logotypu Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego

2018 Następne

Data publikacji: 28.03.2018

Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND  ikona licencji


Redaktor naczelny Joanna Kołodziejczyk

Sekretarz redakcji Paweł Hałat

Redakcja numeru Grzegorz Mazurkiewicz

Zawartość numeru

Henryk Mizerek

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 1 (41), 2018, s. 1-10


On forgotten art of dialogue

The purpose of the paper is to point to the reasons why dialogue in educational practice increasingly appears as forgotten art. The word dialogue has lost its original meaning and in practice it functions as a “buzzword” – a fashionable label under which any meaning can be hidden. The author presents ways of understanding the dialogue in educational theory, clashing them with the understanding of dialogue in the concept of David Bohm, quantum physics, the author of many works on the theory and methodology of dialogue. Critical and practical reflection on the role of dialogue in education leads to the definition of “boundary conditions” that must be fulfilled in order to make dialogue a factor of school change.
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Joanna Kołodziejczyk, Grzegorz Mazurkiewicz

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 1 (41), 2018, s. 11-23


On managing imagination: inspirations for educational leadership and management

The main points of consideration in this paper are challenges of the contemporary educational management and leadership. Authors present selected contextual factors influencing educational policy and preferred models of management in education. They referred also to their personal inspirations coming from literature and their practical experiences connected to conducted research and to the implementation of solutions in school evaluation and educational leadership. Using these experiences, Authors share reflections on understanding of educational management and leadership and the conceptualization of directions of the development these areas.
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Monika Maciejewska

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 1 (41), 2018, s. 25-38


Evaluation in Polish schools –  between coercion and dialogue

This paper attempts to examine in detail several years of experience stemming from the introduction of evaluation to Polish schools. In order to understand the practice of evaluation implemented in schools, the focus of attention here is the search for educational discourses within this field and discussions conducted by practitioners. Attention is paid primarily to those who manage schools, i.e. headmasters, because they are particularly connected with evaluation processes in schools due to their administrative function. Thus, their statements posted on one of Internet forum have been analyzed.


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Justyna Nowotniak

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 1 (41), 2018, s. 39-57


The path from summative evaluations within the public sector towards  dialogue-based evaluations in Polish educational institutions

International expansion of the evaluation and globally growing volume of evaluation research projects are both facts nowadays. This paper is meant to analyse trends the responsive evaluation develops in Poland. In more detail, the following were the issues addressed by the author. Firstly, to determine the quiddity of that kind of evaluation and to set the path towards practitioning of responsive evaluation in the realm of Polish society. Secondly, to list down the terms and conditions necessary to meet to successfully exercise responsive evaluation in educational institutions and to propose methodological solutions supporting the implementation of such model of educational evaluation for the entire system of education evaluation.
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Agnieszka Olechowska

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 1 (41), 2018, s. 59-74


The pedagogic paradigms in official pedagogical discourse as a device of educational policy

Nowadays, the quality of our educational policy for students with special needs is unsufficient. The goal of the article is to show possible dependencies between the language used in the contemporary official pedagogical discourse (educational policy tool) and the way in which students with special educational needs are perceived. On the basis of critical analysis of the provisions of selected educational law acts, I will show that these acts are dominated by descriptions which are characteristic for the biological paradigm of disability perception and which could imply negative stereotypes and stigmatization of students with special needs.
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Hanna Kędzierska

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 1 (41), 2018, s. 75-89


Professional socialization of novice teachers – the other side of the coin

This paper discusses the outcomes of the first stage of conducted qualitative research on professional socialization of novice teachers. The presented analysis refers to the transition period from the role of a student to that of an employee and uncovers the less well-known empirically side of the coin in teacher training with regards to professional socialization of novice teachers – the perspective of constructing one’s professional path at the intersection of two cultures: the culture of academia and the workplace culture.
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Joanna Szafran

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 1 (41), 2018, s. 91-104


Management in education, and psychological competencies of headmasters.

The article discusses school management issues, and focuses on selected areas of psychological competence, personality issues mainly in terms of autonomy and sense of agency. These considerations are accompanied by reflection on managerial effectiveness and critical remarks on the competition procedures in school.
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Anna Hesse-Gawęda

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 1 (41), 2018, s. 105-115


The specificity of Educational Leadership – leading teachers

Educational leadership undoubtedly influences the quality of the processes occurring in educational institutions. How it is understood can impact actions taken by school heads and these actions may be completely different. The aim of this study is to present the ways of thinking and interpreting leadership styles of a group of Polish school heads. In the course of the analyses of differences in ways of understanding leadership, a classification by Gayle Avery [2009], distinguishing classical, transactional, visionary and organic leadership, was used.
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Michał Pachocki

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 1 (41), 2018, s. 117-131


How mobile teachers change the education? The image of Polish schools in research on the impact of staff training abroad on educational institutions in Poland

The article provides overview on results of research concerning Erasmus+ staff transnational mobility impact on Polish schools. It is also an attempt to deliver diagnosis of needs and problems schools face while using EU funds to carry out activities difficult to fund from domestic resources.
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Wiesław Poleszak

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 1 (41), 2018, s. 131-146

The paper is focused on the problems of student governments. A student government is a place where students learn the mains principles of democracy. The task of a school is to identify natural leaders and help them develop their competences. A school should prepare good leaders who could work at social and public areas. The result of this process depends on how teachers are prepared to work with students. In this paper we aim to identify advantages and disadvantages of student governments. The study was made at secondary schools in the north-western Poland. In total, 464 students and 41 teachers were studied. The results suggest how to support student governments. The study indicates that both students and teachers have limited knowledge about the mains principles and tasks of student governments. The respondents differ in their perception of advantages and disadvantages of student governments.
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Izabela Cytlak, Joanna Jarmużek

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 1 (41), 2018, s. 147-157


Opportunities and threats of managing diversity in the world of migrations

The aim of the publication is to analyze the phenomenon of multiculturalism in the context of education of migrant children. In the last decades, especially in the European Union countries, a phenomenon of social stratification is caused by the migration crisis and the need to redefine social life and its important dimension – education. Managing diversity at school requires a series of organizational and systemic actions to facilitate the integration process. An important part of this process is the co-operation of directors, teachers, parents and the entire local community. In this article, we will examine the different aspects of the diversity management process at the school to which the migrant child attends.


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