logotypu Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego

2010 Następne

Data publikacji: 2010


Jakość życia może być analizowana nie tylko na podstawie twardych danych, równie znaczące jest jej subiektywne odczucie, opierające się na ocenie elementów, które trudno zweryfikować, jak zadowolenie, poczucie bezpieczeństwa, więź z innymi itd. To termin złożony, niejednoznaczny, by nie powiedzieć: kontrowersyjny, który w różnych grupach społecznych, kulturach jest odmiennie odbierany i interpretowany. Na obecnym etapie rozwoju cywilizacji rozbieżność pomiędzy zaspokojeniem potrzeb materialnych a poczuciem satysfakcji z życia ciągle się pogłębia. Możliwość poprawy jego jakości stoi w centrum zainteresowania jednostek i społeczeństw, a potencjał rozwojowy nie tylko wynika z ekonomicznych podstaw, ale także opiera się na kapitale społecznym, kluczowym pojęciu pozwalającym wyjaśnić wiele zjawisk zachodzących w obecnym świecie.

Licencja: Żadna


Sekretarz redakcji Małgorzata Dąbrowska

Redaktor naczelny Aleksander Noworól

Redakcja numeru Aleksander Noworól

Zawartość numeru

Katarzyna Zofia Gdowska, Anna Markwart

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (11) , 2010, s. 9-17

The Millenium Development Goals refer mainly to the basic human needs. Those issues are important indicators of the quality of life. Theoretical foundations of the relevance of such an approach can be found in the thought of A. Sen. Efforts of mathematical modeling were also taken, yet though very useful, they also create problems.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Marek Biernacki

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (11) , 2010, s. 19-32

Subjective judgment of the prosperity in Poland does not become better despite a constant economic growth. CBOS (Centre of Public Opinion Research) researches show that for Polish people (97%) health is the most essential matter and that 75% persons are dissatisfi ed with the health service activity. Even only these numbers let observe the lack of the public prosperity optimization in Poland. Public utility services are personal, so they affect directly a feeling of the well-being. Undoubtedly, the quality of the services mentioned affects positively or negatively the prosperity of the whole population. A possibility of a public utilities evaluation in fi ve dimensions has been shown in this paper: (1) in a professional dimension, i.e. effi ciency; (2) in an economical dimension, i.e. productivity; (3) in a process-wise dimension, i.e. TQM; (4) in a personal dimension, i.e. consumer satisfaction; and (5) in a social dimension, i.e. public prosperity improvement.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Katalin Takács-György, István Takács

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (11) , 2010, s. 33-46

The local governments of settlements fulfi ll not only their basic duties but also a great deal of other tasks as well that infl uence the communities’ living conditions and quality of life, and through the way inhabitants feel also have an impact on the retention capacity of the settlements. The social policy of local governments is fulfi lled by the governments. Financing the tasks and their risks have a great effect on the realization of sustainable local governing. The aim of this study is to review the Hungarian local governmental system assessing some anomalies of the fi nancing of local governments and to draw attention to the risk of local governments, to the possibilities of how to reduce their operational risks highly considering the social political goals of the local governments, the role it has in developing and improving the people’s quality of life.

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Katalin Lipták

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (11) , 2010, s. 47-56

My paper presents the employment situation by the Visegrad Four (V4) countries (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary) in the recent years. I have chosen the analysis of the employment policy, unemployment and the regional disparities because they have been more and more used in the economy and can be considered an actual question.
The extensive economic literature deals with the role of the state it plays in the area of employment and revitalising demand in order to treat economic crisis; it also includes the probable benefi ts and drawbacks of the measures.
My hypothesis states that the employment position of the Visegrad Four is different in the European Union relation, and in the V4 relations, its human resource position is weak, the level of employment is low, which is infl uenced by several factors and the four countries have different employment trends. The methodology of the paper is the analysis of available statistical data, the study and critical analysis of the situation.

