Antoniego Wagi „Dzienniki podróży” do Egiptu
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEAntoniego Wagi „Dzienniki podróży” do Egiptu
Data publikacji: 02.2024
Rocznik Biblioteki Naukowej PAU i PAN, 2023, Rok LXVIII (2023), s. 121-138
Antoniego Wagi „Dzienniki podróży” do Egiptu
Antoni Waga’s “Travel Journals” from Egypt
Antoni Waga (1799–1890), zoologist, pioneer in the applied entomology, teacher in secondary schools is Warsaw, bibliophile, erudite, a member of the Cracow Scientific Society (hereinafter: CSS) and the CSS Physiography Commission (since 1873 the Academy of Art and Science), participant of numerous scientific expeditions to Mediterranean countries as well as to Africa and Middle East. Antoni Waga’s journeys stemmed not only from his willingness to learn about the most distant corners of the world and their culture but most of all from his interest in nature and a passion for collecting insects. Pieces of Journals presented below refer to Antoni Waga’s memories from his journey to North-East Africa and include the researcher’s reports from his visit to Egypt in 1864 and 1879. The Journals come from Antoni Waga’s collection kept by the PAAS and the PAS Archive of Science file no. K III–141.
Informacje: Rocznik Biblioteki Naukowej PAU i PAN, 2023, Rok LXVIII (2023), s. 121-138
Typ artykułu: Artykuł przeglądowy
Antoniego Wagi „Dzienniki podróży” do Egiptu
Antoni Waga’s “Travel Journals” from Egypt
Archiwum Nauki PAN i PAU w Krakowie
Publikacja: 02.2024
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND
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