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2019 Następne

Data publikacji: 20.12.2019

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Zawartość numeru

Z problemów aktualnych

Adam Szynol

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 62, Numer 4 (240), 2019, s. 11-30


Is Paywall Really A “To Be or Not To Be” Question for Daily Press Publishers?

The article is an attempt to systematize the term “paywall” in the light of research presented mainly in foreign publications, scientific journals in particular, also specialist magazines and popular public studies. Due to the lack of such publications in Poland, the author’s aim is to partially fill this gap. Additional objective was to carry out an overview of practical forms of introducing different ways of payments/subscriptions for the online content featured by the publishers. The author is making an effort to meet the expectations of both academics and practitioners seeking for synthetic studies on the subject.

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Bogdan Fischer

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 62, Numer 4 (240), 2019, s. 31-42


Journalistic Code of Conduct with Personal Data. Introduction.

The article analyzes the legitimacy of introducing a journalistic code of conduct regulating the professional behavior of journalists dealing with personal data. Starting from the assump-tions of creating deontological codes and journalistic codes of ethics in Poland, the basic attention was devoted to the analysis of the justification of introducing codes of conduct for journalists working with personal data. Currently approved codes of conduct are recognized by the EU legislator as one of the most important harmonization instruments. The under-taken considerations concern the requirements in this area, and the possibility of drawing the attention of journalists to the „ordering” activities regarding personal data and related issues.

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Jarosław Dobrzycki

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 62, Numer 4 (240), 2019, s. 43-61


Protest of Disabled Persons and Their Care-Givers in 2018 on the Pages of Polish Weeklies Newsweek and Sieci and the Problem of Tabloidisation

The text aims to analyze the way in which the protest of disabled persons and their caregivers in 2018 was presented on the pages of selected issues of two opinion magazines: Newsweekand Sieci. The main thesis is that the entire message was subjected to tabloidization, which led to the questioning of the events that took place in Polish Parliament. The author focuses on five determinants of tabloidization, namely: colloquialism, emotionalism, sensational-ism, personalization and visualization. This review shows that the coverage of the protest in Newsweek and Sieci meets all the determinants of tabloidization . In addition to that, both sides of the public dispute are discredited and there is no detailed analysis of the whole event. Thanks to the conducted research, the article may contribute to the contemporary debate on the progressive tabloidization of opinion weeklies.

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Wojciech Maguś

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 62, Numer 4 (240), 2019, s. 63-93


Twitter as a Tool for Dialogue Between Political Leaders and Their Environment

The aim of this article is to evaluate the communication effectiveness of political leaders on Twitter. The subject of the analysis was the activity of Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, Katarzyna Lubnauer, Mateusz Morawiecki, Grzegorz Schetyna and Stanisław Tyszka in the period from 1 September to 30 November 2018. This period allowed us to capture the specific use of Twitter during the local government elections campaign and during the pre-campaign before the elections in 2019. The article is based on quantitative and qualitative analyses. The paper is an attempt to answer how much political leaders use this medium as a   tool for dialogue.

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Rozprawy i artykuły

Ewa Nowak-Teter

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 62, Numer 4 (240), 2019, s. 95-112


Agenda-Setting and Reverse Agenda-Setting in the New Media Environment. Theoretical Approach and Research Results (2013–2017)

The development of new media environment requires adequate verification of the results of previously known media effects research. Agenda-setting theory is one of these classic approaches that should be discussed using new types of (public and media) agendas in order to determine their dependencies. Thus the goal of this article is to verify the basic assump-tion of agenda-setting theory and its modification, that is the reverse agenda-setting concept in an online media environment. The results of empirical data showed that the agenda-set-ting theory is still a relevant approach when observing the dependencies between the public agenda and media agenda, which means that media agenda (measured by the frequency of publications of online opinion forming dailies devoted to the selected issues) is statistically significantly dependent on public agenda (measured by public opinion surveys concerning the same issues). The reverse agenda-setting dependency has been observed for the new type of public agenda, that is search agenda (measured using Google Trends application), which proved to be statistically significantly dependent on online news media (opinion forming dailies) agenda.

