logotyp Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego

2009 Następne

Data publikacji: 2009

Licencja: Żadna


Redakcja zeszytu Michał Grygielski

Zawartość numeru

Arkadiusz Białek

Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 14, Numer 3, 2009, s. 9 - 21

Implicit perspective-taking

The paper investigates the presence of perspective-induction and implicit form of perspective-taking (perspective-comply) in a triadic joint engagement and treats them as foundational for explicit perspective-taking. The analysis focuses on the participation of those processes in such behaviours as gaze-following, social referencing, pointing, and joint action. By engagement in these activities children provide the evidence of implicit understanding of separateness of one’s own perspective and that of the others. Due to their reference to the psychological common ground emerging between them, participants of a coordinated joint engagement are able to adequately understand their activities. Development of the ability for explicit (articulated) perspective-taking is possible only as an outcome of participations in joint attention and joint engagement.

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Anna Kołodziejczyk

Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 14, Numer 3, 2009, s. 23 - 37

Development of consumer socialisation in the light of children’s theories of mind

The paper presents the benefits that can be derived from studying consumer socialisation in the light of the development of child’s mental competences. In the beginning, the author presents how consumer socialization, the process by which young people acquire skills, knowledge and attitudes relevant to their functioning as consumers in the market place, is conceived in four different theories of: James McNeal (1992, 2007), Patti Valkenburg, Joanne Cantor (2001), Fiony Cram, Sik Hung Ng (1999), Deborah Roedder John (1999). The analysis of presented theoretical approaches show that they all emphasize the role of socio-cognitive development as developmental mechanisms crucial for the child’s improved consumer functioning, but do not explain which developmental competences are the most crucial. While the theories draw heavily on Piagetan developmental theory, the author argues that the more recent approach focusing on the development of the child’s theories of mind may prove more fruitful. The developmental changes in two areas: children’s ability to appreciate and cope with advertising and children’s influence in purchase decision can be better explained by growing mental competences of the child. The review of research on these topics generates the hypothesis that first- as well second-order mental states understanding is important for generating and understanding persuasive communication. Future studies, based on this hypothesis, can be valuable for understanding the developmental mechanisms of consumer socialisation as well as a theory of mind development in middle childhood.

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Weronika Puchała

Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 14, Numer 3, 2009, s. 41 - 51

Adolescents’ action control level versus their self-esteem and locus of control

The aim of this research was to analyse the relationship between adolescents’ self-knowledge (general self-esteem level, self-esteem coherence, self-esteem certainty) and locus of control, on the one hand, and action control level (decision-related action control level – AOD and action control level during performing an activity – AOP) on the other.
119 eighteen-year-old students of two Warsaw secondary schools participated in the study. The methods used to analyse the hypotheses were: 1) M. Tukałło and R. Wiechnik’s Self-Knowledge Inventory, 2) R. Drwal’s Locus of Control Questionnaire “Delta” and 3) J. Kuhl’s Action Control Scale. SPSS pack (Pearson’s ‘r’ correlation method, regression method, Pearson’s partial correlation method) was used for the purpose of statistical analysis.
The results of the research point to a statistically signifi cant correlation between self-esteem and decision-related action control as well as between locus of control and decision-related action control. Moreover, the findings demonstrate that locus of control and general self-esteem are not correlated with action control during performing an activity. However, the study confirmed a significant, but not very strong, correlation between action control during performing an activity and global self-esteem, intellectual self-esteem and self-esteem certainty.

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Anna Kraśkiewicz, Ewa Czerniawska

Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 14, Numer 3, 2009, s. 53 - 64

The effect of music on teenagers’ perceived time

The purpose of the experiment was to examine the effect of atmospheric music on time estimations in a group of teenagers. One hundred and fifty students of a Warsaw secondary school took part in the experiment. It turned out that the number of tunes presented to students influenced their time perception. The estimated duration of a given interval was longer when many as opposed to a few songs were played. Moreover, the tempo of background music modified the effect of number of songs on time perception. When fast songs were played number of tunes influenced time estimations more as opposed to the situation when slow music was presented. Other variables had little or no effect on the respondents’ time perception: gender, perceived tempo of music, liking/disliking of songs and the level of disturbance in performing a cognitive task. In the experiment students made retrospective duration judgment. They answered the temporal questions verbally

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Grażyna Katra

Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 14, Numer 3, 2009, s. 65 - 76

Cognitive development in adolescence and selected manifestations of prospective action

