Polskie Forum Profilaktyki Chorób Układu Krążenia  w latach 2005–2009

Publication date: 28.09.2009

Public Health and Governance, 2009, Volume 7, Issue 2, pp. 112 - 115


Piotr Podolec
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Grzegorz Kopeć
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Polskie Forum Profilaktyki Chorób Układu Krążenia  w latach 2005–2009


Polish Forum for Prevention in years 2005–2009

In 2005 the Health Promotion Committee of the Polish Cardiac Society (PTK) invited seven other Polish professional societies to collaborate in a development of unified recommendations on CVD prevention in Poland. To coordinate the collaboration Polish Forum for Prevention (PFP) was founded. The PFP recommendations are in concordance with the current European guidelines however national characteristics and local epidemiologic data are also considered. They are broadly distributed to the subscribers of all official journals of the PFP Member Societies, and additionally published in Polish Heart Journal. The same information are published in a patient – friendly format on the website and as  a booklet. Additionally, PFP does efforts to influence the health policy and currently is especially involved now in encouraging politicians to ban smoking in public places.


Pająk A., Podolec P., Kopeć G., Dudek D., Zdrojewski T., Drygas W., et al., Polish Forum for Prevention Guidelines on Psychosocial Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors. Kardiol. Pol. 2009; 67: 1048–1051

Piotrowicz R., Podolec P., Kopeć G., Drygas W., Mamcarz A., Stańczyk J., et al., Polish Forum for Prevention Guidelines on physical activity. Kardiol. Pol. 2009; 67: 573–575

Cybulska B., Szostak W.B., Podolec P., Kopeć G., Naruszewicz M., Undas A., et al., Polish forum for prevention guidelines on dyslipidemia. Kardiol. Pol. 2008; 66: 1239–1242

Kłosiewicz-Latoszek L., Szostak W.B., Podolec P., Kopeć G., Pająk A., Kozek E., et al., Polish forum for prevention guidelines on diet. Kardiol. Pol. 2008; 66: 812–814

Kozek E., Podolec P., Kopeć G., Pająk A., Tykarski A., Zdrojewski T., et al., Polish Forum for Prevention Guidelines on Diabetes. Kardiol. Pol. 2008; 66: 1020–1023

Zahorska-Markiewicz B., Podolec P., Kopeć G., Drygas W., Godycki-Ćwirko M., Opala G., et al., Polish Forum for Prevention Guidelines on overweight and obesity. Kardiol. Pol. 2008; 66: 594–596

Kawecka-Jaszcz K., Jankowski P., Podolec P., Kopeć G., Naruszewicz M., Opala G., et al., Polish Forum for Prevention Guidelines on smoking. Kardiol. Pol. 2008; 66: 125–126

Undas A., Podolec P., Kopeć G., Pająk A., Gąsior Z., Małecki M., et al., Polish Forum for Prevention Guidelines on the so-called new cardiovascular risk factors and markers, which have a potentially significant role in the strategy for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Kardiol. Pol. 2007; 65: 1396–1398

Tykarski A., Podolec P., Kopeć G., Pająk A., Kawecka-Jaszcz K., Zdrojewski T., et al., Polish Forum for Prevention Guidelines on Arterial Hypertension. Kardiol. Pol. 2007; 65: 1137–1141

Kornacewicz-Jach Z., Podolec P., Kopeć G., Pająk A., Zdrojewski T., Naruszewicz M., et al., Polish Forum for Prevention Guidelines on Cardiovascular Diseases Prevention in Women. Kardiol. Pol. 2007; 65: 334–337

Podolec P., Kopeć G., Pająk A., Undas A., Kozek E., Tykarski A., et al., Polish Forum for Prevention Guidelines on Cardiovascular Risk Assessment. Kardiol. Pol. 2007; 65: 100–104

Mamcarz A., Podolec P., Pająk A., Undas A., Kozek E., Tykarski A., et al., Polish Forum for Prevention Guidelines on the Role of Alcohol Consumption in Cardiovascular Prevention. Kardiol. Pol. 2006; 64: 1327–1328

Podolec P., Kopeć G., Pająk A. et al., Polish Forum for Prevention: a response to the call for action in Poland. Eur. J. Cardiovasc. Prev. in press


Information: Public Health and Governance, 2009, Volume 7, Issue 2, pp. 112 - 115

Article type: Original article



Polskie Forum Profilaktyki Chorób Układu Krążenia  w latach 2005–2009


Polish Forum for Prevention in years 2005–2009

Published at: 28.09.2009

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY  licence icon

Percentage share of authors:

Piotr Podolec (Author) - 50%
Grzegorz Kopeć (Author) - 50%

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