logotypu Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego

2012 Następne

Data publikacji: 19.12.2012

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naczelny Aleksander Noworól

Sekretarz redakcji Joanna Kołodziejczyk

Redakcja numeru Joanna Kołodziejczyk, Roman Dorczak

Zawartość numeru

Agnieszka Całek

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (19), 2012, s. 9-22


Making inter-sector cooperation in building the foundation of volunteering in Malopolska.
Case study of “Małopolski projekt «Mieć wyobraźnię miłosierdzia»”.
The article overviews inter-sector cooperation in building the foundation of volunteering. It is a case study of volunteering project conducted in Malopolska by local authorities. The project has been analyzed according to 4C Adil Najam’s model.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Agnieszka Białek, Dorota Wiszejko-Wierzbicka

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (19), 2012, s. 23-37


Teamwork and cooperation in school within psychological-pedagogical assistance: The goal itself or a way for each student to achieve success
Cooperation appears to be one of the priorities, an emphasized part of strategy in different countries, including Poland (e.g. strategy “Poland 2030. Development Challenges”), as a foundation of capital development of the state. The priority of cooperation is refl ected also within the educational reform, especially in the new approved law regulations underlining importance of team work devoted to psychological-pedagogical assistance. First attempts of implementation of the new regulations have been undertaken in a pilot project conducted by the Ministry of National Education in 2011 focused on elementary, primary and secondary schools. It became the subject of a qualitative research conducted by the Institute for Educational Research. Key findings relates to the cooperation and organization of work in teams as well as to disclose difficulties and ways to overcome them. Do the undertaken efforts at school can bear name of a full collaboration? What are the diffi culties associated with organising of work in teams aimed at students’ needs diagnosis? We will try to find an answer to these questions in the present article.

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Roman Dorczak

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (19), 2012, s. 39-47


Specificity of educational management — individual development as a core value
Paper tries to show the specificity of management in education as a separate domain. It postulates to built that specifi city finding core values that help to distinguish management in education form other types of management. It then points out at human individual development as core educational value that can be taken as the basis in the process of building the understanding of management in education as specific domain. Main part of the paper describes three different ways of understanding development in developmental and educational psychology and practical consequences for educational management that are connected with those different understandings.

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Mikołaj Jasiński, Tomasz S. Zając, Marek Styczeń, Albert Izdebski

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (19), 2012, s. 49-60


Using Social Insurance Institution and university’s administrative data to monitor the fate of university graduates
Until now there have been two types of analysis used in monitoring graduates’ situation on labour market. The fi rst type of analysis used surveys among graduates and / or employers. The second was based on public statistics. These analyses usually were not combined and did not provide the possibility to identify the links between education path and the success in the labour market. This paper presents a project that is carried out by the Quality Evaluation Unit of the University of Warsaw. The main goal of the project is to create a methodology of evaluation research that is capable of describing relation between success in studying and labour market success. In the project we will use multiple sources of information, which are administrative data collected continuously by various institutions independently from any researchers activities. The register of Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) contains a wealth of information on the professional activity of Poles while institutions of higher education have collected data on the history of students’ educational careers in their electronic registers. Data gathered by University of Warsaw on the educational path of students have been used in the project so far. Combining information from these two sources creates great opportunities for systematic evaluation of learning processes and outcomes in institutions of higher education. The project implemented by Quality Evaluation Unit of UW aims at something seemingly impossible – a systematic study enabling in-depth analysis that is not expensive.

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Magdalena Jelonek

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (19), 2012, s. 61-71


Assessing and measuring the social effects of Higher Education (HE) institutions — methodological reflections
In theory and practice of public policies are increasingly talking about the need to build policies based on the evidence. Similarly, more and more is expected of managers of the higher education sector: more frequent use of data for decision-making and reliable, supported by data assessment of the effects of implemented policies. These policies may increase or decrease the ability to generate the higher education outcomes that are socially beneficial. This article will address the dilemmas associated with the measurement of the social effects of Higher Education institutions, special emphasis will be placed on the specific dilemmas for the Polish academic sector. The authors will try to answer the questions: whether this measurement is possible and whether it is real in Polish HE sector, what are the costs and benefits related with this assessment.

