logotyp Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego

2017 Następne

Data publikacji: 06.12.2017

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Redakcja zeszytu Joanna Kossewska

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Lidia Anna Wiśniewska

Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 22, Numer 4, 2017, s. 15-26

Body image covers many aspects. One of them is the level of body dissatisfaction. The research on the connection between body satisfaction and psychosocial functioning provides disturbing conclusions, associating inter alia the incidence of eating disorders as well as anxiety and depression symptoms with increased body dissatisfaction. Body dissatisfaction and related negative consequences appear not only among adults but also among children and teenagers. In the case of the latter group, researchers are seeking answers to the questions as to when body dissatisfaction first appears, what the differences are in girls and boys concerning their body dissatisfaction as well as what factors affect the body image. The aim of this paper is to analyze how body dissatisfaction is formed in the course of the development of children and teenagers and what role selected factors play in this process. The paper especially focuses on the influence of parents’ comments and the role of toys. Many researchers find these factors very important, while in Polish source literature they are rarely explored.
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Natalia Liszewska, Aleksandra Luszczynska, Michał Liszewski, Karolina Horodyska, Anna Banik

Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 22, Numer 4, 2017, s. 29-40

Background: The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between the Parental Feeding Practices and healthy and unhealthy diet, body weight and fat tissue among children.
Methods: Parental Feeding Practices were assessed by means of CFPQ. The participants were 319 dyads of child (6–11 years) and parent. Data were collected with standardized interviews, questionnaires, and by using certified body weight and fat scales.
Findings: After controlling for parental body weight, the child’s adipose tissue, body mass index and diet relate to following parental practices, reported by both parents, e.g. pressure to consume more food, making healthy and unhealthy foods available, restricting unhealthy intake, encouraging healthy eating, rewarding, modeling, allowing for unhealthy food, talking about healthy eating.
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Mateusz Minda, Agata Piasecka, Martyna Kotyśko

Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 22, Numer 4, 2017, s. 41-54

The aim of the research was to compare adolescents, both active and inactive in the field of sports, in terms of perceived parental attitudes and hope for a success, and to determine the mutual relations between the mentioned variables in sport-active boys and girls. The participants of the study were 98 students (50 from a sports school and 48 from a general secondary school) at the age of 16–19. In the study the Parental Attitude Scale (SPR-2; Plopa, 2012) and the Questionnaire of Hope for a Success (KNS; Łaguna,Trzebiński, Zięba, 2005) were used. The sport-active students differed from their inactive peers in terms of the perceived parental attitude of acceptance, autonomy and inconsequence of mother and father and the willpower. The perceived attitudes were significantly related to the hope for a success and its two components, the waypower and willpower, only in the group of sport-active boys.
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Dorota Turska, Agnieszka Pisarska

Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 22, Numer 4, 2017, s. 55-73

The starting point for this study was the pattern of relations between the motivational orientations for learning and retrospective assessment of parental attitudes, commonly known in educational psychology. The author’s own independent research programme founded on a critical review of literature was aimed at explaining how these relations differ according to the gender of the parent and the respondent. The author of the study examined 540 male and female students. The outcomes allowed not only for presenting the results of an in-depth analysis of the role that fathers play in children’s education (sons’ in particular) but also for showing how the perceived attitude adopted by autonomous mothers affects the process of shaping the ‘motivational profile’ of a daughter. Moreover, the study also identified parental attitudes typical of the perceiving respondents of either gender and provided insight into the motivational result of heterogeneous types of parents’ involvement within a single dimension, as perceived by both daughters and sons.
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Anna Oleszkowicz, Anna Misztela

Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 22, Numer 4, 2017, s. 75-88

The present study investigated the relations between selected aspects of two developmental tasks typical of early adulthood (Marriage/Partner relationships and Work) and identity formation. The issue appears to be relevant as a postponement of developmental tasks realization as well as a lengthening of the time of identity formation can be observed. The sample included 151 women at the age of 22–30. The relation was measured with the use of two questionnaires: the Developmental Tasks Scale by A. Oleszkowicz, A. Misztela and Questionnaire of Identity Formation by A. Oleszkowicz, A Słowińska (referring to the Dual-Cycle Model of Identity Formation by Luyckx et al., 2006). The results show that a higher level of preparation for doing the investigated developmental tasks and a higher satisfaction resulting from the stage and way of their realization are connected with a higher identification with commitment. The opposite relation refers to ruminative exploration and exploration in breadth. Moreover, we observe more relations between the investigated aspects of developmental tasks and identification with commitment in the case of Marriage/Partner relationships than in the case of Work. On the basis of the results of the study, one can conclude that a greater involvement in doing developmental tasks typical of early adulthood is to a higher degree accompanied with a willingness to take responsibility for a long-term commitment, and to a lower degree with a need to seek for new solutions, as well as anxiety and uncertainty connected with exploration processes.
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Konrad Piotrowski, Anna Izabela Brzezińska

Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 22, Numer 4, 2017, s. 89-111


The present article describes the process of revision of the Polish adaptation of the popular identity measure – The Dimensions of Identity Development Scale. The article presents theoretical assumptions of the scale, reasons for undertaking the process of revision of the Polish adaptation of the DIDS, and the results of three studies in which the revised questionnaire was used. The obtained results suggest that in its current version the Polish adaptation of the DIDS is a reliable and factorially valid measure. The associations of the five identity processes measured by the DIDS (exploration in breadth, commitment making, exploration in depth, identification with commitment, ruminative exploration) with rumination, reflection, worry, shame, guilt, indecisiveness, and educational identity dimensions support the validity of the Polish adaptation of the measure.

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