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The Foreign Policy of Poland and the Problem of Political Rationale

Publication date: 19.09.2022

Teoria Polityki, 2022, No. 6/2022, pp. 237-255



Tomasz Pawłuszko
University of Opole, pl. Kopernika 11a, 45-040 Opole, Poland
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5572-3199 Orcid
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The Foreign Policy of Poland and the Problem of Political Rationale


The aim of the paper is to use international relations theories to explain the views of Polish elites in the field of foreign policy. The concept of political rationale in foreign policy, introduced by Fred Chernoff, is utilized to achieve this goal. The structure of the text is threefold. The first part introduces the theoretical approach. It is believed that it is possible to derive foreign policy mental maps from leading international relations theories such as realism, liberalism, and constructivism. The second part describes how foreign policy is understood by three groups of Polish elites. The third part compares decision-makers views identified in the second part with the theoretical models developed in the first part. In conclusion, the theory’s usefulness in explaining Poland’s foreign policy concepts is evaluated. The text presents an attempt to connect the issues of theory with observable political practice on the example of Poland’s foreign policy after the end of the Cold War. As a result, the paper shows the linkages between chosen International Relations (IR) theories and the state’s foreign policy. In this way, it incorporates the mainstream IR theories into the reflection conducted primarily in the Foreign Policy Analysis field.


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Information: Teoria Polityki, 2022, No. 6/2022, pp. 237-255

Article type: Original article



The Foreign Policy of Poland and the Problem of Political Rationale


The Foreign Policy of Poland and the Problem of Political Rationale



Tomasz Pawłuszko
University of Opole, pl. Kopernika 11a, 45-040 Opole, Poland
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5572-3199 Orcid
All publications →

University of Opole, pl. Kopernika 11a, 45-040 Opole, Poland

Published at: 19.09.2022

Article status: Open

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Tomasz Pawłuszko (Author) - 100%

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