Rocznik Biblioteki Naukowej PAU i PAN


„Rocznik Biblioteki Naukowej PAU i PAN w Krakowie” jest ogólnopolskim periodykiem naukowym ukazującym się regularnie od 1956 roku (do 1999 jako „Rocznik Biblioteki Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Krakowie”). Poświęcony jest szeroko rozumianej kulturze piśmienniczej oraz jej funkcjonowaniu w perspektywie historycznej. Tematyka materiałów publikowanych w Roczniku dotyczy przede wszystkim historii wraz z naukami pomocniczymi, historii sztuki (w tym grafiki), historii literatury, historii nauki, bibliologii i prasoznawstwa, omawianych przez badaczy polskich i zagranicznych. Część artykułów i edycji tekstów źródłowych, pisanych również przez pracowników Biblioteki, opartych jest na własnych bogatych zasobach, głównie Zbiorów Specjalnych i Gabinetu Rycin.

W 2006 roku ukazała się bibliografia Wydawnictwa Biblioteki za lata 1856-2006, autorstwa Małgorzaty Kremer i Anny Sroki.

ISSN: 1642-2503

eISSN: 2544-0500

Punkty MNiSW: 20

UIC ID: 504069

DOI: 10.4467/25440500RBN


Redaktorka naczelna:
Agnieszka Fluda-Krokos
Zastępczyni redaktorki naczelnej:
Karolina Grodziska
Ewa Danowska
Wojciech Lipowski
Marcin Klemenski


Polska Akademia Umiejętności

Zawartość czasopisma

zobacz wszystkie wydania Następne

Rok LXVIII (2023)

Data publikacji: 02.2024

Zawartość numeru

Agnieszka Fluda-Krokos, Karolina Grodziska

Rocznik Biblioteki Naukowej PAU i PAN, Rok LXVIII (2023), 2023, s. 3-7

Czytaj więcej Następne

Agnieszka Fluda-Krokos, Karolina Grodziska

Rocznik Biblioteki Naukowej PAU i PAN, Rok LXVIII (2023), 2023, s. 9-22


Keepsakes of Wisława Szymborska in the Scientific Library of the PAAS and the PAS in Cracow collection

As the year 2023 was announced the Year of Wisława Szymborska due to the 100th anniversary of her birth, it is a great opportunity to present the Scientific Library of the PAAS and the  PAS in Krakow. They have been gathered in the period from 1953 to 2011 and were not collected in a planned manner: they come from separate donations, legacies or purchases. These are poetry books published during Szymborska’s life (7), Italian issues in Pietro Marchesani’s translation with original collages or watercolours by Alina Kalczyńska, donated by her or a painter Leszek Dutka (5). The manuscripts collection contains 5 letters of the Poet to Witold Zechenter from the period 1970 1976 and her dedications in the books she gave to him in the period from 1953 to 1976 (9); these and numerous other dedications were cut out by Zechenter from books and kept as loose cards. Two dedications have been decorated with cutouts. Also the bookplates collection of the Library Printing Room contains 7 bookplates produced for Wisława Szymborska by respected Polish artists: Zbigniew Osenkowski, Roman Mucha, Czesław Woś, Helena Sawicka and Leszek Frey-Witkowski as well as two etching matrices of Stanisław Dawski’s works. Despite varying provenance and incompleteness, the keepsakes of Wisława Szymborska constitute an interesting collection for researchers and enthusiasts of her work. keepsakes of Wisława Szymborska constitute an interesting collection for researchers and enthusiasts of her work.

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Łukasz Łukawski

Rocznik Biblioteki Naukowej PAU i PAN, Rok LXVIII (2023), 2023, s. 24-37


Manuscripts related to Jan Matejko in the Scientific Library of the PAAS and PAS collection

Due to the 185th anniversary of Jan Matejko’s birth and 130th of his death, to appreciate his artistic work as well as patriotic and social activity, the Senat of the Republic of Poland in its resolution of 16 November 2022 announced the year 2023 the Year of Jan Matejko. The celebrations of the Year of Jan Matejko create a perfect opportunity for an overview and familiarisation with keepsakes related to the Cracovian painter kept in the manuscripts collection of the Scientific Library of the PAAS and the PAS in Kra- kow. Among the most precious ones are the painter’s sketches from the album titled The Dead and Alive by a romantic poet Teofil Lenartowicz as well as letters written by Jan Matejko: three to the editorial board of “Kłosy” weekly magazine included in the collection of autographs gathered by Cyprian Walewski and two included in Stanisław Tomkowicz’s correspondence, related to artistic activity, financial matters as well as the artist’s health issues. Among various manuscripts there are some materials related to Jan Matejko’s life and arts, as well as those commemorating and critically analysing his life and activity, such as a manuscript of Jan Matejko’s artistic biography written by Stanisław Witkiewicz. A query revealed also numerous photographs showing the artist, some with his hand-written dedications. Thanks to the popularity of Jan Matejko’s paint- ings, the manuscripts collection includes also a great deal of replicas of his most famous but also some unique works printed on postcards, photographs and newspaper clips. The discovered materials do not form a coherent collection but through their diversity they can be considered an interesting source for the research on Jan Matejko’s life and work as well as on the perception of his paintings among his contemporaries and following generations.

