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Teoria Polityki


TEORIA POLITYKI is an international scientific journal that publishes papers on theory of politics and methodology of political science. Scientific areas within the scope of the journal include broadly-understood theoretical reflection on politics, conducted in accordance with all the paradigms of social sciences and research approaches specific to political science. The fundamental aim of the journal is to further theoretical reflection on politics, to bring together scholars specializing in the theory of politics and to present Polish political thought to international readership. With that purpose in mind, the journal intends to publish the papers of the most prominent Polish and foreign political theorists.

ISSN: 2543-7046

eISSN: 2544-0845

MNiSW points: 40

UIC ID: 498513

DOI: 10.4467/25440845TP

Editorial team

Piotr Borowiec
Małgorzata Kułakowska
Magdalena Kozub-Karkut


Jagiellonian University in Kraków

Journal content

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Nr 9/2024

Editor-in-Chief: Piotr Borowiec

Deputy Editor-in-Chief:

Secretary: Małgorzata Kułakowska, Magdalena Kozub-Karkut

Publikacja finansowana przez: Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Uniwersytet Gdański, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy, Uniwersytet Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie, Uniwersytet Łódzki, Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie, Uniwersytet Opolski, Uniwersytet Śląski, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Uniwersytet Zielonogórski.

Issue content

Magdalena Mikołajczyk, Filip Pierzchalski

Teoria Polityki, Nr 9/2024, 2024

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Epistemologiczne rekonfiguracje

Filip Pierzchalski, Mariangela D’Ambrosio

Teoria Polityki, Nr 9/2024, 2024, pp. 9-25

The aim of the article is to analyze the patriarchal system in the light of the cognitive concept of the extended mind. The extended mind hypothesis fits in the externalist definition of the mind, where environmental and social factors (exostructures) are valued in explaining complex mental and cognitive processes – subjective experience in general. In this scientific interpretation, the reproduction of patriarchy can be reduced to the individual reproduction of a specific type of mentality, more precisely, the androcentrically shaped intentionality of participants in collective life. In other words, male and female mentality – including perceptual and introspective awareness – are gradually dependent on a complex and multi-level mechanism of cultural transmission. A process that in this case should be perceived as a key factor in promoting patriarchal models of femininity/masculinity, which is directly related to the dissemination of phallogocentric thinking, attitudes, behaviors, etc. in society.
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Edyta B. Pietrzak

Teoria Polityki, Nr 9/2024, 2024, pp. 27-38

New materialism is a heterogeneous and dynamic philosophical current and theoretical movement reviving interest in materiality. It emerged within non-anthropocentric humanities, driven by a sense of exhaustion of traditional ways of thinking about the world. Although its origins can be found in Baruch Spinoza and Gilles Deleuze, the term itself emerged in the late 1990s in the texts of Rosi Braidotti and Manuel DeLanda, and its main representatives include Karen Barad, Elizabeth Grosz, Donna Haraway and Jane Bennett. New materialisms emerge from the dialogue between feminist theory and science and focus on the life and workings of matter and its production of meaning. They ask about the ontological foundations of social and political reality. They reject anthropocentrism and androcentrism, taking as their starting point the relationships of human and non-human, natural and technological, organic and synthetic, matter and
language entities. Thus, they arouse as much interest as controversy. The paper addresses issues related to the political significance of new materialisms. The political contexts of embodied theories and philosophies and the new interpretative paths they set out for
politics are presented.
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Agnieszka Rothert

