Media w Islandii. Ogólna charakterystyka
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEMedia w Islandii. Ogólna charakterystyka
Data publikacji: 29.12.2014
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, 2014, Tom 57, Numer 3 (219), s. 507 - 516
Media w Islandii. Ogólna charakterystyka
Media in Iceland. General characteristics
The media system in Iceland is distinguished by its specificity. The country is sparsely populated, most of its population live in the capital region, distribution of newspapers for the rest of the island is difficult. Iceland, for a lengthy period, was dependent on Denmark, now people really care about the independence of their state. In this article I describe the condition of the Icelandic press, radio, television, and legal changes that were supposed to make Iceland an enclave of freedom of speech. An important part of the text is a description of the activities of media companies and problems associated with the journalists’ independence.
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Informacje: Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, 2014, Tom 57, Numer 3 (219), s. 507 - 516
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Media w Islandii. Ogólna charakterystyka
Media in Iceland. General characteristics
Katedra Dziennikarstwa, Wydział Politologii Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
Publikacja: 29.12.2014
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: Żadna
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