Recursively Enumerable Sets and Well-Ordering of Their Enumerations
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEPublication date: 21.10.2014
Reports on Mathematical Logic, 2014, Number 49, pp. 79-97
Recursively Enumerable Sets and Well-Ordering of Their Enumerations
We will introduce the special kind of the order relations into recursively enumerable sets and prove that they can be used to distinguish (albeit in a non-constructive way) between recursive and non-recursive sets.
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Information: Reports on Mathematical Logic, 2014, Number 49, pp. 79-97
Article type: Original article
Institute of Mathematics University of Maria Curie-Sk lodowska pl. M. Curie-Sk lodowskiej 1 20-709 Lublin, Poland
Published at: 21.10.2014
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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