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Number 47

2012 Next

Publication date: 22.08.2012

Licence: None

Editorial team

Editors Paweł M. Idziak, Andrzej Wroński

Issue content

George Voutsadakis

Reports on Mathematical Logic, Number 47, 2012, pp. 3-28


In recent work the notion of a secrecy logic S over a given deductive system S was introduced. Secrecy logics capture the essential features of structures that are used in performing secrecy-preserving reasoning in practical applications. More precisely, they model knowledge bases that consist of information, part of which is considered known to the user and part of which is to remain secret from the user. S-secrecy structures serve as the models of secrecy logics. Several of the universal algebraic and model theoretic properties of the class of S-secrecy structures of a given S-secrecy logic have already been studied. In this paper, our goal is to show how techniques from the theory of abstract alge-braic logic may be used to analyze the structure of a secrecy logic and draw conclusions about its algebraic character. In particular, the notion of a protoalgebraic S-secrecy logic is introduced and several characterizing properties are provided. The relationship between protoalgebraic S-secrecy logics and the protoalgebraicity
of their underlying deductive systems is also investigated.

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Norihiro Kamide

Reports on Mathematical Logic, Number 47, 2012, pp. 29-61


Linear-time temporal logics (LTLs) are known to be useful for verifying concurrent systems, and a simple natural deduction framework for LTLs has been required to obtain a good computational interpretation. In this paper, a typed -calculus B[l] with a Curry-Howard correspondence is introduced for an in-tuitionistic bounded linear-time temporal logic B[l], of which the time domain is bounded by a fixed positive integer l. The strong normalization theorem for B[l] is proved as a main result. The base logic B[l] is defined as a Gentzen-type sequent calculus, and despite the restriction on the time domain, B[l] can derive almost all the typical temporal axioms of LTLs. The proposed frame-work allows us to obtain a uniform and simple proof-theoretical treatment of both natural deduction and sequent calculus, i.e., the equivalence between them, the cut-elimination theorem, the decidability theorem, the Curry-Howard correspondence and the strong normalization theorem can be obtained uniformly.

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Josef Berger, Hajime Ishihara, Peter Schuster

Reports on Mathematical Logic, Number 47, 2012, pp. 63-86


The standard omniscience principles are interpreted in a systematic way within the context of binary trees. With this dictionary at hand we revisit the weak Konig lemma (WKL) and Brouwer’s fan theorem (FAN). We first study how one can arrive from FAN at WKL, and then give a direct decomposition, without coding, of WKL into the lesser limited principle of omniscience and an instance of the principle of dependent choices. As a complement we provide, among other equivalents of the standard omniscience principles, a uniform method to formulate most of them.

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Kensuke Kojima

Reports on Mathematical Logic, Number 47, 2012, pp. 87-113


We investigate semantics for an intuitionistic modal logic in which the “possibility” modality does not distribute over disjunction. In particular, the main aim of this paper is to study such intuitionistic modal logic as a variant of classical non-normal modal logic. We first give a neighborhood semantics together with a sound and complete axiomatization. Next, we study relationships between our approach and the relational (Kripke-style) semantics considered in the literature. It is shown that a relational model can be represented as a neighborhood model, and the converse direction holds under a slight restriction. Also, by considering degenerate cases of neighborhood and relational semantics, we demonstrate that a certain classical monotone modal logic has relational semantics, and can be embedded into a classical normal bimodal logic.

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Roland Hinnion

Reports on Mathematical Logic, Number 47, 2012, pp. 115-124

Several notions and results that are useful for directed sets (and their applications) can be extended to the more general context of closure spaces; inter alia the so-called "finite intersection property" and the existence of special ultrafilters (namely ultrafilters which elements are dense) on such structures.
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George Voutsadakis

Reports on Mathematical Logic, Number 47, 2012, pp. 125-145


The methods of categorical abstract algebraic logic are employed to show that the classical process of the coordinatization of abstract (affine plane) geometry can be viewed under the light of the algebraization of logical systems. This link offers, on the one hand, a new perspective to the coordinatization of geometry and, on the other, enriches abstract algebraic logic by bringing under its wings a very well-known geometric process, not known hitherto to be related or amenable to its methods and techniques. The algebraization takes the form of a deductive equivalence between two institutions, one corresponding to affine plane geometry and the other to Hall ternary rings.

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Gemma Robles

Reports on Mathematical Logic, Number 47, 2012, pp. 147-171


As is stated in its title, in this paper consistency is understood as the absence of the negation of any implicative theorem. Then, a series of logics adequate to this concept of consistency is defined within the context of the ternary relational semantics with a set of designated points, negation being modelled with the Routley operator. Soundness and completeness theorems are provided for each one of these logics. In some cases, strong (i.e., in respect of deducibility) soundness and completeness theorems are also proven. All logics in this paper are included in Lewis’ S4. They are all paraconsistent, but none of them is relevant.

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Natalya Tomova

Reports on Mathematical Logic, Number 47, 2012, pp. 173-182


The paper deals with functional properties of three-valued logics. We consider the family of regular three-valued Kleene’s logics (strong, weak, intermediate) and it’s extensions by adding an implicative connectives (“natural” implications). The main result of our paper is the lattice that describes the relations between implicative extensions of regular logics.

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