logotypu Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego

2017 Następne

Data publikacji: 22.03.2018

Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND  ikona licencji


Redaktor naczelny Aleksander Noworól

Sekretarz redakcji Paweł Hałat

Redakcja numeru Kamila Noworól

Zawartość numeru

Danuta Stawasz

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (40), 2017, s. 403-413


Cohesion of Strategic Planning and Spatial Planning as a Condition for Efficient Governance of Urban Development

The dynamics of processes occurring in urban structures prompts the discussion concerning numerous issues that so far have not decisively contributed to urban development. This paper presents a discussion on the requirement of rational governance of urban space in relation to the need for strategic planning of city development. The subject of considerations is the assessment of the relationship between spatial planning and strategic planning in the context of building the competitiveness of the city. The presented dilemmas around the need to ensure in practice the cohesion between these two types of planning and the described effects of the lack of such cohesion represent a contribution to the debate on contemporary determinants of managing the development of urban structures. Recommendations for public authorities, indicating the need to implement the cohesion of strategic and spatial planning in governance practice, are also presented.
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Artur Hołuj

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (40), 2017, s. 415-425


Functional and Spatial Changes versus Municipal Actions for Green Areas in Krakow

The primary objective of the study is to analyze the methods and effects of city authorities policy concerning the maintenance of green areas reserve. The discussion is held on the example of the Krakow district of Czyżyny. This article identifies some deficiencies arising from the applicable laws and inefficient spatial policy of the Krakow municipality. The Author also attempts to assess the effects of functioning practices for the residents and the quality of the space.
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Lina Marcinkevičiūtė, Jan Žukovskis, Janusz Sasak

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (40), 2017, s. 427-442

Managing Natural Resources in Sustainable Development of Rural Areas on the Example of the Community in Lithuania 
The publication presents the issues of sustainable development of rural areas in the context of effective resource management. The issues of their protection and sustainable use were combined, taking into account the requirements of various areas (economic, social, cultural, legal and environmental protection). The main types of resources, functions and significance related to their use were analyzed. The consequences of changes in the environment, as well as the possibilities of solving and possible threats to the most current problems were determined. Attention was paid to the most important environmental components – air, water, climate, landscape and biodiversity problems.
The publication emphasizes the sustainable management of natural resources – the use of natural resources will bring many benefits to inhabitants of rural areas. A study evaluating the status of natural resources, management measures and value for the sustainable development of the Zasliai Community in the Kaisiadoris region has been described here. The study identifies and justifies the directions of improvement of natural resources management, in accordance with the components of sustainable development (economic, environmental and socio-social).
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Ewa Jastrzębska, Paulina Legutko-Kobus

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (40), 2017, s. 443-461


Collaborative Economy – Definitions, Classifications, and Good Practices

Collaborative economy (CE) is currently a growing trend – responding to the rapid development of ICT. The article presents the CE formulation process – its genesis, definitions and categories. It includes also analysis of Polish good examples of the CE.
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Patrycja Brańka

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (40), 2017, s. 463-475

The territorial approach to development widely recognised in the European Union and in Poland makes it necessary to form and support territorial structures based on cooperation, capable of identifying their own resources, of establishing and accomplishing common objectives. Another essential aspect seems to be the ability to establish different kinds of cooperation depending on available opportunities, needs and chances. In this context the issue of social participation takes on a new significance. In Poland social participation and partnership only recently became essential elements of planning development at all local administration levels. Local action groups are a component of institutional infrastructure in rural areas whose main purpose is to stimulate bottom-up approach to development. 
The aim of the paper was to identify the forms and methods of engaging local communities in action aimed at development of a region, recognise groups that are eager to cooperate and identify barriers. 
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Adam Sulich

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (40), 2017, s. 477-495

The main thesis of this paper assumes that future entrepreneurs’ salary expectations may be the most important reason for them to attend entrepreneurship education and begin business activity. The main aim of this article was to analyse future entrepreneurs’ salary expectations with comparison to other students’ and graduates’ salary expectations and needs towards their first employer, then check the influence of entrepreneurship education on this expectations. However the entrepreneurship intention can be changed by different choice of individual career path to become rather an employee than an entrepreneur. Therefore entrepreneurship education may be also an important factor of this choice. The paper presents results of surveys conducted among the students of the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology in years 2014 (N = 971), 2015 (N = 1241), 2016 (N = 1320), and 2017 (N = 1262). This wide time span of research combined with the large group of students and graduates gave also a very close view to the future entrepreneurs’ expectations towards state’s institutions and support. However results are only representative for researched university. Students and graduates of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology undertake professional activity, every year more often both as entrepreneurs and employees. In both cases they are rarely able to accurately assess the value of their qualifications. Future entrepreneurs are driven to become successful business owners because of the sense of personal achievement it provides and for financial stability, according to presented in this paper research.
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Stanisława Jung-Konstanty

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (40), 2017, s. 495-509

The Role of Parents’ Council in Effective Management of a Public School
School is a specific public organization. Its difference from other organizations is, among other things, that it brings together specific and diverse stakeholders: students, parents and employe­es. The implementation of the goals of such an organization depends to a large extent on the director of the educational institution. The conceptual and social skills of the person managing the school have a significant impact on the formation of correct relationships in a diverse environment.
The article attempts to draw attention to the potentially large role of parents’ council in managing a public school. The competences of the parents’ council were emphasized while showing areas of cooperation with the school’s director.
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Małgorzata Marzec

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (40), 2017, s. 511-524

The Meaning of Accounting Instruments to Support Strategic Management in the Public Sector
The purpose of the article is to indicate the importance of accounting tools that support strategic management in the public sector. The paper shows the growing role of management accounting instruments that can be used to make strategic decisions in public organizations. The development of strategic management is a prerequisite for improving the efficiency of the management and implementation of public tasks. Management can be effective only if it has the right set of useful information. One source of this knowledge may be the accounting system, especially management accounting. This article attempts to evaluate the problem by analyzing the literature and theoretical discussion.
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Grzegorz Makowski

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (40), 2017, s. 525-550


Single-bidding as a corruption risk indicator in public procurement

Public procurement is a huge sphere of activity of various types of public institutions (contracting authorities) and private organizations (bidders). It is also a specific market in which different values and logics of action collide – on the one hand, the pursuit of profit, on the other the primacy of saving and care for the „taxpayers money”. It is expected that, like every market, public procurement systems will operate according to the logic of open and free competition, which in turn will translate into rational behavior of both contracting parties and bidders. Practice shows, however, that syncretic nature of the procurement market is also the source of its problems. Public procurement is not only free from abuses and bad governance, but it is also traditionally identified as one of the main areas of risk of corruption. The risk of corruption in the public procurement market might be observed by identifying factors disrupting its basic feature – competitiveness. This text is a presentation of the possibility of applying a „single-bidder” (a situation in which only one valid bid appears in a competitive, open procurement procedure) as an indicator of corruption risk. The aim is also to draw a broader theoretical background on which the use of this indicator gains deeper meaning.
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Marcin Waszak

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (40), 2017, s. 551-566


Status of people who disclose wrongdoing or malpractices in the workplace in the Slovak Republic and its evolution including the Act adopted on 16th October 2014

The article is focused on origins and implementation of the Slovak Act on whistleblowers protection adopted in 2014 and its practical consequences. Author analyses attitudes of the Slovak society towards reporting corruption and their evolution in the last four years. Key legal mechanisms of whistleblowers protection against reprisal were also presented. 
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