logotypu Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego

2016 Następne

Data publikacji: 09.09.2016

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naczelny Aleksander Noworól

Sekretarz redakcji Joanna Kołodziejczyk

Redakcja numeru Aleksander Noworól

Zawartość numeru

Grzegorz Baran, Grażyna Prawelska-Skrzypek

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 2 (34), 2016, s. 85-97


Socially responsible policy of the local authorities in the area of education

Due to knowledge playing an essential role in development of modern societies, there is an increased interest in the issue of the responsibility of the public authorities for the quality and results of the educational policy. Authors broaden the meaning of responsibility of politicians towards society, referring to CSR concept developed for companies, classical debate between Carl Friedrich and Herman Finer, as well as contemporary concept of “moral public policy”. They expose main shortcomings of social responsibility of public organisations in Poland, using two urban educational policies as examples. They draw attention to superficiality of so called objective policy, concealing the game of current interests, being de facto the manifestation of the lack of real responsibility of public policy.

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Tomasz Aleksandrowicz

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 2 (34), 2016, s. 99-108


Twitter in politics – how local leaders are tweeting? Usage of Twitter by twenty biggest polish cities and its presidents

The article is devoted to topic of social media in public policy in Poland. It presents the results of research of Twitter usage on local level. Conclusion shows that local political leaders and local governments use Twitter potential on vary small scale.

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Martyna Basaj

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 2 (34), 2016, s. 109-119


Civil servants and citizens partner cooperation in the participatory formulation of environmental policies – Mandated Participatory Planning example

The paper presents the significance of civil servants and citizens partner cooperation in efficient environmental public policies formulation. The author analyses the utility of Mandated Participatory Planning, which is one of the most widely used instrument of shaping the environmental policies in European Union for partner cooperation.

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Michał Wójciak

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 2 (34), 2016, s. 121-133


Fashion and counterfeits – the market of counterfeit products in Poland and in the world – describing the phenomenon

The trade in counterfeit products is liable to multibillion-dollar losses of private entrepreneurs, national governments, and society. The aim of the article is to present theory and research on the sale of counterfeit together with an analysis of statistics and media coverage as an attempt to determine how Polish consumers perceive this problem.

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Róża Zuzanna Różańska

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 2 (34), 2016, s. 135-144


Broadcast opera in the context of cultural policy

In the era of globalization and rapid technological progress the presence of new technologies in performances of classical music is slowly becoming the norm. The leading musical institutions offer broadcast performances to cinemas, affecting the opera houses. Consumers gain access to a new range of services, yet at the same time they are forced to adopt new attitudes towards the services provided by traditional institutions, which effects national cultural policy.

This paper presents the results of polls conducted in the UK and Poland in 2014 and 2015. The purpose of this article is to draw attention to the problem of perception of the quality and repertoire of local opera houses in relation to broadcast operas as a key factor for shaping cultural policy in Poland.

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Joanna Borowska-Reutt

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 2 (34), 2016, s. 145-154


The activity and the involvement of students in their own education process as a condition of their development and achievement of competencies needed in adult life

Twenty-first century is the century of change. If school want to prepare young people for live in the still changing reality, it must equip students with the necessary skills and competencies. Many institutions, both domestic and international, whose mission is to strive for the development of society, economy, emphasizes the role and importance of the activity of the students, who as adults will contribute to economic growth. The impact of student engagement in their development is also emphasized by many researchers, practitioners, and theoreticians in area of education.
The main purpose of this paper is to draw attention to the necessity of building space in schools to the commitment of the students. In addition, the article presents factors of promoting the active attitudes of young people in school and pursuit of such educational policy, which will be cause that children and young people will be active participants in school life and social life.

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Sylwia Wrona

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 2 (34), 2016, s. 155-167


Development of cultural infrastructure in Krakow

Development support of the cultural infrastructure is one of the most important aspects of development plan for city and region. Developed cultural infrastructure help spreading the culture, facilitate tourism development, increase city’s popularity, influence the residents’ quality of living. Today, cultural institutions development is multifaceted and multifunctional, combining diverse forms in one area, enabling interaction with recipients and cooperation between non-governmental organizations and artists, creating innovative cultural offers. Goal of this article is to characterize development of cultural infrastructure from the beginning of XXI century and its role for city development and its residents, based on example of Cracow. Cultural institutions, which are financed from the budget of the city and province of Malopolska, created in Cracow in recent years were also discussed as an example of cultural infrastructure.

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