Ograniczenie sprawności funkcjonalnej osób w podeszłym wieku

Publication date: 2011

Public Health and Governance, 2011, Volume 9, Issue 1, pp. 50 - 59



Anna Skalska
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Ograniczenie sprawności funkcjonalnej osób w podeszłym wieku


Limitation of functional capacity in elderly persons

The ability to function independently is crucial for successful aging, while an age through the development of involutional changes and risk of comorbidity promotes functional limitations. On average, 20% of people over 70 years of age need help in at least one of the 6 basic activities of daily living. The ability to cope in everyday life is affected by the reduction of physical fitness, sensory impairment and the effects of chronic conditions, falls and injuries. Deterioration of physical fitness is a consequence of muscle mass and strength reduction, impaired neuromuscular function resulted in slowing nerve conduction and reaction time, deterioration of balance, coordination and central transmission. Vision and hearing disorders are a consequence of aging and diseases. Cognition impairment, important for an independence, may be a consequence of degenerative changes in the CNS or dementia. Numerous studies have confirmed the relationship of involutional changes, accompanying diseases, falls and injures with limitations in daily functioning, and maintaining physical activity and implementation of a comprehensive geriatric assessment into geriatric care with an early diagnosis of deficits and implementation of intervention can prevent or delay the disclosure of disability.


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Information: Public Health and Governance, 2011, Volume 9, Issue 1, pp. 50 - 59

Article type: Original article



Ograniczenie sprawności funkcjonalnej osób w podeszłym wieku


Limitation of functional capacity in elderly persons

Published at: 2011

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<p> Limitation of functional capacity in elderly persons</p>