logotyp Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego

2020 Następne

Data publikacji: 23.12.2020


Czasopismo wydawane dzięki dotacji Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Psychologii Rozwoju Człowieka 

Numer czasopisma został dofinansowany ze środków Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego na podstawie umowy nr 175/WCN/2019/1 z dnia 7.06.2019 z pomocy przyznanej w ramach programu „Wsparcie dla czasopism naukowych

Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND  ikona licencji

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Artykuły teoretyczne i przeglądowe

Ewa Topolewska-Siedzik, Jan Cieciuch

Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 25, Numer 3, 2020, s. 13 - 32

Circumplex of Identity Formation Modes: Theoretical Assumptions and Empirical Verification

The article presents theoretical assumptions and summarizes the results of research on the Circumplex of Identity Formation Modes. The model was created as an attempt to synthesize knowledge on identity formation gathered in the stream of research initiated by James E. Marcia (1966), based on the Erik H. Erikson’s (1959) theory of psychosocial development. In the model: (1) the key concept is the identity formation mode, (2) traditional categories of exploration and commitment have been redefined and used as basic axes to distinguish eight identity formation modes, between which relationships are precisely defined in accordance with the rules of the circumplex model, (3) due to redefinition of exploration and commitment, the model can be used in research on personal identity in various developmental periods, and (4) the place of identity variables in the personality structure has been precisely defined. Circumplex of Identity Formation Modes was introduced to international literature and research on its verification and usefulness was conducted (Cieciuch, Topolewska, 2017; Topolewska, Cieciuch, 2017; Topolewska-Siedzik, Cieciuch, 2018, 2019; Topolewska-Siedzik, Cieciuch, Strus, 2019).

* Praca Ewy Topolewskiej-Siedzik była wsparta przez Międzynarodowy Fundusz Wyszehradzki, nr grantu 21830029.

** Praca Jana Cieciucha została wykonana w ramach grantu 2014/14/M/HS6/00919 z Narodowego Centrum Nauk.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Angelika Kleszczewska-Albińska

Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 25, Numer 3, 2020, s. 33 - 44


Children Emotional Neglect – Symptoms, Diagnosis, Forms of Support in Kindergarten Environment

This article aims to present analysis of possible actions of kindergarten teachers and other specialists working with emotionally neglected children. The first part of the text includes definition of emotional neglect and information about the symptoms observed in emotionally neglected child. The short term and long term consequences of emotional neglect in group of children aged 3–6 were shortly described. The characteristics enabling recognition of emotional neglect and diagnostic procedures facilitating identification of a problem by teachers and kindergarten specialists were given. Basic cues concerning the work with emotionally neglected child that can be accomplished in kindergarten, including description of basic behavioral techniques, were presented. The cues for working with neglecting parent were also given. The article serves as a preliminary set of indicators for working with emotionally neglected children.

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Artykuły empiryczne

Agnieszka Lasota, Magdalena Kobylarczyk

Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 25, Numer 3, 2020, s. 47 - 63


This study was designed to examine relationships between adolescents’empathy and aggression and parental attitudes. Two hundred and one high school students aged 16-18 completed the Polish Retrospective Parental Attitude Questionnaire, Interpersonal Reactivity Index and the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire. Results showed that paternal attitudes have a great influence on the level of aggression in children, either raising (inconsistency and excessive demands) or lowering it (acceptance and autonomy). In contrast, the role played by empathy is considerably lower and only supports the relationship between parental attitudes and level of aggression. It also turned out that empathy partly plays the role of a mediator between fathers‘parental attitudes and the level of aggression in adolescents.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Joanna Szczuka, Stanisława Steuden

Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 25, Numer 3, 2020, s. 65 - 76


Time Perception and Psychological Well-being in Adapting to Old Age

The subject of the studies was to indicate whether there is a relationship between the time perception of older people and their psychological well-being. The study included 238 persons aged 60 years and older. To collect data, the following tools of psychological measurement were applied: Psychological Well-Being Scale (SDP) and The Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZPTI). It has been proven that the past positive time perspective is the one that best characterizes a given group. Numerous statistically significant relationships between particular time perspectives and psychological well-being have been demonstrated, both in their global area and in their individual dimensions.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Anna Grzesik

Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 25, Numer 3, 2020, s. 77 - 88


The Prevalence of Poker and Risk of Addiction among Men in Late Adolescence and Early Adulthood

Playing poker might become an addictive activity. Therefore, it belongs to risky behaviours that are willingly exhibited particularly by persons in their adolescence. In the form of a professional game, poker can also be a way to delay the moment of becoming an adult. The prevalence of poker was checked among 2054 men in two age groups: persons in their adolescence (19–24 years old) and early adulthood (25–30 years old). Contrary to the expectations, the number of poker players is higher in the group of older respondents. The level of risk of problem gambling among poker players, assessed with the CPGI questionnaire, is similar in both groups, although in case of the young adults, the number of persons showing no symptoms of problem gambling is higher. The results were discussed in the context of the available literature and in relation to the phenomena characteristic of the separated development phases.

* Praca naukowa finansowana ze środków budżetowych na naukęw latach 2015–2019 jako projekt badawczy w ramach programu pod nazwą„Diamentowy Grant” (projekt nr DI2014 000844).

Czytaj więcej Następne

Zofia Dołęga

Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 25, Numer 3, 2020, s. 89 - 99


The Feeling of Loneliness as a Moderator of the Course of Situational, Developmental and Existential Crises

The article addresses the issue of different categories of psychological crises. The main thesis of the work formulates the belief that feeling of loneliness (consisting of three dimensions: a feeling of social, emotional and existential loneliness) in crisis states is an important moderator (predictor) of their course and ultimately psychological consequences. In the theoretical layer, the problem raised here is based on the assumptions of life-span developmental psychology theory, and in the empirical layer refers to the results of a number of research projects in which a sense of loneliness among other numerous variables has been given the status of predictor. The results of the projects show that taking the feeling of loneliness into account provides a better insight into the direct or indirect consequences of psychological crises with different characteristics. This matters not only theoretically, but also practically. On the one hand, it raises awareness of the course and psychological consequences of crises caused by various risks, losses and relational deficits. On the other hand, it advocates the use of proprietary tools to measure feelings of loneliness: (SBS-C, 8–13 years), adolescents (SBS, 12–19 years), and adults (SBS-AD and SBS-ADC) (Dołęga, 2020).

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