logotypu Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego

2009 Następne

Data publikacji: 2009

Licencja: Żadna


Zastępca redaktor naczelnej Aleksander Noworól

Redaktor naczelny Grażyna Prawelska-Skrzypek

Sekretarz redakcji Ewa Bogacz-Wojtanowska

Redakcja numeru Roman Batko

Zawartość numeru

Łukasz Sułkowski

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 1 (5) , 2009, s. 9 - 16

The issue of „common wealth” is a classics of economic, sociological and even politological considerations in the area of social cooperation. Introduction of the neo-evolutionist context can, however, contribute new significant motifs to the analyses of the „tragedy of the commons”. Man is characterised by a natural, developed in the course of evolution, tendency to cooperate and compete. Therefore, the construction of the social order aiming at the protection and development of the „common wealth” cannot disavow the human nature. Knowledge of our biological and evolutionary roots can be helpful while building the social order limiting the problem of the „tragedy of the common wealth”.
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Aleksander Noworól

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 1 (5) , 2009, s. 17 - 31

The paper presents a variety of instruments used in Polish low in order to assure social security especially in the domain of the danger of unemployment. The multitude of legal acts and a lack of cohesion of described activities indicate the necessity of the integration of tools applied in the social policy.
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Barbara Kożuch

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 1 (5) , 2009, s. 33 - 44

In the paper an attempt is made to know effectiveness conditions of a local self-governmental administration reflected in the framework of public management. Analysis is focused on theoretical issues of employment forms with a concern to a local self-governmental administration in Poland. Results of the research is illustrated with pilot survey. It allows to conclude that employment forms should be adjusted to changing needs of self-governmental administration with the reference to quality improvement of offered public services, and also because of EU public policies.
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Ewa Bogacz-Wojtanowska

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 1 (5) , 2009, s. 45 - 56

This paper is concerned with action of nongovernmental organizations on the local labor markets. The author presents theoretical framework and empirical research results about third sector activity in two local labor markets in Poland (in two different provinces), as well inadequacy and lack of complementarities to the public sector in its undertakings
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Piotr Górski

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 1 (5) , 2009, s. 57 - 70

In the paper the author presents his research about attitudes of students of turist`s management about their study and attitudes toward work. He attempts to answer the following questions:
What was the motive of study the management
What was the student`s appraiseal of the Jagiellonian University educational offer.
What were the student`s expectations regarding their future job positions.

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Grzegorz Baran

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 1 (5) , 2009, s. 71 - 86

The paper presents reflections on the significance of good and long-lasting relationship between an employment agency and employers as the important group of its customers. The article focuses on how the marketing orientation and good market image of an employment agency may affect relationship between the employment agency and employers as its customers.

The marketing orientation is more and more popular in management both in public and private sector. The relationship management in the public sector is quite different than in the private sector and the business methods need to be changed and adjusted by public managers.

The paper focuses especially on the labour as a specific kind of product offered by employment agencies, thus employment agency managers have to develop new effective marketing and management methods. The ideas, presented in the article, are based both on the marketing management literature and empirical research among customers of two employment agencies.

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Anna Lubecka

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 1 (5) , 2009, s. 87 - 101

The aim of the present article is to discuss the change in the attitudes of Poles to work after 1989 and its influence on the situation of minorities on the Polish job market. The materialistic orientation of most Poles combined with a growing thread of unemployment result in an emergence of an economic intolerance and discrimination against strangers, members of such minorities as ethnic, gender, age, physical and mental disability, sexual orientation groups and even Polish re-emigrants form Russia (cf. the concept of the glass ceiling (women) and of the glass box (the Roma) who can compete for jobs. Consequently, despite the fact that the Polish legal system guarantee an equal right to work to all Polish citizens, it impossible to treat multiculturalism as an authentic value and an asset to build Puttman’s bridging capital, Bourdieu’s symbolic capital and the intangibles, which as new forms of human capital decide about the social welfare today.
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Jan Łuczyński

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 1 (5) , 2009, s. 103 - 117

The relationship between the school system and job market becomes increasingly complex. This tendency originates in the tension between the growing dynamics of the changes on job market and the relative stability of the school system that acts as a bureaucratic, hierarchical, and inertial structure. The paper presents an analysis of the abovementioned opposition and conclusions about the changes in job market – school system relationships necessary for improvement of satisfying citizens’ needs.
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Grzegorz Mazurkiewicz

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 1 (5) , 2009, s. 119 - 131

The paper presents reflections rising from a study on adult learning professions in Poland. Changes in the socio-political and legal context created phenomena that have occurred in the adult education systems, mechanisms and approaches. The article focuses on the impact of those processes on a specific professional group – adult educators. Because of the increasing importance of life long learning and the promising vision of a knowledge society, new initiatives in education open challenging possibilities for human development.
Based on interviews with practitioners the article describes the professional situation of adult educators: training, development, awareness, values, priorities and practice. There  is a new trend noticeable in these interviews – the emergence of a new kind of educator. The specific working style of this new group (operating like a closed caste) with a specific language and communication style, value system, ethics and critical skills resulted in the creation of the new culture of life long learning. The culture of adult educators has developed skills of survival in fragmented reality of Polish educational policy, a chaotic legal frame and the strong pressure of labour market.

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Kazimierz Bujak

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 1 (5) , 2009, s. 133 - 149

The article treats about the problems of effective relationships between labour offices and their unemployed clients. The most desirable, from the point of view of realization of the mission of employment services, are relations of cooperation based upon the attitudes of the unemployed to obtain a job stimulated by their real intentions. There are, however, several barriers limiting relations between labour offices and the unemployed. The most important ones regard rigidity and overformalization of the procedures of employment services. There are also those connected with the process of communication, work organization of labour offices and effectiveness of their programmes addressed to their clients. In the final part of the paper the ways of overcoming the abovementioned barriers are shown.

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Roman Batko

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 1 (5) , 2009, s. 151 - 163

In this paper I recommend using business process management (BPM) and also some of the elements of quality management (TQM, ISO 9001 standard), which have been used effectively in managing business and public organizations. I propose that they can be used in WUP (Provincial Labour Agency), especially as the environment of WUP itself is undergoing changes regarding legal, client and stakeholders’ requirements.
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Piotr Górski

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 1 (5) , 2009, s. 165 - 171

Recenzja: „Nurt metodologiczny w naukach o zarządzaniu. Perspektywy i zagrożenia rozwoju” pod redakcją naukową Wandy Błaszczyk
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Rok wydania 2006
Numer ISBN 83-7171-942-6
Specyfikacja 299 stron

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Małgorzata Szelągowska

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 1 (5) , 2009, s. 173 - 176

Sprawozdanie z Międzynarodowej konferencji poświęconej refleksji nad specyficznymi formami zarządzania i przewodnictwa w organizacjach kulturalnych i non-profit, 26 i 27 września 2008 roku, Bordeaux.
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