Podstawy prawne wykonywania przez samodzielne publiczne zakłady opieki zdrowotnej świadczeń zdrowotnych na rzecz osób posiadających dodatkowe dobrowolne ubezpieczenie zdrowotne

Publication date: 17.09.2009

Public Health and Governance, 2009, Volume 7, Issue 1, pp. 42 - 52


Maciej Dercz
Institute of Public Affairs, Poland
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Podstawy prawne wykonywania przez samodzielne publiczne zakłady opieki zdrowotnej świadczeń zdrowotnych na rzecz osób posiadających dodatkowe dobrowolne ubezpieczenie zdrowotne


Because of the difficult financial standing of the public payer, independent public health care facilities (SP ZOZ), specially hospitals, are searching the new sources of income. Patients, waiting for admission to hospitals for months, are much more interested in achieving in a lawful way a better access to health services. In view of no offer for additional voluntary insurance provided by our native entities, especially in the area of hospital benefits, foreign insurance companies (registered in the European Union), independently or together with Polish Partners are launching such products on our market. The official standpoint of the Ministry of Health is, that the independent public health care facilities, which have signed contracts with the National Health Fund, are not legally entitled to render health care services for people with additional voluntary insurance in any of the EU Insurance Companies. The  egalsystemic argumentation presented in the above material has proved, that in accordance with the Article 68 of the Republic of Poland  constitution Act and its limitations, as well as the health care facilities and financing health services act within the framework of public funds, spozoz which have contracts with the National Health Fund, are entitled to render health services for people who have own additional voluntary health insurance.


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Information: Public Health and Governance, 2009, Volume 7, Issue 1, pp. 42 - 52

Article type: Original article



Podstawy prawne wykonywania przez samodzielne publiczne zakłady opieki zdrowotnej świadczeń zdrowotnych na rzecz osób posiadających dodatkowe dobrowolne ubezpieczenie zdrowotne


The legal rules of implementing the health care services to advantage of the persons having voluntary health insurances by the public health care units


Institute of Public Affairs, Poland

Published at: 17.09.2009

Article status: Open

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