Jankov-style Formulas and Refutation Systems
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEJankov-style Formulas and Refutation Systems
Publication date: 26.11.2013
Reports on Mathematical Logic, 2013, Number 48, pp. 67-80
Jankov-style Formulas and Refutation Systems
The paper studies the logics which algebraic semantics comprises of the Hilbert algebras endowed with additional operations - the regular algebras. With any finite subdirectly irreducible regular algebra one can associate a Jankov formula. In its turn, the Jankov formulas can be used as anti-axioms for a refutation system. It is proven that a logic has a complete refutation system based on Jankov formulas if and only if this logic enjoys finite model property. Also, such a refutation system is finite, that is, it contains a finite number of axioms and anti-axioms, if and and only if the logic is tabular.
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Information: Reports on Mathematical Logic, 2013, Number 48, pp. 67-80
Article type: Original article
Metropolitan Telecommunications, New York, USA
Published at: 26.11.2013
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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