Społeczne uwarunkowania stanu zdrowia w Polsce

Publication date: 2012

Public Health and Governance, 2011, Volume 9, Issue 2, pp. 28 - 37



Agnieszka Sowa
Department of Social Policy, Institute of Labour and Social Studies, Warsaw, Poland
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Społeczne uwarunkowania stanu zdrowia w Polsce


Social determinants of health status in Poland

The article is devoted to recognition of social inequalities in health status in Poland in 1998 and 2004 based on statistical analysis of survey data collected by the Central Statistical Office (GUS). Social inequalities in health are discussed in the framework of theoretical approaches explaining health variations. Social gradient is measured by the level of education. The analysis shows that educational inequalities in health are not only existing, but persistent and – as in other developed countries – tend to increase over time even though the overall health status of the population has been improving. Poor health can be attributed to poverty, involvement in unhealthy behavior (especially smoking) and insufficient social networking resulting in poor social support.


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Information: Public Health and Governance, 2011, Volume 9, Issue 2, pp. 28 - 37

Article type: Original article



Społeczne uwarunkowania stanu zdrowia w Polsce


Social determinants of health status in Poland


Department of Social Policy, Institute of Labour and Social Studies, Warsaw, Poland

Published at: 2012

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Agnieszka Sowa (Author) - 100%

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View count: 2202

Number of downloads: 5546

<p> Social determinants of health status in Poland</p>