Teoria Polityki, Nr 9/2024, 2024, pp. 39-57

Fairy tales are ancient forms of narrative. To survive, these fairy tales had to be told over and over and they also migrate well because of their basic structure, the essential elements of the psychological behavior which belong to the human species in general and others which are culturally divergent. We can recognize not only most basic human behavior mirrored in tales, but at the same time to see the possible developments and solutions. That is why fairy tales are powerful magnets for feminist critique of misogynist order and retelling the tales in new transformative ways. The aim of this essay is to look at certain parts of the history of fairy tales in context of the psychological element of feminine principle and archetypes, and in similar vein to analyze some of the feminist revisions to find what is at the same time intrinsic and transformative. These are fluidity of archetypal feminine figures, and behavior between them which can be summarized as mother daughter bond or older and younger woman relationship. The second wave of feminism also brought forward consciousness-raising sessions and the famous slogan “The personal is political”. What binds all of it together is that complex relationships are mirrored by sites of fissures in women’s political movements of the 70s and the 90s. To verify the premises and to deduce the conclusions it was necessary to sieve relevant observations from a huge volume of fairy tales itself and literature about fairy tales, feminist fairy tales as well. The points discussed here are: evolution of fairy tales and feminine principle; feminism, femininity and fairy tales; female characters in fairy tales; the mother-daughter relationship and mirrors or mirroring issue in revisions. The technique used to derive an explanation and understanding of pattern and nature of human experiences, as well as cultural and social phenomena is the interpretive qualitative method by employing narrative analysis and orientational approach to interpret a feminist perspective.
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Agnieszka Hensoldt

Teoria Polityki, Nr 9/2024, 2024, pp. 59-76

The starting point for my considerations is the FADA (Feminism(s) and Degrowth Alliance) network established in September 2016. The alliance of the degrowth movement with feminist trends is analyzed from both sides: feminist and degrowth. The article is divided into four parts. The first one is investigation of the presence of feminist ideas in degrowth thought. In the second part, I look for degrowth ideas which have a feminist origin or have been accepted by one of the currents of feminism. The third part explores the ideological closeness of ecofeminist and feminist-economic and degrowth criticism. Part four concerns the Polish feminist scene. In a short analysis, I wonder whether the alliance of degrowth ideas with (some) feminist trends is also visible in Polish social and political life.
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Izabela Frodyma

Teoria Polityki, Nr 9/2024, 2024, pp. 77-98

The paper shows the problem of the distorted image of motherhood and gender as institutions created by patriarchal society to marginalize women. The response to this is to be manifestations of micro-resistance undertaken by radical feminists. Based on the analysis of source texts, the author will try to show that being a mother is associated with social and political exclusion. Lack of respect and gender equality is the reason for taking the action of defiance, and therefore the attitude of disobedience.
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Paweł Ścigaj

Teoria Polityki, Nr 9/2024, 2024, pp. 99-124

While violence against women and its ideological justifications are longstanding, perpetuating and reproducing centuries-old gender inequalities, recent decades have seen the emergence of a new phenomenon in the form of male organizations advocating for a response to what they perceive as the erosion of male status and increasing discrimination against men. These movements have various goals and promote different tools of influence, ranging from persuasion and argumentation in favor of men’s rights to acceptance and even calls for violence against women and certain men. This article presents the fundamental ideas and main groups that make up the ‘manosphere’ – a fragmented and internally diverse collection of online communities that communicate through forums and chats discussing issues of contemporary men’s identities and their rights in relation to perceptions of modern women’s positions and behaviors.
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Diagnozy i krytyka

Mateusz Zieliński, Wojciech Ufel

Teoria Polityki, Nr 9/2024, 2024, pp. 125-147

Feminist critique of democracy leads to the articulation of numerous proposals to change its institutional mechanisms to be more inclusive and emancipatory. Increasing importance is attributed not only to quantitative representation but also to the quality of public debate. In the article, we demonstrate how recent efforts to transcend the distinction between descriptive and substantive representation of women can face criticism from the perspective of intersectional theory. By analyzing the example of the ‘second-generation feminist institutional design,’ a model proposed by Karen Celis and Sarah Childs, we assess the compatibility of these ideas with deliberative theory and its practice. Ultimately, we circle back to the challenge posed by the intersectional approach to power and equality, aiming to delineate the boundaries of the emancipatory and inclusive potential of deliberative practices. The critique presented by intersectionality underscores that while such innovations might enhance equality in certain aspects, their inherent design will inadvertently perpetuate inequalities in other domains.
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Magdalena Ozimek-Hanslik