Future time perspective (FTP) is one of the most habitual manifestations of prospect action. It plays an important role in establishing life plans and projects. An individual with a vast time perspective can more easily articulate far-reaching goals as well as obtain resources to achieve them. Additionally, undertaken present actions often have immediate as well as long-term effects and the ability to anticipate them is important. Both aspects are necessary for life success.
The goal of this study was to validate the two following hypotheses. The first stipulates that a developed future time perspective (PPC) is related to the ability to consider future consequences (CFC). The second hypothesis states that the development of formal operatory thought favours the formation of both aforementioned characteristics. A total of 127 students from 5 fi rst-year secondary school classes participated in the survey in which each completed a FTP test and the CFC Scale. The presented CFC Scale was adapted to serve the purpose of this study. The results verify that PPC and CFC are strongly correlated (0.73). Furthermore, the level of formal thinking (measured by the Test of Formal Operations) has a signifi cant meaning for FTP (F(2, 124) = 52.73; p<0.001) as well as for the trends of behaviour assessment of future consequences (F(2, 124) = 47.61; p<0.001).

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Urszula Dębska, Halina Guła-Kubiszewska, Wojciech Starościak, Iwona Bielawska

Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 14, Numer 3, 2009, s. 77 - 88

Health behaviour in early and late adulthood – educational and behavioural aspects

Numerous transformations occurring in contemporary world concern also health and related behaviour. Increasing adaptive and preventive activities of individuals are becoming essential. New educational curricula introduce issues related to health, behaviour and healthy life styles.
The research problem presented in the article concerns health behaviour of people in early (390 respondents) and late adulthood (117 respondents). The respondents were students of the Academy of Physical Education or pedagogy, and a fraction of elderly people consisted of students of the University of the Third Age (numbering 63). Our research aimed to compare prohealth activity among the respondents in order to answer the following questions: what the extent of their health activity is and whether health education is refl ected in behaviour. G. Dolińska’s Health Behaviour Survey and Inventory was employed. The research conducted confirmed the existence of significant differences among the respondents. The differences include both the intensity of behaviour and a predominance of certain types. The respondents exhibit an average level of health behaviour, although its increased intensity has been observed in late adulthood, especially among the students of the University of the Third Age. Also the students of health education yielded higher results than the remaining early adults.

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Paulina Mrozińska

Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 14, Numer 3, 2009, s. 89 - 100

The experience of spouses’ loneliness and strategies of coping with it

The main purpose of the research is the analysis of the relationship between the experience of spouses’ loneliness and preferred strategies of coping with loneliness. The research is based on Ami Rokach’s classification of strategies which people use in the process of coping with loneliness. She proposes the following strategies: Self-Development and Understanding, Reflection and Acceptance, Distancing and Denial, Religion and Faith, Social Support Network, Increased Activity. Sixty married couples were examined. Respondents’ age ranged between 22 and 67. The youngest couple has been married for 3 months, the eldest – for 43 years. A dependent variable is the preferred strategy of coping with loneliness. The main independent variable is the experience of loneliness, while other independent variables were controlled: spouses’ gender, age and marriage duration. Rokach’s questionnaire (The Experience of Loneliness-coping with Loneliness) was used in order to examine the preferred strategies. UCLA Loneliness Scale-Version 3 was used in order to examine the experience of loneliness. Data gathered indicates that spouses feel lonely because of the lack of intimate relationships. The experience of loneliness depends on spouses’ age and marriage duration: the older spouses are, the lonelier they feel. The most preferred strategy is Building Social Bridges. The choice of strategies depends on spouses’ gender, age, marriage duration, and the experience of loneliness.

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Sprawozdania i recenzje

Anna Cieślik, Kamila Madeja-Bień

Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 14, Numer 3, 2009, s. 103 - 107

W dniach 14–16 czerwca 2009 roku we Wrocławiu odbyła się XVIII Ogólnopolska Konferencja Psychologii Rozwojowej „Rozwój człowieka w kontekście przemian cywilizacyjnych”, zorganizowana przez Instytut Psychologii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego oraz Sekcję Psychologii Rozwojowej Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychologicznego. Wśród uczestników znaleźli się przedstawiciele reprezentujący różne placówki i dyscypliny z kraju i zagranicy, co pozwoliło na interdyscyplinarne spojrzenie na problematykę rozwoju człowieka oraz ujęcie problemu z wielu perspektyw, jak również położenie nacisku na odmienne aspekty zagadnienia. Fakt ten umożliwił spełnienie celu konferencji, którym była wymiana myśli na temat psychologicznych aspektów przemian cywilizacyjnych

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Małgorzata Stępień-Nycz

Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 14, Numer 3, 2009, s. 109 - 113

Emotion and Memory in Development. Biological, cognitive and social considerations Jodi A. Quas, Robyn Fivush (eds). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009

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