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Ewa Śmigielska

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (11) , 2010, s. 57-67

This article presents salary system in polish civil service. Prime Minister Canccellary has reformed recently salary system for this group. The paper presents mechanics of salary systems before and after the reform. It also compares these systems and contains an attempt at assessing changes which have been made.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Krystyna Gutkowska, Anna Murawska

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (11) , 2010, s. 69-82

The level and quality of life of people depends on many factors, micro and macro. Significant impact on the regional differences in quality of life of the population have macroeconomic factors, among which mentions, inter alia, the employment situation and unemployment. Objective of the study will assess regional differences in the labor market and its connection with quality of life in the Polish regions.

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Piotr Górski , Justyna Michniak

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (11) , 2010, s. 83-96

Recognizing motives of choosing the human resources specialization, educational offer’s evaluation as well as professional aspirations of students who are to graduate are the main goal of the survey. Authors defi ned student’s convictions about the infl uence on their professional career of two groups of factors: motivation and value systems as well as university’s educational offer.

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Piotr Górski , Anna Klama

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (11) , 2010, s. 97-108

This article based on research which attempted to reconstruct the image of the HR manager and get to know students value system and their expectations for competencies related to the role of HR manager. The results of the research allowed to answer the question about compliance the representations of students’ perceptions with that of professional environment.

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Antoni Jeżowski

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (11) , 2010, s. 109-122

The economics of education researches the correlation between expenses made of public resources and the quality of schools’ work results. In this article it is proposed brand new, more adequate to the connection between school year and budget year system, way of calculating the public expenses for educational tasks, considering the three-year-cycle of growth in prices. Once again it was shown that the growth of expenses does not refer to any measureable effects.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Zsuzsanna Dabasi Halász, Katalin Lipták, Tekla Szép

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (11) , 2010, s. 123-136

The subject of our article is the examination of „working chance instead of support” programs. The basic element of the analysis is a questionnaire, which was fi lled in by the local governments and non-governmental organizations in the region of Northern Hungary. The results are analyzed with statistical methods (correlation, regression analysis etc.). The main goal is to get signifi cant information, appraise the experiences of „The Way to Work” Program, disclosing of development chances, presentation of settlement differences derived from the size. Finally we formulate suggestions to a sensitive employment policy.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Małgorzata Gotowska

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (11) , 2010, s. 137-153

The study was carried out on the basis of interviews, conducted directly with 200 randomly chosen  people, registered as unemployed in the council labour offi ces in Bydgoszcz in September 2009.
The main tool in this survey was a specially prepared questionnaire which made possible the collection of information on the following topics: the socio-demographic characteristics of the person taking part in the study, their current situation on the job market and the material and immaterial aspects of their lives. Questionnaire also allowed to explore the subjective feelings of respondents on the quality of their lives.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Izabela Seredocha

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (11) , 2010, s. 155-170

Ageing of the society demands essential changes in the social policy. Activating elderly people, which is realized by local governments, is becoming a desirable action. Universities of the Third Age are one of its forms. The research conducted among the University of the Third Age and Disabled People in Elbląg students shows that they are quite satisfi ed with their lives, which is conditioned, among other things, by the level of life activity including participation in the University of the Third Age and Disabled People classes.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Elżbieta D. Ryńska

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (11) , 2010, s. 171-180

In the 80-ties, the issue of creating accessible education strategy was widely analyzed. The aim was to allow society to become more aware of the sustainable development. It was established, that: „(...) there exists a need for a better understanding of the resources on which human life is dependable. If we would like the people to change their way of thinking and accept the need to give a higher priority to the environmental issues, we have to start the education at a school level”.
Sustainable development is part of every single sphere of our everyday life. The same can be said for skyscrapers or electric energy. These issues are part of designer’s professional work shop. Hence – introduced at the design level, will also accepted as a standard. This means that the effects of designer’s works can be used as one of the medias implementing environmental policies.
Promotion of a scope of knowledge concerning preservation of natural resources means that both small local groups and whole societies have to accept uniform values. This aim can be reached through reorientation of the formal education system and mutual aims.

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