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Marcin A. Klemenski

Rocznik Biblioteki Naukowej PAU i PAN, Rok LXVIII (2023), 2023, s. 39-60


Letters from Karol Piotrowicz to Władysław Semkowicz from the period between 1924 and 1938 in the collection of Jagiellonian Library in Krakow

The paper contains the edition of 16 letters from the period 1924–1938 written by Karol Piotrowicz, the last prewar Director of the Scientific Library of the PAAS, to his father-in-law, Władysław Semkowicz. The preserved correspondence is kept in the Jagiellonian University collection and contains a vast amount of information regarding family relations, scientific cooperation, source materials planned for publishing as well as other academic activities. What is more, the letters present the relations between the academic communities of Krakow and Warsaw. It is also a preliminary research on the biographies of Karol Piotrowicz and Władysław Semkowicz.

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Karolina Grodziska

Rocznik Biblioteki Naukowej PAU i PAN, Rok LXVIII (2023), 2023, s. 61-69


Literary games of the employees of the Scientific Library of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences: 1938 name day greetings for Karol Piotrowicz

The paper is a preliminary study for the biography of Karol Piotrowicz (1901–1940), a respected historian, Jagiellonian University professor, academic activist and a publisher. Since 1931 to 1939, he has also been the Director of the Scientific Library of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences; he successfully managed and modernised the Library. In Summer 1939, he was called into the Polish Army, and after the September Campaign was taken into Soviet slavery. In April 1940, in Kharkov, together with hundreds of other Polish prisoners, he was murdered by Russians. He bereaved wife and two daughters who stayed in Krakow.

Among the Karol Piotrowicz’s family documents kept by his grand daughters Teresa Wolska and Elżbieta Wolska, there are still some personal documents of Piotrowicz which will by donated to our Library in the future. Now we present the edition of one of these papers. It is a humorous work by some librarians, Karol Piotrowicz’s employees, given to him for his name day on November 4, 1938. It consists of 10 pages and contains a bibliography of works allegedly written by the library employees which is light-heart and full of allusions, accurately pointing at their professional interests as well as private passions and even weaknesses. The following pages contain short poems, anecdotes, humoresques and riddles. The author is not given but it may be assumed that the text was mainly created by Władysław Ogrodziński, a writer and a culture activist who became famous in the post-war period.

Such literary games practice was known among that time librarians and archivists. Some similar works written in the Jagiellonian Library or Ossolineum have also survived. The small miscellany presented here is not only a moving piece of work and a preliminary study for Karol Piotrowicz’s biography but also an interesting example of a bottom-up culture of our Library in the 1930s.

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Karolina Targosz

Rocznik Biblioteki Naukowej PAU i PAN, Rok LXVIII (2023), 2023, s. 71-97


Madame de Sévignéand King John III Sobieski –the masters of 17th century French and Polish epistolography

Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, marchionesse de Sévigné (1626–1696) and John Sobieski (1629–1696) lived during almost the same period of time. The marchioness was three years older, they died in the same year. Lady de Sévigné became a famous epistologra- pher already during her life and shortly after she died. Sobieski’s letters got published only in the 19th c. and their literary value was underlined for the first time by a renown translator of French literature, Tadeusz Boy-Żeleński, who compared the king’s letters with those of madame de Sévigné.

What the marchioness’s and the king’s letters have in common is that these were all private letters to their closest and beloved ones -marchioness’s to her daughter, lady de Grignan and Sobieski’s to his wife, Maria Kazimiera d’Arquien. Due to the distance and longing, a uniquely inspiring epistolography was created. There are of course a lot of differences between their letters, however a number of common threads may be noticed. Many times did lady de Sévigné and Sobieski express a strong belief that their feelings towards the addressees are rare and extremely strong. Similarly, they considered them to possess exceptional traits, not only physical beauty but also outstanding spiritual and mental qualities.

In their letters they often articulated their concern about health issues, emphasising that their own physical state depends very much on the condition of their beloved ones. In- spired by Molier’s comedies they knew very well from books and theatres, they would also refer critically to doctors’ opinions.

The marchioness was also delighted with her daughter’s knowledge of medical issues and her interest in the philosophy of Descartes, describing it as “cartesienne” and call- ing the philosopher her spiritual father. Although Sobieski’s letters do not contain any philosophical reflection, he is known to be familiar with Cartesianism and to have kept the works of Descartes in his library.

