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Institutions and the Problem of Social Order. A Normative Approximation

Publication date: 2019

Teoria Polityki, 2019, No. 3/2019, pp. 229-247



Miguel Angel Latouche
Goethe University Frankfurt
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6 60323 Frankfurt am Main Germany, Germany
Central University of Venezuela
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Institutions and the Problem of Social Order. A Normative Approximation


This paper discusses the effect of social structure in the development of cooperative behaviour. We will argue that structural conditions shape the scope of social interactions. Strategic exchanges among the members of society are built in the context of the parameters that are defined by the institutional framework in which social life develops. Cooperation is not the result of natural development, nor does it depend on altruistic behaviour; instead, it results both from the configuration of normative mechanisms of control and incentives systems, and from the evolution of moral foundations resulting from learning processes. We will use the Stag Hunt Metaphor to argue about the impact that context may have in determining the scope of human interactions and about the importance of defining moral mechanisms  that favour the construction of a stable social order.


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Information: Teoria Polityki, 2019, No. 3/2019, pp. 229-247

Article type: Original article



Institutions and the Problem of Social Order. A Normative Approximation


Institutions and the Problem of Social Order. A Normative Approximation


Goethe University Frankfurt
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6 60323 Frankfurt am Main Germany, Germany

Central University of Venezuela

Published at: 2019

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY-NC-ND  licence icon

Percentage share of authors:

Miguel Angel Latouche (Author) - 100%

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