logotypu Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego

2015 Następne

Data publikacji: 28.11.2015

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naczelny Aleksander Noworól

Sekretarz redakcji Joanna Kołodziejczyk

Redaktor zeszytu Ewa Bogacz-Wojtanowska

Zawartość numeru

Jerzy Szczupaczyński

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (31), 2015, s. 223-235


Between utopia and pragmatism – in search for conceptual bases of managing by values in the civil service

The purpose of the article is to present a few theoretical arguments supporting the thesis that ethical codes can be an effective tool for managing by values in the public sphere. The point of departure in this article are two conceptions being included in the so-called humanistic paradigm in public management: New Public Administration and New Public Service. Both conceptions yield a postulate of the re-evaluation of the ethical basis for public management.

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Barbara Kożuch, Katarzyna Sienkiewicz-Małyjurek

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (31), 2015, s. 237-253


Mapping of inter-organizational collaboration processes on the example of the activities carried out in public safety

Public safety management is a social process aimed at ensuring an optimal level of safety at an area of the specified administrative unit. The scope of public safety management extends from social policy, through regional policy, crime policy, to emergency management. This process is co-created by entities operating in the one administrative area under existing capabilities and limitations as well as the dynamic changes in the environment. However the literature points out the insufficient collaboration between public administrative units. Furthermore, the lack of a process approach can lead to disturbances in coordination and activities duplication. Therefore the goal of this paper is to identify and describe the collaboration processes implemented in the public safety management.

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Dorota Jendza

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (31), 2015, s. 255-263


Non-formal obstacles in cooperation between food safety inspection bodies in Poland

Every organization, including food inspection bodies, can be examined in their formal and non-formal sphere. Though research concerning formal aspect of the inspection bodies functioning is definitely important it must be remembered that it is the non-formality and so called tacic knowlege that governs all organization members in their everyday practices. Formal aspect of the organization might be far from what is actually done in the inspection bodies since people working there treat law regulations in different ways. In the article I briefly describe the interpretiveparadigm of organization research and the methods of the in-depth individual interview used in the research and focus on the two level analysis (content and discourse) that is the basis of the outcomes presented earlier.

Among the obstacles I mention two most important ones. First of which is defined the use of the category of “we vs they” that characterizes the narratives of the inspection bodies members.

Opposition and the antagonism present in this category is – by no means – one of the most vital obstacle for real cooperation.

The second category named “politicisation of hierarchical kingdoms” describes the phenomenon of inspection bodies being treated as completely separate, highly dependent on political powers, units in which any change or mobility is virtually impossible, and in which those who are at the top will not take into consideration the voice of those who are at the bottom. In this way a non-crossable boundary is being built in everyday institutional practices making it impossible to cooperate.

In the summary, I suggest that before implementing any new law regulation these are the cultural factors that should be seriously taken into account.

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Paweł Romaniuk

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (31), 2015, s. 265-281


The essence of public-private partnerships and the management of the investment policy of local governments

Local government units in Poland are responsible for implementing a wide range of tasks that are usually associated with satisfying the basic needs of local communities. In addition, local governments are responsible for implementing processes involving local and regional development. However, the implementation of the tasks set largely conditioned by the financial possibilities that are made available to individual self-government units. In a situation where current spending consumes the largest part of the budget of local investment activity remains very limited. For help in such a situation, the legislature directs the contracting public-private partnership. Modern public-private partnership is a form of long-term, based on the principle of mutual trust – cooperation of the public sector with the private sector. The aim of such cooperation are the most common services provided, whose main task is the implementation of a public task with simultaneous benefit of the private sector. The idea of public-private partnership aims to achieve mutual benefits. On the one hand, is focused on delivering the key tasks of the public, on the other hand – on achieving commercial purposes.

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István Takács, Katalin Takács-György

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (31), 2015, s. 283-297


It is becoming more and more important for the actors of economy, both in the corporate and public sector, to take into consideration certain social and environmental aspects to be socially respected in their business activities. Nowadays it is a generally accepted fact that corporate decisions have their impacts not only on the immediate environment on the whole society. The CEOs of the companies have significant roles in that.

The present study focuses on the CSR attitudes of the CEOs among the Hungarian SMEs based on a survey from 2014. The study introduces those factors that feature and determine the formation of the attitudes.

Along the dimensions it can be stated that concerning the CSR attitude of the majority of the leaders of the Hungarian SMEs are beyond the traditional only profit maximization type of thinking.

The CEOs in the sample do form a homogenous group. Regarding the CSR attitudes of the examined CEOs, the attitudes can be divided into three clear segments: the traditional, the modern and the neutral.

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Katarzyna Wojdyła, Mateusz Ciepielewski

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (31), 2015, s. 299-311


Participation of citizens in referendums in the province of Małopolska in the years 2006–2014 as a manifestation of a lack of cooperation at local level

Participation is a very important process in the context of a democratic state. The basis of democracy is citizen participation in governance and making key decisions for society. The aim of this paper is to identify the level of involvement of the residents of Małopolska’s commons and cities in decision-making by local referendum.

In this paper there are presented the basic definitions of the referendum and its models described by type classification. In the following part of this article there has been presented the concept of participation, its variations, and its reference in relation to the concept of participation referendum. On the basis of the referendum turnout data authors made the identification of the citizen participation in this institution of direct democracy.

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