What is characteristic for both collections of letters and also unique for this period, is a close and warm relation with children’s world – marchioness’s grandchildren and So- bieski’s children. The grandmother and father used to take a lot of interest in their health, cared about their illnesses, gave advice on intellectual development.

In the marchioness’s and the king’s letters some pre-romantic elements are also present which are visible in their attitude towards the nature – e.g. Lady de Sévigné mentioning her night walks under the moonlight and Sobieski contemplating the sunset.

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Piotr Tylus

Rocznik Biblioteki Naukowej PAU i PAN, Rok LXVIII (2023), 2023, s. 99-106


French culture in 18th c. Poland on the basis of the Jagiellonian Library French manuscripts collection

The article discusses the presence of French culture in Poland during the 18th century, specifically focusing on the presence of the French language based on a collection of French manuscripts stored in the Jagiellonian Library. Various types of texts are cov- ered here (political, diplomatic, administrative, as well as private correspondence, trav- el journals, scientific treatises, texts relevant to the study of Polish history, etc.) that are preserved in the Jagiellonian Library’s manuscript collection, authored or copied by Poles. The French manuscripts found in these collections are mainly of “Polish” origin, created in Poland; they were written by Poles and they vividly demonstrate the signifi- cant role played by the French language and French culture during the mentioned period.

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Joachim Śliwa

Rocznik Biblioteki Naukowej PAU i PAN, Rok LXVIII (2023), 2023, s. 107-120


 „Za pierwszym wstąpieniem ucałowałem ziemię egipską”. Jean-François Champollion in Alexandria (18 VIII – 14 IX 1828).

Based on Jean-François Champollion’s letter to his brother Jacques-Joseph Champollion- Figeac dated 28 August 1828, his stay of a few weeks in Alexandria beginning with the arrival of the corvette Églée is discussed. J.-F. Champollion was in charge of a Franco-Tuscan expedition heading for Cairo and further up the Nile to the region of the Second Cataract. In his letter Champollion devoted much attention to the description of Alexandria and the monuments he saw: Pompey’s Pillar and two obelisks known as Cleopatra’s Needles. He also reported on an audience with the Viceroy of Egypt, Muhammad Ali. The letter in question (along with two others) was published in an anonymous translation in Volume VIII of „Dziennik Wileński” in 1829 (one year after the original publication in French).

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Bernadeta Wilk

Rocznik Biblioteki Naukowej PAU i PAN, Rok LXVIII (2023), 2023, s. 121-138


Antoni Waga’s “Travel Journals” from Egypt

Antoni Waga (1799–1890), zoologist, pioneer in the applied entomology, teacher in secondary schools is Warsaw, bibliophile, erudite, a member of the Cracow Scientific Society (hereinafter: CSS) and the CSS Physiography Commission (since 1873 the Academy of Art and Science), participant of numerous scientific expeditions to Mediterranean countries as well as to Africa and Middle East. Antoni Waga’s journeys stemmed not only from his willingness to learn about the most distant corners of the world and their culture but most of all from his interest in nature and a passion for collecting insects. Pieces of Journals presented below refer to Antoni Waga’s memories from his journey to North-East Africa and include the researcher’s reports from his visit to Egypt in 1864 and 1879. The Journals come from Antoni Waga’s collection kept by the PAAS and the PAS Archive of Science file no. K III–141.

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Ewelina Tarkowska

Rocznik Biblioteki Naukowej PAU i PAN, Rok LXVIII (2023), 2023, s. 139-163


Polish Post-November refugees in western France and the 1833 Portuguese expedition project

The idea produced by general officer Józef Bem and price Adam Jerzy Czartoryski to form a Polish Legion in Portugal in 1833 is an interesting subject in the context of international situation, French policy towards Polish post November refugees and as far as the situation within Polish emigration is concerned. Polish Legion was intended to participate in the Portuguese civil war on the side of the liberals and the supporters of constitutional monarchy. The Poles wanted to fight for the freedom of nations and were attracted by the perspective of military service in the Portuguese Army. French government informally supported the Poles expedition to Portugal perceiving it as a prospect of limiting expenditures on political refugees as well as an opportunity for calming down social anxiety, since the presence of Polish refugees in France caused numerous manifestations and riots. The Poles were allowed to gather on the West Coast of France. Initially, more than a dozen people went to the Breton island of Belle-Île where they spent a year and a half waiting for the opportunity to depart. Later on, the Poles were gathering in Nantes. As general officer Józef Bem’s idea was becoming less and less probable, some of them were directed to settle in Côtes-du-Nord department. Those determined to leave headed for the city of La Rochelle. The article presents the preparations for the Portuguese Expedition mostly from the perspective of the French authorities: how government decisions regulated the issues of the possible leave of the Poles and the engagement of French local authorities in this Polish project.