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Maria Nowina Konopka

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 62, Numer 4 (240), 2019, s. 113-121


CLARIN Tools in Practice in Media Studies

The CLARIN-PL tools were created for scientists who undertake research in the field of human and social sciences. However, in the field of Polish media studies, the infrastructure of Polish Common Language Resources and Technology is not used, as has been proven by the research based on the analysis of articles published in two Polish media studies journals: Studia Medioznawcze and Zeszyty Prasoznawcze. The results of the research are presented and discussed in this article which also describes ten tools, applications and services offered by the scientific consortium that may significantly affect both the improvement of the meth-odology of media research and the comfort of work of Polish scientists.

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Jacek Dąbała

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 62, Numer 4 (240), 2019, s. 123-132


Audiovisuality and Lexical Hipertrophy

For the first time in the global media science, a lexical and hypertrophic concept in the audio-visual aspect is preliminarily outlined on the possible influence of words and their intensity on the film image. Based on the classic phenomenological theory of Roman Ingarden, who treats aesthetically valuable qualities, the author shows the capacity and links of words with media dramaturgy. The aim of the article is to show selected mutual conditions of language and audiovisuality, revealing their correlated dramaturgy in specific words despite the apparent lack of connection. The text illustrated with the examples, makes the readers aware of the fact that the language itself has both creative and analytical potential. The research material, which was referred to the phenomena present in the media space and indicated by selected researchers, is analysed in the light of phenomenology and structuralism. The research method depends on the sensitivity of the material and its axiological characteristics. The author proves this is the cognitive value of the article, when starting from the language, from its lexical and hypertrophic layer, one can build optimal audio-visual dramaturgy.

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Agnieszka Barczyk-Sitkowska

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 62, Numer 4 (240), 2019, s. 133-151


The Influence of Transitions Between Shots on the Attractiveness of Audiovisual Advertising (Based on Surveys)

The aim of the article was to verify whether using of a   specific type of editing in advertising changes the rating of its attractiveness. To test this, in December 2018 a questionnaire survey was carried out, in which 214 people participated. In order to eliminate other factors which could influence the respondents’ answers, the study used materials prepared for a fictitious brand by Experimental Laboratory of Advertising at the University of Lodz. The respondents watched three variants of a   commercial, which differed only in transitions between shots (cut, dissolve, wipe). The study allowed to verify whether these manipulations changed the recipients’ perception of the commercial, its readability, dynamics or the creativity.

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Media na świecie

Dagmara Głuszek-Szafraniec

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 62, Numer 4 (240), 2019, s. 153-169


Media System in Spain. Regional Differences

The modern media system in Spain is a result of political and market changes that have taken place on the Iberian Peninsula since the late 1970s. The aim of the article is to indicate political, historical and legal reasons that determined the shape and structure of media connections in Spain. The author used an institutional and legal analysis to show how the internal policy of the central state and the policy of autonomous communities influenced the development of the media. The article also presents data on the differences in the way media are used by the inhabitants of individual regions. This diversity is a   result of different attitudes and historical habits of the media audience, as well as access to various media sectors.

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Agnieszka Walecka-Rynduch

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 62, Numer 4 (240), 2019, s. 171-185


This study aims to carry out a communicological analysis of a   specific phrase: “the long march through the institutions”. The phrase was used by the leader of the ruling party, Jarosław Kaczyński, in January 2018. The author analyses who and in what circumstances used this “modus operandi”, and identifies reasons that make the phrase a tool of populist political communication. The analysed phrase also represents a starting point for considering how communication strategies are selected by the leader of Law and Justice. The text contains an overview and represents a contribution to in-depth research into political communication, populism and propaganda in the public sphere immersed in the media – MediaPolis. The author wishes to draw attention to interesting evolution of populism towards an important tool of political communication, and undertakes a case study of an utterance of the leader of Poland’s ruling party. The research questions put in the study aim to examine a convention characteristic of populism: interchangeable treatment of conceptual apparatuses of ethical (axiological) and pragmatic discourses. Those paradigms, though originating from differ-ent world views, coincide in one political reality. The metaphor of march becomes a perfect synonym of change without the need to precisely define its direction and necessity. The study contributes to initiating a wider debate on populist political communication in Poland.

