Public Health and Governance

Scientific Issues of Health Protection


Public Health and Governance Scientific Issues of Health Protection (Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie Zeszyty Naukowe Ochrony Zdrowia) is a unique journal that merges the problems of public health with the problems regarding functioning of health system. This determines the interdisciplinary nature of the journal. Scientific papers from a large scope of disciplines are published in the journal such as: health education, social science, including but not limited to: economy and finance, managenemt, law and administration, sociology, psychology, political science as well as information and communication science and pedagogical science.


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Volume 21, Issue 1

Publication date: 11.09.2024

Issue Editor: Włodzimierz Włodarczyk

Editor-in-Chief: Włodzimierz Włodarczyk

President of the Scientific Committee: Stanisława Golinowska

Cover design: Marcin Bruchnalski

Issue content

Włodzimierz Cezary Włodarczyk

Public Health and Governance, Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, pp. 1 - 2

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Elżbieta Łastowiecka-Moras

Public Health and Governance, Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, pp. 3 - 9


The problem of obesity not only affects people working in various sectors and performing various professions but also affects the work environment. Blue-collar workers, even though their work involves physical exertion, may also be exposed to problems with maintaining proper body weight. The work environment can directly influence employee’s lifestyle behaviours. An active lifestyle related to professional work that is not adapted to the employee’s capabilities often leads to fatigue and may be the reason for reluctance to engage in recreational activities. Performing physical work may also lead to various types of health problems that contribute to limiting physical activity, both in professional and recreational sense. Excess work and responsibilities often force employees to limit their daily meals to a minimum. Additionally, certain factors present in the work environment may also increase the risk of developing obesity. These include, among others: shift work, certain chemical factors, employment conditions, and psychosocial working conditions.

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Urszula Zwierczyk, Mariusz Duplaga

Public Health and Governance, Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, pp. 10 - 17


The term “planetary diet” proposed by the EAT-Lancet Commission (the EAT-Lancet Commission on Food, Planet, Health) emphasises the reduction in the consumption of animal-based foods, especially red meat. Such nutritional model leads to positive health effects, especially in relation to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, obesity and type II diabetes. Adhering to the principles of a planetary diet may help reduce the production of greenhouse gases and may also positively contribute towards restoring biodiversity and increasing the resources of natural ecosystems. Without firm actions, especially in terms of the strategies in the food industry, destructive climate changes will accelerate. Both in Poland and over the world, the movements emphasising protection of the environment are gaining more power. However, Polish society still adheres to unbalanced dietary habits that exert harmful effect on health. Nutrition education and promotion of the principles of a planetary diet, which can protect against the development of lifestyle diseases and can also have a positive impact on the environment, seem to be the appropriate action to take.

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Magdalena Jaworzyńska, Elżbieta Pac-Kożuchowska

Public Health and Governance, Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, pp. 18 - 22


The healthcare system in Poland and in many other countries, is constantly changing. Often, these transformations are deliberate actions undertaken by the government, but sometimes those changes occur unintentionally. The functioning of a health care system remains a major concern of social life in our country. Whether it works well, depends on many factors that the authorities of the country have an impact on, to a greater or lesser extent. The aim of the article is to present the results of the 2018–2020 survey of nurses’ opinions on proposed changes to the health care system in Poland. The study was conducted during the years 2018–2020. The study group consisted of 100 people – all of them nurses. The research tool was an anonymous questionnaire consisting of open questions. Based on the research results, the following changes in the health care system were proposed: increasing the number of medical students, introducing official payments system for the patients, privatising health care facilities, creating competition among payers.

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Michał Zabdyr-Jamróz, Maria Libura

Public Health and Governance, Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, pp. 23 - 30


This text is a commentary and a response to the article entitled Proposal for changes in the health care system in light of the nurses opinion poll (in 2018–2020). The Summary section and the abstract of the article in question instead of presenting “nurses’ opinions [on] proposals for changes in the health care system in Poland”, only contain authors’ opinions on the topic, which have not been substantiated by any evidence. The purpose of this text is to (1) draw attention to this discrepancy between the opinions of the surveyed nurses and the conclusions presented by the authors; (2) indicate in what areas the authors’ conclusions differ from the state-of-the-art on the subject and from the actual conditions of the health system; (3) discuss and develop the most valuable and accurate observations or opinions of the authors themselves. The article in question is an interesting basis for the discussion on the prevalence of knowledge that is not substantiated in the state-of-the-art but still considered obvious and self-evident among professionals and experts in the Polish health sector.

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