Teoria Polityki, Nr 9/2024, 2024, pp. 149-168

The purpose of this paper is to looking at feminist reflection in this variants, which is connected with social class as the analytic marker in research of social position of woman. As the important topics I consider: class contradictions in feminist movement and theory and cognition potential of conceptualization its. The important supplement are experiences of woman form the popular class in socio-economic context, class order. Feminists diagnoses offers interesting cognitions of political phenomenons and processes. The aim of this considerations is to present complementary flow – between theory of politics and feminism and reinforcement heuristic potential of this flows. This is allow for explorations of contradictions and tensions of feminism and consider of gender marker as the important in shaping of political phenomenons and processes and also gives it examples in woman’s experience.
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Mateusz Kufliński

Teoria Polityki, Nr 9/2024, 2024, pp. 169-190


Eleanor Burke Leacock was an American feminist and Marxist anthropologist who defended Lewis H. Morgans hypothesis of primitive communism. To this end, Leacocks research was inspired primarily by EngelsThe Origins of the Family, Private Property and the State, and confirmed her hypothesis that patriarchy has nothing to do with human nature but is a consequence of changes within the relations of production. Taking this observation as her baseline, the anthropologist proposed an intersectional feminist program in the Marxist tradition. The paper is an attempt to reconstruct: 1) Leacocks perspective on the genesis of patriarchy and its relationship to the capitalist mode of production, and 2) a diagnosis and proposition for social change; as well as capturing the relationship that exists between the two, the relationship between history and actuality.

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Aleksandra Kruk

Teoria Polityki, Nr 9/2024, 2024, pp. 191-206

The article show the principles of the feminist foreign policy in Germany after 2021. This feminist policy is realized by the coalition of Social Democrats, Greens and Liberals. The goal of feminist foreign policy is construction of stability and freedom in the world, the sustainable division of resources and the women’s representation in the public institutions. The article shows, that the feminist foreign policy is the next step in the fight for freedom and emancipation. The article presents also the evolution if the perception of women’s roles in the state and evolution of feminist debate in Germany.
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Magdalena Muszel

Teoria Polityki, Nr 9/2024, 2024, pp. 207-230

This article explores the dynamic realm of transnational feminist activism, focusing on the contributions of Polish feminists in the United Kingdom. It delves into the profound ways in which these activists have engaged with and influenced the broader feminist movement within their host country. The article begins by contextualizing the rise of transnational cooperation among feminist groups, underscoring the universal relevance of issues such as violence against women, systemic discrimination, and reproductive rights. Central to this exploration is the significant wave of Polish migration to the UK post-2004, leading to a substantial Polish diaspora actively participating in feminist dialogues. This participation is further amplified by key political events in Poland, particularly in 2016 and 2020, which saw attempts by the Polish government to restrict reproductive rights, igniting protests and mobilization among Polish feminists both domestically and in the diaspora. The article provides an in-depth analysis of the multifaceted feminist activism of Polish migrants in the UK, which extends beyond the realm of reproductive rights to broader feminist and pro-democracy activities. This intersectional approach not only enriches their activism but also facilitates the exchange of ideas, strategies, and resources, creating a robust network of support and action that transcends national boundaries. Through qualitative methodologies, including in-depth ethnographic interviews with feminist activists, this study reveals the complexities of operating within transnational social fields, negotiating multiple identities, and engaging in feminist activism across borders. The findings highlight the strategic vision of Polish feminists in the UK, their responsiveness to socio-political changes in Poland, and their significant role in shaping global feminist discourses and strategies.
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Piotr Sieńko

Teoria Polityki, Nr 9/2024, 2024, pp. 231-255

The overarching aim of this text is to analyse texts by selected contemporary Polish women artists. The works I am interpreting are characterised by emancipatory overtones. Their authors are women who have taken an interest in the situation of women in society in their work. I have assumed that the proposed texts refer to politics, for example by reflecting on the patriarchal system. In them, the authors also evoke current socio-political events. Therefore, the analyses presented are also characterised by the fact that I have placed the texts by contemporary Polish women artists in a specific space. Consequently, the article begins with an explanation of the notion of politicality and a description of the choice of methodology, which, given the material taken up, is feminist criticism. The following sections of the article are discussions of selected texts by contemporary Polish artists whose main theme of their work is the emancipation
of women; these are: Iron Vaginas, Downtown Gang. The added value of the article is that the aforementioned female authors pursue their projects in different musical genres, which is also noted in this text.
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