Paraconsistent Sequential Linear-Time Temporal Logic: Combining Paraconsistency and Sequentiality in Temporal Reasoning
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEParaconsistent Sequential Linear-Time Temporal Logic: Combining Paraconsistency and Sequentiality in Temporal Reasoning
Publication date: 30.08.2017
Reports on Mathematical Logic, 2017, Number 52, pp. 3 - 44
Paraconsistent Sequential Linear-Time Temporal Logic: Combining Paraconsistency and Sequentiality in Temporal Reasoning
Inconsistency-tolerant temporal reasoning with sequential (i.e., ordered or hierarchical) information is gaining increasing importance in computer science applications. A logical system for representing such reasoning is thus required for obtaining a theoretical basis for such applications. In this paper, we introduce a new logic called paraconsistent sequential linear-time temporal logic (PSLTL), which is an extension of the standard linear-time temporal logic (LTL). PSLTL can appropriately represent inconsistency-tolerant temporal reasoning with sequential information. The cut-elimination, decidability, and completeness theorems for PSLTL are proved in this paper.
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Information: Reports on Mathematical Logic, 2017, Number 52, pp. 3 - 44
Article type: Original article
Paraconsistent Sequential Linear-Time Temporal Logic: Combining Paraconsistency and Sequentiality in Temporal Reasoning
Paraconsistent Sequential Linear-Time Temporal Logic: Combining Paraconsistency and Sequentiality in Temporal Reasoning
Teikyo University, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Human Information Systems, Toyosatodai 1-1, Utsunomiya-shi, Tochigi 320-8551, Japan
Published at: 30.08.2017
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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