logotypu Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego

2015 Następne

Data publikacji: 2016

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naczelny Aleksander Noworól

Sekretarz redakcji Joanna Kołodziejczyk

Redakcja numeru Ewa Bogacz-Wojtanowska

Zawartość numeru

Karolina Kitzman

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (32), 2015, s. 313-324


The role of the third sector, which affects the development of civil society, is greater than before. At the same time is observed growth of the need for responsible use of management techniques in the crisis economic environment, which return to ethical values. Despite many differences between market and non-governmental actors, turbulent economic situation affects more intense relationships of the business sector and NGOs. The article presents conditions to support cross-sector cooperation in assessing the significance of the development of the relationship between the above mentioned entities. Author submits proposal of structuring by selection of important cooperation between business and NGOs theories and results from own study, conducted between 2013 and 2014 (grants from the WUT Faculty of Management). Aim of the paper is to find reasons for cooperation between business and NGOs as indispensable element in sustainable management.

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Paweł Kocoń, Dariusz Kryszk

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (32), 2015, s. 325-332


The article presents the description of the role played by military public relations in partnership cooperation the among armed forces and non- governmental organizations. In order to explain this role, both NATO documents and Polish reports and papers were analyzed.

The Authors would like to present various types of cooperation between the armed forces and their environment, as well as to show the role of planned and professional communication, that is, public relations. The authors begin their work from defining the basic research notions and then study various cases of Polish Armed Forces cooperation with their environment, especially with non- governmental organizations.

As the conclusion, the authors present the idea that the Polish Armed Forces realize, through the communication policy, their strategic target, which is preparing the personnel to the service in the armed forces units and to gain social acceptance for their actions and activities. Non-governmental organizations, thanks to the mentioned public relations, realize their various statutory goals.

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Mariusz Wiktor Sienkiewicz

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (32), 2015, s. 333-350


The aim of the study is to analyze the impact of LAGs on the local socio-economic development of Lublin region. The main thesis of the research is based on the assumption that local governments today are not the only and most important entities responsible for the creation of local socio-economic development, particularly in rural areas. This role is also played by Local Action Groups.

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Katarzyna Szara

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (32), 2015, s. 351-363


Currently the concept of creative capital, just like knowledge, seems to be in focus of researchers of and those practically involved in economy. A look at creativity through the theory of creative class is linked with the conditions predetermining its development. The study describes collaboration as an element of building creative capital. Combining the concepts of cooperation and creativity in relation to local governments is a novel approach in literature. Therefore, the main purpose of the article is to present the conceptual approach to developing creative capital related to municipality as an administrative unit.

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Anna Busłowska

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (32), 2015, s. 365-372


The development of the railway infrastructure can be one of the main factors creating regional development. Relationships at the level of market mechanisms, technical, structural changes, can lead to an increase in the productivity of the regional economy. The basis, in this regard, would be to improve the existing transport infrastructure, in particular routes of international importance. An example for that is the Rail Baltica railway, which may boost the development of the regions, including Podlasie. Therefore, the aim of this article is to identify and evaluate the impact of the development of the basic forms of rail infrastructure on regional development on the example of Rail Baltica route in Podlaskie voivodship. The analysis was made on the basis of available statistical data and literature. The article uses the hypothetical-deductive method of research

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Teresa Gądek-Hawlena, Mariusz Ogłoziński

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (32), 2015, s. 373-383


Road safety is a very important problem undertaken by various actors of both an international and local level. An important role in this area play non-governmental organizations, whose activities result from social motives. The body of the article summarizes and presents the international non-governmental organizations of different scope and nature of the action and shows the extent of their efforts to road safety. Studies show that many new organizations start their activities in the field of safety and security. As regards to the transport issues very often it is road safety because almost everyone is a road user: a pedestrian, a cyclist, a bike rider, a car driver or a passenger of any vehicle. Therefore road safety concerns the vast majority of a society. Furthermore the non-governmental organizations are matched very closely to the actual needs in the field of road safety due to their scale and specialization and can respond to the social expectations faster than local, regional or national administration. As a result the non-governmental organizations play a significant role in the design and implementation of programmes to improve road safety.

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Paulina Kubera

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (32), 2015, s. 385-396


More public authorities nowadays engage specialised undertakings to perform public services. This raises questions on the applicable rules to the selection of public service providers as well as their remuneration for public service delivery. The paper discusses the models of providing urban public transport services in the EU and in Poland and the consequences of adopting ones in the context of the EU common market, in particular resulting from the public procurement and state aid rules. The very common model in Polish cities which consists of the co-existence of the Public Transport Authorities (the organisers of local public transport) and the operators (carriers) who are budgetary establishments or publicly-owned commercial companies, where ‘the internal provider exception’ under public procurement rules is applicable, the compliance of the public services financing with state aid rules remains to be challenging for public authorities.

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Karolina Lubieniecka-Kocoń

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (32), 2015, s. 397-405


European Union first attempted to create common transport policy in 1950s; in Poland, TEN-T program has been realized as a tool to implement the goals of EU transport policy since 2004. The aim of the article is to present the way EU transport policy has been realized in Poland and to what effect. The author hopes to present the most commonly committed pitfalls and to highlight the best projects and types of approach used so far when analyzing the infrastructure projects, realized within the TEN-T program.

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Ludosław Drelichowski, Cezary Graul, Grzegorz Oszuścik

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (32), 2015, s. 407-418


Benchmarking Concept for Financial Management to Support Local Government Units

The paper presents the concept of the use of benchmarking to support the financial management of local government units. An effective use of the proposed method is the use of Business Intelligence tools and OLAP system enables the development of a data warehouse since 2006 containing the report of implementation of the budget of local government units. Financial problems some municipalities tend to the widespread use of these tools for finding solutions sequences of actions, pre-existing similar problems, in the framework of homogeneous groups of municipalities.

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Agnieszka Pawłowska

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (32), 2015, s. 419-429


The new paradigm of regional policy (NPRP) is analysed. The stakeholders, selected instruments of regional policy, as well as the mechanisms of coordination featured in NPRP are examined. The paper is based on research implemented in the Sub-Carpathian Region of Poland.

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Radosław Ryńca, Yasmin Ziaeian

Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (32), 2015, s. 431-449

Changes taking place on the educational services market require changing the method of managing universities. It is also necessary to emphasize market activities undertaken by management, thanks to which it would be possible to maintain good competitive position and, in consequence, satisfy the needs and expectations of the university’s various stakeholders. The aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between perceived market orientation, satisfaction, loyalty, and post-enrolment communication behavior in the higher education context and compare the result with the Cassidy result at an Australian University.
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