logotypu Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego

2014 Następne

Data publikacji: 10.03.2015

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naczelny Aleksander Noworól

Sekretarz redakcji Joanna Kołodziejczyk

Redakcja numeru Zbysław Dobrowolski

Zawartość numeru

Jan Fazlagić

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (28), 2014, s. 321-339

Institutional counteraction to digital divide of selected social groups
Teacher training expenditure is a necessary component of quality assurance in the education system. The expenditure on training courses is the equivalent of R&D Expenditure in the manufacturing sector. Teacher training courses should aim to improve the quality of education in schools. The quality of teacher training can be assessed from several perspectives – one of them, applied in this papers, is the perspective of teacher trainers (educators). The paper presents
the empirical findings from the survey conducted by the author. The respondents were asked about such issues as the attitudes of teachers towards their own development, the quality of in-house teacher training centers in Poland, the impact of quality of training on the quality of education in schools. The attributes of good quality training courses were identified and described.
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Zbysław Dobrowolski

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (28), 2014, s. 341-354

In the era of globalization, state and public organizations must be effective. One of the conditions of this effectiveness is the creation of intra-organizational trust. The author identifies factors, that affect this trust, and formulates a definition of public trust and intra-organizational trust. It was stated among others, that public trust to the organization can be reduced due to lower lever of intra-organization trust. It was also stated, that staff willingness to remain in the organization does not depend only on job satisfaction. A lack of willingness to sharing by employees the knowledge and skills with others can be considered as an indicator of the level of intra-organizational trust. A high staff fluctuation can be considered as an indicator of a lack of trust in the organization.
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Stanisław Gasik

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (28), 2014, s. 355-366

A Framework for National Public Projects Implementation Systems
Public project management is one of the most important areas of operations of contemporary public government institutions. All investments and many public services are performed as projects. The public projects implementation capability significantly influences national economies development. Up to now there exist no model of national public projects implementation systems. Papers dealing with public projects analyze them from the point of view of single projects or institutions. The article presents the first proposal of defining a framework model of national public projects implementation systems. Such system consists of six interrelated areas: the portfolio management area, the institutions area, the processes and methodologies area, the knowledge management area, the public projects actors area, and the development of national public projects implementation systems. The presented framework is of descriptive type – it was developed as the result of an analysis of solutions in this area performed in over 90 countries.
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Monika Konieczny

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (28), 2014, s. 367-377

Examples of Use of Agile Methodologies in Managing Projectsin the Public Sector
The ongoing global socio-economic changes combined with everyday broader access to information and civic awareness fast growth results in new sophisticated challenges posed in front of public organizations. Currently, the process of project development must not only be efficient and taking into consideration all stakeholders needs. More and more important becomes flexibility in actions allowing quick adaptation to rapidly changing requirements and environment. The other crucial element is transparency [Ustawa, 2011; www.gov.uk; Lathrop, Ruma, 2010] which let’s all the external organizations and civil, who are in most cases the key stakeholders, constant verification of taken actions. It’s also very important to engage the main stakeholders in the development process to make sure that the final product will meet their expectations as well as fulfill their needs.
Given such a ranking cell it is necessary to calibrate the method of implementation of the projects. Therefore, more and more public organizations in the world consider the implementation and use of Agile methodologies [http://agilemanifesto.org], like Scrum [Schwaber, Sutherland, 2013] or Kanban [Anderson, 2010] as well as use of high-tech informatics solutions.
In this paper the examples of the use of Agile methodologies in organizations such as
the FBI – in the Sentinel project [www.fbi.gov], the municipality of San Jose, CA [http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com] will be presented. In the conclusion section potential advantages and disadvantages of Agile methodologies use in public sector will be described.
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Gulzhan Abdramanova

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (28), 2014, s. 379-393

This paper reviews the theoretical aspects of the scientific aspects management.The author analyses the ways of scientific projects encouragement, sources of their financing and spheres of their implementation in Republic of Kazakhstan. Furthermore the paper discusses the state policy in specialists training and improvement of scientists’ qualifications through international program “Bolashak”. 
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Kamil Waligóra

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (28), 2014, s. 395-409

Raising the level of mobility for urban populations is of interest to the authorities of practically all major governments. Projects of European Union funding (2007–2013 and earlier) enabled the process of reclamation and regeneration of public transport as well as the necessary infrastructure to accelerate. Larger urban units such as provincial capitals faced even more difficult task – the integration of public transport in the metropolitan area.
The paper aims to present three integrated projects implemented by the City of Białystok, in collaboration with its communication companies on public transport. The projects and their strategic relationships may be an example of long-term planning by financial means of different programming periods.
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Piotr Feczko

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (28), 2014, s. 411-416

Recenzja: Mark Bevir (2013), A Theory of Governance, California University Press, Berkeley

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