rooted in imaginary phenomena. In the restless time of crisis it is essential to study the nature of fears represented in tabloid publications, to discover their cultural background, historical contexts, and social consequences.

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Lidia Pokrzycka

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 57, Numer 3 (219), 2014, s. 507-516


Media in Iceland. General characteristics

The media system in Iceland is distinguished by its specificity. The country is sparsely populated, most of its population live in the capital region, distribution of newspapers for the rest of the island is difficult. Iceland, for a lengthy period, was dependent on Denmark, now people really care about the independence of their state. In this article I describe the condition of the Icelandic press, radio, television, and legal changes that were supposed to make Iceland an enclave of freedom of speech. An important part of the text is a description of the activities of media companies and problems associated with the journalists’ independence.

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Agnieszka Mucha

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 57, Numer 3 (219), 2014, s. 517-525


Electoral strategy of Alliance ’90 / The Greens in the 2009 Bundestag election on the basis of the party’s poster campaign.

The aim of following article is to present the electoral strategy of Alliance ’90 / The Greens, used by that party before the 2009 Bundestag election. Individual persuasive techniques of The Greens and their influence on the target audience, in order to fulfil that aim, are analyzed here. Each time, during the description of a technique, its initial characteristic and mechanisms of action are pointed out. Specific slogans of the party, through which the technique was used, are listed and explained. In the end of article general conclusions regarding the electoral strategy of Alliance ’90 / The Greens before the 2009 German parliamentary election are formulated. The analysis clearly showed that The Greens figured as a confident, strong group, ready to face and overcome the existing crisis, as a ‘promising’ Party, understanding the awaiting problems of Germany such as, for example, the question of the use of genetic engineering in agriculture. The Party was also identified as rather balanced in its recruiting activities because strong aggressive attack techniques (except for one example) were not used in its poster campaign

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Dorota Skotarczak

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 57, Numer 3 (219), 2014, s. 526-535


Armenian Press in Poland

Press is a very important part of Armenian culture in Poland. The first Armenian newspaper published in Poland was „Posłaniec św. Grzegorza” (in Polish), established in 1927. It was very important for Polish Armenians before the II World War. The revival of Armenian press was made possible only in 1990. Some periodicals are published today. They all describe the intensive development of the Armenian society in Poland.

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Marlena Jankowska-Bulla

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 57, Numer 3 (219), 2014, s. 536-564


‘Breakfast TV’ in Germany and Poland. Composition, Structure, Content

The aim of the following article is to compare two of the most popular TV programs of the so-called ‘Breakfast TV’ genre: Polish ‘Kawa czy herbata?’ and ‘Morgenmagazin’, its German equivalent. After a short historical outline of both programs and the definition of the idea of ‘Breakfast TV’, the author analyses the complex structure of this kind of TV programs as well as their form and content. In order to capture the viewers’ attention so early in the day, ‘Breakfast TV’ consists of many different TV features, which have an informative, entertaining, and advisory character. The main aim of the text is to illustrate the differences and similarities among the two above-mentioned TV programs.

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Artur Trudzik

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 57, Numer 3 (219), 2014, s. 565-591


Tylko Rock (Only Rock) 1991-2002

Tylko Rock is the first magazine that was covered by complementary, thorough research in media studies. A monthly magazine for over a decade (1991-2002), it gained a unique position because it combined many years of experience and history of Polish journalism and (rock) music press with a new model, which began to crystallize during the transition period, since 1989. In addition, the analysis also allows to formulate some conclusions about the current (and future) position of this press segment. Journal editors tried to keep the title at the appropriate editorial and content level.
In the view of the author, this article had to fulfil three basic tasks. First, to disseminate the results of research conducted by the author for several years. Secondly, it was about the methodological and substantive enrichment of the new area (subdiscipline) of scientific exploration and cognitive interests, initiated and successfully developed by the author, which in Poland have neither in the Polish People’s Republic, nor in the Third Republic, been yet implemented, that is in the field of music journalism. Finally, the author’s intention was to introduce the most important and most interesting rock magazine in Poland (certainly after 1989) to a wider audience.

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Karolina Brylska, Tomasz Gackowski, Jacek Wasilewski

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 57, Numer 3 (219), 2014, s. 592-620


“Wake up Poland” March in the Coverage of Polish Television Stations

The article presents the results of a study devoted to the methods and manners of covering the "Wake up Poland (Obudź się Polsko)" march (held in Warsaw on September 29th, 2012) in Polish TV news programs. The research has covered the major evening news ("Wydarzenia" Polsat, "Fakty" TVN, "Panorama" TVP2, "Wiadomości" TVP1,  "Informacje" TV Trwam) on the day preceding the event, then on the day when the event occurred place, and on the day after the event (28-30 September 2012), and live coverage of the event, presented in the news TV programs. The material was analyzed in six established categories: truthfulness, diligence, morality, reason of state, discrimination, and quality. In the analysis of the live coverage the researchers has used six quantitative operational criteria: (1) the number of pro et contra statements, (2) the number of affiliated and anonymous statements, (3) the diversity of contesting statements, (4) pro et contra affiliations of experts, (5) the sum of statements, (6) the number of reporters involved in the coverage. Qualitative analysis of individual evening news has included an examination of the interpretative frames used to explain the events from the point of view of various interest groups involved.
This article presents the detailed methodology of the survey and its part dedicated to live coverage. The second part of the study, concerning only the evening news, will be presented in the next issue of "Zeszyty Prasoznawcze". Both texts should be considered complementary – for this reason, the discussion will be placed in the second text.

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