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Tomasz S. Zając

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (19), 2012, s. 73-87


Horizontal (im)mobility at University of Warsaw. Evaluating effects of Bologna Process implementation
One of the basic goals of Bologna Process is to promote students mobility. Transforming five-year studies in two-cycle structure gave students the opportunity of horizontal mobility – chance to change the institution of higher education or faculty after completing first cycle. This paper presents results of the research on the students’ educational paths and on their horizontal mobility after becoming bachelor in 2010 at University of Warsaw. It is the first research on this issue based on data collected by University’s administration and stored in two related systems that collect the data: web-based central admission system (IRK) and University Study-Oriented System (USOS).

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Sylwia Jaskuła

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (19), 2012, s. 89-98


Developmental evaluation as a challenge of contemporary system of education
Contemporary system of education becomes more and more dynamic, meets the requirements of transforming reality and responds to demands of the new technics and strategies of development and management. Evaluation is one of such strategies that also changes its functions and undertakes challenges of contemporary system of education (There are four generations of evaluation). Evaluation as a strategy of applied research is something more than measurement of organizational efficiency, it is reflective cognition of social values by responsive character of the evaluation process. That is a model of developmental evaluation that facilitates discussion about how to evaluate the schools experience, transformations and challenges.

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Małgorzata Jaśko

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (19), 2012, s. 99-108


Quality regulated by the law. Evaluation at school viewed in the light of the ongoing changes in the educational supervision
The article discusses problems connected with the implementation of qualitative changes imposed on schools by legal regulations. The internal evaluation has been discussed in the light of the changes in the educational supervision which have been taking place over the recent years. The analyses conducted in this article prove that legal regulations exert a powerful influence on qualitative actions undertaken by schools. The schools, however, do not act solely following the changes in legal regulations. Moreover, those constant changes result in teachers’ disbelief in the permanence of the implemented solutions. Introducing the changes in educational supervision and assisting the schools in their realization of the tasks resulting from the currently binding directive by the Ministry of Education of 7 October 2007 on Educational Supervision it seems a good idea to draw from the experiences that the schools have in the field of assessing the quality of their work and to show the continuity of the actions promoting quality introduced to schools with legal regulations since 1999.
The article has been inspired by the report written by Danuta Elsner and Krzysztof Bednarek entitled “Two Years of Internal Evaluation – opinions of the educational environments” presented at the conference “Quality of education or/and quality of evaluation. Leaders’ roles and development” which was held in Kraków between 30 March and 2 April 2012.

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Grzegorz Baran

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (19), 2012, s. 109-121


Co-creating value with customers as a matter of educational processes evaluation
This article applies to the issue of co-creation as a key factor in the success of the school, and thus the object of evaluation of educational processes. The thesis was that in responsible thinking about school, the most important are not institutional but process aspects. Traditionally it was assumed that organizations create value (in the form of products and services) and exchange it with consumers. That product-centric approach to creating value is being replaced by an individual experience and co-creating value with customers. The school cannot be limited to the place, where the strictly planned process of education occur. Responsible school should be an innovative experiment environment in which all stakeholders share responsibility and are committed to creating value.

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Joanna Kołodziejczyk

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (19), 2012, s. 123-137


How schools promote value of education?
Modern school faces the growing challenge to promote competently “learning”, studying, knowledge – above all among students but also in the local environment. The problem has been recognized by the authorities creating educational law in Poland – one of the requirements that schools must meet is “Promoting value of education”. Present publication isan attempt to give answer on how Polish schools implement this requirement. The article contains the results of the external evaluation of schools and educational institutions carried out under the Enhancement of the Pedagogic Supervision System Efficiency and Evaluation of the School Operation Quality Program.

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Aleksander Noworól

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (19), 2012, s. 139-150


Instruments of local educational policy
The paper presents main elements of the local educational policy. On the basis of rules and regulations resulting from National Act of Education, the paper depicts goals and implementation instruments of the policy. The author underlines the importance of monitoring and control tools which, according to the ministerial ordinance on the pedagogic surveillance, allow to direct desired amendments in the educational system.

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Laura Koba

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (19), 2012, s. 151-164


Monitoring and Evaluation in the Research on Human Rights Awareness in Schools
The awareness of human rights in Poland leaves a lot to be desired. Poland’s international obligations concerning human rights education should be subject to control. In this connection, monitoring and evaluation could prove very helpful. Within the last twenty years, monitoring has been used many times when rasing the issue of human rights with regard to various fields of life in Poland. At the same time, evaluation has been neglected as a form of control allowing to asses the standards of human rights protection in the country.

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