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Z historii mediów

Krzysztof Stępnik

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 62, Numer 4 (240), 2019, s. 187-204


Freelancer. War Correspondent Mieczysław Jełowicki’s Letters from Bucharest (1913)

The aim of this article is to analyze the letters written by Mieczysław Jełowicki and sent by him from Bucharest to Polish newspapers during the peace conference ending the Second Balkan War and after its closing. These letters, published as „original” or „special” correspondences, serve as a   testimony of journalist’s observations on Romanian behaviours, and of his reflec-tions on the policy of the Balkan states and the attitude of European powers towards that policy. In particular, the author focused on the textual, formal and content complexity of these correspondences, released in variable forms in several newspapers at the same time. Moreover, the author described the evolution of Jełowicki’s views, in which prejudices and stereotypical images about Romania, are replaced by the understanding and sympathy for that country.

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Artur Trudzik

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 62, Numer 4 (240), 2019, s. 205-220


The Genological Strategies in the Music Press in Poland in the 1970s (jazz, rock, pop)

The music press in Poland in the 1970s in terms of genology was “stable”, nomen omen as well as the definition of the whole decade. No major genre and genre transformations were observed at that time, but the aim of the article was not to justify the revolution taking place in the 1970s, as it   was simply not the case (it took place in the 1980s and during the political transformations), but the aim was to find missing pieces of the image of the music press (rock, jazz, pop) in research and literature. In general, the editors presented similar genealogical strategies and structural concepts, but – as this analysis has shown – this segment was not homogeneous: the first genological experiments and innovative content (e.g., the first experiments in the field of rock, jazz, pop, etc.). The first genological experiments and inno-vative content (e.g. punk rock) in Non Stop magazine, the minimal interest in music behind the Iron Curtain (Jazz Forum magazine), the thoroughly modern structure of Musicorama magazineor the specific concept of Synkopa – Klub Miłośników Piosenki magazines rarely practiced in the press with this orientation, confirm that the knowledge about journalism and music media, without the data presented in this article, would be incomplete and lack logical continuity.

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Andrzej Kaliszewski

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 62, Numer 4 (240), 2019, s. 221-240


The Decommunisation Teacher. Zbigniew Herbert’s Political Journalistic Writing (1981–1998)

Zbigniew Herbert (1924–1998), valued as one of the most distinguished contemporary poets and essayists, in the communist times created the ‘upright attitude’ ethos which, among other things, meant uncompromising opposition to Marxism and the defence of univer-sal values. However, his vast, strictly journalistic work remains controversial and nearly unexplored, and includes, among many others, reviews, columns and articles published in the press 1950–1953 and 1981–1998. Filling the gap in the research is the aim of this arti-cle devoted to Herbert’s political journalistic writing (Tygodnik Solidarność weekly), to his open letters and interviews, pertaining to the transformation in Poland after The August of 1980 and to the, in his opinion unfulfilled, hopes of full democracy and decommunisation. Herbert’s radicalism in political journalism, attacking his once friends and the new power elite whom he accused of negligence and conformism, caused strong reactions going as far as arguments accusing Herbert of mental illness or alcoholism. The article argues for the necessity of an objective and emotion-free perception of Herbert’s political journalism, and of looking at it   in close connection with the constitutive characteristics of the genre itself (column), such as subjectivism, sharp sense of humour, expressive language and caricature. The research methods used include qualitative text analysis, the theory of journalistic genres and the media discourse analysis.

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Z życia naukowego

Anna Modzelewska, Grażyna Stachyra

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 62, Numer 4 (240), 2019, s. 241-242

M. Popiołek: Czy można żyć bez Face­booka? Rola serwisów społecznościowych w sieciowym społeczeństwie informa­cyjnym, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 2018, s. 238. 
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Grażyna Stachyra

Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 62, Numer 4 (240), 2019, s. 243-246

 Ignacio Gallego, Manuel Fernández Sande and Nieves Limón (eds):  Tr e n d s   in Radio Research. Diversity, Innovation and Policies. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge 2018, s. 364.
- Grażyna Stachyra
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