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Reports on Mathematical Logic

Reports on Mathematical Logic is a journal aimed at publishing quality research papers on mathematical logic and foundations of mathematics.

Reports on Mathematical Logic publish well-written papers presenting new and important research results in logic. Applications of logical methods and concepts in mathematics, mathematical linguistics, theoretical computer science and philosophy are also welcome.


Number 59 cover go to the issue Next

Number 59

Publication date: 12.12.2024

Editor-in-Chief: Paweł M. Idziak, Andrzej Wroński

Managing Editor: Ewa Capinska

Issue content

Huishan Wu

Reports on Mathematical Logic, Number 59, 2024, pp. 3 - 26


This paper studies effective aspects of semiperfect rings from the standpoint of reverse mathematics. Based on first-order Jacobson radicals of rings, we define a ring R with the Jacobson radical Jac(R) to be semiperfect if the quotient ring R/Jac(R) is semisimple, and idempotents of the quotient ring can be lifted to R. Using elementary matrix operations in linear algebra, we show that RCA0 proves a characterization of semiperfect rings in terms of idempotents of rings. Semiperfect rings are generalizations of semisimple rings and local rings, and semiperfect rings R with R/Jac(R) simple are isomorphic to matrix rings over local rings. Based on the effective characterization of semiperfect rings via idempotents, we prove the structure theorem of semiperfect rings R with R/Jac(R) simple in RCA0. Left perfect rings or right perfect rings are always semiperfect. Finally, we provide a proof for the structure theorem of one-sided perfect rings R with R/Jac(R) simple in WKL0.

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Luciano J. González

Reports on Mathematical Logic, Number 59, 2024, pp. 27 - 48


In [S. Celani and L. Cabrer. Duality for finite Hilbert algebras. Discrete Math., 305(1-3):74{99, 2005.] the authors proved that every finite Hilbert algebra A is isomorphic to the Hilbert algebra HK(X) = {w ⇒ i v : w ∈ K and v ⊆ w}, where X is a finite poset, K is a distinguished collection of subsets of X, and the implication ⇒i is defined by: w ⇒i  v = {xX : w ∩ [x) ⊆ v}, where [x) = {yX : x ≤ y.} The Hilbert implication on HK(X) is the usual Heyting implication ⇒ i  (as just defined) given on the increasing subsets. In the same article, Celani and Cabrer extended this representation to a full categorical duality. The aim of the present article is to obtain an algebraic characterization of the Hilbert algebras HK(X) for all structures (X, ≤, K) defined by Celani and Cabrer but not necessarily finite. Then, we shall extend this  representation to a full dual equivalence generalizing the finite setting given by Celani and Cabrer.

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Eunsuk Yang

Reports on Mathematical Logic, Number 59, 2024, pp. 49 - 78

This paper addresses three kinds of binary operational semantics, called here Urquhart-style semantics, for basic substructural logics. First, we discuss the most basic substructural logic GL introduced by Galatos and Ono and its expansions with structural axioms and their algebraic semantics. Next, we provide one kind of Urquhart-style semantics, whose frames form the same structures as algebraic semantics, for those substructural logics and consider powers and limitations of this kind of semantics in substructural logic. We then introduce another kind of Urquhart-style semantics, whose canonical frames are based on prime theories, for DL, the GL with distributivity, and some of its non-associative expansions and extend it to the semantics with star operations for negations. Similarly, we consider powers and limitations of these two kinds of semantics in substructural logic.
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Paolo Lipparini

Reports on Mathematical Logic, Number 59, 2024, pp. 79 - 95


We show that a variety with J´onsson terms t1, . . . , tn–1 has directed J´onsson terms d1, . . . , dn–1 for the same value of the indices, solving a problem raised by Kazda et al. Refined results are obtained for locally finite varieties.


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