Logotyp Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie

2013 Następne

Data publikacji: 16.12.2013

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naczelny Wojciech Kajtoch

Zastępca redaktora naczelnego Agnieszka Cieślikowa

Sekretarz redakcji Ryszard Filas

Zawartość numeru

Michał Miarczyński

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 56, Numer 3 (215), 2013, s. 335-349


The article entitled “The Principle of Presumption of Innocence and Its Realization in the Polish Daily Newspapers” concerns one of the vital matters of today’s market of information media. The article concerns the most important points of my master’s thesis, entitled in a similar manner.
The article consists of four distinctive parts. The first one defines the idea of presumption of innocence, one of the principles of the Polish legal system. The second part concentrates on the relationship between information media and the presumption of innocence. This part not only comprises a description of processes that can infl uence the realization of the aforementioned principle but it also presents the results of the scientific research of the problem that has been undertaken until the present day.
The third part concerns a similar research that I undertook during the writing of my graduation thesis – the article gives only a summary of this process. The research concentrates on four daily newspapers, two of which are viewed as tabloids, in the timespan of four constructed weeks. The image of negative phenomena occurring on the pages of today’s newspapers, which results from the research, is far from ideal and can even induce a feeling of discomfort.
The fourth and final part of the article is a form of analysis of the specific language used by the Polish tabloids. The citations from the selected issues of the newspapers are, in my opinion, the best examples of this characteristic language, which can even be described as a specific dialect.

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Danuta Kępa-Figura

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 56, Numer 3 (215), 2013, s. 350-363


The aim of this article is to reflect on the collision between the assumed, genologically-conditioned function of journalistic information and the communicative practice. Attention is paid to the linguistic relativity, treated here as a multi-levelled phenomenon, and to Grice’s idea of linguistic cooperation.
An analysis of journalistic information published on the Internet is used as scientific argumentation in the article. Two conclusions are drawn on this basis. First, the world presented in journalistic information cannot be information, it has to be interpretation because lack of objectivity is the price that man pays for obtaining knowledge about the world. Second, this lack of objectivity is ignored in the process. Within linguistic communities, speakers assume that the objectivity of judgment is a fact. This is manifested in the form of normative expectations towards journali

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Marta Majorek

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 56, Numer 3 (215), 2013, s. 364-379


The role of YouTube, a new medium, in democratization of the audiovisual area is presented in this paper. Freedom and the large availability for users, both in case of access to resources and posting any video content, causes a dramatic minimization of the gap between professional and amateur producers. It is worth to answer the question whether this trend is stable and whether the online community, actively using YouTube, will continue to follow this liberal path, or whether a new trend, quite opposite and aimed to reduce this lawlessness, will emerge. Is it, therefore, an attack on a democratic idea of the portal and its creative role, or a natural effort to improve the quality of the resources of this giant television network? This article aims to answer these and many other questions that arise from the development of this medium.

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Lidia Pokrzycka

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 56, Numer 3 (215), 2013, s. 380-388


This paper describes the system of journalists’ training in Iceland (in theory and practice), on the basis of research and the author’s own experience. After a series of lectures at the University of Iceland, an internship in a popular Icelandic paper as well as teaching courses at Reykjavik University, it can be concluded that the training of journalists in Iceland is modern, tailored to the changing reality. However, it is the media market that decides whether the education is valuable. In case of Iceland, this market is too small to maintain full independence from political authorities and advertisers.

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Władysław Marek Kolasa

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 56, Numer 3 (215), 2013, s. 389-400


The articles contains a brief description of the Great Emigration (1832–1870) publications, in particular their statistics and typology. It also concerns the directions and results of studies in this area, undertaken by historians after 1945. The citations analysis has been used widely for the evaluation of the research output. Researchers’ interest in the press of this period has been moderate. A total number of 55 scholars have worked in this area. They published 83 papers, cited 257 times in the appropriate discourse (history of press) [143 times below the half-life period]. The greatest achievements in this respect were accomplished by: Sławomir Kalembka (8 papers) [40 citations], Ludwik Gocel (3) [17], and Stanisław Szostakowski (2) [9], who amassed almost a half of all references [66]. Important papers were also published by historians of literature: Maria Straszewska (1) [7], Halina Stankowska (3) [2], and occasional authors: Stefan Kieniewicz (3) [6], Ludwik Zieliński (2) [5]. A different role in this area was played by Marian Tyrowicz (2) [14]. The greatest accomplishments in the analyzed area are three monographs: “Prasa demokratyczna Wielkiej Emigracji: dzieje i główne koncepcje polityczne 1832–1863” by S. Kalembka (Toruń 1977), “Z kart Wielkiej Emigracji: prasa obozu arystokratyczno-konserwatywnego w latach 1832–1848” by S. Szostakowski (Olsztyn 1974), and “Literatura i krytyka w czasopismach Wielkiej Emigracji” (1832–1848)” by H. Stankowska (Wrocław 1973). This area seems to be relatively well covered; only a modern bibliography of titles is lacking.

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Piotr Przybytek

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 56, Numer 3 (215), 2013, s. 401-425


The first part of the article ”Press Publishing Activities of Cracow Economic and Agricultural Society in the years 1850–1862” presents the Society’s attempts to establish its press organ in Cracow’s newspaper market for a longer time. Appendix to the “Time” Dedicated to Industry, Agriculture, and Farming Technology (1850), independent semi-annual Annual of the Imperial-Royal Cracow Economic and Agricultural Society (1851–1853), and Agro-Industrial Weekly (1854–1862) were established. Journalistic genres and columns characteristic of these three periodicals were discussed in the article. Also presented was the unrealized plan of the Society: to publish a magazine „for the people”. During these several years, the Society did not lack determination and flexibility in their attempts to publish their own magazine.

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Omówienia, recenzje, rozbiory

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 56, Numer 3 (215), 2013, s. 426-443

  • Karol Jakubowicz: Nowa ekologia mediów. Konwergencja a metamorfoza (Miłosz Kluba)
  • Dominique Kalifa, Philippe Régnier, Marie-Ève Thérenty, Alain Vaillant (red.): La civilisation du journal. Histoire culturelle et littéraire de la presse française au XIXe siècle (Edyta Żyrek)
  • Jacek Wasilewski, Opowieści o Polsce. Retoryka narracji (Katarzyna Drogowska)
  • Anna Wileczek: Świadectwa – ślady – znaki. Lapidarium jako strategia formy (Agnieszka Krupa)
  • Kamilla Łozowska-Marcinkowska: Sprawy niewieście. Problematyka czasopism kobiecych Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej (Bernadetta Darska)
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Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 56, Numer 3 (215), 2013, s. 444-459

  • Henryk Siwek – prasoznawca 1940–2013 (Walery Pisarek)
  • Dorobek prasoznawczy Henryka Siwka (bibliografia opracowań 1967–1998) (Władysław Marek Kolasa)
  • Europejski Kongres Kultury we Wrocławiu (Józef Szocki)
  • Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa „Nowe media a prawo” (Anna Wilińska-Zelek)
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