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Krzysztof Ziomek

Rocznik Biblioteki Naukowej PAU i PAN, Rok LXVIII (2023), 2023, s. 165-187


Literature in the press of Polish diaspora in Brazil 1892–1920

Literature was published extensively in the nineteenth century Polish diaspora press in Brazil. Even the entire page of a four-page issue could be taken up by a piece of belles lettres. The use of literature, contrary to what has been suggested in the source literature, was not simply an effortless way to fill journals with interesting, popular content. Belles lettres were carefully chosen, for instance based on the author’s worldview preferences. In addition to fulfilling the cultural and ludic functions of the Polish diaspora press, which are of primary importance in this context, literature also served important edu- cational, informative, and religious functions. Publishing literary works was a way to maintain boundaries with the language and culture of the country of origin, and Polish diaspora activists used satire to conduct debates.

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Bożena Lesiak-Przybył

Rocznik Biblioteki Naukowej PAU i PAN, Rok LXVIII (2023), 2023, s. 189-204


Aleksandra Czechówna’s two trips “To the waters”– to Iwonicz (1875) and Szczawnica (1880) (Selected Works)

Aleksandra Apolonia Czechówna (1839–1923) was the daughter of Tomasz Czech and Aleksandra nee Zielińska. The journal she was writing for her entire life – almost un interruptedly for 68 years (1856–1923) is kept in the National Archive in Krakow under file no. 29/1582/1–29/1582/44 (former file no. IT 428/1–428/44). It is a great source pre senting cultural and social life of Krakow during the second half of 19th century and first two decades of the 20th century.

During hot summer months people were willing to leave the city. They would often go to the countryside but also the “the waters” – spa towns, which offered not only a ther apeutic activity but also leisure and entertainment. Numerous doctors were more and more often promoting spa treatment. Aleksandra Czechówna, living in Krakow, was also trying to spend the dog days of summer away from the city. She would often visit her family in the countryside or go for trips around Krakow. But to help her health or just accompanying her parents, several times she had also a chance to visit spa towns, mostly Polish ones but also abroad.

The presented two accounts from Aleksandra Czechówna’s trips to “the baths” – to Iwonicz in 1875 and to Szczawnica 1880, create an interesting contributory studies of the daily life of that times when the habit of holiday trips and spa treatment was emerging and developing dynamically.

The text comes from two volumes of Aleksandra Czechówna’s “Journal”: vol. 14 file no. 29/1582/14 (former file no. IT 428/14) and vol. 18, file no. 29/1582/18 (former file no. IT 428/18).

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Krystyna Pawłowska

Rocznik Biblioteki Naukowej PAU i PAN, Rok LXVIII (2023), 2023, s. 205-222


Bartynowski’s Papers Materyały do ikonografii królów, zbroi i wojska polskiego

Władysław Bartynowski was a famous and remarkable numismatist active in Cracow at the end of 19th and the beginning of 20th century. In fact, he was a collector of various interests. Since early adulthood he used to collect old prints on various topics, including portrayals of famous Polish historical figures, coats of arms, old prints front pages, front page decorative frames etc. In 1882, the collection contained already 4200 units and it was not the end of his activity as a collector. Bartynowski used to work as an antiquar- ian so apart from the prints he owned, many more passed through his hands. He used to purchase them, sell and exchange. After some time, he became very well acquainted with this kind of works. The copies he produced were often so perfect that modern connoisseurs are sometimes unable to distinguish them from their originals. A piece of the collection was donated to the National Museum in Krakow.

At the end of his life, Bartynowski decided to publish a collection of prints to serve educational purposes for those who had no access to the originals. To this end, he hired a talented drawer, Karol Wawrosz, who arranged tables of prints redrawn by him or otherwise copied from originals according to their subject. The basis and source for these catalogues were the collections gathered throughout many years as well as Władysław Bartynowski’s knowledge.

This is how the work titled “Materyały do ikonografii królów zbroi i wojska polskiego” came into being. It consists of three big files titled Portrayals of kings, Army and Weapons and a notebook titled Materials containing detailed descriptions for tables and drawings. The work was published in print in 1908. It is in black and white, however a part of the volume was extra painted in watercolour by Bronisława Uhmowa, Władysław Bartynowski’s daughter, which add to the beauty of this work. Currently, the Bartynowski’s Files are available in a few libraries but only the black and white version. The paper presents the files in colour based on the copy from the family archive. Individual boards from these files, including the coloured ones, are sometimes to be found in antiquarian bookshops. Unfortunately, due to the lack of proper information on individual pages, they are commonly called the Wawrosz Files.

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