Volume 18, Issue 4

2020 Next

Publication date: 2021

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Editorial team

Scientific editor dr hab. Iwona Kowalska-Bobko, prof. UJ Małgorzata Gałązka-Sobotka

Issue content

Wdrażanie systemu HB-HTA

Małgorzata Gałązka-Sobotka, Maciej Furman, Iwona Kowalska-Bobko

Public Health and Governance, Volume 18, Issue 4, 2020, pp. 247-258


The concept of Hospital-Based Health Technology Assessment (HB-HTA) is conducive to the rationalization of decisions made by the hospital management regarding the implementation of innovative medical technologies in hospital units.

This type of HTA is a bottom-up hospital initiative, but usually it is also supported systemically and involves other entities, such as: the Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariff System, the payer, or regional authorities. Providing support to the hospital in making the final decision on the implementation of innovative medical technology may include such aspects as: obtaining necessary funding for the implementation of technology, identification of the competitive potential of the planned project, or following the HB-HTA methodology in reporting.

The process of decentralization of hospital management in Poland induces scholars to carry out research and draw conclusions about the involvement of regional authorities, mainly voivodeship offices and their departments responsible for health issues, in the HB-HTA process.

The primary objectives of this paper are to present the results of research and analysis of the development and popularization of HB-HTA in Poland. These will be discussed in relation to the implementation of a regional functional model for hospital evaluation of innovative medical technologies and the creation of rules of cooperation between important institutions of sectoral (health) policy to support and develop HB-HTA at the regional (voivodeship) level, as well as the dissemination of knowledge, popularization of HB-HTA, and promotion of good practices.

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Tomasz Bochenek, Alicja Sobczak, Dariusz Szplit, Agata Smoleń, Anna Tybińkowska, Michał F. Farkowski

Public Health and Governance, Volume 18, Issue 4, 2020, pp. 259-270


Hospital-Based Health Technology Assessment (HB-HTA) aims to support local decision-making on investing in new health technologies limited to the hospital level. The goal of this study was to prepare and present the strategic functional model of HB-HTA in Poland with coordinating role of an organization labelled as the independent external organization (NOZ). The stakeholders of the HB-HTA process were identified, together with their interests and relations among them, as well as the goals and consequences of health policy in area of implementation of HB-HTA in Poland. The conduct of HB-HTA process was presented, the tasks foreseen for NOZ, its possible organizational forms, barriers, and possibilities of development; as well as the overall capacity of this organization in area of HB-HTA. It is foreseen that the development of HB-HTA in Poland based on NOZ should take place within a positively inclined environment, having a generally positive impact on the health care system, positive prognoses, and opportunities for implementation of HB-HTAh.

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Marcin Kautsch

Public Health and Governance, Volume 18, Issue 4, 2020, pp. 271-278


The article presents the concept of the HB-HTA (Hospital-Based Health Technology Assessment) project implementation as one of the options for implementing HB-HTA in Poland. The model involves the creation of structures in selected hospitals dealing with the assessment of technologies that would be implemented in the units. The model is characterized by a small number of stakeholders and their interests do not conflict with one another. The basic condition for the success of the project is the reimbursement of the mentioned technologies, which would allow financing the described activities. The implementation of the project requires, above all, specialized staff (already present on the market), supported by appropriate technical and organizational solutions. The implementation of the project in the proposed version should bring benefits in the entire healthcare system – im­proved access to services, as well as improved quality of hospital management and improved financial results of the hospitals and the system itself.

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Model funkcjonalny HB-HTA

Justyna Gruczek, Tomasz Macioch, Marta Słomka, Anna Zawada

Public Health and Governance, Volume 18, Issue 4, 2020, pp. 279-286


The article presents the functional model of the HB-HTA (Hospital-Based Health Technology Assessment) project implementation with coordinating role of the Agency of the Health Technology Assessment and Tariff Systems.

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Katarzyna Iłowiecka, Iga Lipska, Monika Raulinajtys-Grzybek, Katarzyna Byszek, Barbara Więckowska

Public Health and Governance, Volume 18, Issue 4, 2020, pp. 287-297


The article presents the concept and the conduct of the HB-HTA (Hospital-Based Health Technology Assessment) project implementation with coordi­nating role of the Polish National Health Fund. The main stakeholders of the HB-HTA process were identified, together with their interests and barriers in the area of the implementation of HB-HTA in Poland.

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Małgorzata Gałązka-Sobotka, Iwona Kowalska-Bobko

Public Health and Governance, Volume 18, Issue 4, 2020, pp. 298-309


The implementation of the strategic model for hospital health technology assessment in Poland requires the involvement of many stakeholders. HB-HTA fundamentally concerns hospitals and how they rationalize decision making in implementing innovative medical technologies. However, the need to obtain public funding after verifying the effectiveness of a given medical technology or to keep up with the evolving HB-HTA method­ology naturally requires the involvement of both the payer (NFZ) and the Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariff System in activities connected with the implementation and development of HB-HTA. An important aspect of the coordination of activities in relation to hospital HTA is also the support given to hospitals by regional authorities – competent health departments in voivodeship offices – by assessing HB-HTA reports prepared by the hospitals and indicating regional competitive potential of a given medical technology. This creates a hybrid/mixed system of insti­tutional support for innovative medical technologies implemented in hospitals.

This institutional plurality within HB-HTA is a clear asset, strengthening the hospital’s planned undertaking substantively and financially, especially when the assistance mechanisms undertaken are flexible, soft in nature, and allow hospital units to shape effective HB-HTA activities.

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